Source code for silx.gui.plot.LegendSelector

# coding: utf-8
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"""Widget displaying curves legends and allowing to operate on curves.

This widget is meant to work with :class:`PlotWindow`.

__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "T. Rueter", "T. Vincent"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__data__ = "16/10/2017"

import logging
import weakref

import numpy

from .. import qt, colors
from ..widgets.LegendIconWidget import LegendIconWidget
from . import items

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class LegendIcon(LegendIconWidget): """Object displaying a curve linestyle and symbol. :param QWidget parent: See :class:`QWidget` :param Union[~silx.gui.plot.items.Curve,None] curve: Curve with which to synchronize """ def __init__(self, parent=None, curve=None): super(LegendIcon, self).__init__(parent) self._curveRef = None self.setCurve(curve)
[docs] def getCurve(self): """Returns curve associated to this widget :rtype: Union[~silx.gui.plot.items.Curve,None] """ return None if self._curveRef is None else self._curveRef()
[docs] def setCurve(self, curve): """Set the curve with which to synchronize this widget. :param curve: Union[~silx.gui.plot.items.Curve,None] """ assert curve is None or isinstance(curve, items.Curve) previousCurve = self.getCurve() if curve == previousCurve: return if previousCurve is not None: previousCurve.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._curveChanged) self._curveRef = None if curve is None else weakref.ref(curve) if curve is not None: curve.sigItemChanged.connect(self._curveChanged) self._update()
def _update(self): """Update widget according to current curve state. """ curve = self.getCurve() if curve is None: _logger.error('Curve no more exists') self.setEnabled(False) return style = curve.getCurrentStyle() self.setEnabled(curve.isVisible()) self.setSymbol(style.getSymbol()) self.setLineWidth(style.getLineWidth()) self.setLineStyle(style.getLineStyle()) color = style.getColor() if numpy.array(color, copy=False).ndim != 1: # array of colors, use transparent black color = 0., 0., 0., 0. color = colors.rgba(color) # Make sure it is float in [0, 1] alpha = curve.getAlpha() color = qt.QColor.fromRgbF( color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3] * alpha) self.setLineColor(color) self.setSymbolColor(color) self.update() # TODO this should not be needed def _curveChanged(self, event): """Handle update of curve item :param event: Kind of change """ if event in (items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE, items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL, items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL_SIZE, items.ItemChangedType.LINE_WIDTH, items.ItemChangedType.LINE_STYLE, items.ItemChangedType.COLOR, items.ItemChangedType.ALPHA, items.ItemChangedType.HIGHLIGHTED, items.ItemChangedType.HIGHLIGHTED_STYLE): self._update()
[docs]class LegendModel(qt.QAbstractListModel): """Data model of curve legends. It holds the information of the curve: - color - line width - line style - visibility of the lines - symbol - visibility of the symbols """ iconColorRole = qt.Qt.UserRole + 0 iconLineWidthRole = qt.Qt.UserRole + 1 iconLineStyleRole = qt.Qt.UserRole + 2 showLineRole = qt.Qt.UserRole + 3 iconSymbolRole = qt.Qt.UserRole + 4 showSymbolRole = qt.Qt.UserRole + 5 def __init__(self, legendList=None, parent=None): super(LegendModel, self).__init__(parent) if legendList is None: legendList = [] self.legendList = [] self.insertLegendList(0, legendList) self._palette = qt.QPalette() def __getitem__(self, idx): if idx >= len(self.legendList): raise IndexError('list index out of range') return self.legendList[idx]
[docs] def rowCount(self, modelIndex=None): return len(self.legendList)
