Source code for silx.gui.plot.PlotInteraction

#  coding: utf-8
# /*##########################################################################
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# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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# ###########################################################################*/
"""Implementation of the interaction for the :class:`Plot`."""

__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "15/02/2019"

import math
import numpy
import time
import weakref

from .. import colors
from .. import qt
from . import items
from .Interaction import (ClickOrDrag, LEFT_BTN, RIGHT_BTN,
                          State, StateMachine)
from .PlotEvents import (prepareCurveSignal, prepareDrawingSignal,
                         prepareHoverSignal, prepareImageSignal,
                         prepareMarkerSignal, prepareMouseSignal)

from .backends.BackendBase import (CURSOR_POINTING, CURSOR_SIZE_HOR,
                                   CURSOR_SIZE_VER, CURSOR_SIZE_ALL)

from ._utils import (FLOAT32_SAFE_MIN, FLOAT32_MINPOS, FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX,

# Base class ##################################################################

class _PlotInteraction(object):
    """Base class for interaction handler.

    It provides a weakref to the plot and methods to set/reset overlay.
    def __init__(self, plot):

        :param plot: The plot to apply modifications to.
        self._needReplot = False
        self._selectionAreas = set()
        self._plot = weakref.ref(plot)  # Avoid cyclic-ref

    def plot(self):
        plot = self._plot()
        assert plot is not None
        return plot

    def setSelectionArea(self, points, fill, color, name='', shape='polygon'):
        """Set a polygon selection area overlaid on the plot.
        Multiple simultaneous areas are supported through the name parameter.

        :param points: The 2D coordinates of the points of the polygon
        :type points: An iterable of (x, y) coordinates
        :param str fill: The fill mode: 'hatch', 'solid' or 'none'
        :param color: RGBA color to use or None to disable display
        :type color: list or tuple of 4 float in the range [0, 1]
        :param name: The key associated with this selection area
        :param str shape: Shape of the area in 'polygon', 'polylines'
        assert shape in ('polygon', 'polylines')

        if color is None:

        points = numpy.asarray(points)

        # TODO Not very nice, but as is for now
        legend = '__SELECTION_AREA__' + name

        fill = fill != 'none'  # TODO not very nice either

        greyed = colors.greyed(color)[0]
        if greyed < 0.5:
            color2 = "white"
            color2 = "black"

        self.plot.addItem(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], legend=legend,
                          shape=shape, fill=fill,
                          color=color, linebgcolor=color2, linestyle="--",


    def resetSelectionArea(self):
        """Remove all selection areas set by setSelectionArea."""
        for legend in self._selectionAreas:
            self.plot.remove(legend, kind='item')
        self._selectionAreas = set()

# Zoom/Pan ####################################################################

class _ZoomOnWheel(ClickOrDrag, _PlotInteraction):
    """:class:`ClickOrDrag` state machine with zooming on mouse wheel.

    Base class for :class:`Pan` and :class:`Zoom`


    class ZoomIdle(ClickOrDrag.Idle):
        def onWheel(self, x, y, angle):
            scaleF = 1.1 if angle > 0 else 1. / 1.1
            applyZoomToPlot(self.machine.plot, scaleF, (x, y))

    def click(self, x, y, btn):
        """Handle clicks by sending events

        :param int x: Mouse X position in pixels
        :param int y: Mouse Y position in pixels
        :param btn: Clicked mouse button
        if btn == LEFT_BTN:
            lastClickTime, lastClickPos = self._lastClick

            # Signal mouse double clicked event first
            if (time.time() - lastClickTime) <= self._DOUBLE_CLICK_TIMEOUT:
                # Use position of first click
                eventDict = prepareMouseSignal('mouseDoubleClicked', 'left',

                self._lastClick = 0., None
                # Signal mouse clicked event
                dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y)
                assert dataPos is not None
                eventDict = prepareMouseSignal('mouseClicked', 'left',
                                               dataPos[0], dataPos[1],
                                               x, y)

                self._lastClick = time.time(), (dataPos[0], dataPos[1], x, y)

        elif btn == RIGHT_BTN:
            # Signal mouse clicked event
            dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y)
            assert dataPos is not None
            eventDict = prepareMouseSignal('mouseClicked', 'right',
                                           dataPos[0], dataPos[1],
                                           x, y)

    def __init__(self, plot):

        :param plot: The plot to apply modifications to.
        _PlotInteraction.__init__(self, plot)

        states = {
            'idle': _ZoomOnWheel.ZoomIdle,
            'rightClick': ClickOrDrag.RightClick,
            'clickOrDrag': ClickOrDrag.ClickOrDrag,
            'drag': ClickOrDrag.Drag
        StateMachine.__init__(self, states, 'idle')

