Modeling of the thickness of the sensor#

In this notebook we will re-use the experiment done at ID28 and previously calibrated and model in 3D the detector.

This detector is a Pilatus 1M with a 450µm thick silicon sensor. Let’s first have a look at the absorption coefficients of this sensor material:

First we retieve the results of the previous step, then calculate the absorption efficiency:

%matplotlib inline
# use `widget` instead of `inline` for better user-exeperience. `inline` allows to store plots into notebooks.
import time
start_time = time.perf_counter()
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots
import numpy
import fabio, pyFAI, pyFAI.units, pyFAI.detectors
import json
with open("id28.json") as f:
    calib = json.load(f)

thickness = 450e-6
wavelength = calib["wavelength"]
dist = calib["param"][calib['param_names'].index("dist")]
poni1 = calib["param"][calib['param_names'].index("poni1")]
poni2 = calib["param"][calib['param_names'].index("poni2")]
energy = pyFAI.units.hc/(wavelength*1e10)
print("wavelength: %.3em,\t dist: %.3em,\t poni1: %.3em,\t poni2: %.3em,\t energy: %.3fkeV" %
      (wavelength, dist, poni1, poni2, energy))

WARNING:pyFAI.DEPRECATION:Module pyFAI.azimuthalIntegrator is deprecated since pyFAI version 2024.10. Use 'pyFAI.integrator.azimuthal' instead.
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 196, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 86, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/", line 18, in <module>
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/traitlets/config/", line 1075, in launch_instance
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 739, in start
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tornado/platform/", line 205, in start
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 603, in run_forever
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 1909, in _run_once
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 80, in _run, *self._args)
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 545, in dispatch_queue
    await self.process_one()
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 534, in process_one
    await dispatch(*args)
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 437, in dispatch_shell
    await result
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 362, in execute_request
    await super().execute_request(stream, ident, parent)
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 778, in execute_request
    reply_content = await reply_content
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 449, in do_execute
    res = shell.run_cell(
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 549, in run_cell
    return super().run_cell(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3075, in run_cell
    result = self._run_cell(
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3130, in _run_cell
    result = runner(coro)
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 129, in _pseudo_sync_runner
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3334, in run_cell_async
    has_raised = await self.run_ast_nodes(code_ast.body, cell_name,
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3517, in run_ast_nodes
    if await self.run_code(code, result, async_=asy):
  File "/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3577, in run_code
    exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
  File "/tmp/ipykernel_3634362/", line 5, in <module>
    import fabio, pyFAI, pyFAI.units, pyFAI.detectors, pyFAI.azimuthalIntegrator
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1027, in _find_and_load
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1006, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 688, in _load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 883, in exec_module
wavelength: 6.968e-11m,  dist: 2.845e-01m,       poni1: 8.865e-02m,      poni2: 8.931e-02m,      energy: 17.793keV

Absorption coeficient at 17.8 keV#

# density from
rho = 2.3290 # g/cm^3

#Absorption from
# Nota: enegies are in MeV !
Si_abs = """
   2.00000E-03  2.777E+03  2.669E+03
   3.00000E-03  9.784E+02  9.516E+02
   4.00000E-03  4.529E+02  4.427E+02
   5.00000E-03  2.450E+02  2.400E+02
   6.00000E-03  1.470E+02  1.439E+02
   8.00000E-03  6.468E+01  6.313E+01
   1.00000E-02  3.389E+01  3.289E+01
   1.50000E-02  1.034E+01  9.794E+00
   2.00000E-02  4.464E+00  4.076E+00
   3.00000E-02  1.436E+00  1.164E+00
   4.00000E-02  7.012E-01  4.782E-01
   5.00000E-02  4.385E-01  2.430E-01
   6.00000E-02  3.207E-01  1.434E-01
   8.00000E-02  2.228E-01  6.896E-02
   1.00000E-01  1.835E-01  4.513E-02
   1.50000E-01  1.448E-01  3.086E-02
   2.00000E-01  1.275E-01  2.905E-02
   3.00000E-01  1.082E-01  2.932E-02
   4.00000E-01  9.614E-02  2.968E-02
   5.00000E-01  8.748E-02  2.971E-02
   6.00000E-01  8.077E-02  2.951E-02
   8.00000E-01  7.082E-02  2.875E-02
   1.00000E+00  6.361E-02  2.778E-02
   1.25000E+00  5.688E-02  2.652E-02
   1.50000E+00  5.183E-02  2.535E-02
   2.00000E+00  4.480E-02  2.345E-02
   3.00000E+00  3.678E-02  2.101E-02
   4.00000E+00  3.240E-02  1.963E-02
   5.00000E+00  2.967E-02  1.878E-02
   6.00000E+00  2.788E-02  1.827E-02
   8.00000E+00  2.574E-02  1.773E-02
   1.00000E+01  2.462E-02  1.753E-02
   1.50000E+01  2.352E-02  1.746E-02
   2.00000E+01  2.338E-02  1.757E-02 """
data = numpy.array([[float(i) for i in line.split()] for line in Si_abs.split("\n") if line])
energy_tab, mu_over_rho, mu_en_over_rho = data.T
abs_18 = numpy.interp(energy, energy_tab*1e3, mu_en_over_rho)
mu = abs_18*rho*1e+2
eff = 1.0-numpy.exp(-mu*thickness)

