pyFAI.gui.helper package#
pyFAI.gui.helper.MarkerManager module#
- class pyFAI.gui.helper.MarkerManager.MarkerManager(plot, markerModel, pixelBasedPlot=False)#
Synchronize the display of markers from MarkerModel to a plot.
- __init__(plot, markerModel, pixelBasedPlot=False)#
- createMarkGeometryAction(parent, mousePos)#
- createMarkPixelAction(parent, mousePos)#
- createRemoveClosestMaskerAction(parent, mousePos)#
- dataToChiTth(data)#
Returns chi and 2theta angles in radian from data coordinate
- findClosestMarker(mousePos, delta=20)#
- getMarkerLocation(marker)#
Returns the location of the marker in the plot axes
- updatePhysicalMarkerPixels(geometry)#
- updateProjection(geometry, radialUnit, wavelength, directDist, redraw=True)#
pyFAI.gui.helper.ProcessingWidget module#
- pyFAI.gui.helper.ProcessingWidget.createProcessingWidgetOverlay(parent)#
Create a widget overlay to show that the application is processing data to update the plot.
- Parameters:
widget (qt.QWidget) – Widget containing the overlay
- Return type:
pyFAI.gui.helper.RingCalibration module#
- class pyFAI.gui.helper.RingCalibration.GeometryRefinementContext(*args, **kwargs)#
Store the full context of the GeometryRefinement object
Right now, GeometryRefinement store the bound but do not store the fixed constraints. It make the context difficult to manage and to trust.
- PARAMETERS = ['dist', 'poni1', 'poni2', 'rot1', 'rot2', 'rot3', 'wavelength']#
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)#
- bounds()#
- chi2()#
- fixed()#
- getParams()#
Returns list of parameters
- guess_poni()#
- refine(maxiter)#
- setBounds(bounds)#
- setFixed(fixed)#
- setParams(params)#
Set the fit parameter values from the list of values
- class pyFAI.gui.helper.RingCalibration.RingCalibration(image, mask, calibrant, detector, wavelength, peaks, method)#
- __init__(image, mask, calibrant, detector, wavelength, peaks, method)#
- defaultGeometryConstraintsModel()#
Returns the default constraints
Not the one used, but the one initially set to the refinement engine.
- fromGeometryConstraintsModel(constraintsModel)#
- fromGeometryModel(model, resetResidual=True)#
- getBeamCenter()#
- getIndexedRings()#
Returns polygons of rings
- Returns:
List of tuples with ring (index, angle) available
- Return type:
dict[ringId] = angle
- getMask()#
Returns the mask used to compute the tth.
- getPoni()#
“Returns the PONI coord in image coordinate.
That’s an approximation of the PONI coordinate at pixel precision
- getPyfaiGeometry()#
- getRings()#
Returns polygons of rings
- Returns:
List of ring angles available
- Return type:
- getRms()#
Returns the RMS (root mean square) computed from the current fitting.
The unit is the radian.
- getTwoThetaArray()#
Returns the 2th array corresponding to the calibrated image
- init(peaks, method, geometry, constraintsModel)#
- isValid()#
Returns true if it can be use to calibrate the data.
- refine(max_iter=500, seconds=10)#
Contains the common geometry refinement part
- toGeometryConstraintsModel(contraintsModel, reachFromGeoRef=True)#
- toGeometryModel(model)#
- update(image, mask, calibrant, detector, wavelength=None)#
pyFAI.gui.helper.RingExtractor module#
- class pyFAI.gui.helper.RingExtractor.RingExtractorThread(parent)#
Job to process data and collect peaks according to a diffraction ring modelization.
- __init__(parent)#
- errorString()#
Returns the error message in case of failure
- isAborted()#
Returns whether the theard was aborted or not.
Aborted thead are not finished theads.
- resultPeaks()#
Returns the extracted peaks.
- Return type:
- run(self)#
- runProcess()#
Extract the peaks.
- Raises:
ValueError – If a mandatory setting is not initialized.
- Return type:
- Returns:
True if successed
- setExperimentSettings(experimentSettings, copy)#
Set the experiment data.
- Parameters:
experimentSettings (..model.ExperimentSettingsModel.ExperimentSettingsModel) – Contains the modelization of the problem
copy (bool) – If true copy the data for a thread safe processing
- setGeometryModel(geometryModel)#
Define a geometry model as source of the diffraction ring modelization
- setMaxRings(maxRings)#
Set max ring to extract
- setPeaksModel(peaksModel)#
Define a set of peaks as source of the diffraction ring modelization
- setPointPerDegree(pointPerDegree)#
Specify the amount of peak to extract per degree
- setRingNumbers(ringNumbers)#
Specify a set of rings to extract
- Parameters:
ringNumbers (List[int]) – List of number (1 is the 1st ring)
- setUserData(name, value)#
Store key-value information from caller to be retrived when the processing finish.
- sigProcessLocationChanged#
pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL
types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.
- toGeometryModel(model)#
- userData(name)#
Returns a stored user data.
pyFAI.gui.helper.SynchronizeMaskToolColor module#
Utils to update the plot background according to the changes of the application styles
pyFAI.gui.helper.SynchronizePlotBackground module#
Utils to update the plot background according to the changes of the application styles
pyFAI.gui.helper.SynchronizeRawView module#
- class pyFAI.gui.helper.SynchronizeRawView.SynchronizeRawView#
Synchronize the raw view of plots altogether.
The active plot of each tasks synchonizing a model containing information to reach the loacation of the view.
When the task is shown, the view of the visible plot is synchronized only if the shared view was changed.
- __init__()#
- registerModel(model)#
- registerPlot(plot)#
- registerTask(task)#
pyFAI.gui.helper.model_transform module#
Helper to transform or extract information from the abstratc model.
- pyFAI.gui.helper.model_transform.createControlPoints(model)#
Create ControlPoints object from the calibration model
- Return type:
- pyFAI.gui.helper.model_transform.createPeaksArray(model)#
Create a contiguous peak array containing (y, x, ring number)
- Parameters:
model (PeakSelectionModel) – A set of selected peaks
- Return type:
- pyFAI.gui.helper.model_transform.createRing(points, peakSelectionModel, ringNumber=None, context=None)#
Create a new ring from a group of points
- Return type:
- pyFAI.gui.helper.model_transform.filterControlPoints(filterCallback, peakSelectionModel, removedPeaks=None)#
Filter each peaks of the model using a callback
- Parameters:
filter (Callable[int,int,bool]) – Filter returning true is the peak have to stay in the result.
peakSelectionModel (PeakSelectionModel) – Model to filter
removedPeaks (List[Tuple[int,int]]) – Provide a list to feed it with removed peaks from the model.
- pyFAI.gui.helper.model_transform.geometryModelToGeometry(geometryModel, geometry)#
- pyFAI.gui.helper.model_transform.initPeaksFromControlPoints(peakSelectionModel, controlPoints, context=None)#
Initialize peak selection model using control points object
- Return type:
Module contents#
Helper relative to the calibration app