        self._lastClick = 0., None

# Pan #########################################################################

[docs]class Pan(_ZoomOnWheel): """Pan plot content and zoom on wheel state machine.""" def _pixelToData(self, x, y): xData, yData = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) _, y2Data = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y, axis='right') return xData, yData, y2Data
[docs] def beginDrag(self, x, y): self._previousDataPos = self._pixelToData(x, y)
[docs] def drag(self, x, y): xData, yData, y2Data = self._pixelToData(x, y) lastX, lastY, lastY2 = self._previousDataPos xMin, xMax = self.plot.getXAxis().getLimits() yMin, yMax = self.plot.getYAxis().getLimits() y2Min, y2Max = self.plot.getYAxis(axis='right').getLimits() if self.plot.getXAxis()._isLogarithmic(): try: dx = math.log10(xData) - math.log10(lastX) newXMin = pow(10., (math.log10(xMin) - dx)) newXMax = pow(10., (math.log10(xMax) - dx)) except (ValueError, OverflowError): newXMin, newXMax = xMin, xMax # Makes sure both values stays in positive float32 range if newXMin < FLOAT32_MINPOS or newXMax > FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX: newXMin, newXMax = xMin, xMax else: dx = xData - lastX newXMin, newXMax = xMin - dx, xMax - dx # Makes sure both values stays in float32 range if newXMin < FLOAT32_SAFE_MIN or newXMax > FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX: newXMin, newXMax = xMin, xMax if self.plot.getYAxis()._isLogarithmic(): try: dy = math.log10(yData) - math.log10(lastY) newYMin = pow(10., math.log10(yMin) - dy) newYMax = pow(10., math.log10(yMax) - dy) dy2 = math.log10(y2Data) - math.log10(lastY2) newY2Min = pow(10., math.log10(y2Min) - dy2) newY2Max = pow(10., math.log10(y2Max) - dy2) except (ValueError, OverflowError): newYMin, newYMax = yMin, yMax newY2Min, newY2Max = y2Min, y2Max # Makes sure y and y2 stays in positive float32 range if (newYMin < FLOAT32_MINPOS or newYMax > FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX or newY2Min < FLOAT32_MINPOS or newY2Max > FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX): newYMin, newYMax = yMin, yMax newY2Min, newY2Max = y2Min, y2Max else: dy = yData - lastY dy2 = y2Data - lastY2 newYMin, newYMax = yMin - dy, yMax - dy newY2Min, newY2Max = y2Min - dy2, y2Max - dy2 # Makes sure y and y2 stays in float32 range if (newYMin < FLOAT32_SAFE_MIN or newYMax > FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX or newY2Min < FLOAT32_SAFE_MIN or newY2Max > FLOAT32_SAFE_MAX): newYMin, newYMax = yMin, yMax newY2Min, newY2Max = y2Min, y2Max self.plot.setLimits(newXMin, newXMax, newYMin, newYMax, newY2Min, newY2Max) self._previousDataPos = self._pixelToData(x, y)
[docs] def endDrag(self, startPos, endPos): del self._previousDataPos
def cancel(self): pass
# Zoom ########################################################################
[docs]class Zoom(_ZoomOnWheel): """Zoom-in/out state machine. Zoom-in on selected area, zoom-out on right click, and zoom on mouse wheel. """ SURFACE_THRESHOLD = 5 def __init__(self, plot, color): self.color = color super(Zoom, self).__init__(plot) self.plot.getLimitsHistory().clear() def _areaWithAspectRatio(self, x0, y0, x1, y1): _plotLeft, _plotTop, plotW, plotH = self.plot.getPlotBoundsInPixels() areaX0, areaY0, areaX1, areaY1 = x0, y0, x1, y1 if plotH != 0.: plotRatio = plotW / float(plotH) width, height = math.fabs(x1 - x0), math.fabs(y1 - y0) if height != 0. and width != 0.: if width / height > plotRatio: areaHeight = width / plotRatio areaX0, areaX1 = x0, x1 center = 0.5 * (y0 + y1) areaY0 = center - numpy.sign(y1 - y0) * 0.5 * areaHeight areaY1 = center + numpy.sign(y1 - y0) * 0.5 * areaHeight else: areaWidth = height * plotRatio areaY0, areaY1 = y0, y1 center = 0.5 * (x0 + x1) areaX0 = center - numpy.sign(x1 - x0) * 0.5 * areaWidth areaX1 = center + numpy.sign(x1 - x0) * 0.5 * areaWidth return areaX0, areaY0, areaX1, areaY1
[docs] def beginDrag(self, x, y): dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None self.x0, self.y0 = x, y
[docs] def drag(self, x1, y1): if self.color is None: return # Do not draw zoom area dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x1, y1) assert dataPos is not None if self.plot.isKeepDataAspectRatio(): area = self._areaWithAspectRatio(self.x0, self.y0, x1, y1) areaX0, areaY0, areaX1, areaY1 = area areaPoints = ((areaX0, areaY0), (areaX1, areaY0), (areaX1, areaY1), (areaX0, areaY1)) areaPoints = numpy.array([self.plot.pixelToData( x, y, check=False) for (x, y) in areaPoints]) if self.color != 'video inverted': areaColor = list(self.color) areaColor[3] *= 0.25 else: areaColor = [1., 1., 1., 1.] self.setSelectionArea(areaPoints, fill='none', color=areaColor, name="zoomedArea") corners = ((self.x0, self.y0), (self.x0, y1), (x1, y1), (x1, self.y0)) corners = numpy.array([self.plot.pixelToData(x, y, check=False) for (x, y) in corners]) self.setSelectionArea(corners, fill='none', color=self.color)
def _zoom(self, x0, y0, x1, y1): """Zoom to the rectangle view x0,y0 x1,y1. """ startPos = x0, y0 endPos = x1, y1 # Store current zoom state in stack self.plot.getLimitsHistory().push() if self.plot.isKeepDataAspectRatio(): x0, y0, x1, y1 = self._areaWithAspectRatio(x0, y0, x1, y1) # Convert to data space and set limits x0, y0 = self.plot.pixelToData(x0, y0, check=False) dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData( startPos[0], startPos[1], axis="right", check=False) y2_0 = dataPos[1] x1, y1 = self.plot.pixelToData(x1, y1, check=False) dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData( endPos[0], endPos[1], axis="right", check=False) y2_1 = dataPos[1] xMin, xMax = min(x0, x1), max(x0, x1) yMin, yMax = min(y0, y1), max(y0, y1) y2Min, y2Max = min(y2_0, y2_1), max(y2_0, y2_1) self.plot.setLimits(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, y2Min, y2Max)
