Source code for silx.gui.widgets.TableWidget

# coding: utf-8
# /*##########################################################################
# Copyright (c) 2004-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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# ###########################################################################*/
"""This module provides table widgets handling cut, copy and paste for
multiple cell selections. These actions can be triggered using keyboard
shortcuts or through a context menu (right-click).

:class:`TableView` is a subclass of :class:`QTableView`. The added features
are made available to users after a model is added to the widget, using

:class:`TableWidget` is a subclass of :class:`qt.QTableWidget`, a table view
with a built-in standard data model. The added features are available as soon as
the widget is initialized.

The cut, copy and paste actions are implemented as QActions:

    - :class:`CopySelectedCellsAction` (*Ctrl+C*)
    - :class:`CopyAllCellsAction`
    - :class:`CutSelectedCellsAction` (*Ctrl+X*)
    - :class:`CutAllCellsAction`
    - :class:`PasteCellsAction` (*Ctrl+V*)

The copy actions are enabled by default. The cut and paste actions must be
explicitly enabled, by passing parameters ``cut=True, paste=True`` when
creating the widgets, or later by calling their :meth:`enableCut` and
:meth:`enablePaste` methods.

__authors__ = ["P. Knobel"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "03/07/2017"

import sys
from .. import qt

if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
    row_separator = "\r\n"
    row_separator = "\n"

col_separator = "\t"

