Source code for silx.gui.plot.PlotInteraction

#  coding: utf-8
# /*##########################################################################
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# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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# ###########################################################################*/
"""Implementation of the interaction for the :class:`Plot`."""

__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "18/02/2016"

import math
import numpy
import time
import weakref

from . import Colors
from .Interaction import (ClickOrDrag, LEFT_BTN, RIGHT_BTN,
                          State, StateMachine)
from .PlotEvents import (prepareCurveSignal, prepareDrawingSignal,
                         prepareHoverSignal, prepareImageSignal,
                         prepareMarkerSignal, prepareMouseSignal)

from .BackendBase import (CURSOR_POINTING, CURSOR_SIZE_HOR,
                          CURSOR_SIZE_VER, CURSOR_SIZE_ALL)

# Float 32 info ###############################################################
# Using min/max value below limits of float32
# so operation with such value (e.g., max - min) do not overflow

FLOAT32_SAFE_MIN = -1e37
FLOAT32_MINPOS = numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).tiny
# TODO double support

# Base class ##################################################################

class _PlotInteraction(object):
    """Base class for interaction handler.

    It provides a weakref to the plot and methods to set/reset overlay.
    def __init__(self, plot):

        :param plot: The plot to apply modifications to.
        self._needReplot = False
        self._selectionAreas = set()
        self._plot = weakref.ref(plot)  # Avoid cyclic-ref

    def plot(self):
        plot = self._plot()
        assert plot is not None
        return plot

    def setSelectionArea(self, points, fill, color, name=''):
        """Set a polygon selection area overlaid on the plot.
        Multiple simultaneous areas are supported through the name parameter.

        :param points: The 2D coordinates of the points of the polygon
        :type points: An iterable of (x, y) coordinates
        :param str fill: The fill mode: 'hatch', 'solid' or None
        :param color: RGBA color to use
        :type color: list or tuple of 4 float in the range [0, 1]
        :param name: The key associated with this selection area
        points = numpy.asarray(points)

        # TODO Not very nice, but as is for now
        legend = '__SELECTION_AREA__' + name

        fill = bool(fill)  # TODO not very nice either

        self.plot.addItem(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], legend=legend,
                          shape='polygon', color=color, fill=fill,

    def resetSelectionArea(self):
        """Remove all selection areas set by setSelectionArea."""
        for legend in self._selectionAreas:
            self.plot.remove(legend, kind='item')
        self._selectionAreas = set()

# Zoom/Pan ####################################################################

def _scale1DRange(min_, max_, center, scale, isLog):
    """Scale a 1D range given a scale factor and an center point.

    Keeps the values in a smaller range than float32.

    :param float min_: The current min value of the range.
    :param float max_: The current max value of the range.
    :param float center: The center of the zoom (i.e., invariant point).
    :param float scale: The scale to use for zoom
    :param bool isLog: Whether using log scale or not.
    :return: The zoomed range.
    :rtype: tuple of 2 floats: (min, max)
    if isLog:
        # Min and center can be < 0 when
        # autoscale is off and switch to log scale
        # max_ < 0 should not happen
        min_ = numpy.log10(min_) if min_ > 0. else FLOAT32_MINPOS
        center = numpy.log10(center) if center > 0. else FLOAT32_MINPOS
        max_ = numpy.log10(max_) if max_ > 0. else FLOAT32_MINPOS

    if min_ == max_:
        return min_, max_

    offset = (center - min_) / (max_ - min_)
    range_ = (max_ - min_) / scale
    newMin = center - offset * range_
    newMax = center + (1. - offset) * range_

    if isLog:
        # No overflow as exponent is log10 of a float32
        newMin = pow(10., newMin)
        newMax = pow(10., newMax)
        newMin = numpy.clip(newMin, FLOAT32_MINPOS, FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX)
        newMax = numpy.clip(newMax, FLOAT32_MINPOS, FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX)
        newMin = numpy.clip(newMin, FLOAT32_SAFE_MIN, FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX)
        newMax = numpy.clip(newMax, FLOAT32_SAFE_MIN, FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX)
    return newMin, newMax

def _applyZoomToPlot(plot, cx, cy, scaleF):
    """Zoom in/out plot given a scale and a center point.

