PyMca 5.9.4¶
PyMca is a collection of Python tools to assist on common data analysis problems. When first released (in 2004), its main motivation was X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysis, field for which is among the most complete solutions available.
Synchotron radiation XRF is closely associated to microscopy. To properly achieve its objectives, PyMca had to incorporate more than just 1D visualization and XRF spectrum modelling. PyMca has evolved into a set of tools to provide close-to-the-source data visualization and diagnostic capabilities.
The proper way to cite PyMca is:
V.A. Sole, E. Papillon, M. Cotte, Ph. Walter, J. Susini, A multiplatform code for the analysis of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectra, Spectrochim. Acta Part B 62 (2007) 63-68.
Due to the copyright transfer to the publisher, the online availability of the article will depend on your subscription to ScienceDirect. The article doi is 10.1016/j.sab.2006.12.002. The abstract should be available in any case.
The current version features:
State-of-the-art X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis (Quantification, Mapping, …)
Support of multiple data formats
1D, 2D, 3D and 4D imaging capabilities
Extendible application via plugins.
Large dataset imaging (XRF, Powder diffraction, XAS, FT-IR, Raman, …)
Multivariate analysis.
Common data reduction operation (normalization, fitting, …)