print("µ = %f m^-1 hence absorption efficiency for 450µm: %.1f %%"%(mu, eff*100))

µ = 1537.024174 m^-1 hence absorption efficiency for 450µm: 49.9 %
depth = numpy.linspace(0, 1000, 100)
res = numpy.exp(-mu*depth*1e-6)
fig, ax = subplots()
ax.plot(depth, res, "-")
ax.set_xlabel("Depth (µm)")
ax.set_ylabel("Residual signal")
ax.set_title("Silicon @ 17.8 keV")

This is consistent with:

Now we can model the detector

Modeling of the detector:#

The detector is seen as a 2D array of voxel. Let vox, voy and voz be the dimention of the detector in the three dimentions.

detector= pyFAI.detector_factory(calib["detector"])

vox = detector.pixel2 # this is not a typo
voy = detector.pixel1 # x <--> axis 2
voz = thickness

print(vox, voy, voz)
Detector Pilatus 1M      PixelSize= 172µm, 172µm         BottomRight (3)
0.000172 0.000172 0.00045

The intensity grabbed in this voxel is the triple integral of the absorbed signal coming from this pixel or from the neighboring ones.

There are 3 ways to perform this intergral:

  • Volumetric analytic integral. Looks feasible with a change of variable in the depth

  • Slice per slice, the remaining intensity depand on the incidence angle + pixel splitting between neighbooring pixels

  • raytracing: the decay can be solved analytically for each ray, one has to throw many ray to average out the signal.

For sake of simplicity, this integral will be calculated numerically using this raytracing algorithm.

Knowing the input position for a X-ray on the detector and its propagation vector, this algorithm allows us to calculate the length of the path in all voxel it crosses in a fairly efficient way.

To speed up the calculation, we will use a few tricks:

  • One ray never crosses more than 16 pixels, which is reasonable considering the incidance angle

  • we use numba to speed-up the calculation of loops in python

  • We will allocate the needed memory by chuncks of 1 million elements

! pip install numba
Requirement already satisfied: numba in /nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages (0.60.0)
Requirement already satisfied: llvmlite<0.44,>=0.43.0dev0 in /nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from numba) (0.43.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy<2.1,>=1.22 in /nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from numba) (2.0.2)
from numba import jit

BLOCK_SIZE = 1<<20 # 1 million
BIG = numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).max

mask = numpy.load("mask.npy").astype(numpy.int8)
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, csc_matrix, linalg
def calc_one_ray(entx, enty,
                 kx, ky, kz,
                 vox, voy, voz):
    """For a ray, entering at position (entx, enty), with a propagation vector (kx, ky,kz),
    calculate the length spent in every voxel where energy is deposited from a bunch of photons comming in the detector
    at a given position and and how much energy they deposit in each voxel.

    Direct implementation of

    :param entx, enty: coordinate of the entry point in meter (2 components, x,y)
    :param kx, ky, kz: vector with the direction of the photon (3 components, x,y,z)
    :param vox, voy, voz: size of the voxel in meter (3 components, x,y,z)
    :return: coordinates voxels in x, y and length crossed when leaving the associated voxel
    array_x = numpy.empty(BUFFER_SIZE, dtype=numpy.int32)
    array_x[:] = -1
    array_y = numpy.empty(BUFFER_SIZE, dtype=numpy.int32)
    array_y[:] = -1
    array_len = numpy.empty(BUFFER_SIZE, dtype=numpy.float32)

    #normalize the input propagation vector
    n = numpy.sqrt(kx*kx + ky*ky + kz*kz)
    kx /= n
    ky /= n
    kz /= n