    :param plot: The plot on which to apply zoom.
    :param float cx: X coord in data coordinates of the zoom center.
    :param float cy: Y coord in data coordinates of the zoom center.
    :param float scaleF: Scale factor of zoom.
    dataCenterPos = plot.pixelToData(cx, cy)
    assert dataCenterPos is not None

    xMin, xMax = plot.getGraphXLimits()
    xMin, xMax = _scale1DRange(xMin, xMax, dataCenterPos[0], scaleF,

    yMin, yMax = plot.getGraphYLimits()
    yMin, yMax = _scale1DRange(yMin, yMax, dataCenterPos[1], scaleF,

    dataPos = plot.pixelToData(cx, cy, axis="right")
    assert dataPos is not None
    y2Center = dataPos[1]
    y2Min, y2Max = plot.getGraphYLimits(axis="right")
    y2Min, y2Max = _scale1DRange(y2Min, y2Max, y2Center, scaleF,

    plot.setLimits(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, y2Min, y2Max)

class _ZoomOnWheel(ClickOrDrag, _PlotInteraction):
    """:class:`ClickOrDrag` state machine with zooming on mouse wheel.

    Base class for :class:`Pan` and :class:`Zoom`
    class ZoomIdle(ClickOrDrag.Idle):
        def onWheel(self, x, y, angle):
            scaleF = 1.1 if angle > 0 else 1./1.1
            _applyZoomToPlot(self.machine.plot, x, y, scaleF)

    def __init__(self, plot):

        :param plot: The plot to apply modifications to.
        _PlotInteraction.__init__(self, plot)

        states = {
            'idle': _ZoomOnWheel.ZoomIdle,
            'rightClick': ClickOrDrag.RightClick,
            'clickOrDrag': ClickOrDrag.ClickOrDrag,
            'drag': ClickOrDrag.Drag
        StateMachine.__init__(self, states, 'idle')