[docs] def flags(self, index): return (qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable | qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable)
[docs] def data(self, modelIndex, role): if modelIndex.isValid: idx = modelIndex.row() else: return None if idx >= len(self.legendList): raise IndexError('list index out of range') item = self.legendList[idx] isActive = item[1].get("active", False) if role == qt.Qt.DisplayRole: # Data to be rendered in the form of text legend = str(item[0]) return legend elif role == qt.Qt.SizeHintRole: # size = qt.QSize(200,50) _logger.warning('LegendModel -- size hint role not implemented') return qt.QSize() elif role == qt.Qt.TextAlignmentRole: alignment = qt.Qt.AlignVCenter | qt.Qt.AlignLeft return alignment elif role == qt.Qt.BackgroundRole: # Background color, must be QBrush if isActive: brush = self._palette.brush(qt.QPalette.Normal, qt.QPalette.Highlight) elif idx % 2: brush = qt.QBrush(qt.QColor(240, 240, 240)) else: brush = qt.QBrush(qt.Qt.white) return brush elif role == qt.Qt.ForegroundRole: # ForegroundRole color, must be QBrush if isActive: brush = self._palette.brush(qt.QPalette.Normal, qt.QPalette.HighlightedText) else: brush = self._palette.brush(qt.QPalette.Normal, qt.QPalette.WindowText) return brush elif role == qt.Qt.CheckStateRole: return bool(item[2]) # item[2] == True elif role == qt.Qt.ToolTipRole or role == qt.Qt.StatusTipRole: return '' elif role == self.iconColorRole: return item[1]['color'] elif role == self.iconLineWidthRole: return item[1]['linewidth'] elif role == self.iconLineStyleRole: return item[1]['linestyle'] elif role == self.iconSymbolRole: return item[1]['symbol'] elif role == self.showLineRole: return item[3] elif role == self.showSymbolRole: return item[4] else:'Unkown role requested: %s', str(role)) return None
[docs] def setData(self, modelIndex, value, role): if modelIndex.isValid: idx = modelIndex.row() else: return None if idx >= len(self.legendList): # raise IndexError('list index out of range') _logger.warning( 'setData -- List index out of range, idx: %d', idx) return None item = self.legendList[idx] try: if role == qt.Qt.DisplayRole: # Set legend item[0] = str(value) elif role == self.iconColorRole: item[1]['color'] = qt.QColor(value) elif role == self.iconLineWidthRole: item[1]['linewidth'] = int(value) elif role == self.iconLineStyleRole: item[1]['linestyle'] = str(value) elif role == self.iconSymbolRole: item[1]['symbol'] = str(value) elif role == qt.Qt.CheckStateRole: item[2] = value elif role == self.showLineRole: item[3] = value elif role == self.showSymbolRole: item[4] = value except ValueError: _logger.warning('Conversion failed:\n\tvalue: %s\n\trole: %s', str(value), str(role)) # Can that be right? Read docs again.. self.dataChanged.emit(modelIndex, modelIndex) return True
[docs] def insertLegendList(self, row, llist): """ :param int row: Determines after which row the items are inserted :param llist: Carries the new legend information :type llist: List """ modelIndex = self.createIndex(row, 0) count = len(llist) super(LegendModel, self).beginInsertRows(modelIndex, row, row + count) head = self.legendList[0:row] tail = self.legendList[row:] new = [] for (legend, icon) in llist: linestyle = icon.get('linestyle', None) if LegendIconWidget.isEmptyLineStyle(linestyle): # Curve had no line, give it one and hide it # So when toggle line, it will display a solid line showLine = False icon['linestyle'] = '-' else: showLine = True symbol = icon.get('symbol', None) if LegendIconWidget.isEmptySymbol(symbol): # Curve had no symbol, give it one and hide it # So when toggle symbol, it will display 'o' showSymbol = False icon['symbol'] = 'o' else: showSymbol = True selected = icon.get('selected', True) item = [legend, icon, selected, showLine, showSymbol] new.append(item) self.legendList = head + new + tail super(LegendModel, self).endInsertRows() return True