[docs] def endDrag(self, startPos, endPos): x0, y0 = startPos x1, y1 = endPos if abs(x0 - x1) * abs(y0 - y1) >= self.SURFACE_THRESHOLD: # Avoid empty zoom area self._zoom(x0, y0, x1, y1) self.resetSelectionArea()
def cancel(self): if isinstance(self.state, self.states['drag']): self.resetSelectionArea()
# Select ######################################################################
[docs]class Select(StateMachine, _PlotInteraction): """Base class for drawing selection areas.""" def __init__(self, plot, parameters, states, state): """Init a state machine. :param plot: The plot to apply changes to. :param dict parameters: A dict of parameters such as color. :param dict states: The states of the state machine. :param str state: The name of the initial state. """ _PlotInteraction.__init__(self, plot) self.parameters = parameters StateMachine.__init__(self, states, state) def onWheel(self, x, y, angle): scaleF = 1.1 if angle > 0 else 1. / 1.1 applyZoomToPlot(self.plot, scaleF, (x, y)) @property def color(self): return self.parameters.get('color', None)
[docs]class SelectPolygon(Select): """Drawing selection polygon area state machine.""" DRAG_THRESHOLD_DIST = 4
[docs] class Idle(State): def onPress(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: self.goto('select', x, y) return True
[docs] class Select(State):
[docs] def enterState(self, x, y): dataPos = self.machine.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None self._firstPos = dataPos self.points = [dataPos, dataPos] self.updateFirstPoint()
[docs] def updateFirstPoint(self): """Update drawing first point, using self._firstPos""" x, y = self.machine.plot.dataToPixel(*self._firstPos, check=False) offset = self.machine.getDragThreshold() points = [(x - offset, y - offset), (x - offset, y + offset), (x + offset, y + offset), (x + offset, y - offset)] points = [self.machine.plot.pixelToData(xpix, ypix, check=False) for xpix, ypix in points] self.machine.setSelectionArea(points, fill=None, color=self.machine.color, name='first_point')
[docs] def updateSelectionArea(self): """Update drawing selection area using self.points""" self.machine.setSelectionArea(self.points, fill='hatch', color=self.machine.color) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingProgress', 'polygon', self.points, self.machine.parameters) self.machine.plot.notify(**eventDict)
def onWheel(self, x, y, angle): self.machine.onWheel(x, y, angle) self.updateFirstPoint() def onRelease(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: # checking if the position is close to the first point # if yes : closing the "loop" firstPos = self.machine.plot.dataToPixel(*self._firstPos, check=False) dx, dy = abs(firstPos[0] - x), abs(firstPos[1] - y) threshold = self.machine.getDragThreshold() # Only allow to close polygon after first point if len(self.points) > 2 and dx <= threshold and dy <= threshold: self.machine.resetSelectionArea() self.points[-1] = self.points[0] eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingFinished', 'polygon', self.points, self.machine.parameters) self.machine.plot.notify(**eventDict) self.goto('idle') return False # Update polygon last point not too close to previous one dataPos = self.machine.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None self.updateSelectionArea() # checking that the new points isnt the same (within range) # of the previous one # This has to be done because sometimes the mouse release event # is caught right after entering the Select state (i.e : press # in Idle state, but with a slightly different position that # the mouse press. So we had the two first vertices that were # almost identical. previousPos = self.machine.plot.dataToPixel(*self.points[-2], check=False) dx, dy = abs(previousPos[0] - x), abs(previousPos[1] - y) if dx >= threshold or dy >= threshold: self.points.append(dataPos) else: self.points[-1] = dataPos return True return False def onMove(self, x, y): firstPos = self.machine.plot.dataToPixel(*self._firstPos, check=False) dx, dy = abs(firstPos[0] - x), abs(firstPos[1] - y) threshold = self.machine.getDragThreshold() if dx <= threshold and dy <= threshold: x, y = firstPos # Snap to first point dataPos = self.machine.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None self.points[-1] = dataPos self.updateSelectionArea()
def __init__(self, plot, parameters): states = { 'idle': SelectPolygon.Idle, 'select': SelectPolygon.Select } super(SelectPolygon, self).__init__(plot, parameters, states, 'idle') def cancel(self): if isinstance(self.state, self.states['select']): self.resetSelectionArea()
[docs] def getDragThreshold(self): """Return dragging ratio with device to pixel ratio applied. :rtype: float """ ratio = 1. if qt.BINDING in ('PyQt5', 'PySide2'): ratio = self.plot.window().windowHandle().devicePixelRatio() return self.DRAG_THRESHOLD_DIST * ratio
[docs]class Select2Points(Select): """Base class for drawing selection based on 2 input points."""
[docs] class Idle(State): def onPress(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: self.goto('start', x, y) return True
[docs] class Start(State):