# Pan #########################################################################

[docs]class Pan(_ZoomOnWheel): """Pan plot content and zoom on wheel state machine.""" def _pixelToData(self, x, y): xData, yData = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) _, y2Data = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y, axis='right') return xData, yData, y2Data def beginDrag(self, x, y): self._previousDataPos = self._pixelToData(x, y) def drag(self, x, y): xData, yData, y2Data = self._pixelToData(x, y) lastX, lastY, lastY2 = self._previousDataPos xMin, xMax = self.plot.getGraphXLimits() yMin, yMax = self.plot.getGraphYLimits(axis='left') y2Min, y2Max = self.plot.getGraphYLimits(axis='right') if self.plot.isXAxisLogarithmic(): try: dx = math.log10(xData) - math.log10(lastX) newXMin = pow(10., (math.log10(xMin) - dx)) newXMax = pow(10., (math.log10(xMax) - dx)) except (ValueError, OverflowError): newXMin, newXMax = xMin, xMax # Makes sure both values stays in positive float32 range if newXMin < FLOAT32_MINPOS or newXMax > FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX: newXMin, newXMax = xMin, xMax else: dx = xData - lastX newXMin, newXMax = xMin - dx, xMax - dx # Makes sure both values stays in float32 range if newXMin < FLOAT32_SAFE_MIN or newXMax > FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX: newXMin, newXMax = xMin, xMax if self.plot.isYAxisLogarithmic(): try: dy = math.log10(yData) - math.log10(lastY) newYMin = pow(10., math.log10(yMin) - dy) newYMax = pow(10., math.log10(yMax) - dy) dy2 = math.log10(y2Data) - math.log10(lastY2) newY2Min = pow(10., math.log10(y2Min) - dy2) newY2Max = pow(10., math.log10(y2Max) - dy2) except (ValueError, OverflowError): newYMin, newYMax = yMin, yMax newY2Min, newY2Max = y2Min, y2Max # Makes sure y and y2 stays in positive float32 range if (newYMin < FLOAT32_MINPOS or newYMax > FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX or newY2Min < FLOAT32_MINPOS or newY2Max > FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX): newYMin, newYMax = yMin, yMax newY2Min, newY2Max = y2Min, y2Max else: dy = yData - lastY dy2 = y2Data - lastY2 newYMin, newYMax = yMin - dy, yMax - dy newY2Min, newY2Max = y2Min - dy2, y2Max - dy2 # Makes sure y and y2 stays in float32 range if (newYMin < FLOAT32_SAFE_MIN or newYMax > FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX or newY2Min < FLOAT32_SAFE_MIN or newY2Max > FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX): newYMin, newYMax = yMin, yMax newY2Min, newY2Max = y2Min, y2Max self.plot.setLimits(newXMin, newXMax, newYMin, newYMax, newY2Min, newY2Max) self._previousDataPos = self._pixelToData(x, y) def endDrag(self, startPos, endPos): del self._previousDataPos def cancel(self): pass # Zoom ########################################################################
[docs]class Zoom(_ZoomOnWheel): """Zoom-in/out state machine. Zoom-in on selected area, zoom-out on right click, and zoom on mouse wheel. """ _DOUBLE_CLICK_TIMEOUT = 0.4 def __init__(self, plot, color): self.color = color self.zoomStack = [] self._lastClick = 0., None super(Zoom, self).__init__(plot) def _areaWithAspectRatio(self, x0, y0, x1, y1): plotLeft, plotTop, plotW, plotH = self.plot.getPlotBoundsInPixels() areaX0, areaY0, areaX1, areaY1 = x0, y0, x1, y1 if plotH != 0.: plotRatio = plotW / float(plotH) width, height = math.fabs(x1 - x0), math.fabs(y1 - y0) if height != 0. and width != 0.: if width / height > plotRatio: areaHeight = width / plotRatio areaX0, areaX1 = x0, x1 center = 0.5 * (y0 + y1) areaY0 = center - numpy.sign(y1 - y0) * 0.5 * areaHeight areaY1 = center + numpy.sign(y1 - y0) * 0.5 * areaHeight else: areaWidth = height * plotRatio areaY0, areaY1 = y0, y1 center = 0.5 * (x0 + x1) areaX0 = center - numpy.sign(x1 - x0) * 0.5 * areaWidth areaX1 = center + numpy.sign(x1 - x0) * 0.5 * areaWidth return areaX0, areaY0, areaX1, areaY1 def click(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: lastClickTime, lastClickPos = self._lastClick # Signal mouse double clicked event first if (time.time() - lastClickTime) <= self._DOUBLE_CLICK_TIMEOUT: # Use position of first click eventDict = prepareMouseSignal('mouseDoubleClicked', 'left', *lastClickPos) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) self._lastClick = 0., None else: # Signal mouse clicked event dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None eventDict = prepareMouseSignal('mouseClicked', 'left', dataPos[0], dataPos[1], x, y) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) self._lastClick = time.time(), (dataPos[0], dataPos[1], x, y) # Zoom-in centered on mouse cursor # xMin, xMax = self.plot.getGraphXLimits() # yMin, yMax = self.plot.getGraphYLimits() # y2Min, y2Max = self.plot.getGraphYLimits(axis="right") # self.zoomStack.append((xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, y2Min, y2Max)) # self._zoom(x, y, 2) elif btn == RIGHT_BTN: try: xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, y2Min, y2Max = self.zoomStack.pop() except IndexError: # Signal mouse clicked event dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None eventDict = prepareMouseSignal('mouseClicked', 'right', dataPos[0], dataPos[1], x, y) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) else: self.plot.setLimits(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, y2Min, y2Max) def beginDrag(self, x, y): dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None self.x0, self.y0 = x, y def drag(self, x1, y1): dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x1, y1) assert dataPos is not None if self.plot.isKeepDataAspectRatio(): area = self._areaWithAspectRatio(self.x0, self.y0, x1, y1) areaX0, areaY0, areaX1, areaY1 = area areaPoints = ((areaX0, areaY0), (areaX1, areaY0), (areaX1, areaY1), (areaX0, areaY1)) areaPoints = numpy.array([self.plot.pixelToData( x, y, check=False) for (x, y) in areaPoints]) if self.color != 'video inverted': areaColor = list(self.color) areaColor[3] *= 0.25 else: areaColor = [1., 1., 1., 1.] self.setSelectionArea(areaPoints, fill=None, color=areaColor, name="zoomedArea") corners = ((self.x0, self.y0), (self.x0, y1), (x1, y1), (x1, self.y0)) corners = numpy.array([self.plot.pixelToData(x, y, check=False) for (x, y) in corners]) self.setSelectionArea(corners, fill=None, color=self.color) def endDrag(self, startPos, endPos): x0, y0 = startPos x1, y1 = endPos if x0 != x1 or y0 != y1: # Avoid empty zoom area # Store current zoom state in stack xMin, xMax = self.plot.getGraphXLimits() yMin, yMax = self.plot.getGraphYLimits() y2Min, y2Max = self.plot.getGraphYLimits(axis="right") self.zoomStack.append((xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, y2Min, y2Max)) if self.plot.isKeepDataAspectRatio(): x0, y0, x1, y1 = self._areaWithAspectRatio(x0, y0, x1, y1) # Convert to data space and set limits x0, y0 = self.plot.pixelToData(x0, y0, check=False) dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData( startPos[0], startPos[1], axis="right", check=False) y2_0 = dataPos[1] x1, y1 = self.plot.pixelToData(x1, y1, check=False) dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData( endPos[0], endPos[1], axis="right", check=False) y2_1 = dataPos[1] xMin, xMax = min(x0, x1), max(x0, x1) yMin, yMax = min(y0, y1), max(y0, y1) y2Min, y2Max = min(y2_0, y2_1), max(y2_0, y2_1) self.plot.setLimits(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, y2Min, y2Max) self.resetSelectionArea() def cancel(self): if isinstance(self.state, self.states['drag']): self.resetSelectionArea() # Select ######################################################################
[docs]class Select(StateMachine, _PlotInteraction): """Base class for drawing selection areas.""" def __init__(self, plot, parameters, states, state): """Init a state machine. :param plot: The plot to apply changes to. :param dict parameters: A dict of parameters such as color. :param dict states: The states of the state machine. :param str state: The name of the initial state. """ _PlotInteraction.__init__(self, plot) self.parameters = parameters StateMachine.__init__(self, states, state) def onWheel(self, x, y, angle): scaleF = 1.1 if angle > 0 else 1./1.1 _applyZoomToPlot(self.plot, x, y, scaleF) @property def color(self): return self.parameters.get('color', None)