[docs]class CopySelectedCellsAction(qt.QAction): """QAction to copy text from selected cells in a :class:`QTableWidget` into the clipboard. If multiple cells are selected, the copied text will be a concatenation of the texts in all selected cells, tabulated with tabulation and newline characters. If the cells are sparsely selected, the structure is preserved by representing the unselected cells as empty strings in between two tabulation characters. Beware of pasting this data in another table widget, because depending on how the paste is implemented, the empty cells may cause data in the target table to be deleted, even though you didn't necessarily select the corresponding cell in the origin table. :param table: :class:`QTableView` to which this action belongs. """ def __init__(self, table): if not isinstance(table, qt.QTableView): raise ValueError('CopySelectedCellsAction must be initialised ' + 'with a QTableWidget.') super(CopySelectedCellsAction, self).__init__(table) self.setText("Copy selection") self.setToolTip("Copy selected cells into the clipboard.") self.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence.Copy) self.setShortcutContext(qt.Qt.WidgetShortcut) self.triggered.connect(self.copyCellsToClipboard) self.table = table self.cut = False """:attr:`cut` can be set to True by classes inheriting this action, to do a cut action.""" def copyCellsToClipboard(self): """Concatenate the text content of all selected cells into a string using tabulations and newlines to keep the table structure. Put this text into the clipboard. """ selected_idx = self.table.selectedIndexes() if not selected_idx: return selected_idx_tuples = [(idx.row(), idx.column()) for idx in selected_idx] selected_rows = [idx[0] for idx in selected_idx_tuples] selected_columns = [idx[1] for idx in selected_idx_tuples] data_model = self.table.model() copied_text = "" for row in range(min(selected_rows), max(selected_rows) + 1): for col in range(min(selected_columns), max(selected_columns) + 1): index = data_model.index(row, col) cell_text = flags = data_model.flags(index) if (row, col) in selected_idx_tuples and cell_text is not None: copied_text += cell_text if self.cut and (flags & qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable): data_model.setData(index, "") copied_text += col_separator # remove the right-most tabulation copied_text = copied_text[:-len(col_separator)] # add a newline copied_text += row_separator # remove final newline copied_text = copied_text[:-len(row_separator)] # put this text into clipboard qapp = qt.QApplication.instance() qapp.clipboard().setText(copied_text)
[docs]class CopyAllCellsAction(qt.QAction): """QAction to copy text from all cells in a :class:`QTableWidget` into the clipboard. The copied text will be a concatenation of the texts in all cells, tabulated with tabulation and newline characters. :param table: :class:`QTableView` to which this action belongs. """ def __init__(self, table): if not isinstance(table, qt.QTableView): raise ValueError('CopyAllCellsAction must be initialised ' + 'with a QTableWidget.') super(CopyAllCellsAction, self).__init__(table) self.setText("Copy all") self.setToolTip("Copy all cells into the clipboard.") self.triggered.connect(self.copyCellsToClipboard) self.table = table self.cut = False def copyCellsToClipboard(self): """Concatenate the text content of all cells into a string using tabulations and newlines to keep the table structure. Put this text into the clipboard. """ data_model = self.table.model() copied_text = "" for row in range(data_model.rowCount()): for col in range(data_model.columnCount()): index = data_model.index(row, col) cell_text = flags = data_model.flags(index) if cell_text is not None: copied_text += cell_text if self.cut and (flags & qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable): data_model.setData(index, "") copied_text += col_separator # remove the right-most tabulation copied_text = copied_text[:-len(col_separator)] # add a newline copied_text += row_separator # remove final newline copied_text = copied_text[:-len(row_separator)] # put this text into clipboard qapp = qt.QApplication.instance() qapp.clipboard().setText(copied_text)
[docs]class CutSelectedCellsAction(CopySelectedCellsAction): """QAction to cut text from selected cells in a :class:`QTableWidget` into the clipboard. The text is deleted from the original table widget (use :class:`CopySelectedCellsAction` to preserve the original data). If multiple cells are selected, the cut text will be a concatenation of the texts in all selected cells, tabulated with tabulation and newline characters. If the cells are sparsely selected, the structure is preserved by representing the unselected cells as empty strings in between two tabulation characters. Beware of pasting this data in another table widget, because depending on how the paste is implemented, the empty cells may cause data in the target table to be deleted, even though you didn't necessarily select the corresponding cell in the origin table. :param table: :class:`QTableView` to which this action belongs.""" def __init__(self, table): super(CutSelectedCellsAction, self).__init__(table) self.setText("Cut selection") self.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence.Cut) self.setShortcutContext(qt.Qt.WidgetShortcut) # cutting is already implemented in CopySelectedCellsAction (but # it is disabled), we just need to enable it self.cut = True
[docs]class CutAllCellsAction(CopyAllCellsAction): """QAction to cut text from all cells in a :class:`QTableWidget` into the clipboard. The text is deleted from the original table widget (use :class:`CopyAllCellsAction` to preserve the original data). The cut text will be a concatenation of the texts in all cells, tabulated with tabulation and newline characters. :param table: :class:`QTableView` to which this action belongs.""" def __init__(self, table): super(CutAllCellsAction, self).__init__(table) self.setText("Cut all") self.setToolTip("Cut all cells into the clipboard.") self.cut = True
