Source code for silx.gui.plot.MaskToolsWidget

# coding: utf-8
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"""Widget providing a set of tools to draw masks on a PlotWidget.

This widget is meant to work with :class:`silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget`.

- :class:`ImageMask`: Handle mask bitmap update and history
- :class:`MaskToolsWidget`: GUI for :class:`Mask`
- :class:`MaskToolsDockWidget`: DockWidget to integrate in :class:`PlotWindow`
from __future__ import division

__authors__ = ["T. Vincent", "P. Knobel"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "15/02/2019"

import os
import sys
import numpy
import logging
import collections
import h5py

from silx.image import shapes
from import NEXUS_HDF5_EXT, is_dataset
from silx.gui.dialog.DatasetDialog import DatasetDialog

from ._BaseMaskToolsWidget import BaseMask, BaseMaskToolsWidget, BaseMaskToolsDockWidget
from . import items
from ..colors import cursorColorForColormap, rgba
from .. import qt

from silx.third_party.EdfFile import EdfFile
from silx.third_party.TiffIO import TiffIO

import fabio

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_HDF5_EXT_STR = ' '.join(['*' + ext for ext in NEXUS_HDF5_EXT])

def _selectDataset(filename, mode=DatasetDialog.SaveMode):
    """Open a dialog to prompt the user to select a dataset in
    a hdf5 file.

    :param str filename: name of an existing HDF5 file
    :param mode: DatasetDialog.SaveMode or DatasetDialog.LoadMode
    :rtype: str
    :return: Name of selected dataset
    dialog = DatasetDialog()
    dialog.setWindowTitle("Select a 2D dataset")
    if not dialog.exec_():
        return None
    return dialog.getSelectedDataUrl().data_path()

