Change Log¶
0.14.0: 2020/12/11¶
This is the first version of silx supporting h5py >= v3.0.
This is the last version of silx officially supporting Python 3.5.
- silx.gui:
- Added support for HDF5 external data (virtual and raw) (PR #3222)
- Added lazy update handling of OpenGL textures (PR #3205)
- Deprecated silx.gui.plot.matplotlib module (use silx.gui.utils.matplotlib instead) (PR #3158)
- Improved memory allocation by using already defined fontMetrics instread of creating a new one (PR #3239)
- Make TextFormatter compatible with h5py>=3 (PR #3253)
- Fixed matplotlib 3.3.0rc1 deprecation warnings (PR #3145)
- silx.gui.colors.Colormap:
- Added Colormap.get|setNaNColor to change color used for NaN, fix different NaN displays for matplotlib/openGL backends (PR #3143)
- Refactored PlotWidget OpenGL backend to enable extensions (PR #3147)
- Fixed use of QThreadPool.tryTake to be Qt5.7 compliant (PR #3250)
- silx.gui.plot:
- Added the feature to compute statistics inside a specific region of interest (PR #3056)
- Added an action to switch on/off OpenGL rendering on a plot (PR #3261)
- Added test for ROI interaction mode (PR #3283)
- Added saving of error bars when saving a plot (PR #3199)
- Added ImageStack.clear (PR #3167)
- Improved image profile tool to support PlotWidget item extension (PR #3150)
- Improved Stackview: replaced setColormap autoscale argument by scaleColormapRangeToStack method (PR #3279)
- Updated 3 stddev autoscale algorithm, clamp it with the minmax data in order to improve the contrast (PR #3284)
- Updated ROI module: splitted into 3 modules base/common/arc_roi (PR #3283)
- Fixed ColormapDialog custom range input (PR #3153)
- Fixed issue when changing ROI mode while a ROI is being created (PR #3186)
- Fixed RegionOfInterest refresh when highlighted (PR #3197)
- Fixed arc roi shape: make sure start and end points are part of the shape (PR #3257)
- Fixed issue in Colormap 3 stdev autoscale mode and avoided warnings (PR #3295)
- Major improvements of PlotWidget:
- Added get|setAxesMargins methods to control margin ratios around plot area (PR #3196)
- Added PlotWidget.[get|set]Backend enabling switching backend (PR #3255)
- Added multi interaction mode for ROIs (can be switched with a single click on an handle, or the context menu) (PR #3260)
- Added polar interaction mode for arc ROI (PR #3260)
- Added PlotWidget.sigDefaultContextMenu to allow to feed the default context menu (PR #3260)
- Added context menu to the selected ROI to remove it (PR #3260)
- Added pan interaction to ROI authoring (select-draw) interaction mode (PR #3291)
- Added support of right axis label with OpenGL backend (PR #3293)
- Added item visible bounds feature to PlotWidget items (PR #3223)
- Added a DataItem base class for items having a “data extent” in the plot (PR #3212)
- Added support for float16 texture in OpenGL backend (PR #3194)
- Improved support of high-DPI screen in OpenGL backend (PR #3203)
- Updated: Use points rather than pixels for marker size and line width with OpenGL backend (PR #3203)
- Updated: Expose PlotWidget colors as Qt properties (PR #3269)
- Fixed time serie axis for range < 2.5 microseconds (PR #3195)
- Fixed initial size of OpenGL backend (PR #3209)
- Fixed PlotWidget image items displayed below the grid by default (PR #3235)
- Fixed OpenGL backend image display with sqrt colormap normalization (PR #3248)
- Fixed support of shapes with multiple polygons in the OpenGL backend (PR #3259)
- Fixes duplicated callback on ROIs (there was one for each ROI managed created on the plot) (PR #3260)
- Fixed RegionOfInterest contains methods (PR #3336)
- silx.gui.colors.plot3d:
- Improved scene rendering (PR #3149)
- Fixed handling of transparency of cut plane (PR #3204)
- silx.image:
- Fixed slow image.tomography.get_next_power() (PR #3168)
- Added support for HDF5 link preservation in dictdump (PR #3224)
- Added support for numpy arrays of numbers (PR #3251)
- Make h5todict resilient to issues in the HDF5 file (PR #3162)
- silx.math:
- Improved colormap performances for small datasets (PR #3282)
- silx.opencl:
- Added textures availability check (PR #3273)
- Added a warning when there is an issue in the Ocl destruction (PR #3280)
- Fixed Sift test on modern GPU (PR #3262)
- Miscellaneous:
- Added HDF5 strings: handle h5py 2.x and 3.x (PR #3240)
- Fixed cython 3 compatibility and deprecation warning (PR #3164, #3189)
0.13.2: 2020/09/15¶
Minor release:
- silx view application: Prevent collapsing browsing panel, Added -f command line option (PR #3176)
- silx.gui:
- Fixed DataViews.titleForSelection method (PR #3171).
