from itertools import product
import tarfile
import os
import numpy as np
from import gaussian
from silx.resources import ExternalResources
from import nxtodict, dicttonx
utilstest = ExternalResources(
project="nabu", url_base="", env_key="NABU_DATA", timeout=60
__big_testdata_dir__ = os.environ.get("NABU_BIGDATA_DIR")
if __big_testdata_dir__ is None or not (os.path.isdir(__big_testdata_dir__)):
__big_testdata_dir__ = None
__do_long_tests__ = os.environ.get("NABU_LONG_TESTS", False)
if __do_long_tests__:
__do_long_tests__ = bool(int(__do_long_tests__))
__do_long_tests__ = False
__do_large_mem_tests__ = os.environ.get("NABU_LARGE_MEM_TESTS", False)
if __do_large_mem_tests__:
__do_large_mem_tests__ = bool(int(__do_large_mem_tests__))
__do_large_mem_tests__ = False
def generate_tests_scenarios(configurations):
Generate "scenarios" of tests.
The parameter is a dictionary where:
- the key is the name of a parameter
- the value is a list of possible parameters
This function returns a list of dictionary where:
- the key is the name of a parameter
- the value is one value of this parameter
scenarios = [{key: val for key, val in zip(configurations.keys(), p_)} for p_ in product(*configurations.values())]
return scenarios
def get_data(*dataset_path):
Get a dataset file from
dataset_args is a list describing a nested folder structures, ex.
["path", "to", "my", "dataset.h5"]
dataset_relpath = os.path.join(*dataset_path)
dataset_downloaded_path = utilstest.getfile(dataset_relpath)
return np.load(dataset_downloaded_path)
def get_array_of_given_shape(img, shape, dtype):
From a given image, returns an array of the wanted shape and dtype.
# Tile image until it's big enough.
# "fun" fact: using any(blabla) crashes but using any([blabla]) does not, because of variables re-evaluation
while any([i_dim <= s_dim for i_dim, s_dim in zip(img.shape, shape)]):
img = np.tile(img, (2, 2))
if len(shape) == 1:
arr = img[: shape[0], 0]
elif len(shape) == 2:
arr = img[: shape[0], : shape[1]]
arr = np.tile(img, (shape[0], 1, 1))[: shape[0], : shape[1], : shape[2]]
return np.ascontiguousarray(np.squeeze(arr), dtype=dtype)
def get_big_data(filename):
if __big_testdata_dir__ is None:
return None
return np.load(os.path.join(__big_testdata_dir__, filename))
def uncompress_file(compressed_file_path, target_directory):
with as f:
def get_file(fname):
downloaded_file = dataset_downloaded_path = utilstest.getfile(fname)
if ".tar" in fname:
uncompress_file(downloaded_file, os.path.dirname(downloaded_file))
downloaded_file = downloaded_file.split(".tar")[0]
return downloaded_file
def compare_arrays(arr1, arr2, tol, diff=None, absolute_value=True, percent=None, method="max", return_residual=False):
Utility to compare two arrays.
arr1: numpy.ndarray
First array to compare
arr2: numpy.ndarray
Second array to compare
tol: float
Tolerance indicating whether arrays are close to eachother.
diff: numpy.ndarray, optional
Difference `arr1 - arr2`. If provided, this array is taken instead of `arr1`
and `arr2`.
absolute_value: bool, optional
Whether to take absolute value of the difference.
percent: float
If set, a "relative" comparison is performed instead of a subtraction:
`red(|arr1 - arr2|) / (red(|arr1|) * percent) < tol`
where "red" is the reduction method (mean, max or median).
Reduction method. Can be "max", "mean", or "median".
(is_close, residual) if return_residual is set to True
is_close otherwise
When using method="mean" and absolute_value=True, this function computes
the Mean Absolute Difference (MAD) metric.
When also using percent=1.0, this computes the Relative Mean Absolute Difference
(RMD) metric.
reductions = {
"max": np.max,
"mean": np.mean,
"median": np.median,
if method not in reductions:
raise ValueError("reduction method should be in %s" % str(list(reductions.keys())))
if diff is None:
diff = arr1 - arr2
if absolute_value is not None:
diff = np.abs(diff)
residual = reductions[method](diff)
if percent is not None:
a1 = np.abs(arr1) if absolute_value else arr1
residual /= reductions[method](a1)
res = residual < tol
if return_residual:
res = res, residual
return res
def gaussian_apodization_window(shape, fwhm_ratio=0.7):
fwhm = fwhm_ratio * np.array(shape)
sigma = fwhm / 2.355
return np.outer(*[gaussian(n, s) for n, s in zip(shape, sigma)])
def compare_shifted_images(img1, img2, fwhm_ratio=0.7, return_upper_bound=False):
Compare two images that are slightly shifted from one another.
Typically, tomography reconstruction wight slightly different CoR.
Each image is Fourier-transformed, and the modulus is taken to get rid of the shift between the images.
An apodization is done to filter the high frequencies that are usually less relevant.
img1: numpy.ndarray
First image
img2: numpy.ndarray
Second image
fwhm_ratio: float, optional
Ratio defining the apodization in the frequency domain.
A small value (eg. 0.2) means that essentually only the low frequencies will be compared.
A value of 1.0 means no apodization
return_upper_bound: bool, optional
Whether to return a (coarse) upper bound of the comparison metric
This function roughly computes
|phi(F(img1)) - phi(F(img2))|
where F is the absolute value of the Fourier transform, and phi some shrinking function (here arcsinh).
def _fourier_transform(img):
return np.arcsinh(np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(img))))
diff = _fourier_transform(img1) - _fourier_transform(img2)
diff *= gaussian_apodization_window(img1.shape, fwhm_ratio=fwhm_ratio)
res = np.abs(diff).max()
if return_upper_bound:
data_range = np.max(np.abs(img1))
return res, np.arcsinh( * data_range)
return res
# To be improved
def generate_nx_dataset(out_fname, image_key, data_volume=None, rotation_angle=None):
nx_template_file = get_file("dummy.nx.tar.gz")
nx_dict = nxtodict(nx_template_file)
nx_entry = nx_dict["entry"]
def _get_field(dict_, path):
if path.startswith("/"):
path = path[1:]
if path.endswith("/"):
path = path[:-1]
split_path = path.split("/")
if len(split_path) == 1:
return dict_[split_path[0]]
return _get_field(dict_[split_path[0]], "/".join(split_path[1:]))
for name in ["image_key", "image_key_control"]:
nx_entry["data"][name] = image_key
nx_entry["instrument"]["detector"][name] = image_key
if rotation_angle is not None:
nx_entry["data"]["rotation_angle"] = rotation_angle
nx_entry["sample"]["rotation_angle"] = rotation_angle
dicttonx(nx_dict, out_fname)