    #assert kz>0
    step_X = -1 if kx<0.0 else 1
    step_Y = -1 if ky<0.0 else 1

    #assert vox>0
    #assert voy>0
    #assert voz>0

    X = int(entx//vox)
    Y = int(enty//voy)

    if kx>0.0:
        t_max_x = ((entx//vox+1)*(vox)-entx)/ kx
    elif kx<0.0:
        t_max_x = ((entx//vox)*(vox)-entx)/ kx
        t_max_x = BIG

    if ky>0.0:
        t_max_y = ((enty//voy+1)*(voy)-enty)/ ky
    elif ky<0.0:
        t_max_y = ((enty//voy)*(voy)-enty)/ ky
        t_max_y = BIG

    #Only one case for z as the ray is travelling in one direction only
    t_max_z = voz / kz

    t_delta_x = abs(vox/kx) if kx!=0 else BIG
    t_delta_y = abs(voy/ky) if ky!=0 else BIG
    t_delta_z = voz/kz

    finished = False
    last_id = 0
    array_x[last_id] = X
    array_y[last_id] = Y

    while not finished:
        if t_max_x < t_max_y:
            if t_max_x < t_max_z:
                array_len[last_id] = t_max_x
                X += step_X
                array_x[last_id] = X
                array_y[last_id] = Y
                t_max_x += t_delta_x
                array_len[last_id] = t_max_z
                finished = True
            if t_max_y < t_max_z:
                array_len[last_id] = t_max_y
                Y += step_Y
                array_x[last_id] = X
                array_y[last_id] = Y
                t_max_y += t_delta_y
                array_len[last_id] = t_max_z
                finished = True
        if last_id>=array_len.size-1:
            print("resize arrays")
            old_size = len(array_len)
            new_size = (old_size//BUFFER_SIZE+1)*BUFFER_SIZE
            new_array_x = numpy.empty(new_size, dtype=numpy.int32)
            new_array_x[:] = -1
            new_array_y = numpy.empty(new_size, dtype=numpy.int32)
            new_array_y[:] = -1
            new_array_len = numpy.empty(new_size, dtype=numpy.float32)
            new_array_x[:old_size] = array_x
            new_array_y[:old_size] = array_y
            new_array_len[:old_size] = array_len
            array_x = new_array_x
            array_y = new_array_y
            array_len = new_array_len
    return array_x[:last_id], array_y[:last_id], array_len[:last_id]

print(calc_one_ray(0.0,0.0, 1,1,1, 172e-6, 172e-6, 450e-6))
import random
%timeit calc_one_ray(10+random.random(),11+random.random(),\
                     random.random()-0.5,random.random()-0.5,0.5+random.random(), \
                     vox, voy, voz)
%timeit calc_one_ray.py_func(10+random.random(),11+random.random(),\
                     random.random()-0.5,random.random()-0.5,0.5+random.random(), \
                     vox, voy, voz)
(array([0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=int32), array([0, 1, 1, 2], dtype=int32), array([0.00029791, 0.00029791, 0.00059583, 0.00059583], dtype=float32))
The slowest run took 4.78 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
3 μs ± 2.39 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
4.5 μs ± 11.8 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)

Now that we are able to perform raytracing for any ray comming in the detector, we can calculate the contribution to the neighboring pixels, using the absorption law (the length travelled is already known). To average-out the signal, we will sample a few dozens of rays per pixel to get an approximatation of the volumic integrale.

Now we need to store the results so that this transformation can be represented as a sparse matrix multiplication:

b = M.a

Where b is the recorded image (blurred) and a is the “perfect” signal. M being the sparse matrix where every pixel of a gives a limited number of contribution to b.

Each pixel in b is represented by one line in M and we store the indices of a of interest with the coefficients of the matrix. So if a pixel i,j contributes to (i,j), (i+1,j), (i+1,j+1), there are only 3 elements in the line. This is advantagous for storage.

We will use the CSR sparse matrix representation: where there are 3 arrays:

  • data: containing the actual non zero values

  • indices: for a given line, it contains the column number of the assocated data (at the same indice)

  • idptr: this array contains the index of the start of every line.

from numba.experimental import jitclass
from numba import int8, int32, int64, float32, float64
spec = [("vox",float64),("voy",float64),("voz",float64),("mu",float64),
        ("width", int64),("height", int64),("mask", int8[:,:]),
        ("sampled", int64), ("data", float32[:]),("indices", int32[:]),("idptr", int32[:]),
class ThickDetector(object):
    "Calculate the point spread function as function of the geometry of the experiment"

    def __init__(self, vox, voy, thickness, mask, mu,
                 dist, poni1, poni2):
        """Constructor of the class:

        :param vox, voy: detector pixel size in the plane
        :param thickness: thickness of the sensor in meters
        :param mask:
        :param mu: absorption coefficient of the sensor material
        :param dist: sample detector distance as defined in the geometry-file
        :param poni1, poni2: coordinates of the PONI as defined in the geometry
        self.vox = vox
        self.voy = voy
        self.voz = thickness = mu
        self.poni1 = poni1
        self.poni2 = poni2
        self.width = mask.shape[-1]
        self.height = mask.shape[0]
        self.mask = mask
        self.sampled = 0 = numpy.zeros(BLOCK_SIZE, dtype=numpy.float32)
        self.indices = numpy.zeros(BLOCK_SIZE,dtype=numpy.int32)
        self.idptr = numpy.zeros(self.width*self.height+1, dtype=numpy.int32)

    def calc_one_ray(self, entx, enty):
        """For a ray, entering at position (entx, enty), with a propagation vector (kx, ky,kz),
        calculate the length spent in every voxel where energy is deposited from a bunch of photons comming in the detector
        at a given position and and how much energy they deposit in each voxel.

        Direct implementation of

        :param entx, enty: coordinate of the entry point in meter (2 components, x,y)
        :return: coordinates voxels in x, y and length crossed when leaving the associated voxel
        array_x = numpy.empty(BUFFER_SIZE, dtype=numpy.int32)
        array_x[:] = -1
        array_y = numpy.empty(BUFFER_SIZE, dtype=numpy.int32)
        array_y[:] = -1
        array_len = numpy.empty(BUFFER_SIZE, dtype=numpy.float32)

        #normalize the input propagation vector
        kx = entx - self.poni2
        ky = enty - self.poni1
        kz = self.dist
        n = numpy.sqrt(kx*kx + ky*ky + kz*kz)
        kx /= n
        ky /= n
        kz /= n

        step_X = -1 if kx<0.0 else 1
        step_Y = -1 if ky<0.0 else 1

        X = int(entx/self.vox)
        Y = int(enty/self.voy)

        if kx>0.0:
            t_max_x = ((entx//self.vox+1)*(self.vox)-entx)/ kx
        elif kx<0.0:
            t_max_x = ((entx//self.vox)*(self.vox)-entx)/ kx
            t_max_x = BIG

        if ky>0.0:
            t_max_y = ((enty//self.voy+1)*(self.voy)-enty)/ ky
        elif ky<0.0:
            t_max_y = ((enty//self.voy)*(self.voy)-enty)/ ky
            t_max_y = BIG

        #Only one case for z as the ray is travelling in one direction only
        t_max_z = self.voz / kz

        t_delta_x = abs(self.vox/kx) if kx!=0 else BIG
        t_delta_y = abs(self.voy/ky) if ky!=0 else BIG
        t_delta_z = self.voz/kz

        finished = False
        last_id = 0
        array_x[last_id] = X
        array_y[last_id] = Y

        while not finished:
            if t_max_x < t_max_y:
                if t_max_x < t_max_z:
                    array_len[last_id] = t_max_x
                    X += step_X
                    array_x[last_id] = X
                    array_y[last_id] = Y
                    t_max_x += t_delta_x
                    array_len[last_id] = t_max_z
                    finished = True
                if t_max_y < t_max_z:
                    array_len[last_id] = t_max_y
                    Y += step_Y
                    array_x[last_id] = X
                    array_y[last_id] = Y
                    t_max_y += t_delta_y
                    array_len[last_id] = t_max_z
                    finished = True
            if last_id>=array_len.size-1:
                print("resize arrays")
                old_size = len(array_len)
                new_size = (old_size//BUFFER_SIZE+1)*BUFFER_SIZE
                new_array_x = numpy.empty(new_size, dtype=numpy.int32)
                new_array_x[:] = -1
                new_array_y = numpy.empty(new_size, dtype=numpy.int32)
                new_array_y[:] = -1
                new_array_len = numpy.empty(new_size, dtype=numpy.float32)
                new_array_x[:old_size] = array_x
                new_array_y[:old_size] = array_y
                new_array_len[:old_size] = array_len
                array_x = new_array_x
                array_y = new_array_y
                array_len = new_array_len
        return array_x[:last_id], array_y[:last_id], array_len[:last_id]

    def one_pixel(self, row, col, sample):
        """calculate the contribution of one pixel to the sparse matrix and populate it.

