Source code for silx.gui.plot.BackendBase

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"""Base class for Plot backends.

It documents the Plot backend API.

This API is a simplified version of PyMca PlotBackend API.

__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "T. Vincent"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "18/02/2016"

import weakref

# Names for setCursor
CURSOR_DEFAULT = 'default'
CURSOR_POINTING = 'pointing'
CURSOR_SIZE_HOR = 'size horizontal'
CURSOR_SIZE_VER = 'size vertical'
CURSOR_SIZE_ALL = 'size all'

[docs]class BackendBase(object): """Class defining the API a backend of the Plot should provide.""" def __init__(self, plot, parent=None): """Init. :param Plot plot: The Plot this backend is attached to :param parent: The parent widget of the plot widget. """ self.__xLimits = 1., 100. self.__yLimits = {'left': (1., 100.), 'right': (1., 100.)} self.__yAxisInverted = False self.__keepDataAspectRatio = False # Store a weakref to get access to the plot state. self._setPlot(plot) @property def _plot(self): """The plot this backend is attached to.""" if self._plotRef is None: raise RuntimeError('This backend is not attached to a Plot') plot = self._plotRef() if plot is None: raise RuntimeError('This backend is no more attached to a Plot') return plot def _setPlot(self, plot): """Allow to set plot after init. Use with caution, basically **immediately** after init. """ self._plotRef = weakref.ref(plot) # Add methods
[docs] def addCurve(self, x, y, legend, color, symbol, linewidth, linestyle, yaxis, xerror, yerror, z, selectable, fill): """Add a 1D curve given by x an y to the graph. :param numpy.ndarray x: The data corresponding to the x axis :param numpy.ndarray y: The data corresponding to the y axis :param str legend: The legend to be associated to the curve :param color: color(s) to be used :type color: string ("#RRGGBB") or (npoints, 4) unsigned byte array or one of the predefined color names defined in :param str symbol: Symbol to be drawn at each (x, y) position:: - ' ' or '' no symbol - 'o' circle - '.' point - ',' pixel - '+' cross - 'x' x-cross - 'd' diamond - 's' square :param float linewidth: The width of the curve in pixels - ' ' or '' no line - '-' solid line - '--' dashed line - '-.' dash-dot line - ':' dotted line :param str yaxis: The Y axis this curve belongs to in: 'left', 'right' :param xerror: Values with the uncertainties on the x values :type xerror: numpy.ndarray or None :param yerror: Values with the uncertainties on the y values :type yerror: numpy.ndarray or None :param int z: Layer on which to draw the cuve :param bool selectable: indicate if the curve can be selected :returns: The handle used by the backend to univocally access the curve """ return legend
[docs] def addImage(self, data, legend, origin, scale, z, selectable, draggable, colormap): """Add an image to the plot. :param numpy.ndarray data: (nrows, ncolumns) data or (nrows, ncolumns, RGBA) ubyte array :param str legend: The legend to be associated to the image :param origin: (origin X, origin Y) of the data. Default: (0., 0.) :type origin: 2-tuple of float :param scale: (scale X, scale Y) of the data. Default: (1., 1.) :type scale: 2-tuple of float :param int z: Layer on which to draw the image :param bool selectable: indicate if the image can be selected :param bool draggable: indicate if the image can be moved :param colormap: Dictionary describing the colormap to use. Ignored if data is RGB(A). :type colormap: dict or None :returns: The handle used by the backend to univocally access the image """ return legend
[docs] def addItem(self, x, y, legend, shape, color, fill, overlay, z): """Add an item (i.e. a shape) to the plot. :param numpy.ndarray x: The X coords of the points of the shape :param numpy.ndarray y: The Y coords of the points of the shape :param str legend: The legend to be associated to the item :param str shape: Type of item to be drawn in hline, polygon, rectangle, vline, polylines :param bool fill: True to fill the shape :param bool overlay: True if item is an overlay, False otherwise :param int z: Layer on which to draw the item :returns: The handle used by the backend to univocally access the item """ return legend
