import os
path = os.path
from ..utils import check_supported, is_writeable
from .params import *
A validator is a function with
- input: a value
- output: the input value, or a modified input value
- possibly raising exceptions in case of invalid value.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------- Utils -------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def raise_error(section, key, msg=""):
raise ValueError("Invalid value for %s/%s: %s" % (section, key, msg))
def validator(func):
Common decorator for all validator functions.
It modifies the signature of the decorated functions !
def wrapper(section, key, value):
res = func(value)
except AssertionError as e:
raise_error(section, key, e)
return res
return wrapper
def convert_to_int(val):
val_int = 0
val_int = int(val)
conversion_error = None
except ValueError as exc:
conversion_error = exc
return val_int, conversion_error
def convert_to_float(val):
val_float = 0.0
val_float = float(val)
conversion_error = None
except ValueError as exc:
conversion_error = exc
return val_float, conversion_error
def convert_to_bool(val):
val_int, error = convert_to_int(val)
res = None
if not error:
res = val_int > 0
if val.lower() in ["yes", "true", "y"]:
res = True
error = None
if val.lower() in ["no", "false", "n"]:
res = False
error = None
return res, error
def str2bool(val):
"""This is an interface to convert_to_bool and it is meant
to work as a class: in argparse interface the type argument can be set to float, int .. in general to a class.
The argument value is then created, at parsing time, by typecasting the input string to the given class.
A possibly occuring exception then trigger, in case, the display explanation provided by the argparse library.
All what this methods does is simply trying to convert an argument into a bool, and return it,
or generate an exception if there is a problem
import argparse
res, error = convert_to_bool(val)
if error:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(error)
return res
def convert_to_bool_noerr(val):
res, err = convert_to_bool(val)
if err is not None:
raise ValueError("Could not convert to boolean: %s" % str(val))
return res
def name_range_checker(name, valid_names, descr, replacements=None):
name = name.strip().lower()
if replacements is not None and name in replacements:
name = replacements[name]
valid = name in valid_names
assert valid, "Invalid %s '%s'. Available are %s" % (descr, name, str(valid_names))
return name
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------- Validators --------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def optional_string_validator(val):
if len(val.strip()) == 0:
return None
return val
def file_name_validator(name):
assert len(name) >= 1, "Name should be non-empty"
return name
def file_location_validator(location):
assert path.isfile(location), "location must be a file"
return os.path.abspath(location)
def optional_file_location_validator(location):
if len(location.strip()) > 0:
assert path.isfile(location), "location must be a file"
return os.path.abspath(location)
return None
def optional_values_file_validator(location):
if len(location.strip()) == 0:
return None
if path.splitext(location)[-1].strip() == "":
# Assume path to h5 dataset. Validation is done later.
if "://" not in location:
location = "silx://" + os.path.abspath(location)
# Assume plaintext file
assert path.isfile(location), "Invalid file path"
location = os.path.abspath(location)
return location
def directory_location_validator(location):
assert path.isdir(location), "location must be a directory"
return os.path.abspath(location)
def optional_directory_location_validator(location):
if len(location.strip()) > 0:
assert is_writeable(location), "Directory must be writeable"
return os.path.abspath(location)
return None
def dataset_location_validator(location):
if not (path.isdir(location)):
assert (
path.isfile(location) and path.splitext(location)[-1].split(".")[-1].lower() in files_formats
), "Dataset location must be a directory or a HDF5 file"
return os.path.abspath(location)
def directory_writeable_validator(location):
assert is_writeable(location), "Directory must be writeable"
return os.path.abspath(location)
def optional_output_directory_validator(location):
if len(location.strip()) > 0:
return directory_writeable_validator(location)
return None
def optional_output_file_path_validator(location):
if len(location.strip()) > 0:
dirname, fname = path.split(location)
assert os.access(dirname, os.W_OK), "Directory must be writeable"
return os.path.abspath(location)
return None
def integer_validator(val):
val_int, error = convert_to_int(val)
assert error is None, "number must be an integer"
return val_int
def nonnegative_integer_validator(val):
val_int, error = convert_to_int(val)
assert error is None and val_int >= 0, "number must be a non-negative integer"
return val_int
def positive_integer_validator(val):
val_int, error = convert_to_int(val)
assert error is None and val_int > 0, "number must be a positive integer"
return val_int
def optional_positive_integer_validator(val):
if len(val.strip()) == 0:
return None
val_int, error = convert_to_int(val)
assert error is None and val_int > 0, "number must be a positive integer"
return val_int
def nonzero_integer_validator(val):
val_int, error = convert_to_int(val)
assert error is None and val_int != 0, "number must be a non-zero integer"
return val_int
def binning_validator(val):
if val == "":
val = "1"
val_int, error = convert_to_int(val)
assert error is None and val_int >= 0, "number must be a non-negative integer"
return max(1, val_int)
def projections_subsampling_validator(val):
val = val.strip()
err_msg = "projections_subsampling: expected one positive integer or two integers in the format step:begin"
if ":" not in val:
val += ":0"
step, begin = val.split(":")
step_int, error1 = convert_to_int(step)
begin_int, error2 = convert_to_int(begin)
if error1 is not None or error2 is not None or step_int <= 0 or begin_int < 0:
raise ValueError(err_msg)
return step_int, begin_int
def optional_file_name_validator(val):
if len(val) > 0:
assert len(val) >= 1, "Name should be non-empty"
assert path.basename(val) == val, "File name should not be a path (no '/')"
return val
return None
def boolean_validator(val):
res, error = convert_to_bool(val)
assert error is None, "Invalid boolean value"
return res
def boolean_or_auto_validator(val):
res, error = convert_to_bool(val)
if error is not None:
assert val.lower() == "auto", "Valid values are 0, 1 and auto"
return val
return res
def float_validator(val):
val_float, error = convert_to_float(val)
assert error is None, "Invalid number"
return val_float
def optional_float_validator(val):
if isinstance(val, float):
return val
elif len(val.strip()) >= 1:
val_float, error = convert_to_float(val)
assert error is None, "Invalid number"
val_float = None
return val_float
def optional_nonzero_float_validator(val):
if isinstance(val, float):
val_float = val
elif len(val.strip()) >= 1:
val_float, error = convert_to_float(val)
assert error is None, "Invalid number"
val_float = None
if val_float is not None:
if abs(val_float) < 1e-6:
val_float = None
return val_float
def optional_tuple_of_floats_validator(val):
if len(val.strip()) == 0:
return None
err_msg = "Expected a tuple of two numbers, but got %s" % val
res = tuple(float(x) for x in val.strip("()").split(","))
except Exception as exc:
raise ValueError(err_msg)
if len(res) != 2:
raise ValueError(err_msg)
return res
def cor_validator(val):
val_float, error = convert_to_float(val)
if error is None:
return val_float
if len(val.strip()) == 0:
return None
val = name_range_checker(
val.lower(), set(cor_methods.values()), "center of rotation estimation method", replacements=cor_methods
return val
def tilt_validator(val):
val_float, error = convert_to_float(val)
if error is None:
return val_float
if len(val.strip()) == 0:
return None
val = name_range_checker(
val.lower(), set(tilt_methods.values()), "automatic detector tilt estimation method", replacements=tilt_methods
return val
def slice_num_validator(val):
val_int, error = convert_to_int(val)
if error is None:
return val_int
assert val in [
], "Expected start_z and end_z to be either a number or first, middle or last"
return val
def generic_options_validator(val):
if len(val.strip()) == 0:
return None
return val
cor_options_validator = generic_options_validator
def cor_slice_validator(val):
if len(val) == 0:
return None
val_int, error = convert_to_int(val)
if error:
supported = ["top", "first", "bottom", "last", "middle"]
assert val in supported, "Invalid value, must be a number or one of %s" % supported