        :param row: row index of the pixel of interest
        :param col: column index of the pixel of interest
        :param sample: Oversampling rate, 10 will thow 10x10 ray per pixel

        :return: the extra number of pixel allocated
        if self.mask[row, col]:
            return (numpy.empty(0, dtype=numpy.int32),
                    numpy.empty(0, dtype=numpy.float32))

        counter = 0
        tmp_size = 0
        last_buffer_size = BUFFER_SIZE
        tmp_idx = numpy.empty(last_buffer_size, dtype=numpy.int32)
        tmp_idx[:] = -1
        tmp_coef = numpy.zeros(last_buffer_size, dtype=numpy.float32)

        pos = row * self.width + col
        start = self.idptr[pos]
        for i in range(sample):
            posx = (col+1.0*i/sample)*vox
            for j in range(sample):
                posy = (row+1.0*j/sample)*voy
                array_x, array_y, array_len = self.calc_one_ray(posx, posy)

                rem = 1.0
                for i in range(array_x.size):
                    x = array_x[i]
                    y = array_y[i]
                    l = array_len[i]
                    if (x<0) or (y<0) or (y>=self.height) or (x>=self.width):
                    elif (self.mask[y, x]):
                    idx = x + y*self.width
                    dos = numpy.exp(*l)
                    value = rem - dos
                    rem = dos
                    for j in range(last_buffer_size):
                        if tmp_size >= last_buffer_size:
                            #Increase buffer size
                            new_buffer_size = last_buffer_size + BUFFER_SIZE
                            new_idx = numpy.empty(new_buffer_size, dtype=numpy.int32)
                            new_coef = numpy.zeros(new_buffer_size, dtype=numpy.float32)
                            new_idx[:last_buffer_size] = tmp_idx
                            new_idx[last_buffer_size:] = -1
                            new_coef[:last_buffer_size] = tmp_coef
                            last_buffer_size = new_buffer_size
                            tmp_idx = new_idx
                            tmp_coef = new_coef

                        if tmp_idx[j] == idx:
                            tmp_coef[j] += value
                        elif tmp_idx[j] < 0:
                            tmp_idx[j] = idx
                            tmp_coef[j] = value
                            tmp_size +=1
        return tmp_idx[:tmp_size], tmp_coef[:tmp_size]

    def calc_csr(self, sample):
        """Calculate the CSR matrix for the whole image
        :param sample: Oversampling factor
        :return: CSR matrix
        size = self.width * self.height
        allocated_size = BLOCK_SIZE
        idptr = numpy.zeros(size+1, dtype=numpy.int32)
        indices = numpy.zeros(allocated_size, dtype=numpy.int32)
        data = numpy.zeros(allocated_size, dtype=numpy.float32)
        self.sampled = sample*sample
        pos = 0
        start = 0
        for row in range(self.height):
            for col in range(self.width):
                line_idx, line_coef = self.one_pixel(row, col, sample)
                line_size = line_idx.size
                if line_size == 0:
                    new_size = 0
                    idptr[pos] = start

                stop = start + line_size

                if stop >= allocated_size:
                    new_buffer_size = allocated_size +  BLOCK_SIZE
                    new_idx = numpy.zeros(new_buffer_size, dtype=numpy.int32)
                    new_coef = numpy.zeros(new_buffer_size, dtype=numpy.float32)
                    new_idx[:allocated_size] = indices
                    new_coef[:allocated_size] = data
                    allocated_size = new_buffer_size
                    indices = new_idx
                    data = new_coef

                indices[start:stop] = line_idx
                data[start:stop] = line_coef
                idptr[pos] = stop
                start = stop

        last = idptr[-1] = data
        self.indices = indices
        self.idptr = idptr
        return ([:last]/self.sampled, indices[:last], idptr)

thick = ThickDetector(vox,voy, thickness=thickness, mu=mu, dist=dist, poni1=poni1, poni2=poni2, mask=mask)
%time thick.calc_csr(1)
CPU times: user 5.8 s, sys: 16.2 ms, total: 5.82 s
Wall time: 5.82 s
(array([0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32),
 array([      2,       2,       4, ..., 1023180, 1023181, 1023182],
 array([      0,       0,       0, ..., 1902581, 1902582, 1902583],
thick = ThickDetector(vox,voy, thickness=thickness, mu=mu, dist=dist, poni1=poni1, poni2=poni2, mask=mask)
%time pre_csr = thick.calc_csr(8)
CPU times: user 12.1 s, sys: 157 ms, total: 12.3 s
Wall time: 12.1 s