[docs]class SelectPolygon(Select): """Drawing selection polygon area state machine.""" class Idle(State): def onPress(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: self.goto('select', x, y) return True class Select(State): def enter(self, x, y): dataPos = self.machine.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None self.points = [dataPos, dataPos] def updateSelectionArea(self): self.machine.setSelectionArea(self.points, fill='hatch', color=self.machine.color) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingProgress', 'polygon', self.points, self.machine.parameters) self.machine.plot.notify(**eventDict) def onRelease(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: dataPos = self.machine.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None self.points[-1] = dataPos self.updateSelectionArea() if self.points[-2] != self.points[-1]: self.points.append(dataPos) return True def onMove(self, x, y): dataPos = self.machine.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None self.points[-1] = dataPos self.updateSelectionArea() def onPress(self, x, y, btn): if btn == RIGHT_BTN: self.machine.resetSelectionArea() dataPos = self.machine.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None self.points[-1] = dataPos if self.points[-2] == self.points[-1]: self.points.pop() self.points.append(self.points[0]) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingFinished', 'polygon', self.points, self.machine.parameters) self.machine.plot.notify(**eventDict) self.goto('idle') def __init__(self, plot, parameters): states = { 'idle': SelectPolygon.Idle, 'select': SelectPolygon.Select } super(SelectPolygon, self).__init__(plot, parameters, states, 'idle') def cancel(self): if isinstance(self.state, self.states['select']): self.resetSelectionArea()
[docs]class Select2Points(Select): """Base class for drawing selection based on 2 input points.""" class Idle(State): def onPress(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: self.goto('start', x, y) return True class Start(State): def enter(self, x, y): self.machine.beginSelect(x, y) def onMove(self, x, y): self.goto('select', x, y) def onRelease(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: self.goto('select', x, y) return True class Select(State): def enter(self, x, y): self.onMove(x, y) def onMove(self, x, y):, y) def onRelease(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: self.machine.endSelect(x, y) self.goto('idle') def __init__(self, plot, parameters): states = { 'idle': Select2Points.Idle, 'start': Select2Points.Start, 'select': Select2Points.Select } super(Select2Points, self).__init__(plot, parameters, states, 'idle') def beginSelect(self, x, y): pass def select(self, x, y): pass def endSelect(self, x, y): pass def cancelSelect(self): pass def cancel(self): if isinstance(self.state, self.states['select']): self.cancelSelect()
[docs]class SelectRectangle(Select2Points): """Drawing rectangle selection area state machine.""" def beginSelect(self, x, y): self.startPt = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert self.startPt is not None def select(self, x, y): dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None self.setSelectionArea((self.startPt, (self.startPt[0], dataPos[1]), dataPos, (dataPos[0], self.startPt[1])), fill='hatch', color=self.color) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingProgress', 'rectangle', (self.startPt, dataPos), self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def endSelect(self, x, y): self.resetSelectionArea() dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingFinished', 'rectangle', (self.startPt, dataPos), self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def cancelSelect(self): self.resetSelectionArea()
[docs]class SelectLine(Select2Points): """Drawing line selection area state machine.""" def beginSelect(self, x, y): self.startPt = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert self.startPt is not None def select(self, x, y): dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None self.setSelectionArea((self.startPt, dataPos), fill='hatch', color=self.color) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingProgress', 'line', (self.startPt, dataPos), self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def endSelect(self, x, y): self.resetSelectionArea() dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingFinished', 'line', (self.startPt, dataPos), self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def cancelSelect(self): self.resetSelectionArea()
