Source code for silx.gui.plot3d.items.scatter

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"""This module provides 2D and 3D scatter data item class.

from __future__ import absolute_import

__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "15/11/2017"

    from collections import abc
except ImportError:  # Python2 support
    import collections as abc
import logging
import numpy

from ....utils.deprecation import deprecated
from ... import _glutils as glu
from ...plot._utils.delaunay import delaunay
from ..scene import function, primitives, utils

from ...plot.items import ScatterVisualizationMixIn
from .core import DataItem3D, Item3DChangedType, ItemChangedType
from .mixins import ColormapMixIn, SymbolMixIn
from ._pick import PickingResult

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Scatter3D(DataItem3D, ColormapMixIn, SymbolMixIn): """Description of a 3D scatter plot. :param parent: The View widget this item belongs to. """ # TODO supports different size for each point def __init__(self, parent=None): DataItem3D.__init__(self, parent=parent) ColormapMixIn.__init__(self) SymbolMixIn.__init__(self) noData = numpy.zeros((0, 1), dtype=numpy.float32) symbol, size = self._getSceneSymbol() self._scatter = primitives.Points( x=noData, y=noData, z=noData, value=noData, size=size) self._scatter.marker = symbol self._getScenePrimitive().children.append(self._scatter) # Connect scene primitive to mix-in class ColormapMixIn._setSceneColormap(self, self._scatter.colormap) def _updated(self, event=None): """Handle mix-in class updates""" if event in (ItemChangedType.SYMBOL, ItemChangedType.SYMBOL_SIZE): symbol, size = self._getSceneSymbol() self._scatter.marker = symbol self._scatter.setAttribute('size', size, copy=True) super(Scatter3D, self)._updated(event)
[docs] def setData(self, x, y, z, value, copy=True): """Set the data of the scatter plot :param numpy.ndarray x: Array of X coordinates (single value not accepted) :param y: Points Y coordinate (array-like or single value) :param z: Points Z coordinate (array-like or single value) :param value: Points values (array-like or single value) :param bool copy: True (default) to copy the data, False to use provided data (do not modify!) """ self._scatter.setAttribute('x', x, copy=copy) self._scatter.setAttribute('y', y, copy=copy) self._scatter.setAttribute('z', z, copy=copy) self._scatter.setAttribute('value', value, copy=copy) ColormapMixIn._setRangeFromData(self, self.getValueData(copy=False)) self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
[docs] def getData(self, copy=True): """Returns data as provided to :meth:`setData`. :param bool copy: True to get a copy, False to return internal data (do not modify!) :return: (x, y, z, value) """ return (self.getXData(copy), self.getYData(copy), self.getZData(copy), self.getValueData(copy))
[docs] def getXData(self, copy=True): """Returns X data coordinates. :param bool copy: True to get a copy, False to return internal array (do not modify!) :return: X coordinates :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self._scatter.getAttribute('x', copy=copy).reshape(-1)
[docs] def getYData(self, copy=True): """Returns Y data coordinates. :param bool copy: True to get a copy, False to return internal array (do not modify!) :return: Y coordinates :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self._scatter.getAttribute('y', copy=copy).reshape(-1)
[docs] def getZData(self, copy=True): """Returns Z data coordinates. :param bool copy: True to get a copy, False to return internal array (do not modify!) :return: Z coordinates :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self._scatter.getAttribute('z', copy=copy).reshape(-1)
[docs] def getValueData(self, copy=True): """Returns data values. :param bool copy: True to get a copy, False to return internal array (do not modify!) :return: data values :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self._scatter.getAttribute('value', copy=copy).reshape(-1)