Validation of the CSR matrix obtained:#

For this we will build a simple 2D image with one pixel in a regular grid and calculate the effect of the transformation calculated previously on it.

dummy_image = numpy.ones(mask.shape, dtype="float32")
dummy_image[::5,::5] = 10
#dummy_image[mask] = -1
csr = csr_matrix(pre_csr)
dummy_blurred =
fix, ax = subplots(2,2, figsize=(8,8))

Least squares refinement of the pseudo-inverse#

blured = dummy_blurred.ravel()

# Invert this matrix: see

%time res = linalg.lsmr(csr.T, blured)

restored = res[0].reshape(mask.shape)

/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scipy/sparse/linalg/_isolve/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  condA = max(maxrbar, rhotemp) / min(minrbar, rhotemp)
/nobackup/scratch/kieffer/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scipy/sparse/linalg/_isolve/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast
  minrbar = min(minrbar, rhobarold)
CPU times: user 21.5 s, sys: 14.8 ms, total: 21.5 s
Wall time: 731 ms
(1, 30, 0.004636813092308298, np.float32(0.0005109832), 2.135486645055913, np.float32(4.8337903), np.float64(2175.5687962327706))

Pseudo inverse with positivitiy constrain and poissonian noise (MLEM)#

The MLEM algorithm was initially developed within the framework of reconstruction of images in emission tomography [Shepp and Vardi, 1982], [Vardi et al., 1985], [Lange and Carson, 1984]. Nowadays, this algorithm is employed in numerous tomographic reconstruction problems and often associated to regularization techniques. It is based on the iterative maximization of the log-likelihood function.

fix, ax = subplots(2,2, figsize=(8,8))
ax[0,0].set_title("Dummy image")
ax[0,1].set_title("Convolved image (i.e. blurred)")
ax[1,1].set_title("Retro-projected of the blurred")
ax[1,0].set_title("Corrected image")
def iterMLEM_scipy(F, M, R):
    "Implement one step of MLEM"
    #res = F * ( / M.sum(axis=-1)
    norm = 1/
    cor =
    res = norm * F * cor
    res[numpy.isnan(res)] = 1.0
    return res

def deconv_MLEM(csr, data, thres=0.2, maxiter=1000):
    R = csr.T
    msk = data<0
    img = data.astype("float32")
    img[msk] = 0.0 # set masked values to 0, negative values could induce errors
    M = img.ravel()
    #F0 = numpy.random.random(data.size)#M#
    F0 =
    F1 = iterMLEM_scipy(F0, M, R)
    delta = abs(F1-F0).max()
    for i in range(maxiter):
        if delta<thres:
        F2 = iterMLEM_scipy(F1, M, R)
        delta = abs(F1-F2).max()
        if i%100==0:
            print(i, delta)
        F1 = F2
    print(i, delta)
    return F2.reshape(img.shape)

%time res = deconv_MLEM(csr, dummy_blurred, 1e-4)

# ax[1,0].imshow(res)
# ax[1,0].set_xlim(964,981)
# ax[1,0].set_ylim(0,16)
fig,ax = subplots()
ax.set_title("Corrected image")
/tmp/ipykernel_3634362/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
  norm = 1/
/tmp/ipykernel_3634362/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  cor =
/tmp/ipykernel_3634362/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply
  res = norm * F * cor
0 1.7867398
100 0.0016490221
200 0.00027656555
262 9.918213e-05
CPU times: user 2.39 s, sys: 3.96 ms, total: 2.39 s
Wall time: 2.39 s
(0.0, 16.0)

Conclusion of the raytracing part:#

We are able to simulate the path and the absorption of the photon in the thickness of the detector. Numba helped substentially to make the raytracing calculation much faster. The signal of each pixel is indeed spread on the neighboors, depending on the position of the PONI and this effect can be inverted using sparse-matrix pseudo-inversion. The MLEM can garanteee that the total signal is conserved and that no pixel gets negative value.

We will now save this sparse matrix to file in order to be able to re-use it in next notebook. But before saving it, it makes sense to spend some time in generating a high quality sparse matrix in throwing thousand rays per pixel in a grid of 64x64.

%time pre_csr = thick.calc_csr(64)
hq_csr = csr_matrix(pre_csr)
from scipy.sparse import save_npz
CPU times: user 11min 21s, sys: 9.39 s, total: 11min 31s
Wall time: 11min 18s
print(f"Total execution time: {time.perf_counter()-start_time:.3f} s")
Total execution time: 709.575 s