[docs] def enterState(self, x, y): self.machine.beginSelect(x, y)
def onMove(self, x, y): self.goto('select', x, y) def onRelease(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: self.goto('select', x, y) return True
[docs] class Select(State):
[docs] def enterState(self, x, y): self.onMove(x, y)
def onMove(self, x, y):, y) def onRelease(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: self.machine.endSelect(x, y) self.goto('idle')
def __init__(self, plot, parameters): states = { 'idle': Select2Points.Idle, 'start': Select2Points.Start, 'select': Select2Points.Select } super(Select2Points, self).__init__(plot, parameters, states, 'idle') def beginSelect(self, x, y): pass def select(self, x, y): pass def endSelect(self, x, y): pass def cancelSelect(self): pass def cancel(self): if isinstance(self.state, self.states['select']): self.cancelSelect()
[docs]class SelectEllipse(Select2Points): """Drawing ellipse selection area state machine.""" def beginSelect(self, x, y): = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert is not None def _getEllipseSize(self, pointInEllipse): """ Returns the size from the center to the bounding box of the ellipse. :param Tuple[float,float] pointInEllipse: A point of the ellipse :rtype: Tuple[float,float] """ x = abs([0] - pointInEllipse[0]) y = abs([1] - pointInEllipse[1]) if x == 0 or y == 0: return x, y # Ellipse definitions # e: eccentricity # a: length fron center to bounding box width # b: length fron center to bounding box height # Equations # (1) b < a # (2) For x,y a point in the ellipse: x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1 # (3) b = a * sqrt(1-e^2) # (4) e = sqrt(a^2 - b^2) / a # The eccentricity of the ellipse defined by a,b=x,y is the same # as the one we are searching for. swap = x < y if swap: x, y = y, x e = math.sqrt(x**2 - y**2) / x # From (2) using (3) to replace b # a^2 = x^2 + y^2 / (1-e^2) a = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 / (1.0 - e**2)) b = a * math.sqrt(1 - e**2) if swap: a, b = b, a return a, b def select(self, x, y): dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None width, height = self._getEllipseSize(dataPos) # Circle used for circle preview nbpoints = 27. angles = numpy.arange(nbpoints) * numpy.pi * 2.0 / nbpoints circleShape = numpy.array((numpy.cos(angles) * width, numpy.sin(angles) * height)).T circleShape += numpy.array( self.setSelectionArea(circleShape, shape="polygon", fill='hatch', color=self.color) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingProgress', 'ellipse', (, (width, height)), self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def endSelect(self, x, y): self.resetSelectionArea() dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None width, height = self._getEllipseSize(dataPos) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingFinished', 'ellipse', (, (width, height)), self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def cancelSelect(self): self.resetSelectionArea()
[docs]class SelectRectangle(Select2Points): """Drawing rectangle selection area state machine.""" def beginSelect(self, x, y): self.startPt = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert self.startPt is not None def select(self, x, y): dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None self.setSelectionArea((self.startPt, (self.startPt[0], dataPos[1]), dataPos, (dataPos[0], self.startPt[1])), fill='hatch', color=self.color) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingProgress', 'rectangle', (self.startPt, dataPos), self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def endSelect(self, x, y): self.resetSelectionArea() dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingFinished', 'rectangle', (self.startPt, dataPos), self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def cancelSelect(self): self.resetSelectionArea()
[docs]class SelectLine(Select2Points): """Drawing line selection area state machine.""" def beginSelect(self, x, y): self.startPt = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert self.startPt is not None def select(self, x, y): dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None self.setSelectionArea((self.startPt, dataPos), fill='hatch', color=self.color) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingProgress', 'line', (self.startPt, dataPos), self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def endSelect(self, x, y): self.resetSelectionArea() dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingFinished', 'line', (self.startPt, dataPos), self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def cancelSelect(self): self.resetSelectionArea()
[docs]class Select1Point(Select): """Base class for drawing selection area based on one input point."""
[docs] class Idle(State): def onPress(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: self.goto('select', x, y) return True
[docs] class Select(State):
[docs] def enterState(self, x, y): self.onMove(x, y)
def onMove(self, x, y):, y) def onRelease(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: self.machine.endSelect(x, y) self.goto('idle') def onWheel(self, x, y, angle): self.machine.onWheel(x, y, angle) # Call select default wheel, y)
def __init__(self, plot, parameters): states = { 'idle': Select1Point.Idle, 'select': Select1Point.Select } super(Select1Point, self).__init__(plot, parameters, states, 'idle') def select(self, x, y): pass def endSelect(self, x, y): pass def cancelSelect(self): pass def cancel(self): if isinstance(self.state, self.states['select']): self.cancelSelect()