@deprecated(reason="Consistency with PlotWidget items", replacement="getValueData", since_version="0.10.0") def getValues(self, copy=True): return self.getValueData(copy) def _pickFull(self, context, threshold=0., sort='depth'): """Perform picking in this item at given widget position. :param PickContext context: Current picking context :param float threshold: Picking threshold in pixel. Perform picking in a square of size threshold x threshold. :param str sort: How returned indices are sorted: - 'index' (default): sort by the value of the indices - 'depth': Sort by the depth of the points from the current camera point of view. :return: Object holding the results or None :rtype: Union[None,PickingResult] """ assert sort in ('index', 'depth') rayNdc = context.getPickingSegment(frame='ndc') if rayNdc is None: # No picking outside viewport return None # Project data to NDC xData = self.getXData(copy=False) if len(xData) == 0: # No data in the scatter return None primitive = self._getScenePrimitive() dataPoints = numpy.transpose((xData, self.getYData(copy=False), self.getZData(copy=False), numpy.ones_like(xData))) pointsNdc = primitive.objectToNDCTransform.transformPoints( dataPoints, perspectiveDivide=True) # Perform picking distancesNdc = numpy.abs(pointsNdc[:, :2] - rayNdc[0, :2]) # TODO issue with symbol size: using pixel instead of points threshold += self.getSymbolSize() thresholdNdc = 2. * threshold / numpy.array(primitive.viewport.size) picked = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and( numpy.all(distancesNdc < thresholdNdc, axis=1), numpy.logical_and(rayNdc[0, 2] <= pointsNdc[:, 2], pointsNdc[:, 2] <= rayNdc[1, 2])))[0] if sort == 'depth': # Sort picked points from front to back picked = picked[numpy.argsort(pointsNdc[picked, 2])] if picked.size > 0: return PickingResult(self, positions=dataPoints[picked, :3], indices=picked, fetchdata=self.getValueData) else: return None
[docs]class Scatter2D(DataItem3D, ColormapMixIn, SymbolMixIn, ScatterVisualizationMixIn): """2D scatter data with settable visualization mode. :param parent: The View widget this item belongs to. """ _VISUALIZATION_PROPERTIES = { ScatterVisualizationMixIn.Visualization.POINTS: ('symbol', 'symbolSize'), ScatterVisualizationMixIn.Visualization.LINES: ('lineWidth',), ScatterVisualizationMixIn.Visualization.SOLID: (), } """Dict {visualization mode: property names used in this mode}""" def __init__(self, parent=None): DataItem3D.__init__(self, parent=parent) ColormapMixIn.__init__(self) SymbolMixIn.__init__(self) ScatterVisualizationMixIn.__init__(self) self._heightMap = False self._lineWidth = 1. self._x = numpy.zeros((0,), dtype=numpy.float32) self._y = numpy.zeros((0,), dtype=numpy.float32) self._value = numpy.zeros((0,), dtype=numpy.float32) self._cachedLinesIndices = None self._cachedTrianglesIndices = None # Connect scene primitive to mix-in class ColormapMixIn._setSceneColormap(self, function.Colormap()) def _updated(self, event=None): """Handle mix-in class updates""" if event in (ItemChangedType.SYMBOL, ItemChangedType.SYMBOL_SIZE): symbol, size = self._getSceneSymbol() for child in self._getScenePrimitive().children: if isinstance(child, primitives.Points): child.marker = symbol child.setAttribute('size', size, copy=True) elif event is ItemChangedType.VISIBLE: # TODO smart update?, need dirty flags self._updateScene() elif event is ItemChangedType.VISUALIZATION_MODE: self._updateScene() super(Scatter2D, self)._updated(event)
[docs] def isPropertyEnabled(self, name, visualization=None): """Returns true if the property is used with visualization mode. :param str name: The name of the property to check, in: 'lineWidth', 'symbol', 'symbolSize' :param str visualization: The visualization mode for which to get the info. By default, it is the current visualization mode. :return: """ assert name in ('lineWidth', 'symbol', 'symbolSize') if visualization is None: visualization = self.getVisualization() assert visualization in self.supportedVisualizations() return name in self._VISUALIZATION_PROPERTIES[visualization]
[docs] def setHeightMap(self, heightMap): """Set whether to display the data has a height map or not. When displayed as a height map, the data values are used as z coordinates. :param bool heightMap: True to display a height map, False to display as 2D data with z=0 """ heightMap = bool(heightMap) if heightMap != self.isHeightMap(): self._heightMap = heightMap self._updateScene() self._updated(Item3DChangedType.HEIGHT_MAP)