[docs]class ImageMask(BaseMask): """A 2D mask field with update operations. Coords follows (row, column) convention and are in mask array coords. This is meant for internal use by :class:`MaskToolsWidget`. """ def __init__(self, image=None): """ :param image: :class:`silx.gui.plot.items.ImageBase` instance """ BaseMask.__init__(self, image) self.reset(shape=(0, 0)) # Init the mask with a 2D shape
[docs] def getDataValues(self): """Return image data as a 2D or 3D array (if it is a RGBA image). :rtype: 2D or 3D numpy.ndarray """ return self._dataItem.getData(copy=False)
[docs] def save(self, filename, kind): """Save current mask in a file :param str filename: The file where to save to mask :param str kind: The kind of file to save in 'edf', 'tif', 'npy', 'h5' or 'msk' (if FabIO is installed) :raise Exception: Raised if the file writing fail """ if kind == 'edf': edfFile = EdfFile(filename, access="w+") edfFile.WriteImage({}, self.getMask(copy=False), Append=0) elif kind == 'tif': tiffFile = TiffIO(filename, mode='w') tiffFile.writeImage(self.getMask(copy=False), software='silx') elif kind == 'npy': try:, self.getMask(copy=False)) except IOError: raise RuntimeError("Mask file can't be written") elif ("." + kind) in NEXUS_HDF5_EXT: self._saveToHdf5(filename, self.getMask(copy=False)) elif kind == 'msk': try: data = self.getMask(copy=False) image = fabio.fabioimage.FabioImage(data=data) image = image.convert(fabio.fit2dmaskimage.Fit2dMaskImage) except Exception: _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True) raise RuntimeError("Mask file can't be written") else: raise ValueError("Format '%s' is not supported" % kind)
@staticmethod def _saveToHdf5(filename, mask): """Save a mask array to a HDF5 file. :param str filename: name of an existing HDF5 file :param numpy.ndarray mask: Mask array. :returns: True if operation succeeded, False otherwise. """ if not os.path.exists(filename): # create new file with h5py.File(filename, "w") as _h5f: pass dataPath = _selectDataset(filename) if dataPath is None: return False with h5py.File(filename, "a") as h5f: existing_ds = h5f.get(dataPath) if existing_ds is not None: reply = qt.QMessageBox.question( None, "Confirm overwrite", "Do you want to overwrite an existing dataset?", qt.QMessageBox.Yes | qt.QMessageBox.No) if reply != qt.QMessageBox.Yes: return False del h5f[dataPath] try: h5f.create_dataset(dataPath, data=mask) except Exception: return False return True # Drawing operations
[docs] def updateRectangle(self, level, row, col, height, width, mask=True): """Mask/Unmask a rectangle of the given mask level. :param int level: Mask level to update. :param int row: Starting row of the rectangle :param int col: Starting column of the rectangle :param int height: :param int width: :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask. """ assert 0 < level < 256 selection = self._mask[max(0, row):row + height + 1, max(0, col):col + width + 1] if mask: selection[:, :] = level else: selection[selection == level] = 0 self._notify()
[docs] def updatePolygon(self, level, vertices, mask=True): """Mask/Unmask a polygon of the given mask level. :param int level: Mask level to update. :param vertices: Nx2 array of polygon corners as (row, col) :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask. """ fill = shapes.polygon_fill_mask(vertices, self._mask.shape) if mask: self._mask[fill != 0] = level else: self._mask[numpy.logical_and(fill != 0, self._mask == level)] = 0 self._notify()
[docs] def updatePoints(self, level, rows, cols, mask=True): """Mask/Unmask points with given coordinates. :param int level: Mask level to update. :param rows: Rows of selected points :type rows: 1D numpy.ndarray :param cols: Columns of selected points :type cols: 1D numpy.ndarray :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask. """ valid = numpy.logical_and( numpy.logical_and(rows >= 0, cols >= 0), numpy.logical_and(rows < self._mask.shape[0], cols < self._mask.shape[1])) rows, cols = rows[valid], cols[valid] if mask: self._mask[rows, cols] = level else: inMask = self._mask[rows, cols] == level self._mask[rows[inMask], cols[inMask]] = 0 self._notify()
[docs] def updateDisk(self, level, crow, ccol, radius, mask=True): """Mask/Unmask a disk of the given mask level. :param int level: Mask level to update. :param int crow: Disk center row. :param int ccol: Disk center column. :param float radius: Radius of the disk in mask array unit :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask. """ rows, cols = shapes.circle_fill(crow, ccol, radius) self.updatePoints(level, rows, cols, mask)
[docs] def updateEllipse(self, level, crow, ccol, radius_r, radius_c, mask=True): """Mask/Unmask an ellipse of the given mask level. :param int level: Mask level to update. :param int crow: Row of the center of the ellipse :param int ccol: Column of the center of the ellipse :param float radius_r: Radius of the ellipse in the row :param float radius_c: Radius of the ellipse in the column :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask. """ rows, cols = shapes.ellipse_fill(crow, ccol, radius_r, radius_c) self.updatePoints(level, rows, cols, mask)