- silx.gui.plot.items: Added DATA_BOUNDS visualization parameter for Scatter item histogram bounds (PR #3180)
- silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget: Fixed support of curves with infinite data (PR #3175)
- silx.gui.utils.glutils: Fixed isOpenGLAvailable function (PR #3184)
- Documentation:
- Update silx view command line options documentation (PR #3173)
- Update version number and changelog (PR #3190)
0.13.1: 2020/07/22¶
Bug fix release:
- silx.gui.plot.dialog: Fixed ColormapDialog custom range input (PR #3155)
- Build: Fixed cython 3 compatibility (PR #3163).
- Documentation: Update version number and changelog (PR #3156)
0.13.0: 2020/06/23¶
This version drops the support of Python 2.7 and Python <= 3.4.
- silx view application:
- Added support of compound data (PR #2948)
- Added Close All menu (PR #2963)
- Added default title to plots (PR #2979, #2999)
- Added a button to enable/disable file content sorting (PR #3132)
- Added support of a SILX_style HDF5 attribute to provide axes and colormap scale (PR #3092)
- Improved HDF5TableView information table to make text selectable and ease copy (PR #2903)
- Fixes (PR #2881, #2902, #3083)
- silx.gui:
- silx.gui.colors.Colormap:
- Added mean+/-3std autoscale mode (PR #2877, #2900)
- Added sqrt, arcsinh and gamma correction colormap normalizations (PR #3010, #3054, #3057, #3066, #3070, #3133)
- Limit number of threads used for computing the colormap (PR #3073)
- Reordered colormaps (PR #3137)
- silx.gui.dialog.ColormapDialog: Improved widget (PR #2874, #2915, #2924, #2954, #3136)
- silx.gui.plot:
- Major rework/extension of the regions of interest (ROI) (PR #3007, #3008, #3018, #3020, #3022, #3026, #3029, #3044, #3045, #3055, #3059, #3074, #3076, #3078, #3079, #3081, #3131)
- Major rework/extension of the profile tools (PR #2933, #2980, #2988, #3004, #3011, #3037, #3048, #3058, #3084, #3088, #3095, #3097)
- Added silx.gui.plot.ImageStack widget (PR #2480)
- Added support of scatter in PixelIntensitiesHistoAction (PR #3089, #3107)
- Added auto update of FitAction fitted data and range (PR #2960, #2961, #2969, #2981)
- Improved mask tools (PR #2986)
- Fixed PlotWindow (PR #2965) and MaskToolsWidget (PR #3125)
- silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget:
- Changed behaviour of PlotWidget.addItem and PlotWidget.removeItem to handle object items (previous behavior deprecated, not removed) and added PlotWidget.addShape method to add Shape items (PR #2873, #2904, #2919, #2925, #3120)
- Added support of uint16 RGBA images (PR #2889)
- Improved interaction (PR #2909, #3014, #3033)
- Fixed PlotWidget (PR #2884, #2901, #2970, #3002)
- Fixed and cleaned-up backends (PR #2887, #2910, #2913, #2957, #2964, #2984, #2991, #3023, #3064, #3135)
- silx.gui.plot.items:
- Added sigDragStarted and sigDragFinished signals to marker items and sigEditingStarted and sigEditingFinished signals to region of interest items (PR #2754)
- Added XAxisExtent and YAxisExtent items in silx.gui.plot.items to control the plot data extent (PR #2932)
- Added ImageStack item (PR #2994)
- Added Scatter item histogram visualization mode (PR #2912, #2923)
- Added isDragged method to marker items (PR #3000)
- Improved performance of colormapped items by caching data min/max (PR #2876, #2886)
- Improved Scatter item regular grid (PR #2918) and irregular grid (PR #3108) visualizations
- silx.gui.qt:
- Changed behavior of QObject multiple-inheritance (PR #3052)
- Limit silxGlobalThreadPool function to use 4 threads maximum (PR #3072)
- silx.gui.utils.glutils: Added isOpenGLAvailable to check the availability of OpenGL (PR #2878)