[docs] def isHeightMap(self): """Returns True if data is displayed as a height map. :rtype: bool """ return self._heightMap
[docs] def getLineWidth(self): """Return the curve line width in pixels (float)""" return self._lineWidth
[docs] def setLineWidth(self, width): """Set the width in pixel of the curve line See :meth:`getLineWidth`. :param float width: Width in pixels """ width = float(width) assert width >= 1. if width != self._lineWidth: self._lineWidth = width for child in self._getScenePrimitive().children: if hasattr(child, 'lineWidth'): child.lineWidth = width self._updated(ItemChangedType.LINE_WIDTH)
[docs] def setData(self, x, y, value, copy=True): """Set the data represented by this item. Provided arrays must have the same length. :param numpy.ndarray x: X coordinates (array-like) :param numpy.ndarray y: Y coordinates (array-like) :param value: Points value: array-like or single scalar :param bool copy: True (default) to make a copy of the data, False to avoid copy if possible (do not modify the arrays). """ x = numpy.array( x, copy=copy, dtype=numpy.float32, order='C').reshape(-1) y = numpy.array( y, copy=copy, dtype=numpy.float32, order='C').reshape(-1) assert len(x) == len(y) if isinstance(value, abc.Iterable): value = numpy.array( value, copy=copy, dtype=numpy.float32, order='C').reshape(-1) assert len(value) == len(x) else: # Single scalar value = numpy.array((float(value),), dtype=numpy.float32) self._x = x self._y = y self._value = value # Reset cache self._cachedLinesIndices = None self._cachedTrianglesIndices = None # Store data range info ColormapMixIn._setRangeFromData(self, self.getValueData(copy=False)) self._updateScene() self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
[docs] def getData(self, copy=True): """Returns data as provided to :meth:`setData`. :param bool copy: True to get a copy, False to return internal data (do not modify!) :return: (x, y, value) """ return (self.getXData(copy=copy), self.getYData(copy=copy), self.getValueData(copy=copy))
[docs] def getXData(self, copy=True): """Returns X data coordinates. :param bool copy: True to get a copy, False to return internal array (do not modify!) :return: X coordinates :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return numpy.array(self._x, copy=copy)
[docs] def getYData(self, copy=True): """Returns Y data coordinates. :param bool copy: True to get a copy, False to return internal array (do not modify!) :return: Y coordinates :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return numpy.array(self._y, copy=copy)
[docs] def getValueData(self, copy=True): """Returns data values. :param bool copy: True to get a copy, False to return internal array (do not modify!) :return: data values :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return numpy.array(self._value, copy=copy)
@deprecated(reason="Consistency with PlotWidget items", replacement="getValueData", since_version="0.10.0") def getValues(self, copy=True): return self.getValueData(copy) def _pickPoints(self, context, points, threshold=1., sort='depth'): """Perform picking while in 'points' visualization mode :param PickContext context: Current picking context :param float threshold: Picking threshold in pixel. Perform picking in a square of size threshold x threshold. :param str sort: How returned indices are sorted: - 'index' (default): sort by the value of the indices - 'depth': Sort by the depth of the points from the current camera point of view. :return: Object holding the results or None :rtype: Union[None,PickingResult] """ assert sort in ('index', 'depth') rayNdc = context.getPickingSegment(frame='ndc') if rayNdc is None: # No picking outside viewport return None # Project data to NDC primitive = self._getScenePrimitive() pointsNdc = primitive.objectToNDCTransform.transformPoints( points, perspectiveDivide=True) # Perform picking distancesNdc = numpy.abs(pointsNdc[:, :2] - rayNdc[0, :2]) thresholdNdc = threshold / numpy.array(primitive.viewport.size) picked = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and( numpy.all(distancesNdc < thresholdNdc, axis=1), numpy.logical_and(rayNdc[0, 2] <= pointsNdc[:, 2], pointsNdc[:, 2] <= rayNdc[1, 2])))[0] if sort == 'depth': # Sort picked points from front to back picked = picked[numpy.argsort(pointsNdc[picked, 2])] if picked.size > 