[docs] def addMarker(self, x, y, legend, text, color, selectable, draggable, symbol, constraint, overlay): """Add a point, vertical line or horizontal line marker to the plot. :param float x: Horizontal position of the marker in graph coordinates. If None, the marker is a horizontal line. :param float y: Vertical position of the marker in graph coordinates. If None, the marker is a vertical line. :param str legend: Legend associated to the marker :param str text: Text associated to the marker (or None for no text) :param str color: Color to be used for instance 'blue', 'b', '#FF0000' :param bool selectable: indicate if the marker can be selected :param bool draggable: indicate if the marker can be moved :param str symbol: Symbol representing the marker. Only relevant for point markers where X and Y are not None. Value in: - 'o' circle - '.' point - ',' pixel - '+' cross - 'x' x-cross - 'd' diamond - 's' square :param constraint: A function filtering marker displacement by dragging operations or None for no filter. This function is called each time a marker is moved. This parameter is only used if draggable is True. :type constraint: None or a callable that takes the coordinates of the current cursor position in the plot as input and that returns the filtered coordinates. :param bool overlay: True if marker is an overlay (Default: False). This allows for rendering optimization if this marker is changed often. :return: Handle used by the backend to univocally access the marker """ return legend # Remove methods
[docs] def remove(self, item): """Remove an existing item from the plot. :param item: A backend specific item handle returned by a add* method """ pass # Interaction methods
[docs] def setGraphCursorShape(self, cursor): """Set the cursor shape. To override in interactive backends. :param str cursor: Name of the cursor shape or None """ pass
[docs] def setGraphCursor(self, flag, color, linewidth, linestyle): """Toggle the display of a crosshair cursor and set its attributes. To override in interactive backends. :param bool flag: Toggle the display of a crosshair cursor. :param color: The color to use for the crosshair. :type color: A string (either a predefined color name in or "#RRGGBB")) or a 4 columns unsigned byte array. :param int linewidth: The width of the lines of the crosshair. :param linestyle: Type of line:: - ' ' no line - '-' solid line - '--' dashed line - '-.' dash-dot line - ':' dotted line :type linestyle: None or one of the predefined styles. """ pass
[docs] def pickItems(self, x, y): """Get a list of items at a pixel position. :param float x: The x pixel coord where to pick. :param float y: The y pixel coord where to pick. :return: All picked items from back to front. One dict per item, with 'kind' key in 'curve', 'marker', 'image'; 'legend' key, the item legend. and for curves, 'xdata' and 'ydata' keys storing picked position on the curve. :rtype: list of dict """ return [] # Active curve
[docs] def setActiveCurve(self, curve, active, color=None): """Set/Reset the color of a curve to show that it is active. :param curve: The curve handle :param bool active: True to set curve to color, False to reset curve to its initial color. :param str color: The color to use. """ pass # Misc.
[docs] def getWidgetHandle(self): """Return the widget this backend is drawing to.""" return None
[docs] def postRedisplay(self): """Trigger a :meth:`Plot.replot`. Default implementation triggers a synchronous replot if plot is dirty. This method should be overridden by the embedding widget in order to provide an asynchronous call to replot in order to optimize the number replot operations. """ # This method can be deferred and it might happen that plot has been # destroyed in between, especially with unittests plot = self._plotRef() if plot is not None and plot._getDirtyPlot(): plot.replot()
[docs] def replot(self): """Redraw the plot.""" pass
[docs] def saveGraph(self, fileName, fileFormat, dpi): """Save the graph to a file (or a StringIO) :param fileName: Destination :type fileName: String or StringIO or BytesIO :param str fileFormat: String specifying the format :param int dpi: The resolution to use or None. """ pass # Graph labels
[docs] def setGraphTitle(self, title): """Set the main title of the plot. :param str title: Title associated to the plot """ pass
[docs] def setGraphXLabel(self, label): """Set the X axis label. :param str label: label associated to the plot bottom X axis """ pass
[docs] def setGraphYLabel(self, label, axis): """Set the left Y axis label. :param str label: label associated to the plot left Y axis :param str axis: The axis for which to get the limits: left or right """ pass # Graph limits