- silx.gui.widgets:
- Added ElidedLabel widget (PR #3110, #3111)
- Fixed LegendIconWidget (PR #3112)
- silx.gui.colors.Colormap:
- Added support of signal dataset name-based errors to NXdata (PR #2976)
- Added dicttonx function and support of HDF5 attibutes in dicttoh5 function (PR #3013, #3017, #3031, #3093)
- Fixed url.DataUrl.path (PR #2973)
- silx.opencl:
- Fixed issue with Python 3.8 (PR #3036)
- Disable textures for Nvidia Fermi GPUs for convolution (PR #3101)
- Miscellaneous:
- Requires fabio >= 0.9 (PR #2937)
- Fixed compatibility with h5py<v2.9 (PR #3024), cython 3 (PR #3034)
- Avoid deprecation warnings (PR #3104) from Python 3.7 (PR #3012), Python 3.8 (PR #2891, #2934, #2989, #2993, #3127), h5py (PR #2854, #2893), matplotlib (PR #2890), fabio (PR #2930) and numpy (PR #3129)
- Use numpy.errstate to ignore warnings rather than the warnings module (PR #2920)
- Build, documentation and tests:
- Dropped Python2 support (PR #3119, #3140) and removed Python 2 tests and packaging (PR #2838, #2917)
- Added debian 11/Ubuntu 20.04 packaging (PR #2875)
- Improved test environment (PR #2870, #2949, #2995, #3009, #3061, #3086, #3087, #3122), documentation (PR #2872, #2894, #2937, #2987, #3042, #3053, #3068, #3091, #3103, #3115) and sample code (PR #2978, #3130, #3138)
- Fixed Windows “fat binary” build (PR #2971)
0.12.0: 2020/01/09¶
Python 2.7 is no longer officially supported (even if tests pass and most of the library should work).
- silx view application:
- Added: keep the same axes selection when changing dataset except for the stack view (PR #2701, #2780)
- Added a Description column in the browsing tree to display NeXus title or name (PR #2804)
- Added support of URL as filename (PR #2750)
- Behavior changed: no longer lock HDF5 files by default, can be changed with –hdf5-file-locking option (PR #2861)
- silx.gui:
- silx.gui.plot:
- Added scatter plot regular and irregular grid visualization mode (PR #2810, #2815, #2820, #2824, #2831)
- Added baseline argument to PlotWidget addCurve and addHistogram methods (PR #2715)
- Added right axis support to PlotWidget marker items (PR #2744)
- Added BoundingRect PlotWidget item (PR #2823)
- Added more markers to PlotWidget items using symbols (PR #2792)
- Improved and fixed PlotWidget and backends rendering and picking to guarantee rendering order of items (PR #2602, #2694, #2726, #2728, #2730, #2731, #2732, #2734, #2746, #2800, #2822, #2829, #2851, #2853)
- Improved RegionOfInterest: Added sigItemChanged signal, renamed get|setLabel to get|setName (PR #2684, #2729, #2794, #2803, #2860)
- Improved StackView: Allow to save dataset to HDF5 (PR #2813)
- silx.gui.plot3d:
- Added colormapped isosurface display to ComplexField3D (PR #2675)
- Miscellaneous:
- Added cividis colormap (PR #2763)
- Added silx.gui.widgets.ColormapNameComboBox widget (PR #2814)
- Added silx.gui.widgets.LegendIconWidget widget (PR #2783)
- Added silx.gui.utils.blockSignals context manager (PR #2697, #2702)
- Added silx.gui.utils.qtutils.getQEventName function (PR #2725)
- Added silx.gui.colors.asQColor function (PR #2753)
- Minor fixes (PR #2662, #2667, #2674, #2719, #2724, #2747, #2757, #2760, #2766, #2789, #2798, #2799, #2805, #2811, #2832, #2834, #2839, #2849, #2852, #2857, #2864, #2867)
- silx.gui.plot:
- silx.opencl:
- Added silx.opencl.sparse.CSR with support of different data types (PR #2671)
- Improved support of different platforms like PoCL (PR #2669, #2698, #2806)
- Moved non-OpenCL related utilities to silx.opencl.utils module (PR #2782)
- Fixed silx.opencl.sinofilter.SinoFilter to avoid importing scikit-cuda (PR #2721)