0: return PickingResult(self, positions=points[picked, :3], indices=picked, fetchdata=self.getValueData) else: return None def _pickSolid(self, context, points): """Perform picking while in 'solid' visualization mode :param PickContext context: Current picking context """ if self._cachedTrianglesIndices is None:"Picking on Scatter2D before rendering") return None rayObject = context.getPickingSegment(frame=self._getScenePrimitive()) if rayObject is None: # No picking outside viewport return None rayObject = rayObject[:, :3] trianglesIndices = self._cachedTrianglesIndices.reshape(-1, 3) triangles = points[trianglesIndices, :3] selectedIndices, t, barycentric = glu.segmentTrianglesIntersection( rayObject, triangles) closest = numpy.argmax(barycentric, axis=1) indices = trianglesIndices.reshape(-1, 3)[selectedIndices, closest] if len(indices) == 0: # No point is picked return None # Compute intersection points and get closest data point positions = t.reshape(-1, 1) * (rayObject[1] - rayObject[0]) + rayObject[0] return PickingResult(self, positions=positions, indices=indices, fetchdata=self.getValueData) def _pickFull(self, context): """Perform picking in this item at given widget position. :param PickContext context: Current picking context :return: Object holding the results or None :rtype: Union[None,PickingResult] """ xData = self.getXData(copy=False) if len(xData) == 0: # No data in the scatter return None if self.isHeightMap(): zData = self.getValueData(copy=False) else: zData = numpy.zeros_like(xData) points = numpy.transpose((xData, self.getYData(copy=False), zData, numpy.ones_like(xData))) mode = self.getVisualization() if mode is self.Visualization.POINTS: # TODO issue with symbol size: using pixel instead of points # Get "corrected" symbol size _, threshold = self._getSceneSymbol() return self._pickPoints( context, points, threshold=max(3., threshold)) elif mode is self.Visualization.LINES: # Picking only at point return self._pickPoints(context, points, threshold=5.) else: # mode == 'solid' return self._pickSolid(context, points) def _updateScene(self): self._getScenePrimitive().children = [] # Remove previous primitives if not self.isVisible(): return # Update when visible x, y, value = self.getData(copy=False) if len(x) == 0: return # Nothing to display mode = self.getVisualization() heightMap = self.isHeightMap() if mode is self.Visualization.POINTS: z = value if heightMap else 0. symbol, size = self._getSceneSymbol() primitive = primitives.Points( x=x, y=y, z=z, value=value, size=size, colormap=self._getSceneColormap()) primitive.marker = symbol else: # TODO run delaunay in a thread # Compute lines/triangles indices if not cached if self._cachedTrianglesIndices is None: triangulation = delaunay(x, y) if triangulation is None: return None self._cachedTrianglesIndices = numpy.ravel( triangulation.simplices.astype(numpy.uint32)) if (mode is self.Visualization.LINES and self._cachedLinesIndices is None): # Compute line indices self._cachedLinesIndices = utils.triangleToLineIndices( self._cachedTrianglesIndices, unicity=True) if mode is self.Visualization.LINES: indices = self._cachedLinesIndices renderMode = 'lines' else: indices = self._cachedTrianglesIndices renderMode = 'triangles' # TODO supports x, y instead of copy if heightMap: if len(value) == 1: value = numpy.ones_like(x) * value coordinates = numpy.array((x, y, value), dtype=numpy.float32).T else: coordinates = numpy.array((x, y), dtype=numpy.float32).T # TODO option to enable/disable light, cache normals # TODO smooth surface if mode is self.Visualization.SOLID: if heightMap: coordinates = coordinates[indices] if len(value) > 1: value = value[indices] triangleNormals = utils.trianglesNormal(coordinates) normal = numpy.empty((len(triangleNormals) * 3, 3), dtype=numpy.float32) normal[0::3, :] = triangleNormals normal[1::3, :] = triangleNormals normal[2::3, :] = triangleNormals indices = None else: normal = (0., 0., 1.) else: normal = None primitive = primitives.ColormapMesh3D( coordinates, value.reshape(-1, 1), # Makes it a 2D array normal=normal, colormap=self._getSceneColormap(), indices=indices, mode=renderMode) primitive.lineWidth = self.getLineWidth() primitive.lineSmooth = False self._getScenePrimitive().children = [primitive]