[docs] def insertRows(self, row, count, modelIndex=qt.QModelIndex()): raise NotImplementedError('Use LegendModel.insertLegendList instead')
[docs] def removeRow(self, row): return self.removeRows(row, 1)
[docs] def removeRows(self, row, count, modelIndex=qt.QModelIndex()): length = len(self.legendList) if length == 0: # Nothing to do.. return True if row < 0 or row >= length: raise IndexError('Index out of range -- ' + 'idx: %d, len: %d' % (row, length)) if count == 0: return False super(LegendModel, self).beginRemoveRows(modelIndex, row, row + count) del(self.legendList[row:row + count]) super(LegendModel, self).endRemoveRows() return True
[docs] def setEditor(self, event, editor): """ :param str event: String that identifies the editor :param editor: Widget used to change data in the underlying model :type editor: QWidget """ if event not in self.eventList: raise ValueError('setEditor -- Event must be in %s' % str(self.eventList)) self.editorDict[event] = editor
[docs]class LegendListItemWidget(qt.QItemDelegate): """Object displaying a single item (i.e., a row) in the list.""" # Notice: LegendListItem does NOT inherit # from QObject, it cannot emit signals! def __init__(self, parent=None, itemType=0): super(LegendListItemWidget, self).__init__(parent) # Dictionary to render checkboxes self.cbDict = {} self.labelDict = {} self.iconDict = {} # Keep checkbox and legend to get sizeHint self.checkbox = qt.QCheckBox() self.legend = qt.QLabel() self.icon = LegendIcon() # Context Menu and Editors self.contextMenu = None
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, modelIndex): """ Here be docs.. :param QPainter painter: :param QStyleOptionViewItem option: :param QModelIndex modelIndex: """ rect = option.rect # Calculate the icon rectangle iconSize = self.icon.sizeHint() # Calculate icon position x = rect.left() + 2 y = + int(.5 * (rect.height() - iconSize.height())) iconRect = qt.QRect(qt.QPoint(x, y), iconSize) # Calculate label rectangle legendSize = qt.QSize(rect.width() - iconSize.width() - 30, rect.height()) # Calculate label position x = rect.left() + iconRect.width() y = labelRect = qt.QRect(qt.QPoint(x, y), legendSize) labelRect.translate(qt.QPoint(10, 0)) # Calculate the checkbox rectangle x = rect.right() - 30 y = chBoxRect = qt.QRect(qt.QPoint(x, y), rect.bottomRight()) # Remember the rectangles idx = modelIndex.row() self.cbDict[idx] = chBoxRect self.iconDict[idx] = iconRect self.labelDict[idx] = labelRect # Draw background first! if option.state & qt.QStyle.State_MouseOver: backgroundBrush = option.palette.highlight() else: backgroundBrush = painter.fillRect(rect, backgroundBrush) # Draw label legendText = textBrush = textAlign = painter.setBrush(textBrush) painter.setFont(self.legend.font()) painter.setPen(textBrush.color()) painter.drawText(labelRect, textAlign, legendText) # Draw icon iconColor = iconLineWidth = iconLineStyle = iconSymbol = icon = LegendIcon() icon.resize(iconRect.size()) icon.move(iconRect.topRight()) icon.showSymbol = icon.showLine = icon.setSymbolColor(iconColor) icon.setLineColor(iconColor) icon.setLineWidth(iconLineWidth) icon.setLineStyle(iconLineStyle) icon.setSymbol(iconSymbol) icon.symbolOutlineBrush = backgroundBrush icon.paint(painter, iconRect, option.palette) # Draw the checkbox if checkState = qt.Qt.Checked else: checkState = qt.Qt.Unchecked self.drawCheck( painter, qt.QStyleOptionViewItem(), chBoxRect, checkState) painter.restore()