- Fixed kernel garbage collection (PR #2708)
- Fixed silx.opencl.convolution.Convolution (PR #2781)
- silx.math/silx.image:
- Added trilinear interpolator: silx.math.interpolate.interp3d (PR #2678)
- Added silx.image.utils.gaussian_kernel function (PR #2782)
- Improved silx.image.shapes.Polygon argument check (PR #2761)
- Fixed and improved silx.math.fft with FFTW backend (PR #2751)
- Fixed support of not finite data in fit manager (PR #2868)
- Added asarray=True argument to function (PR #2692, #2767)
- Improved (PR #2790)
- Increased max number of motors in specfile (PR #2817)
- Fixed data conversion when reading images with fabio (PR #2735)
- Build, documentation and tests:
- Added Cython as a build dependency (PR #2795, #2807, #2808)
- Added Debian 10 packaging (PR #2670, #2672, #2666, #2686, #2706)
- Improved documentation (PR #2673, #2680, #2679, #2772, #2759, #2779, #2801, #2802, #2833, #2857, #2869)
- Improved testing tools (PR #2704, #2796, #2818)
- Improved script (PR #2727, #2733)
0.11.0: 2019/07/03¶
Graphical user interface:
- Plot:
- Add sample code on how to update a plot3d widget from a thread
- ScatterPlot: add the possibility to plot as a surface using Delaunay triangulation
- ScatterView: add a tool button to change scatter visualization mode (ex. Solid)
- (OpenGL backend) Fix memory leak when creating/deleting widgets in a loop
- Plot3D:
- Add an action to toggle plot3d’s PositionInfoWidget picking.
- Add a 3D complex field visualization: Complex3DField (also available from silx view)
- Add a PositionInfoWidget and a tool button to toggle the picking mode to SceneWindow
- Add the possibility to render the scene with linear fog.
- silx.gui.widgets:
- Fix ImageFileDialog selection for a cube with shape like 1,y,x.
- Requires numpy version >= 1.12
- HDF5 creator script
- Support of Python 3.4 is dropped. Please upgrade to at least Python 3.5.
- This is the last version to officially support Python 2.7.
- The source code is Python 3.8 ready.
- Improve PySide2 support. PyQt4 and PySide are deprecated.
0.10.0: 2019/02/19¶
Graphical user interface:
- Plot:
- Add support of foreground color
- Fix plot background colors
- Add tool to mask ellipse
- StatsWidget:
- Add support for plot3D widgets
- Add a PyMca like widget
- Colormap: Phase colormap is now editable
- ImageView: Add ColorBarWidget
- PrintPreview:
- Add API to define ‘comment’ and ‘title’
- Fix resizing in PyQt5
- Selection: Allow style definition
- ColormapDialog: display ‘values’ plot in log if colormap uses log
- Synchronize ColorBar with plot background colors
- CurvesROIWidget: ROI is now an object.
- Plot3D:
- SceneWidget: add ColormapMesh item
- Add compatibility with the StatsWidget to display statistic on 3D volumes.
- Add ScalarFieldView.get|setOuterScale
- Fix label update in param tree
- Add ColormapMesh item to the SceneWidget
- HDF5 tree:
- Allow URI drop
- Robustness of hdf5 tree with corrupted files
- silx.gui.widgets:
- Add URL selection table
- Support compressed Fabio extensions
- Add a function to create external dataset for .vol file
silx view:
- Support 2D view for 3D NXData
- Add a NXdata for complex images
- Add a 3d scalar field view to the NXdata views zoo
- Improve shortcuts, view loading
- Improve silx view loading, shortcuts and sliders ergonomy
- Support default attribute pointing to an NXdata at any group level
silx convert
- Allow to use a filter id for compression
- fft: multibackend fft
- Compute statistics on a numpy.ndarray
- Backprojection:
- Add sinogram filters (SinoFilter)
- Input and/or output can be device arrays.