[docs] def resetZoom(self, dataMargins): """Reset the displayed area of the plot. Autoscale any axis that is in autoscale mode. Keep current limits on axes not in autoscale mode Extra margins can be added around the data inside the plot area. Margins are given as one ratio of the data range per limit of the data (xMin, xMax, yMin and yMax limits). For log scale, extra margins are applied in log10 of the data. :param dataMargins: Ratios of margins to add around the data inside the plot area for each side :type dataMargins: A 4-tuple of float as (xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax). """ pass
[docs] def setLimits(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, y2min=None, y2max=None): """Set the limits of the X and Y axes at once. :param float xmin: minimum bottom axis value :param float xmax: maximum bottom axis value :param float ymin: minimum left axis value :param float ymax: maximum left axis value :param float y2min: minimum right axis value :param float y2max: maximum right axis value """ self.__xLimits = xmin, xmax self.__yLimits['left'] = ymin, ymax if y2min is not None and y2max is not None: self.__yLimits['right'] = y2min, y2max
[docs] def getGraphXLimits(self): """Get the graph X (bottom) limits. :return: Minimum and maximum values of the X axis """ return self.__xLimits
[docs] def setGraphXLimits(self, xmin, xmax): """Set the limits of X axis. :param float xmin: minimum bottom axis value :param float xmax: maximum bottom axis value """ self.__xLimits = xmin, xmax
[docs] def getGraphYLimits(self, axis): """Get the graph Y (left) limits. :param str axis: The axis for which to get the limits: left or right :return: Minimum and maximum values of the Y axis """ return self.__yLimits[axis]
[docs] def setGraphYLimits(self, ymin, ymax, axis): """Set the limits of the Y axis. :param float ymin: minimum left axis value :param float ymax: maximum left axis value :param str axis: The axis for which to get the limits: left or right """ self.__yLimits[axis] = ymin, ymax # Graph axes
[docs] def setXAxisLogarithmic(self, flag): """Set the X axis scale between linear and log. :param bool flag: If True, the bottom axis will use a log scale """ pass
[docs] def setYAxisLogarithmic(self, flag): """Set the Y axis scale between linear and log. :param bool flag: If True, the left axis will use a log scale """ pass
[docs] def setYAxisInverted(self, flag): """Invert the Y axis. :param bool flag: If True, put the vertical axis origin on the top """ self.__yAxisInverted = bool(flag)
[docs] def isYAxisInverted(self): """Return True if left Y axis is inverted, False otherwise.""" return self.__yAxisInverted
[docs] def isKeepDataAspectRatio(self): """Returns whether the plot is keeping data aspect ratio or not.""" return self.__keepDataAspectRatio
[docs] def setKeepDataAspectRatio(self, flag): """Set whether to keep data aspect ratio or not. :param flag: True to respect data aspect ratio :type flag: Boolean, default True """ self.__keepDataAspectRatio = bool(flag)
[docs] def setGraphGrid(self, which): """Set grid. :param which: None to disable grid, 'major' for major grid, 'both' for major and minor grid """ pass # colormap
[docs] def getSupportedColormaps(self): """Get a list of strings with the supported colormap names. The list should at least contain and start by: ['gray', 'reversed gray', 'temperature', 'red', 'green', 'blue'] """ return ('gray', 'reversed gray', 'temperature', 'red', 'green', 'blue') # Data <-> Pixel coordinates conversion
[docs] def dataToPixel(self, x, y, axis): """Convert a position in data space to a position in pixels in the widget. :param float x: The X coordinate in data space. :param float y: The Y coordinate in data space. :param str axis: The Y axis to use for the conversion ('left' or 'right'). :returns: The corresponding position in pixels or None if the data position is not in the displayed area. :rtype: A tuple of 2 floats: (xPixel, yPixel) or None. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def pixelToData(self, x, y, axis, check=True): """Convert a position in pixels in the widget to a position in the data space. :param float x: The X coordinate in pixels. :param float y: The Y coordinate in pixels. :param str axis: The Y axis to use for the conversion ('left' or 'right'). :param bool check: True to check if the coordinates are in the plot area. :returns: The corresponding position in data space or None if the pixel position is not in the plot area. :rtype: A tuple of 2 floats: (xData, yData) or None. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def getPlotBoundsInPixels(self): """Plot area bounds in widget coordinates in pixels. :return: bounds as a 4-tuple of int: (left, top, width, height) """ raise NotImplementedError()