[docs] def editorEvent(self, event, model, option, modelIndex): # From the docs: # Mouse events are sent to editorEvent() # even if they don't start editing of the item. if event.button() == qt.Qt.RightButton and self.contextMenu: self.contextMenu.exec_(event.globalPos(), modelIndex) return True elif event.button() == qt.Qt.LeftButton: # Check if checkbox was clicked idx = modelIndex.row() cbRect = self.cbDict[idx] if cbRect.contains(event.pos()): # Toggle checkbox model.setData(modelIndex, not, qt.Qt.CheckStateRole) event.ignore() return True else: return super(LegendListItemWidget, self).editorEvent( event, model, option, modelIndex)
[docs] def createEditor(self, parent, option, idx):'### Editor request ###')
[docs] def sizeHint(self, option, idx): # return qt.QSize(68,24) iconSize = self.icon.sizeHint() legendSize = self.legend.sizeHint() checkboxSize = self.checkbox.sizeHint() height = max([iconSize.height(), legendSize.height(), checkboxSize.height()]) + 4 width = iconSize.width() + legendSize.width() + checkboxSize.width() return qt.QSize(width, height)
[docs]class LegendListView(qt.QListView): """Widget displaying a list of curve legends, line style and symbol.""" sigLegendSignal = qt.Signal(object) """Signal emitting a dict when an action is triggered by the user.""" __mouseClickedEvent = 'mouseClicked' __checkBoxClickedEvent = 'checkBoxClicked' __legendClickedEvent = 'legendClicked' def __init__(self, parent=None, model=None, contextMenu=None): super(LegendListView, self).__init__(parent) self.__lastButton = None self.__lastClickPos = None self.__lastModelIdx = None # Set default delegate self.setItemDelegate(LegendListItemWidget()) # Set default editors # self.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, # qt.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) # Set edit triggers by hand using self.edit(QModelIndex) # in mousePressEvent (better to control than signals) self.setEditTriggers(qt.QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) # Control layout # self.setBatchSize(2) # self.setLayoutMode(qt.QListView.Batched) # self.setFlow(qt.QListView.LeftToRight) # Control selection self.setSelectionMode(qt.QAbstractItemView.NoSelection) if model is None: model = LegendModel(parent=self) self.setModel(model) self.setContextMenu(contextMenu) def setLegendList(self, legendList, row=None): self.clear() if row is None: row = 0 model = self.model() model.insertLegendList(row, legendList) _logger.debug('LegendListView.setLegendList(legendList) finished') def clear(self): model = self.model() model.removeRows(0, model.rowCount()) _logger.debug('LegendListView.clear() finished') def setContextMenu(self, contextMenu=None): delegate = self.itemDelegate() if isinstance(delegate, LegendListItemWidget) and self.model(): if contextMenu is None: delegate.contextMenu = LegendListContextMenu(self.model()) delegate.contextMenu.sigContextMenu.connect( self._contextMenuSlot) else: delegate.contextMenu = contextMenu def __getitem__(self, idx): model = self.model() try: item = model[idx] except ValueError: item = None return item def _contextMenuSlot(self, ddict): self.sigLegendSignal.emit(ddict)
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): self.__lastButton = event.button() self.__lastPosition = event.pos() super(LegendListView, self).mousePressEvent(event) # call _handleMouseClick after editing was handled # If right click (context menu) is aborted, no # signal is emitted.. self._handleMouseClick(self.indexAt(self.__lastPosition))
[docs] def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): self.__lastButton = event.button() self.__lastPosition = event.pos() super(LegendListView, self).mouseDoubleClickEvent(event) # call _handleMouseClick after editing was handled # If right click (context menu) is aborted, no # signal is emitted.. self._handleMouseClick(self.indexAt(self.__lastPosition))
[docs] def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): # LegendListView.mouseMoveEvent is overwritten # to suppress unwanted behavior in the delegate. pass