def _parseTextAsTable(text, row_separator=row_separator, col_separator=col_separator): """Parse text into list of lists (2D sequence). The input text must be tabulated using tabulation characters and newlines to separate columns and rows. :param text: text to be parsed :param record_separator: String, or single character, to be interpreted as a record/row separator. :param field_separator: String, or single character, to be interpreted as a field/column separator. :return: 2D sequence of strings """ rows = text.split(row_separator) table_data = [row.split(col_separator) for row in rows] return table_data
[docs]class PasteCellsAction(qt.QAction): """QAction to paste text from the clipboard into the table. If the text contains tabulations and newlines, they are interpreted as column and row separators. In such a case, the text is split into multiple texts to be pasted into multiple cells. If a cell content is an empty string in the original text, it is ignored: the destination cell's text will not be deleted. :param table: :class:`QTableView` to which this action belongs. """ def __init__(self, table): if not isinstance(table, qt.QTableView): raise ValueError('PasteCellsAction must be initialised ' + 'with a QTableWidget.') super(PasteCellsAction, self).__init__(table) self.table = table self.setText("Paste") self.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence.Paste) self.setShortcutContext(qt.Qt.WidgetShortcut) self.setToolTip("Paste data. The selected cell is the top-left" + "corner of the paste area.") self.triggered.connect(self.pasteCellFromClipboard) def pasteCellFromClipboard(self): """Paste text from clipboard into the table. :return: *True* in case of success, *False* if pasting data failed. """ selected_idx = self.table.selectedIndexes() if len(selected_idx) != 1: msgBox = qt.QMessageBox(parent=self.table) msgBox.setText("A single cell must be selected to paste data") msgBox.exec_() return False data_model = self.table.model() selected_row = selected_idx[0].row() selected_col = selected_idx[0].column() qapp = qt.QApplication.instance() clipboard_text = qapp.clipboard().text() table_data = _parseTextAsTable(clipboard_text) protected_cells = 0 out_of_range_cells = 0 # paste table data into cells, using selected cell as origin for row_offset in range(len(table_data)): for col_offset in range(len(table_data[row_offset])): target_row = selected_row + row_offset target_col = selected_col + col_offset if target_row >= data_model.rowCount() or\ target_col >= data_model.columnCount(): out_of_range_cells += 1 continue index = data_model.index(target_row, target_col) flags = data_model.flags(index) # ignore empty strings if table_data[row_offset][col_offset] != "": if not flags & qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable: protected_cells += 1 continue data_model.setData(index, table_data[row_offset][col_offset]) # item.setText(table_data[row_offset][col_offset]) if protected_cells or out_of_range_cells: msgBox = qt.QMessageBox(parent=self.table) msg = "Some data could not be inserted, " msg += "due to out-of-range or write-protected cells." msgBox.setText(msg) msgBox.exec_() return False return True
class CopySingleCellAction(qt.QAction): """QAction to copy text from a single cell in a modified :class:`QTableWidget`. This action relies on the fact that the text in the last clicked cell are stored in :attr:`_last_cell_clicked` of the modified widget. In most cases, :class:`CopySelectedCellsAction` handles single cells, but if the selection mode of the widget has been set to NoSelection it is necessary to use this class instead. :param table: :class:`QTableView` to which this action belongs. """ def __init__(self, table): if not isinstance(table, qt.QTableView): raise ValueError('CopySingleCellAction must be initialised ' + 'with a QTableWidget.') super(CopySingleCellAction, self).__init__(table) self.setText("Copy cell") self.setToolTip("Copy cell content into the clipboard.") self.triggered.connect(self.copyCellToClipboard) self.table = table def copyCellToClipboard(self): """ """ cell_text = self.table._text_last_cell_clicked if cell_text is None: return # put this text into clipboard qapp = qt.QApplication.instance() qapp.clipboard().setText(cell_text)
[docs]class TableWidget(qt.QTableWidget): """:class:`QTableWidget` with a context menu displaying up to 5 actions: - :class:`CopySelectedCellsAction` - :class:`CopyAllCellsAction` - :class:`CutSelectedCellsAction` - :class:`CutAllCellsAction` - :class:`PasteCellsAction` These actions interact with the clipboard and can be used to copy data to or from an external application, or another widget. The cut and paste actions are disabled by default, due to the risk of overwriting data (no *Undo* action is available). Use :meth:`enablePaste` and :meth:`enableCut` to activate them. .. image:: img/TableWidget.png :param parent: Parent QWidget :param bool cut: Enable cut action :param bool paste: Enable paste action """ def __init__(self, parent=None, cut=False, paste=False): super(TableWidget, self).__init__(parent) self._text_last_cell_clicked = None self.copySelectedCellsAction = CopySelectedCellsAction(self) self.copyAllCellsAction = CopyAllCellsAction(self) self.copySingleCellAction = None self.pasteCellsAction = None self.cutSelectedCellsAction = None self.cutAllCellsAction = None self.addAction(self.copySelectedCellsAction) self.addAction(self.copyAllCellsAction) if cut: self.enableCut() if paste: self.enablePaste() self.setContextMenuPolicy(qt.Qt.ActionsContextMenu)
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): item = self.itemAt(event.pos()) if item is not None: self._text_last_cell_clicked = item.text() super(TableWidget, self).mousePressEvent(event)
[docs] def enablePaste(self): """Enable paste action, to paste data from the clipboard into the table. .. warning:: This action can cause data to be overwritten. There is currently no *Undo* action to retrieve lost data. """ self.pasteCellsAction = PasteCellsAction(self) self.addAction(self.pasteCellsAction)