[docs]class SelectHLine(Select1Point): """Drawing a horizontal line selection area state machine.""" def _hLine(self, y): """Return points in data coords of the segment visible in the plot. Supports non-orthogonal axes. """ left, _top, width, _height = self.plot.getPlotBoundsInPixels() dataPos1 = self.plot.pixelToData(left, y, check=False) dataPos2 = self.plot.pixelToData(left + width, y, check=False) return dataPos1, dataPos2 def select(self, x, y): points = self._hLine(y) self.setSelectionArea(points, fill='hatch', color=self.color) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingProgress', 'hline', points, self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def endSelect(self, x, y): self.resetSelectionArea() eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingFinished', 'hline', self._hLine(y), self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def cancelSelect(self): self.resetSelectionArea()
[docs]class SelectVLine(Select1Point): """Drawing a vertical line selection area state machine.""" def _vLine(self, x): """Return points in data coords of the segment visible in the plot. Supports non-orthogonal axes. """ _left, top, _width, height = self.plot.getPlotBoundsInPixels() dataPos1 = self.plot.pixelToData(x, top, check=False) dataPos2 = self.plot.pixelToData(x, top + height, check=False) return dataPos1, dataPos2 def select(self, x, y): points = self._vLine(x) self.setSelectionArea(points, fill='hatch', color=self.color) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingProgress', 'vline', points, self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def endSelect(self, x, y): self.resetSelectionArea() eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingFinished', 'vline', self._vLine(x), self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def cancelSelect(self): self.resetSelectionArea()
[docs]class DrawFreeHand(Select): """Interaction for drawing pencil. It display the preview of the pencil before pressing the mouse. """
[docs] class Idle(State): def onPress(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: self.goto('select', x, y) return True def onMove(self, x, y): self.machine.updatePencilShape(x, y) def onLeave(self): self.machine.cancel()
[docs] class Select(State):
[docs] def enterState(self, x, y): self.__isOut = False self.machine.setFirstPoint(x, y)
def onMove(self, x, y): self.machine.updatePencilShape(x, y), y) def onRelease(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: if self.__isOut: self.machine.resetSelectionArea() self.machine.endSelect(x, y) self.goto('idle') def onEnter(self): self.__isOut = False def onLeave(self): self.__isOut = True
def __init__(self, plot, parameters): # Circle used for pencil preview angle = numpy.arange(13.) * numpy.pi * 2.0 / 13. size = parameters.get('width', 1.) * 0.5 self._circle = size * numpy.array((numpy.cos(angle), numpy.sin(angle))).T states = { 'idle': DrawFreeHand.Idle, 'select': DrawFreeHand.Select } super(DrawFreeHand, self).__init__(plot, parameters, states, 'idle') @property def width(self): return self.parameters.get('width', None) def setFirstPoint(self, x, y): self._points = [], y) def updatePencilShape(self, x, y): center = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y, check=False) assert center is not None polygon = center + self._circle self.setSelectionArea(polygon, fill='none', color=self.color) def select(self, x, y): pos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y, check=False) if len(self._points) > 0: if self._points[-1] == pos: # Skip same points return self._points.append(pos) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingProgress', 'polylines', self._points, self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) def endSelect(self, x, y): pos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y, check=False) if len(self._points) > 0: if self._points[-1] != pos: # Append if different self._points.append(pos) eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal('drawingFinished', 'polylines', self._points, self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) self._points = None def cancelSelect(self): self.resetSelectionArea() def cancel(self): self.resetSelectionArea()
[docs]class SelectFreeLine(ClickOrDrag, _PlotInteraction): """Base class for drawing free lines with tools such as pencil.""" def __init__(self, plot, parameters): """Init a state machine. :param plot: The plot to apply changes to. :param dict parameters: A dict of parameters such as color. """ # self.DRAG_THRESHOLD_SQUARE_DIST = 1 # Disable first move threshold self._points = [] ClickOrDrag.__init__(self) _PlotInteraction.__init__(self, plot) self.parameters = parameters def onWheel(self, x, y, angle): scaleF = 1.1 if angle > 0 else 1. / 1.1 applyZoomToPlot(self.plot, scaleF, (x, y)) @property def color(self): return self.parameters.get('color', None)
[docs] def click(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: self._processEvent(x, y, isLast=True)
[docs] def beginDrag(self, x, y): self._processEvent(x, y, isLast=False)
[docs] def drag(self, x, y): self._processEvent(x, y, isLast=False)
[docs] def endDrag(self, startPos, endPos): x, y = endPos self._processEvent(x, y, isLast=True)