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): # LegendListView.mouseReleaseEvent is overwritten # to subpress unwanted behavior in the delegate. pass
def _handleMouseClick(self, modelIndex): """ Distinguish between mouse click on Legend and mouse click on CheckBox by setting the currentCheckState attribute in LegendListItem. Emits signal sigLegendSignal(ddict) :param QModelIndex modelIndex: index of the clicked item """ _logger.debug('self._handleMouseClick called') if self.__lastButton not in [qt.Qt.LeftButton, qt.Qt.RightButton]: return if not modelIndex.isValid(): _logger.debug('_handleMouseClick -- Invalid QModelIndex') return # model = self.model() idx = modelIndex.row() delegate = self.itemDelegate() cbClicked = False if isinstance(delegate, LegendListItemWidget): for cbRect in delegate.cbDict.values(): if cbRect.contains(self.__lastPosition): cbClicked = True break # TODO: Check for doubleclicks on legend/icon and spawn editors ddict = { 'legend': str(, 'icon': { 'linewidth': str( LegendModel.iconLineWidthRole)), 'linestyle': str( LegendModel.iconLineStyleRole)), 'symbol': str( }, 'selected':, 'type': str( } if self.__lastButton == qt.Qt.RightButton: _logger.debug('Right clicked') ddict['button'] = "right" ddict['event'] = self.__mouseClickedEvent elif cbClicked: _logger.debug('CheckBox clicked') ddict['button'] = "left" ddict['event'] = self.__checkBoxClickedEvent else: _logger.debug('Legend clicked') ddict['button'] = "left" ddict['event'] = self.__legendClickedEvent _logger.debug(' idx: %d\n ddict: %s', idx, str(ddict)) self.sigLegendSignal.emit(ddict)
[docs]class LegendListContextMenu(qt.QMenu): """Contextual menu associated to items in a :class:`LegendListView`.""" sigContextMenu = qt.Signal(object) """Signal emitting a dict upon contextual menu actions.""" def __init__(self, model): super(LegendListContextMenu, self).__init__(parent=None) self.model = model self.addAction('Set Active', self.setActiveAction) self.addAction('Map to left', self.mapToLeftAction) self.addAction('Map to right', self.mapToRightAction) self._pointsAction = self.addAction( 'Points', self.togglePointsAction) self._pointsAction.setCheckable(True) self._linesAction = self.addAction('Lines', self.toggleLinesAction) self._linesAction.setCheckable(True) self.addAction('Remove curve', self.removeItemAction) self.addAction('Rename curve', self.renameItemAction)
[docs] def exec_(self, pos, idx): self.__currentIdx = idx # Set checkable action state modelIndex = self.currentIdx() self._pointsAction.setChecked( self._linesAction.setChecked( super(LegendListContextMenu, self).popup(pos)
def currentIdx(self): return self.__currentIdx def mapToLeftAction(self): _logger.debug('LegendListContextMenu.mapToLeftAction called') modelIndex = self.currentIdx() legend = str( ddict = { 'legend': legend, 'label': legend, 'selected':, 'type': str(, 'event': "mapToLeft" } self.sigContextMenu.emit(ddict) def mapToRightAction(self): _logger.debug('LegendListContextMenu.mapToRightAction called') modelIndex = self.currentIdx() legend = str( ddict = { 'legend': legend, 'label': legend, 'selected':, 'type': str(, 'event': "mapToRight" } self.sigContextMenu.emit(ddict) def removeItemAction(self): _logger.debug('LegendListContextMenu.removeCurveAction called') modelIndex = self.currentIdx() legend = str( ddict = { 'legend': legend, 'label': legend, 'selected':, 'type': str(, 'event': "removeCurve" } self.model.removeRow(modelIndex.row()) self.sigContextMenu.emit(ddict) def renameItemAction(self): _logger.debug('LegendListContextMenu.renameCurveAction called') modelIndex = self.currentIdx() legend = str( ddict = { 'legend': legend, 'label': legend, 'selected':, 'type': str(, 