[docs] def enableCut(self): """Enable cut action. .. warning:: This action can cause data to be deleted. There is currently no *Undo* action to retrieve lost data.""" self.cutSelectedCellsAction = CutSelectedCellsAction(self) self.cutAllCellsAction = CutAllCellsAction(self) self.addAction(self.cutSelectedCellsAction) self.addAction(self.cutAllCellsAction)
[docs] def setSelectionMode(self, mode): """Overloaded from QTableWidget to disable cut/copy selection actions in case mode is NoSelection :param mode: :return: """ if mode == qt.QTableView.NoSelection: self.copySelectedCellsAction.setVisible(False) self.copySelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(False) if self.cutSelectedCellsAction is not None: self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setVisible(False) self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(False) if self.copySingleCellAction is None: self.copySingleCellAction = CopySingleCellAction(self) self.insertAction(self.copySelectedCellsAction, # before first action self.copySingleCellAction) self.copySingleCellAction.setVisible(True) self.copySingleCellAction.setEnabled(True) else: self.copySelectedCellsAction.setVisible(True) self.copySelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(True) if self.cutSelectedCellsAction is not None: self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setVisible(True) self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(True) if self.copySingleCellAction is not None: self.copySingleCellAction.setVisible(False) self.copySingleCellAction.setEnabled(False) super(TableWidget, self).setSelectionMode(mode)
[docs]class TableView(qt.QTableView): """:class:`QTableView` with a context menu displaying up to 5 actions: - :class:`CopySelectedCellsAction` - :class:`CopyAllCellsAction` - :class:`CutSelectedCellsAction` - :class:`CutAllCellsAction` - :class:`PasteCellsAction` These actions interact with the clipboard and can be used to copy data to or from an external application, or another widget. The cut and paste actions are disabled by default, due to the risk of overwriting data (no *Undo* action is available). Use :meth:`enablePaste` and :meth:`enableCut` to activate them. .. note:: These actions will be available only after a model is associated with this view, using :meth:`setModel`. :param parent: Parent QWidget :param bool cut: Enable cut action :param bool paste: Enable paste action """ def __init__(self, parent=None, cut=False, paste=False): super(TableView, self).__init__(parent) self._text_last_cell_clicked = None self.cut = cut self.paste = paste self.copySelectedCellsAction = None self.copyAllCellsAction = None self.copySingleCellAction = None self.pasteCellsAction = None self.cutSelectedCellsAction = None self.cutAllCellsAction = None
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): qindex = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if self.copyAllCellsAction is not None: # model was set self._text_last_cell_clicked = self.model().data(qindex) super(TableView, self).mousePressEvent(event)
[docs] def setModel(self, model): """Set the data model for the table view, activate the actions and the context menu. :param model: :class:`qt.QAbstractItemModel` object """ super(TableView, self).setModel(model) self.copySelectedCellsAction = CopySelectedCellsAction(self) self.copyAllCellsAction = CopyAllCellsAction(self) self.addAction(self.copySelectedCellsAction) self.addAction(self.copyAllCellsAction) if self.cut: self.enableCut() if self.paste: self.enablePaste() self.setContextMenuPolicy(qt.Qt.ActionsContextMenu)
[docs] def enablePaste(self): """Enable paste action, to paste data from the clipboard into the table. .. warning:: This action can cause data to be overwritten. There is currently no *Undo* action to retrieve lost data. """ self.pasteCellsAction = PasteCellsAction(self) self.addAction(self.pasteCellsAction)
[docs] def enableCut(self): """Enable cut action. .. warning:: This action can cause data to be deleted. There is currently no *Undo* action to retrieve lost data. """ self.cutSelectedCellsAction = CutSelectedCellsAction(self) self.cutAllCellsAction = CutAllCellsAction(self) self.addAction(self.cutSelectedCellsAction) self.addAction(self.cutAllCellsAction)
[docs] def addAction(self, action): # ensure the actions are not added multiple times: # compare action type and parent widget with those of existing actions for existing_action in self.actions(): if type(action) == type(existing_action): if hasattr(action, "table") and\ action.table is existing_action.table: return None super(TableView, self).addAction(action)
[docs] def setSelectionMode(self, mode): """Overloaded from QTableView to disable cut/copy selection actions in case mode is NoSelection :param mode: :return: """ if mode == qt.QTableView.NoSelection: self.copySelectedCellsAction.setVisible(False) self.copySelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(False) if self.cutSelectedCellsAction is not None: self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setVisible(False) self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(False) if self.copySingleCellAction is None: self.copySingleCellAction = CopySingleCellAction(self) self.insertAction(self.copySelectedCellsAction, # before first action self.copySingleCellAction) self.copySingleCellAction.setVisible(True) self.copySingleCellAction.setEnabled(True) else: self.copySelectedCellsAction.setVisible(True) self.copySelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(True) if self.cutSelectedCellsAction is not None: self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setVisible(True) self.cutSelectedCellsAction.setEnabled(True) if self.copySingleCellAction is not None: self.copySingleCellAction.setVisible(False) self.copySingleCellAction.setEnabled(False) super(TableView, self).setSelectionMode(mode)
if __name__ == "__main__": app = qt.QApplication([]) tablewidget = TableWidget() tablewidget.setWindowTitle("TableWidget") tablewidget.setColumnCount(10) tablewidget.setRowCount(7) tablewidget.enableCut() tablewidget.enablePaste() tableview = TableView(cut=True, paste=True) tableview.setWindowTitle("TableView") model = qt.QStandardItemModel() model.setColumnCount(10) model.setRowCount(7) tableview.setModel(model) app.exec_()