def cancel(self): self.resetSelectionArea() self._points = [] def _processEvent(self, x, y, isLast): dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y, check=False) isNewPoint = not self._points or dataPos != self._points[-1] if isNewPoint: self._points.append(dataPos) if isNewPoint or isLast: eventDict = prepareDrawingSignal( 'drawingFinished' if isLast else 'drawingProgress', 'polylines', self._points, self.parameters) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) if not isLast: self.setSelectionArea(self._points, fill='none', color=self.color, shape='polylines') else: self.cancel()
# ItemInteraction #############################################################
[docs]class ItemsInteraction(ClickOrDrag, _PlotInteraction): """Interaction with items (markers, curves and images). This class provides selection and dragging of plot primitives that support those interaction. It is also meant to be combined with the zoom interaction. """
[docs] class Idle(ClickOrDrag.Idle): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(ItemsInteraction.Idle, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self._hoverMarker = None def onWheel(self, x, y, angle): scaleF = 1.1 if angle > 0 else 1. / 1.1 applyZoomToPlot(self.machine.plot, scaleF, (x, y)) def onMove(self, x, y): result = self.machine.plot._pickTopMost( x, y, lambda item: isinstance(item, items.MarkerBase)) marker = result.getItem() if result is not None else None if marker is not None: dataPos = self.machine.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None eventDict = prepareHoverSignal( marker.getLegend(), 'marker', dataPos, (x, y), marker.isDraggable(), marker.isSelectable()) self.machine.plot.notify(**eventDict) if marker != self._hoverMarker: self._hoverMarker = marker if marker is None: self.machine.plot.setGraphCursorShape() elif marker.isDraggable(): if isinstance(marker, items.YMarker): self.machine.plot.setGraphCursorShape(CURSOR_SIZE_VER) elif isinstance(marker, items.XMarker): self.machine.plot.setGraphCursorShape(CURSOR_SIZE_HOR) else: self.machine.plot.setGraphCursorShape(CURSOR_SIZE_ALL) elif marker.isSelectable(): self.machine.plot.setGraphCursorShape(CURSOR_POINTING) return True
def __init__(self, plot): _PlotInteraction.__init__(self, plot) states = { 'idle': ItemsInteraction.Idle, 'rightClick': ClickOrDrag.RightClick, 'clickOrDrag': ClickOrDrag.ClickOrDrag, 'drag': ClickOrDrag.Drag } StateMachine.__init__(self, states, 'idle')
[docs] def click(self, x, y, btn): """Handle mouse click :param x: X position of the mouse in pixels :param y: Y position of the mouse in pixels :param btn: Pressed button id :return: True if click is catched by an item, False otherwise """ # Signal mouse clicked event dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None eventDict = prepareMouseSignal('mouseClicked', btn, dataPos[0], dataPos[1], x, y) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) eventDict = self._handleClick(x, y, btn) if eventDict is not None: self.plot.notify(**eventDict)
def _handleClick(self, x, y, btn): """Perform picking and prepare event if click is handled here :param x: X position of the mouse in pixels :param y: Y position of the mouse in pixels :param btn: Pressed button id :return: event description to send of None if not handling event. :rtype: dict or None """ if btn == LEFT_BTN: result = self.plot._pickTopMost(x, y, lambda i: i.isSelectable()) if result is None: return None item = result.getItem() if isinstance(item, items.MarkerBase): xData, yData = item.getPosition() if xData is None: xData = [0, 1] if yData is None: yData = [0, 1] eventDict = prepareMarkerSignal('markerClicked', 'left', item.getLegend(), 'marker', item.isDraggable(), item.isSelectable(), (xData, yData), (x, y), None) return eventDict elif isinstance(item, items.Curve): dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None xData = item.getXData(copy=False) yData = item.getYData(copy=False) indices = result.getIndices(copy=False) eventDict = prepareCurveSignal('left', item.getLegend(), 'curve', xData[indices], yData[indices], dataPos[0], dataPos[1], x, y) return eventDict elif isinstance(item, items.ImageBase): dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None indices = result.getIndices(copy=False) row, column = indices[0][0], indices[1][0] eventDict = prepareImageSignal('left', item.getLegend(), 'image', column, row, dataPos[0], dataPos[1], x, y) return eventDict return None def _signalMarkerMovingEvent(self, eventType, marker, x, y): assert marker is not None xData, yData = marker.getPosition() if xData is None: xData = [0, 1] if yData is None: yData = [0, 1] posDataCursor = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert posDataCursor is not None eventDict = prepareMarkerSignal(eventType, 'left', marker.getLegend(), 'marker', marker.isDraggable(), marker.isSelectable(), (xData, yData), (x, y), posDataCursor) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) @staticmethod def __isDraggableItem(item): return isinstance(item, items.DraggableMixIn) and item.isDraggable() def __terminateDrag(self): """Finalize a drag operation by reseting to initial state""" self.plot.setGraphCursorShape() self.draggedItemRef = None
[docs] def beginDrag(self, x, y): """Handle begining of drag interaction :param x: X position of the mouse in pixels :param y: Y position of the mouse in pixels :return: True if drag is catched by an item, False otherwise """ self._lastPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert self._lastPos is not None result = self.plot._pickTopMost(x, y, self.__isDraggableItem) item = result.getItem() if result is not None else None self.draggedItemRef = None if item is None else weakref.ref(item) if item is None: self.__terminateDrag() return False if isinstance(item, items.MarkerBase): self._signalMarkerMovingEvent('markerMoving', item, x, y) return True