'event': "renameCurve" } self.sigContextMenu.emit(ddict) def toggleLinesAction(self): modelIndex = self.currentIdx() legend = str( ddict = { 'legend': legend, 'label': legend, 'selected':, 'type': str(, } linestyle = visible = not _logger.debug('toggleLinesAction -- lines visible: %s', str(visible)) ddict['event'] = "toggleLine" ddict['line'] = visible ddict['linestyle'] = linestyle if visible else '' self.model.setData(modelIndex, visible, LegendModel.showLineRole) self.sigContextMenu.emit(ddict) def togglePointsAction(self): modelIndex = self.currentIdx() legend = str( ddict = { 'legend': legend, 'label': legend, 'selected':, 'type': str(, } flag = symbol = visible = not flag or LegendIconWidget.isEmptySymbol(symbol) _logger.debug( 'togglePointsAction -- Symbols visible: %s', str(visible)) ddict['event'] = "togglePoints" ddict['points'] = visible ddict['symbol'] = symbol if visible else '' self.model.setData(modelIndex, visible, LegendModel.showSymbolRole) self.sigContextMenu.emit(ddict)
[docs] def setActiveAction(self): modelIndex = self.currentIdx() legend = str( _logger.debug('setActiveAction -- active curve: %s', legend) ddict = { 'legend': legend, 'label': legend, 'selected':, 'type': str(, 'event': "setActiveCurve", } self.sigContextMenu.emit(ddict)
[docs]class RenameCurveDialog(qt.QDialog): """Dialog box to input the name of a curve.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, current="", curves=()): super(RenameCurveDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle("Rename Curve %s" % current) self.curves = curves layout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self) self.lineEdit = qt.QLineEdit(self) self.lineEdit.setText(current) self.hbox = qt.QWidget(self) self.hboxLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout(self.hbox) self.hboxLayout.addStretch(1) self.okButton = qt.QPushButton(self.hbox) self.okButton.setText('OK') self.hboxLayout.addWidget(self.okButton) self.cancelButton = qt.QPushButton(self.hbox) self.cancelButton.setText('Cancel') self.hboxLayout.addWidget(self.cancelButton) self.hboxLayout.addStretch(1) layout.addWidget(self.lineEdit) layout.addWidget(self.hbox) self.okButton.clicked.connect(self.preAccept) self.cancelButton.clicked.connect(self.reject) def preAccept(self): text = str(self.lineEdit.text()) addedText = "" if len(text): if text not in self.curves: self.accept() return else: addedText = "Curve already exists." text = "Invalid Curve Name" msg = qt.QMessageBox(self) msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setWindowTitle(text) text += "\n%s" % addedText msg.setText(text) msg.exec_() def getText(self): return str(self.lineEdit.text())
[docs]class LegendsDockWidget(qt.QDockWidget): """QDockWidget with a :class:`LegendSelector` connected to a PlotWindow. It makes the link between the LegendListView widget and the PlotWindow. :param parent: See :class:`QDockWidget` :param plot: :class:`.PlotWindow` instance on which to operate """ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None): assert plot is not None self._plotRef = weakref.ref(plot) self._isConnected = False # True if widget connected to plot signals super(LegendsDockWidget, self).__init__("Legends", parent) self._legendWidget = LegendListView() self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setWidget(self._legendWidget) self.visibilityChanged.connect( self._visibilityChangedHandler) self._legendWidget.sigLegendSignal.connect(self._legendSignalHandler) @property def plot(self): """The :class:`.PlotWindow` this widget is attached to.""" return self._plotRef()