- End of PySide support (use PyQt5)
- Last version supporting numpy 1.8.0. Next version will drop support for numpy < 1.12
- Python 2.7 support will be dropped before end 2019. From version 0.11, a deprecation warning will be issued.
- Remove some old deprecated methods/arguments
- Set Cython language_level to 3
0.9.0: 2018/10/23¶
Graphical user interface:
- silx.gui.widgets:
- Adds RangeSlider widget, a slider with 2 thumbs
- Adds CurveLegendsWidget widget to display PlotWidget curve legends (as an alternative to LegendSelector widget)
- Adds FlowLayout QWidget layout
- Plot:
- Adds CompareImages widget providing tools to compare 2 images
- ScatterView: Adds alpha channel support
- MaskToolsWidget: Adds load/save masks from/to HDF5 files
- PlotWidget:
- Adds getItems method, sigItemAdded and sigItemAboutToBeRemoved signals
- Adds more options for active curve highlighting (see get|setActiveCurveStyle method)
- Deprecates get|setActiveCurveColor methods
- Adds get|setActiveCurveSelectionMode methods to change the behavior of active curve selection
- Adds configurable line style and width to line markers
- Fixes texture cache size in OpenGL backend
- Plot3D:
- Adds SceneWidget.pickItems method to retrieve the item and data at a given mouse position
- Adds PositionInfoWidget widget to display data value at a given mouse position
- silx.gui.utils:
- Adds image module for QImage/numpy array conversion functions
- Adds testutils helper module for writing Qt tests (previously available internally as silx.gui.test.utils)
- Adds silx.gui.qt.inspect module to inspect Qt objects
- Updates median filter with support for Not-a-Number and a ‘constant’ padding mode
silx view:
- Fixes file synchronization
- Adds a refresh button to synchronize file content
- Deprecates support of PySide Qt4 binding (We intend to drop official support of PySide in silx 0.10.0)
- Deprecates support of PyQt4
- Adds h5py and fabio as strong dependencies
- Adds silx.examples package to ship the example with the library
0.8.0: 2018/07/04¶
- Graphical user interface:
- Plot:
- Adds support of x-axis date/time ticks for time series display (see silx.gui.plot.items.XAxis.setTickMode)
- Adds support of interactive authoring of regions of interest (see silx.gui.plot.items.roi and
- Adds StatsWidget widget for displaying statistics on data displayed in a PlotWidget
- Adds ScatterView widget for displaying scatter plot with tools such as line profile and mask
- Overcomes the limitation to float32 precision with the OpenGL backend
- Splits plot toolbar is several reusable thematic toolbars
- Plot3D: Adds SceneWidget items to display many cubes, cylinders or hexagonal prisms at once
- Adds silx.gui.utils package with submitToQtMainThread for asynchronous execution of Qt-related functions
- Adds Qt signals to Hdf5TreeView to manage HDF5 file life-cycle
- Adds GroupDialog dialog to select a group in a HDF5 file
- Improves colormap computation with a Cython/OpenMP implementation
- Main API changes:
- Colormap is now part of silx.gui.colors
- ColormapDialog is now part of silx.gui.dialogs
- MaskToolsWidget.getSelectionMask method now returns None if no image is selected
- Clean-up FrameBrowser API
- Image
- Adds an optimized marching squares algorithm to compute many iso contours from the same image
- Input/output:
- Improves handling of empty Spec scans
- Add an API to NXdata parser to get messages about malformed input data
- Allows to use in script as in Python interpreter
- sx.imshow supports custom y-axis orientation using argument origin=upper|lower
- Adds sx.enable_gui() to enable silx widgets in IPython notebooks
- silx convert
- Improves conversion from EDF file series to HDF5
- silx view
- Adds user preferences to restore colormap, plot backend, y-axis of plot image,…
- Adds –fresh option to clean up user preferences at startup
- Adds a widget to create custom viewable NXdata by combining different datasets
- Supports CTRL+C shortcut in the terminal to close the application
- Adds buttons to collapse/expand tree items
- NXdata view now uses the ScatterView widget for scatters
- Miscellaneous
- Drops official support of Debian 7
- Drops versions of IPython console widget before the qtconsole package
- Fixes EDF file size written by EdfFile module with Python 3
0.7.0: 2018/02/27¶
- Input/output:
- Priovides to parse supported links identifying group or dataset from files.