[docs]class Select1Point(Select): """Base class for drawing selection area based on one input point.""" class Idle(State): def onPress(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: self.goto('select', x, y) return True class Select(State): def enter(self, x, y): self.onMove(x, y) def onMove(self, x, y):, y) def onRelease(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: self.machine.endSelect(x, y) self.goto('idle') def onWheel(self, x, y, angle): self.machine.onWheel(x, y, angle) # Call select default wheel, y) def __init__(self, plot, parameters): states = { 'idle': Select1Point.Idle, 'select': Select1Point.Select } super(Select1Point, self).__init__(plot, parameters, states, 'idle') def select(self, x, y): pass def endSelect(self, x, y): pass def cancelSelect(self): pass def cancel(self): if isinstance(self.state, self.states['select']): self.cancelSelect()
[docs]class SelectHLine(Select1Point): """Drawing a horizontal line selection area state machine.""" def _hLine(self, y): """Return points in data coords of the segment visible in the plot. Supports non-orthogonal axes. """ left, top, width, height = self.plot.getPlotBoundsInPixels() dataPos1 = self.plot.pixelToData(left, y, check=False) dataPos2 = self.plot.pixelToData(left + width, y, check=False) return dataPos1, dataPos2 def select(self, x, y): points = self._hLine(y) self.setSelectionArea(points, fill='hatch', color=self.color) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingProgress', 'hline', points, self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def endSelect(self, x, y): self.resetSelectionArea() eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingFinished', 'hline', self._hLine(y), self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def cancelSelect(self): self.resetSelectionArea()
[docs]class SelectVLine(Select1Point): """Drawing a vertical line selection area state machine.""" def _vLine(self, x): """Return points in data coords of the segment visible in the plot. Supports non-orthogonal axes. """ left, top, width, height = self.plot.getPlotBoundsInPixels() dataPos1 = self.plot.pixelToData(x, top, check=False) dataPos2 = self.plot.pixelToData(x, top + height, check=False) return dataPos1, dataPos2 def select(self, x, y): points = self._vLine(x) self.setSelectionArea(points, fill='hatch', color=self.color) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingProgress', 'vline', points, self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def endSelect(self, x, y): self.resetSelectionArea() eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingFinished', 'vline', self._vLine(x), self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def cancelSelect(self): self.resetSelectionArea() # ItemInteraction #############################################################
class ItemsInteraction(ClickOrDrag, _PlotInteraction): class Idle(ClickOrDrag.Idle): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(ItemsInteraction.Idle, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self._hoverMarker = None def onWheel(self, x, y, angle): scaleF = 1.1 if angle > 0 else 1./1.1 _applyZoomToPlot(self.machine.plot, x, y, scaleF) def onPress(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: marker = self.machine.plot._pickMarker( x, y, lambda marker: marker['selectable'] or marker['draggable']) if marker is not None: self.goto('clickOrDrag', x, y) return True else: picked = self.machine.plot._pickImageOrCurve( x, y, lambda item: (item['selectable'] or item.get('draggable', False))) if picked is not None: self.goto('clickOrDrag', x, y) return True return False def onMove(self, x, y): marker = self.machine.plot._pickMarker(x, y) if marker is not None: dataPos = self.machine.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None eventDict = prepareHoverSignal( marker['legend'], 'marker', dataPos, (x, y), marker['draggable'], marker['selectable']) self.machine.plot.notify(**eventDict) if marker != self._hoverMarker: self._hoverMarker = marker if marker is None: self.machine.plot.setGraphCursorShape() elif marker['draggable']: if marker['x'] is None: self.machine.plot.setGraphCursorShape(CURSOR_SIZE_VER) elif marker['y'] is None: self.machine.plot.setGraphCursorShape(CURSOR_SIZE_HOR) else: self.machine.plot.setGraphCursorShape(CURSOR_SIZE_ALL) elif marker['selectable']: self.machine.plot.setGraphCursorShape(CURSOR_POINTING) return True def __init__(self, plot): _PlotInteraction.__init__(self, plot) states = { 'idle': ItemsInteraction.Idle, 'clickOrDrag': ClickOrDrag.ClickOrDrag, 'drag': ClickOrDrag.Drag } StateMachine.