return val
return val_int
def flatfield_enabled_validator(val):
return name_range_checker(val, set(flatfield_modes.values()), "flatfield mode", replacements=flatfield_modes)
def phase_method_validator(val):
return name_range_checker(
val, set(phase_retrieval_methods.values()), "phase retrieval method", replacements=phase_retrieval_methods
def detector_distortion_correction_validator(val):
return name_range_checker(
def unsharp_method_validator(val):
return name_range_checker(
val, set(unsharp_methods.values()), "unsharp mask method", replacements=phase_retrieval_methods
def padding_mode_validator(val):
return name_range_checker(val, set(padding_modes.values()), "padding mode", replacements=padding_modes)
def reconstruction_method_validator(val):
return name_range_checker(
val, set(reconstruction_methods.values()), "reconstruction method", replacements=reconstruction_methods
def fbp_filter_name_validator(val):
return name_range_checker(
"FBP filter",
def reconstruction_implementation_validator(val):
return name_range_checker(
"Reconstruction method implementation",
def optimization_algorithm_name_validator(val):
return name_range_checker(
val, set(optim_algorithms.values()), "optimization algorithm name", replacements=iterative_methods
def distribution_method_validator(val):
val = name_range_checker(
val, set(distribution_methods.values()), "workload distribution method", replacements=distribution_methods
if val != "local":
raise NotImplementedError("Computation method '%s' is not implemented yet" % val)
# --
return val
def sino_normalization_validator(val):
val = name_range_checker(
val, set(sino_normalizations.values()), "sinogram normalization method", replacements=sino_normalizations
return val
def sino_deringer_methods(val):
val = name_range_checker(
"sinogram rings artefacts correction method",
return val
def list_of_int_validator(val):
ids = val.replace(",", " ").split()
res = list(map(convert_to_int, ids))
err = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None or x[0] < 0, res))
if err != []:
raise ValueError("Could not convert to a list of GPU IDs: %s" % val)
return list(set(map(lambda x: x[0], res)))
def list_of_shift_validator(values):
ids = values.replace(" ", "").split(",")
return [int(val) if val not in ("auto", "'auto'", '"auto"') else "auto" for val in ids]
def list_of_tomoscan_identifier(val):
# TODO: insure those are valid tomoscan identifier
return val
def resources_validator(val):
val = val.strip()
is_percentage = False
if "%" in val:
is_percentage = True
val = val.replace("%", "")
val_float, conversion_error = convert_to_float(val)
assert conversion_error is None, str("Error while converting %s to float" % val)
return (val_float, is_percentage)
def walltime_validator(val):
# HH:mm:ss
vals = val.strip().split(":")
error_msg = "Invalid walltime format, expected HH:mm:ss"
assert len(vals) == 3, error_msg
hours, mins, secs = vals
hours, err1 = convert_to_int(hours)
mins, err2 = convert_to_int(mins)
secs, err3 = convert_to_int(secs)
assert err1 is None and err2 is None and err3 is None, error_msg
err = hours < 0 or mins < 0 or mins > 59 or secs < 0 or secs > 59
assert err is False, error_msg
return hours, mins, secs
def nonempty_string_validator(val):
assert val != "", "Value cannot be empty"
return val
def logging_validator(val):
return name_range_checker(val, set(log_levels.values()), "logging level", replacements=log_levels)
def exclude_projections_validator(val):
val = val.strip()
if val == "":
return None
if path.isfile(val):
# previous/default behavior
return {"type": "indices", "file": val}
if "=" not in val:
raise ValueError(
"exclude_projections: expected either 'angles=angles_file.txt' or 'indices=indices_file.txt' or 'angular_range=[a,b]'"
excl_type, excl_val = val.split("=")
excl_type = excl_type.strip()
excl_val = excl_val.strip()
check_supported(excl_type, exclude_projections_type.keys(), "exclude_projections type")
if excl_type == "angular_range":
def _get_range(range_val):
for c in ["(", ")", "[", "]"]:
range_val = range_val.replace(c, "")
r_min, r_max = range_val.split(",")
return (float(r_min), float(r_max))
return {"type": "angular_range", "range": _get_range(excl_val)}
return {"type": excl_type, "file": excl_val}
def no_validator(val):
return val