[docs] def updateLine(self, level, row0, col0, row1, col1, width, mask=True): """Mask/Unmask a line of the given mask level. :param int level: Mask level to update. :param int row0: Row of the starting point. :param int col0: Column of the starting point. :param int row1: Row of the end point. :param int col1: Column of the end point. :param int width: Width of the line in mask array unit. :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask. """ rows, cols = shapes.draw_line(row0, col0, row1, col1, width) self.updatePoints(level, rows, cols, mask)
[docs]class MaskToolsWidget(BaseMaskToolsWidget): """Widget with tools for drawing mask on an image in a PlotWidget.""" _maxLevelNumber = 255 def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None): super(MaskToolsWidget, self).__init__(parent, plot, mask=ImageMask()) self._origin = (0., 0.) # Mask origin in plot self._scale = (1., 1.) # Mask scale in plot self._z = 1 # Mask layer in plot self._data = numpy.zeros((0, 0), dtype=numpy.uint8) # Store image
[docs] def setSelectionMask(self, mask, copy=True): """Set the mask to a new array. :param numpy.ndarray mask: The array to use for the mask or None to reset the mask. :type mask: numpy.ndarray of uint8 of dimension 2, C-contiguous. Array of other types are converted. :param bool copy: True (the default) to copy the array, False to use it as is if possible. :return: None if failed, shape of mask as 2-tuple if successful. The mask can be cropped or padded to fit active image, the returned shape is that of the active image. """ if mask is None: self.resetSelectionMask() return self._data.shape[:2] mask = numpy.array(mask, copy=False, dtype=numpy.uint8) if len(mask.shape) != 2: _logger.error('Not an image, shape: %d', len(mask.shape)) return None # Handle mask with single level if self.multipleMasks() == 'single': mask = numpy.array(mask != 0, dtype=numpy.uint8) # if mask has not changed, do nothing if numpy.array_equal(mask, self.getSelectionMask()): return mask.shape # ensure all mask attributes are synchronized with the active image # and connect listener activeImage = self.plot.getActiveImage() if activeImage is not None and activeImage.getLegend() != self._maskName: self._activeImageChanged() self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.connect(self._activeImageChanged) if self._data.shape[0:2] == (0, 0) or mask.shape == self._data.shape[0:2]: self._mask.setMask(mask, copy=copy) self._mask.commit() return mask.shape else: _logger.warning('Mask has not the same size as current image.' ' Mask will be cropped or padded to fit image' ' dimensions. %s != %s', str(mask.shape), str(self._data.shape)) resizedMask = numpy.zeros(self._data.shape[0:2], dtype=numpy.uint8) height = min(self._data.shape[0], mask.shape[0]) width = min(self._data.shape[1], mask.shape[1]) resizedMask[:height, :width] = mask[:height, :width] self._mask.setMask(resizedMask, copy=False) self._mask.commit() return resizedMask.shape
# Handle mask refresh on the plot def _updatePlotMask(self): """Update mask image in plot""" mask = self.getSelectionMask(copy=False) if mask is not None: # get the mask from the plot maskItem = self.plot.getImage(self._maskName) mustBeAdded = maskItem is None if mustBeAdded: maskItem = items.MaskImageData() maskItem._setLegend(self._maskName) # update the items maskItem.setData(mask, copy=False) maskItem.setColormap(self._colormap) maskItem.setOrigin(self._origin) maskItem.setScale(self._scale) maskItem.setZValue(self._z) if mustBeAdded: self.plot._add(maskItem) elif self.plot.getImage(self._maskName): self.plot.remove(self._maskName, kind='image') def showEvent(self, event): try: self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.disconnect( self._activeImageChangedAfterCare) except (RuntimeError, TypeError): pass self._activeImageChanged() # Init mask + enable/disable widget self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.connect(self._activeImageChanged) def hideEvent(self, event): try: self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.disconnect( self._activeImageChanged) except (RuntimeError, TypeError): pass if self.isMaskInteractionActivated(): # Disable drawing tool self.browseAction.trigger() if self.getSelectionMask(copy=False) is not None: self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.connect( self._activeImageChangedAfterCare) def _setOverlayColorForImage(self, image): """Set the color of overlay adapted to image :param image: :class:`.items.ImageBase` object to set color for. """ if isinstance(image, items.ColormapMixIn): colormap = image.getColormap() self._defaultOverlayColor = rgba( cursorColorForColormap(colormap['name'])) else: self._defaultOverlayColor = rgba('black') def _activeImageChangedAfterCare(self, *args): """Check synchro of active image and mask when mask widget is hidden. If active image has no more the same size as the mask, the mask is removed, otherwise it is adjusted to origin, scale and z. """ activeImage = self.plot.getActiveImage() if activeImage is None or activeImage.getLegend() == self._maskName: # No active image or active image is the mask... self._data = numpy.zeros((0, 0), dtype=numpy.uint8) self._mask.setDataItem(None) self._mask.reset() if self.plot.getImage(self._maskName): self.plot.remove(self._maskName, kind='image') self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.disconnect( self._activeImageChangedAfterCare) else: self._setOverlayColorForImage(activeImage) self._setMaskColors(self.levelSpinBox.value(), self.transparencySlider.value() / self.transparencySlider.maximum()) self._origin = activeImage.getOrigin() self._scale = activeImage.getScale() self._z = activeImage.getZValue() + 1 self._data = activeImage.getData(copy=False) if self._data.shape[:2] != self._mask.getMask(copy=False).shape: # Image has not the same size, remove mask and stop listening if self.plot.getImage(self._maskName): self.plot.remove(self._maskName, kind='image') self.plot.sigActiveImageChanged.disconnect( self._activeImageChangedAfterCare) else: # Refresh in case origin, scale, z changed self._mask.setDataItem(activeImage) self._updatePlotMask() def _activeImageChanged(self, *args): """Update widget and mask according to active image changes""" activeImage = self.plot.getActiveImage() if (activeImage is None or activeImage.getLegend() == self._maskName or activeImage.getData(copy=False).size == 0): # No active image or active image is the mask or image has no data... self.setEnabled(False) self._data = numpy.zeros((0, 0), dtype=numpy.uint8) self._mask.reset() self._mask.commit() else: # There is an active image self.setEnabled(True) self._setOverlayColorForImage(activeImage) self._setMaskColors(self.levelSpinBox.value(), self.transparencySlider.value() / self.transparencySlider.maximum()) self._origin = activeImage.getOrigin() self._scale = activeImage.getScale() self._z = activeImage.getZValue() + 1 self._data = activeImage.getData(copy=False) self._mask.setDataItem(activeImage) if self._data.shape[:2] != self._mask.getMask(copy=False).shape: self._mask.reset(self._data.shape[:2]) self._mask.commit() else: # Refresh in case origin, scale, z changed self._updatePlotMask() # Threshold tools only available for data with colormap self.thresholdGroup.setEnabled(self._data.ndim == 2) self._updateInteractiveMode() # Handle whole mask operations
[docs] def load(self, filename): """Load a mask from an image file. :param str filename: File name from which to load the mask :raise Exception: An exception in case of failure :raise RuntimeWarning: In case the mask was applied but with some import changes to notice """ _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) extension = extension.lower()[1:] if extension == "npy": try: mask = numpy.load(filename) except IOError: _logger.error("Can't load filename '%s'", filename) _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True) raise RuntimeError('File "%s" is not a numpy file.', filename) elif extension in ["tif", "tiff"]: try: image = TiffIO(filename, mode="r") mask = image.getImage(0) except Exception as e: _logger.error("Can't load filename %s", filename) _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True) raise e elif extension == "edf": try: mask = EdfFile(filename, access='r').GetData(0) except Exception as e: _logger.error("Can't load filename %s", filename) _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True) raise e elif extension == "msk": try: mask = except Exception as e: _logger.error("Can't load fit2d mask file") _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True) raise e elif ("." + extension) in NEXUS_HDF5_EXT: mask = self._loadFromHdf5(filename) if mask is None: raise IOError("Could not load mask from HDF5 dataset") else: msg = "Extension '%s' is not supported." raise RuntimeError(msg % extension) effectiveMaskShape = self.setSelectionMask(mask, copy=False) if effectiveMaskShape is None: return if mask.shape != effectiveMaskShape: msg = 'Mask was resized from %s to %s' msg = msg % (str(mask.shape), str(effectiveMaskShape)) raise RuntimeWarning(msg)
def _loadMask(self): """Open load mask dialog""" dialog = qt.QFileDialog(self) dialog.setWindowTitle("Load Mask") dialog.setModal(1) extensions = collections.OrderedDict() extensions["EDF files"] = "*.edf" extensions["TIFF files"] = "*.tif *.tiff" extensions["NumPy binary files"] = "*.npy" extensions["HDF5 files"] = _HDF5_EXT_STR # Fit2D mask is displayed anyway fabio is here or not # to show to the user that the option exists extensions["Fit2D mask files"] = "*.msk" filters = [] filters.append("All supported files (%s)" % " ".join(extensions.values())) for name, extension in extensions.items(): filters.append("%s (%s)" % (name, extension)) filters.append("All files (*)") dialog.setNameFilters(filters) dialog.setFileMode(qt.QFileDialog.ExistingFile) dialog.setDirectory(self.maskFileDir) if not dialog.exec_(): dialog.close() return filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0] dialog.close() self.maskFileDir = os.path.dirname(filename) try: self.load(filename) except RuntimeWarning as e: message = e.args[0] msg = qt.QMessageBox(self) msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Warning) msg.setText("Mask loaded but an operation was applied.