__init__(self, states, 'idle') def click(self, x, y, btn): # Signal mouse clicked event dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None eventDict = prepareMouseSignal('mouseClicked', btn, dataPos[0], dataPos[1], x, y) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) if btn == LEFT_BTN: marker = self.plot._pickMarker( x, y, lambda marker: marker['selectable']) if marker is not None: xData, yData = marker['x'], marker['y'] if xData is None: xData = [0, 1] if yData is None: yData = [0, 1] eventDict = prepareMarkerSignal('markerClicked', 'left', marker['legend'], 'marker', marker['draggable'], marker['selectable'], (xData, yData), (x, y), None) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) else: picked = self.plot._pickImageOrCurve( x, y, lambda item: item['selectable']) if picked is None: pass elif picked[0] == 'curve': curve = picked[1] dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None eventDict = prepareCurveSignal('left', curve['legend'], 'curve', picked[2], picked[3], dataPos[0], dataPos[1], x, y) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) elif picked[0] == 'image': image = picked[1] dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None # Get corresponding coordinate in image column = int((dataPos[0] - image['origin'][0]) / float(image['scale'][0])) row = int((dataPos[1] - image['origin'][1]) / float(image['scale'][1])) eventDict = prepareImageSignal('left', image['legend'], 'image', column, row, dataPos[0], dataPos[1], x, y) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def _signalMarkerMovingEvent(self, eventType, marker, x, y): assert marker is not None xData, yData = marker['x'], marker['y'] if xData is None: xData = [0, 1] if yData is None: yData = [0, 1] posDataCursor = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert posDataCursor is not None eventDict = prepareMarkerSignal(eventType, 'left', marker['legend'], 'marker', marker['draggable'], marker['selectable'], (xData, yData), (x, y), posDataCursor) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def beginDrag(self, x, y): self._lastPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert self._lastPos is not None self.imageLegend = None self.markerLegend = None marker = self.plot._pickMarker( x, y, lambda marker: marker['draggable']) if marker is not None: self.markerLegend = marker['legend'] self._signalMarkerMovingEvent('markerMoving', marker, x, y) else: picked = self.plot._pickImageOrCurve( x, y, lambda item: item.get('draggable', False)) if picked is None: self.imageLegend = None self.plot.setGraphCursorShape() else: assert picked[0] == 'image' # For now only drag images self.imageLegend = picked[1]['legend'] def drag(self, x, y): dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None xData, yData = dataPos if self.markerLegend is not None: marker = self.plot._getMarker(self.markerLegend) if marker['constraint'] is not None: xData, yData = marker['constraint'](xData, yData) self.plot._moveMarker(self.markerLegend, xData, yData) self._signalMarkerMovingEvent( 'markerMoving', self.plot._getMarker(self.markerLegend), x, y) if self.imageLegend is not None: dx, dy = xData - self._lastPos[0], yData - self._lastPos[1] self.plot._moveImage(self.imageLegend, dx, dy) self._lastPos = xData, yData def endDrag(self, startPos, endPos): if self.markerLegend is not None: marker = self.plot._getMarker(self.markerLegend) posData = [marker['x'], marker['y']] if posData[0] is None: posData[0] = [0, 1] if posData[1] is None: posData[1] = [0, 1] eventDict = prepareMarkerSignal( 'markerMoved', 'left', marker['legend'], 'marker', marker['draggable'], marker['selectable'], posData) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) self.plot.setGraphCursorShape() del self.markerLegend del self.imageLegend del self._lastPos def cancel(self): self.plot.setGraphCursorShape() # FocusManager ################################################################