[docs] def drag(self, x, y): dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None item = None if self.draggedItemRef is None else self.draggedItemRef() if item is not None: item.drag(self._lastPos, dataPos) if isinstance(item, items.MarkerBase): self._signalMarkerMovingEvent('markerMoving', item, x, y) self._lastPos = dataPos
[docs] def endDrag(self, startPos, endPos): item = None if self.draggedItemRef is None else self.draggedItemRef() if item is not None and isinstance(item, items.MarkerBase): posData = list(item.getPosition()) if posData[0] is None: posData[0] = 1. if posData[1] is None: posData[1] = 1. eventDict = prepareMarkerSignal( 'markerMoved', 'left', item.getLegend(), 'marker', item.isDraggable(), item.isSelectable(), posData) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) self.__terminateDrag()
def cancel(self): self.__terminateDrag()
[docs]class ItemsInteractionForCombo(ItemsInteraction): """Interaction with items to combine through :class:`FocusManager`. """
[docs] class Idle(ItemsInteraction.Idle): @staticmethod def __isItemSelectableOrDraggable(item): return (item.isSelectable() or ( isinstance(item, items.DraggableMixIn) and item.isDraggable())) def onPress(self, x, y, btn): if btn == LEFT_BTN: result = self.machine.plot._pickTopMost( x, y, self.__isItemSelectableOrDraggable) if result is not None: # Request focus and handle interaction self.goto('clickOrDrag', x, y) return True else: # Do not request focus return False elif btn == RIGHT_BTN: self.goto('rightClick', x, y) return True
def __init__(self, plot): _PlotInteraction.__init__(self, plot) states = { 'idle': ItemsInteractionForCombo.Idle, 'rightClick': ClickOrDrag.RightClick, 'clickOrDrag': ClickOrDrag.ClickOrDrag, 'drag': ClickOrDrag.Drag } StateMachine.__init__(self, states, 'idle')
# FocusManager ################################################################
[docs]class FocusManager(StateMachine): """Manages focus across multiple event handlers On press an event handler can acquire focus. By default it looses focus when all buttons are released. """
[docs] class Idle(State): def onPress(self, x, y, btn): for eventHandler in self.machine.eventHandlers: requestFocus = eventHandler.handleEvent('press', x, y, btn) if requestFocus: self.goto('focus', eventHandler, btn) break def _processEvent(self, *args): for eventHandler in self.machine.eventHandlers: consumeEvent = eventHandler.handleEvent(*args) if consumeEvent: break def onMove(self, x, y): self._processEvent('move', x, y) def onRelease(self, x, y, btn): self._processEvent('release', x, y, btn) def onWheel(self, x, y, angle): self._processEvent('wheel', x, y, angle)
[docs] class Focus(State):
[docs] def enterState(self, eventHandler, btn): self.eventHandler = eventHandler self.focusBtns = {btn}
def onPress(self, x, y, btn): self.focusBtns.add(btn) self.eventHandler.handleEvent('press', x, y, btn) def onMove(self, x, y): self.eventHandler.handleEvent('move', x, y) def onRelease(self, x, y, btn): self.focusBtns.discard(btn) requestFocus = self.eventHandler.handleEvent('release', x, y, btn) if len(self.focusBtns) == 0 and not requestFocus: self.goto('idle') def onWheel(self, x, y, angleInDegrees): self.eventHandler.handleEvent('wheel', x, y, angleInDegrees)
def __init__(self, eventHandlers=()): self.eventHandlers = list(eventHandlers) states = { 'idle': FocusManager.Idle, 'focus': FocusManager.Focus } super(FocusManager, self).__init__(states, 'idle') def cancel(self): for handler in self.eventHandlers: handler.cancel()
[docs]class ZoomAndSelect(ItemsInteraction): """Combine Zoom and ItemInteraction state machine. :param plot: The Plot to which this interaction is attached :param color: The color to use for the zoom area bounding box """ def __init__(self, plot, color): super(ZoomAndSelect, self).__init__(plot) self._zoom = Zoom(plot, color) self._doZoom = False @property def color(self): """Color of the zoom area""" return self._zoom.color
[docs] def click(self, x, y, btn): """Handle mouse click :param x: X position of the mouse in pixels :param y: Y position of the mouse in pixels :param btn: Pressed button id :return: True if click is catched by an item, False otherwise """ eventDict = self._handleClick(x, y, btn) if eventDict is not None: # Signal mouse clicked event dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None clickedEventDict = prepareMouseSignal('mouseClicked', btn, dataPos[0], dataPos[1], x, y) self.plot.notify(**clickedEventDict) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) else:, y, btn)
[docs] def beginDrag(self, x, y): """Handle start drag and switching between zoom and item drag. :param x: X position in pixels :param y: Y position in pixels """ self._doZoom = not super(ZoomAndSelect, self).beginDrag(x, y) if self._doZoom: self._zoom.beginDrag(x, y)
[docs] def drag(self, x, y): """Handle drag, eventually forwarding to zoom. :param x: X position in pixels :param y: Y position in pixels """ if self._doZoom: return self._zoom.drag(x, y) else: return super(ZoomAndSelect, self).drag(x, y)
[docs] def endDrag(self, startPos, endPos): """Handle end of drag, eventually forwarding to zoom. :param startPos: (x, y) position at the beginning of the drag :param endPos: (x, y) position at the end of the drag """ if self._doZoom: return self._zoom.endDrag(startPos, endPos) else: return super(ZoomAndSelect, self).endDrag(startPos, endPos)