\n" + message) msg.exec_() except Exception as e: message = e.args[0] msg = qt.QMessageBox(self) msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText("Cannot load mask from file. " + message) msg.exec_() @staticmethod def _loadFromHdf5(filename): """Load a mask array from a HDF5 file. :param str filename: name of an existing HDF5 file :returns: A mask as a numpy array, or None if the interactive dialog was cancelled """ dataPath = _selectDataset(filename, mode=DatasetDialog.LoadMode) if dataPath is None: return None with h5py.File(filename, "r") as h5f: dataset = h5f.get(dataPath) if not is_dataset(dataset): raise IOError("%s is not a dataset" % dataPath) mask = dataset[()] return mask def _saveMask(self): """Open Save mask dialog""" dialog = qt.QFileDialog(self) dialog.setWindowTitle("Save Mask") dialog.setOption(dialog.DontUseNativeDialog) dialog.setModal(1) hdf5Filter = 'HDF5 (%s)' % _HDF5_EXT_STR filters = [ 'EDF (*.edf)', 'TIFF (*.tif)', 'NumPy binary file (*.npy)', hdf5Filter, # Fit2D mask is displayed anyway fabio is here or not # to show to the user that the option exists 'Fit2D mask (*.msk)', ] dialog.setNameFilters(filters) dialog.setFileMode(qt.QFileDialog.AnyFile) dialog.setAcceptMode(qt.QFileDialog.AcceptSave) dialog.setDirectory(self.maskFileDir) def onFilterSelection(filt_): # disable overwrite confirmation for HDF5, # because we append the data to existing files if filt_ == hdf5Filter: dialog.setOption(dialog.DontConfirmOverwrite) else: dialog.setOption(dialog.DontConfirmOverwrite, False) dialog.filterSelected.connect(onFilterSelection) if not dialog.exec_(): dialog.close() return nameFilter = dialog.selectedNameFilter() filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0] dialog.close() if "HDF5" in nameFilter: has_allowed_ext = False for ext in NEXUS_HDF5_EXT: if (len(filename) > len(ext) and filename[-len(ext):].lower() == ext.lower()): has_allowed_ext = True extension = ext if not has_allowed_ext: extension = ".h5" filename += ".h5" else: # convert filter name to extension name with the . extension = nameFilter.split()[-1][2:-1] if not filename.lower().endswith(extension): filename += extension if os.path.exists(filename) and "HDF5" not in nameFilter: try: os.remove(filename) except IOError: msg = qt.QMessageBox(self) msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText("Cannot save.\n" "Input Output Error: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[1])) msg.exec_() return self.maskFileDir = os.path.dirname(filename) try:, extension[1:]) except Exception as e: raise msg = qt.QMessageBox(self) msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText("Cannot save file %s\n%s" % (filename, e.args[0])) msg.exec_()
[docs] def resetSelectionMask(self): """Reset the mask""" self._mask.reset(shape=self._data.shape[:2]) self._mask.commit()
def _plotDrawEvent(self, event): """Handle draw events from the plot""" if (self._drawingMode is None or event['event'] not in ('drawingProgress', 'drawingFinished')): return if not len(self._data): return level = self.levelSpinBox.value() if self._drawingMode == 'rectangle': if event['event'] == 'drawingFinished': # Convert from plot to array coords doMask = self._isMasking() ox, oy = self._origin sx, sy = self._scale height = int(abs(event['height'] / sy)) width = int(abs(event['width'] / sx)) row = int((event['y'] - oy) / sy) if sy < 0: row -= height col = int((event['x'] - ox) / sx) if sx < 0: col -= width self._mask.updateRectangle( level, row=row, col=col, height=height, width=width, mask=doMask) self._mask.commit() elif self._drawingMode == 'ellipse': if event['event'] == 'drawingFinished': doMask = self._isMasking() # Convert from plot to array coords center = (event['points'][0] - self._origin) / self._scale size = event['points'][1] / self._scale center = center.astype( # (row, col) self._mask.updateEllipse(level, center[1], center[0], size[1], size[0], doMask) self._mask.commit() elif self._drawingMode == 'polygon': if event['event'] == 'drawingFinished': doMask = self._isMasking() # Convert from plot to array coords vertices = (event['points'] - self._origin) / self._scale vertices = vertices.astype([:, (1, 0)] # (row, col) self._mask.updatePolygon(level, vertices, doMask) self._mask.commit() elif self._drawingMode == 'pencil': doMask = self._isMasking() # convert from plot to array coords col, row = (event['points'][-1] - self._origin) / self._scale col, row = int(col), int(row) brushSize = self._getPencilWidth() if self._lastPencilPos != (row, col): if self._lastPencilPos is not None: # Draw the line self._mask.updateLine( level, self._lastPencilPos[0], self._lastPencilPos[1], row, col, brushSize, doMask) # Draw the very first, or last point self._mask.updateDisk(level, row, col, brushSize / 2., doMask) if event['event'] == 'drawingFinished': self._mask.commit() self._lastPencilPos = None else: self._lastPencilPos = row, col else: _logger.error("Drawing mode %s unsupported", self._drawingMode) def _loadRangeFromColormapTriggered(self): """Set range from active image colormap range""" activeImage = self.plot.getActiveImage() if (isinstance(activeImage, items.ColormapMixIn) and activeImage.getLegend() != self._maskName): # Update thresholds according to colormap colormap = activeImage.getColormap() if colormap['autoscale']: min_ = numpy.nanmin(activeImage.getData(copy=False)) max_ = numpy.nanmax(activeImage.getData(copy=False)) else: min_, max_ = colormap['vmin'], colormap['vmax'] self.minLineEdit.setText(str(min_)) self.maxLineEdit.setText(str(max_))
[docs]class MaskToolsDockWidget(BaseMaskToolsDockWidget): """:class:`MaskToolsWidget` embedded in a QDockWidget. For integration in a :class:`PlotWindow`. :param parent: See :class:`QDockWidget` :param plot: The PlotWidget this widget is operating on :paran str name: The title of this widget """ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, name='Mask'): widget = MaskToolsWidget(plot=plot) super(MaskToolsDockWidget, self).__init__(parent, name, widget)