[docs]class FocusManager(StateMachine): """Manages focus across multiple event handlers On press an event handler can acquire focus. By default it looses focus when all buttons are released. """ class Idle(State): def onPress(self, x, y, btn): for eventHandler in self.machine.eventHandlers: requestFocus = eventHandler.handleEvent('press', x, y, btn) if requestFocus: self.goto('focus', eventHandler, btn) break def _processEvent(self, *args): for eventHandler in self.machine.eventHandlers: consumeEvent = eventHandler.handleEvent(*args) if consumeEvent: break def onMove(self, x, y): self._processEvent('move', x, y) def onRelease(self, x, y, btn): self._processEvent('release', x, y, btn) def onWheel(self, x, y, angle): self._processEvent('wheel', x, y, angle) class Focus(State): def enter(self, eventHandler, btn): self.eventHandler = eventHandler self.focusBtns = set((btn,)) def onPress(self, x, y, btn): self.focusBtns.add(btn) self.eventHandler.handleEvent('press', x, y, btn) def onMove(self, x, y): self.eventHandler.handleEvent('move', x, y) def onRelease(self, x, y, btn): self.focusBtns.discard(btn) requestFocus = self.eventHandler.handleEvent('release', x, y, btn) if len(self.focusBtns) == 0 and not requestFocus: self.goto('idle') def onWheel(self, x, y, angleInDegrees): self.eventHandler.handleEvent('wheel', x, y, angleInDegrees) def __init__(self, eventHandlers=()): self.eventHandlers = list(eventHandlers) states = { 'idle': FocusManager.Idle, 'focus': FocusManager.Focus } super(FocusManager, self).__init__(states, 'idle') def cancel(self): for handler in self.eventHandlers: handler.cancel()
[docs]class ZoomAndSelect(FocusManager): """Combine Zoom and ItemInteraction state machine.""" def __init__(self, plot, color): eventHandlers = ItemsInteraction(plot), Zoom(plot, color) super(ZoomAndSelect, self).__init__(eventHandlers) @property def color(self): return self.eventHandlers[1].color # Interaction mode control ####################################################
[docs]class PlotInteraction(object): """Proxy to currently use state machine for interaction. This allows to switch interactive mode. :param plot: The :class:`Plot` to apply interaction to """ _DRAW_MODES = { 'polygon': SelectPolygon, 'rectangle': SelectRectangle, 'line': SelectLine, 'vline': SelectVLine, 'hline': SelectHLine, } def __init__(self, plot): self._plot = weakref.ref(plot) # Avoid cyclic-ref self.zoomOnWheel = True """True to enable zoom on wheel, False otherwise.""" # Default event handler self._eventHandler = ItemsInteraction(plot)
[docs] def getInteractiveMode(self): """Returns the current interactive mode as a dict. The returned dict contains at least the key 'mode'. Mode can be: 'draw', 'pan', 'select', 'zoom'. It can also contains extra keys (e.g., 'color') specific to a mode as provided to :meth:`setInteractiveMode`. """ if isinstance(self._eventHandler, ZoomAndSelect): return {'mode': 'zoom', 'color': self._eventHandler.color} elif isinstance(self._eventHandler, Select): result = self._eventHandler.parameters.copy() result['mode'] = 'draw' return result elif isinstance(self._eventHandler, Pan): return {'mode': 'pan'} else: return {'mode': 'select'}
[docs] def setInteractiveMode(self, mode, color='black', shape='polygon', label=None): """Switch the interactive mode. :param str mode: The name of the interactive mode. In 'draw', 'pan', 'select', 'zoom'. :param color: Only for 'draw' and 'zoom' modes. Color to use for drawing selection area. Default black. :type color: Color description: The name as a str or a tuple of 4 floats. :param str shape: Only for 'draw' mode. The kind of shape to draw. In 'polygon', 'rectangle', 'line', 'vline', 'hline'. Default is 'polygon'. :param str label: Only for 'draw' mode. """ assert mode in ('draw', 'pan', 'select', 'zoom') plot = self._plot() assert plot is not None if mode == 'draw': assert shape in self._DRAW_MODES eventHandlerClass = self._DRAW_MODES[shape] parameters = { 'shape': shape, 'label': label, 'color': Colors.rgba(color) } self._eventHandler.cancel() self._eventHandler = eventHandlerClass(plot, parameters) elif mode == 'pan': # Ignores color, shape and label self._eventHandler.cancel() self._eventHandler = Pan(plot) elif mode == 'zoom': # Ignores shape and label if color != 'video inverted': color = Colors.rgba(color) self._eventHandler.cancel() self._eventHandler = ZoomAndSelect(plot, color) else: # Default mode: interaction with plot objects # Ignores color, shape and label self._eventHandler.cancel() self._eventHandler = ItemsInteraction(plot)
[docs] def handleEvent(self, event, *args, **kwargs): """Forward event to current interactive mode state machine.""" if not self.zoomOnWheel and event == 'wheel': return # Discard wheel events self._eventHandler.handleEvent(event, *args, **kwargs)