[docs]class PanAndSelect(ItemsInteraction): """Combine Pan and ItemInteraction state machine. :param plot: The Plot to which this interaction is attached """ def __init__(self, plot): super(PanAndSelect, self).__init__(plot) self._pan = Pan(plot) self._doPan = False
[docs] def click(self, x, y, btn): """Handle mouse click :param x: X position of the mouse in pixels :param y: Y position of the mouse in pixels :param btn: Pressed button id :return: True if click is catched by an item, False otherwise """ eventDict = self._handleClick(x, y, btn) if eventDict is not None: # Signal mouse clicked event dataPos = self.plot.pixelToData(x, y) assert dataPos is not None clickedEventDict = prepareMouseSignal('mouseClicked', btn, dataPos[0], dataPos[1], x, y) self.plot.notify(**clickedEventDict) self.plot.notify(**eventDict) else:, y, btn)
[docs] def beginDrag(self, x, y): """Handle start drag and switching between zoom and item drag. :param x: X position in pixels :param y: Y position in pixels """ self._doPan = not super(PanAndSelect, self).beginDrag(x, y) if self._doPan: self._pan.beginDrag(x, y)
[docs] def drag(self, x, y): """Handle drag, eventually forwarding to zoom. :param x: X position in pixels :param y: Y position in pixels """ if self._doPan: return self._pan.drag(x, y) else: return super(PanAndSelect, self).drag(x, y)
[docs] def endDrag(self, startPos, endPos): """Handle end of drag, eventually forwarding to zoom. :param startPos: (x, y) position at the beginning of the drag :param endPos: (x, y) position at the end of the drag """ if self._doPan: return self._pan.endDrag(startPos, endPos) else: return super(PanAndSelect, self).endDrag(startPos, endPos)
# Interaction mode control ####################################################
[docs]class PlotInteraction(object): """Proxy to currently use state machine for interaction. This allows to switch interactive mode. :param plot: The :class:`Plot` to apply interaction to """ _DRAW_MODES = { 'polygon': SelectPolygon, 'rectangle': SelectRectangle, 'ellipse': SelectEllipse, 'line': SelectLine, 'vline': SelectVLine, 'hline': SelectHLine, 'polylines': SelectFreeLine, 'pencil': DrawFreeHand, } def __init__(self, plot): self._plot = weakref.ref(plot) # Avoid cyclic-ref self.zoomOnWheel = True """True to enable zoom on wheel, False otherwise.""" # Default event handler self._eventHandler = ItemsInteraction(plot)
[docs] def getInteractiveMode(self): """Returns the current interactive mode as a dict. The returned dict contains at least the key 'mode'. Mode can be: 'draw', 'pan', 'select', 'zoom'. It can also contains extra keys (e.g., 'color') specific to a mode as provided to :meth:`setInteractiveMode`. """ if isinstance(self._eventHandler, ZoomAndSelect): return {'mode': 'zoom', 'color': self._eventHandler.color} elif isinstance(self._eventHandler, FocusManager): drawHandler = self._eventHandler.eventHandlers[1] if not isinstance(drawHandler, Select): raise RuntimeError('Unknown interactive mode') result = drawHandler.parameters.copy() result['mode'] = 'draw' return result elif isinstance(self._eventHandler, Select): result = self._eventHandler.parameters.copy() result['mode'] = 'draw' return result elif isinstance(self._eventHandler, PanAndSelect): return {'mode': 'pan'} else: return {'mode': 'select'}
[docs] def setInteractiveMode(self, mode, color='black', shape='polygon', label=None, width=None): """Switch the interactive mode. :param str mode: The name of the interactive mode. In 'draw', 'pan', 'select', 'select-draw', 'zoom'. :param color: Only for 'draw' and 'zoom' modes. Color to use for drawing selection area. Default black. If None, selection area is not drawn. :type color: Color description: The name as a str or a tuple of 4 floats or None. :param str shape: Only for 'draw' mode. The kind of shape to draw. In 'polygon', 'rectangle', 'line', 'vline', 'hline', 'polylines'. Default is 'polygon'. :param str label: Only for 'draw' mode. :param float width: Width of the pencil. Only for draw pencil mode. """ assert mode in ('draw', 'pan', 'select', 'select-draw', 'zoom') plot = self._plot() assert plot is not None if isinstance(color, numpy.ndarray) or color not in (None, 'video inverted'): color = colors.rgba(color) if mode in ('draw', 'select-draw'): assert shape in self._DRAW_MODES eventHandlerClass = self._DRAW_MODES[shape] parameters = { 'shape': shape, 'label': label, 'color': color, 'width': width, } eventHandler = eventHandlerClass(plot, parameters) self._eventHandler.cancel() if mode == 'draw': self._eventHandler = eventHandler else: # mode == 'select-draw' self._eventHandler = FocusManager( (ItemsInteractionForCombo(plot), eventHandler)) elif mode == 'pan': # Ignores color, shape and label self._eventHandler.cancel() self._eventHandler = PanAndSelect(plot) elif mode == 'zoom': # Ignores shape and label self._eventHandler.cancel() self._eventHandler = ZoomAndSelect(plot, color) else: # Default mode: interaction with plot objects # Ignores color, shape and label self._eventHandler.cancel() self._eventHandler = ItemsInteraction(plot)
[docs] def handleEvent(self, event, *args, **kwargs): """Forward event to current interactive mode state machine.""" if not self.zoomOnWheel and event == 'wheel': return # Discard wheel events self._eventHandler.handleEvent(event, *args, **kwargs)