- now supports h5pyd and silx custom URLs.
- is provided to allow to reach a numpy array from silx.
- OpenCL:
- Provides an API to share memory between OpenCL tasks within the same device.
- Provides CBF compression and decompression.
- Simple processing on images (normalization, histogram).
- Sift upgrade using memory sharing.
- Added contour3d function for displaying 3D isosurfaces.
- Added points3d function for displaying 2D/3D scatter plots.
- Added ginput function for interactive input of points on 1D/2D plots.
- Graphic user interface:
- Provides a file dialog to pick a dataset or a group from HDF5 files.
- Provides a file dialog to pick an image from HDF5 files or multiframes formats.
- The colormap dialog can now be used as non-modal.
- PlotWidget can save the displayed data as a new NXentry of a HDF5 file.
- PlotWidget exports displayed data as spec files using more digits.
- Added new OpenGL-based 3D visualization widgets:
- Supports 3D scalar field view 2D/3D scatter plots and images.
- Provides an object oriented API similar to that of the 1D/2D plot.
- Features a tree of parameters to edit visualized item’s properties (e.g., transforms, colormap…)
- Provides interactive panning of cut and clip planes.
- Updates of ScalarFieldView widget:
- Added support for a 3x3 transform matrix (to support non orthogonal axes)
- Added support of an alternative interaction when ctrl is pressed (e.g., rotate by default and pan when ctrl/command key is pressed).
- Added 2 sliders to control light direction in associated parameter tree view.
- silx view:
- Uses a single colormap to show any datasets.
- The colormap dialog can stay opened while browsing the data.
- The application is associated with some file types to be used to load files on Debian.
- Provides a square amplitude display mode to visualize complex images.
- Browsing an NXentry can display a default NXdata.
- Added explanation when an NXdata is not displayable.
- NXdata visualization can now show multiple curves (see @auxiliary_signals).
- Supports older NXdata specification.
- silx convert:
- Added handling of file series as a single multiframe
- Default behavior changes to avoid to add an extra group at the root, unless explicitly requested (see –add-root-group).
- Writer uses now utf-8 text as default (NeXus specification).
- EDF files containing MCA data are now interpreted as spectrum.
- Miscellaneous:
- Added silx.utils.testutils to share useful unittest functions with other projects.
- Python 2 on Mac OS X is no longer tested.
- Experimental support to PySide2.
- If fabio is used, a version >= 0.6 is mandatory.
0.6.0: 2017/10/02¶
- OpenCl. Tomography. Implement a filtered back projection.
- Add a PrintPreview widget and a PrintPreviewToolButton for PlotWidget.
- Plot:
- Add a context menu on right click.
- Add a ComplexImageView widget.
- Merged abstract Plot class with PlotWidget class.
- Make colormap an object with signals (sigChanged)
- Add a colorbar widget silx.gui.plot.ColorBar.
- Make axis an object, allow axis synchronization between plots, allow adding constraints on axes limits.
- Refactor plot actions, new sub-package silx.gui.plot.actions.
- Add signals on PlotWidget items notifying updates.
- Mask. Support loading of TIFF images.
- Plot3d:
- Rework toolbar and interaction to use only the left mouse button.
- Support any colormap.
- Hdf5TreeView:
- Add an API to select a single tree node item (setSelectedH5Node)
- Better support and display of types.
- New column for displaying the kind of links.
- Broken nodes are now selectable.
- StackView. Add a setTitleCallback method.
- Median filter. Add new modes (reflect, mirror, shrink) in addition to nearest.
- IO:
- Rename module spectoh5 to convert. Add support for conversion of fabio formats.
- Support NPZ format.
- Support opening an URI (
- Group methods .keys, .value and .items now return lists in Python 2 and iterators in Python 3.
- Image. Add tomography utils: phantomgenerator to produce Shepp-Logan phantom, function to compute center of rotation (calc_center_corr, calc_center_centroid) and rescale the intensity of an image (rescale_intensity).
- Commands:
- silx view:
- Add command line option –use-opengl-plot.
- Add command line option –debug, to print dataset reading errors.
- Support opening URI (silx view filename::path).
- silx convert. New command line application to convert supported data files to HDF5.