[docs] def renameCurve(self, oldLegend, newLegend): """Change the name of a curve using remove and addCurve :param str oldLegend: The legend of the curve to be changed :param str newLegend: The new legend of the curve """ is_active = self.plot.getActiveCurve(just_legend=True) == oldLegend curve = self.plot.getCurve(oldLegend) self.plot.remove(oldLegend, kind='curve') self.plot.addCurve(curve.getXData(copy=False), curve.getYData(copy=False), legend=newLegend, info=curve.getInfo(), color=curve.getColor(), symbol=curve.getSymbol(), linewidth=curve.getLineWidth(), linestyle=curve.getLineStyle(), xlabel=curve.getXLabel(), ylabel=curve.getYLabel(), xerror=curve.getXErrorData(copy=False), yerror=curve.getYErrorData(copy=False), z=curve.getZValue(), selectable=curve.isSelectable(), fill=curve.isFill(), resetzoom=False) if is_active: self.plot.setActiveCurve(newLegend)
def _legendSignalHandler(self, ddict): """Handles events from the LegendListView signal""" _logger.debug("Legend signal ddict = %s", str(ddict)) if ddict['event'] == "legendClicked": if ddict['button'] == "left": self.plot.setActiveCurve(ddict['legend']) elif ddict['event'] == "removeCurve": self.plot.removeCurve(ddict['legend']) elif ddict['event'] == "renameCurve": curveList = self.plot.getAllCurves(just_legend=True) oldLegend = ddict['legend'] dialog = RenameCurveDialog(self.plot, oldLegend, curveList) ret = dialog.exec_() if ret: newLegend = dialog.getText() self.renameCurve(oldLegend, newLegend) elif ddict['event'] == "setActiveCurve": self.plot.setActiveCurve(ddict['legend']) elif ddict['event'] == "checkBoxClicked": self.plot.hideCurve(ddict['legend'], not ddict['selected']) elif ddict['event'] in ["mapToRight", "mapToLeft"]: legend = ddict['legend'] curve = self.plot.getCurve(legend) yaxis = 'right' if ddict['event'] == 'mapToRight' else 'left' self.plot.addCurve(x=curve.getXData(copy=False), y=curve.getYData(copy=False), legend=curve.getName(), info=curve.getInfo(), yaxis=yaxis) elif ddict['event'] == "togglePoints": legend = ddict['legend'] curve = self.plot.getCurve(legend) symbol = ddict['symbol'] if ddict['points'] else '' self.plot.addCurve(x=curve.getXData(copy=False), y=curve.getYData(copy=False), legend=curve.getName(), info=curve.getInfo(), symbol=symbol) elif ddict['event'] == "toggleLine": legend = ddict['legend'] curve = self.plot.getCurve(legend) linestyle = ddict['linestyle'] if ddict['line'] else '' self.plot.addCurve(x=curve.getXData(copy=False), y=curve.getYData(copy=False), legend=curve.getName(), info=curve.getInfo(), linestyle=linestyle) else: _logger.debug("unhandled event %s", str(ddict['event']))
[docs] def updateLegends(self, *args): """Sync the LegendSelector widget displayed info with the plot. """ legendList = [] for curve in self.plot.getAllCurves(withhidden=True): legend = curve.getName() # Use active color if curve is active isActive = legend == self.plot.getActiveCurve(just_legend=True) style = curve.getCurrentStyle() color = style.getColor() if numpy.array(color, copy=False).ndim != 1: # array of colors, use transparent black color = 0., 0., 0., 0. curveInfo = { 'color': qt.QColor.fromRgbF(*color), 'linewidth': style.getLineWidth(), 'linestyle': style.getLineStyle(), 'symbol': style.getSymbol(), 'selected': not self.plot.isCurveHidden(legend), 'active': isActive} legendList.append((legend, curveInfo)) self._legendWidget.setLegendList(legendList)
def _visibilityChangedHandler(self, visible): if visible: self.updateLegends() if not self._isConnected: self.plot.sigContentChanged.connect(self.updateLegends) self.plot.sigActiveCurveChanged.connect(self.updateLegends) self._isConnected = True else: if self._isConnected: self.plot.sigContentChanged.disconnect(self.updateLegends) self.plot.sigActiveCurveChanged.disconnect(self.updateLegends) self._isConnected = False
[docs] def showEvent(self, event): """Make sure this widget is raised when it is shown (when it is first created as a tab in PlotWindow or when it is shown again after hiding). """ self.raise_()