#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Data Analysis RPC server over Tango:
Definiton of plugins
__authors__ = ["Jérôme Kieffer"]
__contact__ = "Jerome.Kieffer@ESRF.eu"
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France"
__date__ = "01/09/2020"
__status__ = "production"
import os
import logging
import cProfile
import time
from .factory import plugin_factory
from .utils import get_workdir
logger = logging.getLogger("dahu.plugin")
[docs]class Plugin(object):
A plugin is instanciated
* Gets its input parameters as a dictionary from the setup method
* Performs some work in the process
* Sets the result as output attribute, should be a dictionary
* The process can be an infinite loop or a server which can be aborted using the abort method
DEFAULT_SET_UP = "setup" # name of the method used to set-up the plugin (close connection, files)
DEFAULT_PROCESS = "process" # specify how to run the default processing
DEFAULT_TEAR_DOWN = "teardown" # name of the method used to tear-down the plugin (close connection, files)
DEFAULT_ABORT = "abort" # name of the method used to abort the plugin (if any. Tear_Down will be called)
REPROCESS_IGNORE = [] #list of keys from input to be ignored when reprocessing data
def __init__(self):
We assume an empty constructor
self.input = {}
self.output = {}
self._logging = [] # stores the logging information to send back
self.is_aborted = False
self.__profiler = None
[docs] def get_name(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def setup(self, kwargs=None):
This is the second constructor to setup
input variables and possibly initialize
some objects
if kwargs is not None:
if self.input.get("do_profiling"):
self.__profiler = cProfile.Profile()
[docs] def process(self):
main processing of the plugin
[docs] def teardown(self):
method used to tear-down the plugin (close connection, files)
This is always run, even if process fails
self.output["logging"] = self._logging
if self.input.get("do_profiling"):
name = "%05i_%s.%s.profile" % (self.input.get("job_id", 0), self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)
profile_file = os.path.join(get_workdir(), name)
self.log_error("Profiling information in %s" % profile_file, do_raise=False)
[docs] def get_info(self):
return os.linesep.join(self._logging)
[docs] def abort(self):
Method called to stop a server process
self.is_aborted = True
[docs] def log_error(self, txt, do_raise=True):
Way to log errors and raise error
if do_raise:
err = "ERROR in %s: %s" % (self.get_name(), txt)
err = "Warning in %s: %s" % (self.get_name(), txt)
if do_raise:
raise RuntimeError(err)
[docs] def log_warning(self, txt):
Way to log warning
err = "Warning in %s: %s" % (self.get_name(), txt)
[docs] def wait_for(self, job_id):
"""Wait for another job to be finished ...
:param job_id: identifier for the job
:return: the job object
from .job import Job
assert isinstance(job_id, int)
TIMEOUT = getattr(self, 'TIMEOUT', 10.0) #default timeout to 10s
if job_id>Job._id_class:
self.log_warning("Not synchronizing job, invalid id: %s" % job_id)
status = Job.synchronize_job(job_id, TIMEOUT)
abort_time = time.time() + TIMEOUT
while status == Job.STATE_UNINITIALIZED:
# Wait for job to start
status = Job.synchronize_job(job_id, TIMEOUT)
if time.time() > abort_time:
self.log_error("Timeout while waiting other job to finish")
if status != Job.STATE_SUCCESS:
self.log_error("Other job ended in %s: aborting myself" % status)
return Job.getJobFromId(job_id)
[docs]class PluginFromFunction(Plugin):
Template class to build a plugin from a function
def __init__(self):
:param funct: function to be wrapped
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
Behaves like a normal function: for debugging
return self.output["result"]
[docs] def process(self):
if self.input is None:
logger.warning("PluginFromFunction.process: self.input is None !!! %s", self.input)
funct_input = self.input.copy()
if "job_id" in funct_input:
if "plugin_name" in funct_input:
self.output["result"] = self.function(**funct_input)
[docs]def plugin_from_function(function):
Create a plugin class from a given function and registers it into the
:param function: any function
:return: plugin name to be used by the plugin_factory to get an instance
logger.debug("creating plugin from function %s" % function.__name__)
class_name = function.__module__ + "." + function.__name__
klass = type(class_name, (PluginFromFunction,),
{'function': staticmethod(function),
"__doc__": function.__doc__})
plugin_factory.register(klass, class_name)
return class_name