- Enable usage of silx.resources for other projects.
- The silx license is now fully MIT.
0.5.0: 2017/05/12¶
- Adds OpenGL backend to 1D and 2D graphics
- Adds Object Oriented plot API with Curve, Histogram, Image, ImageRgba and Scatter items.
- Implements generic launcher (
silx view
)- NXdataViewer. Module providing NeXus NXdata support
- Math/OpenCL. Implementation of median filter.
- Plot. Implementation of ColorBar widget.
- Plot. Visualization of complex data type.
- Plot. Implementation of Scatter Plot Item supporting colormaps and masks.
- Plot. StackView now supports axes calibration.
- I/O. Supports SPEC files not having #F or #S as first line character.
- I/O. Correctly exposes UB matrix when found in file.
- ROIs. Simplification of API: setRois, getRois, calculateRois.
- ROIs. Correction of calculation bug when the X-axis values were not ordered.
- Sift. Moves package from
0.4.0: 2017/02/01¶
- Adds plot3D package (include visualization of 3-dimensional scalar fields)
- Adds data viewer (it can handle n-dimensional data)
- Adds StackView (ex. Visualization of stack of images)
- Adds depth profile calculation (ex. extract profile of a stack of images)
- Adds periodic table widget
- Adds ArrayTableWidget
- Adds pixel intensity histogram action
- Adds histogram parameter to addCurve
- Refactoring. Create (include widgets for data)
- Refactoring. Rename utils.load as
- Changes active curve behavior in Plot. No default active curve is set by default
- Fit Action. Add polynomial functions and background customization
- PlotWindow. Provide API to access toolbar actions
- Handle SPEC, HDF5 and image formats through an unified API
- hdf5widget example. Inspect and visualize any datasets
- Improves mask tool
- Deprecates PlotWindow dock widgets attributes in favor of getter methods
0.3.0: 2016/10/12¶
- Adds OpenCL management
- Adds isosurface marching cubes
- Adds sift algorithm for image alignement
- Adds octaveh5 module to insure communication between octave and python using HDF5 file
- Adds silx.utils module containing weakref and html-escape
- Adds for flat import (helper for interactive shell)
- Adds HDF5 load API (supporting Spec files) to module
- Adds SpecFile support for multiple MCA headers
- Adds HDF5 TreeView
- Adds FitManager to and FitWidget to
- Adds ThreadPoolPushButton to silx.gui.widgets
- Adds getDataRange function to plot widget
- Adds loadUi, Slot and Property to
- Adds SVG icons and support
- Adds examples for plot actions, HDF5 widget, helper widgets, converter from Spec to HDF5
- Adds tutorials for plot actions, spech5, spectoh5, sift and fitmanager
- Improves right axis support for plot widget
- Improves mask tool
- Refactors widgets constructor: first argument is now the parent widget
- Changes plot documentation and add missing module to the documentation
0.2.0: 2016/07/12¶
- Adds bilinear interpolator and line-profile for images to silx.image
- Adds Levenberg-Marquardt least-square fitting algorithm to
- Histogramnd changed to become a class rather than a function, API and return values changed
- Adds HistogramndLut, using a lookup table to bin data onto a regular grid for several sets of data sharing the same coordinates
- Adds legend widget and bottom toolbar to PlotWindow
- Adds a line-profile toolbar to PlotWindow
- Adds ImageView widget with side histograms and profile toolbar
- Adds IPython console widget, to be started from PlotWindow toolbar
- Adds Plot1D widget for curves and Plot2D widget for images
- Adds ROI widget for curves in PlotWindow
- Adds a mask widget and toolbar to plot (2D)
- Renames to
- Adds configuration dictionary dumping/loading to/from JSON and INI files in
- Adds specfile wrapper API compatible with legacy wrapper:
- Transposes scan data in specfile module to have detector as first index
- Set up nigthly build for sources package, debian packages ( and documentation (
0.1.0: 2016/04/14¶
- Adds project build, documentation and test structure
- Adds continuous integration set-up for Travis-CI and Appveyor
- Adds Debian packaging support
- Adds SPEC file reader, SPEC file conversion to HDF5 in
- Adds histogramnd function in silx.math
- Adds 1D, 2D plot widget with a toolbar, refactored from PyMca PlotWindow in silx.gui.plot