Source code for silx.gui.plot.ScatterMaskToolsWidget

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"""Widget providing a set of tools to draw masks on a PlotWidget.

This widget is meant to work with a modified :class:`silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget`

- :class:`ScatterMask`: Handle scatter mask update and history
- :class:`ScatterMaskToolsWidget`: GUI for :class:`ScatterMask`
- :class:`ScatterMaskToolsDockWidget`: DockWidget to integrate in :class:`PlotWindow`

from __future__ import division

__authors__ = ["P. Knobel"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "15/02/2019"

import math
import logging
import os
import numpy
import sys

from .. import qt
from ...math.combo import min_max
from ...image import shapes

from .items import ItemChangedType, Scatter
from ._BaseMaskToolsWidget import BaseMask, BaseMaskToolsWidget, BaseMaskToolsDockWidget
from ..colors import cursorColorForColormap, rgba

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ScatterMask(BaseMask): """A 1D mask for scatter data. """ def __init__(self, scatter=None): """ :param scatter: :class:`silx.gui.plot.items.Scatter` instance """ BaseMask.__init__(self, scatter) def _getXY(self): x = self._dataItem.getXData(copy=False) y = self._dataItem.getYData(copy=False) return x, y
[docs] def getDataValues(self): """Return scatter data values as a 1D array. :rtype: 1D numpy.ndarray """ return self._dataItem.getValueData(copy=False)
[docs] def save(self, filename, kind): if kind == 'npy': try:, self.getMask(copy=False)) except IOError: raise RuntimeError("Mask file can't be written") elif kind in ["csv", "txt"]: try: numpy.savetxt(filename, self.getMask(copy=False)) except IOError: raise RuntimeError("Mask file can't be written")
[docs] def updatePoints(self, level, indices, mask=True): """Mask/Unmask points with given indices. :param int level: Mask level to update. :param indices: Sequence or 1D array of indices of points to be updated :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask. """ if mask: self._mask[indices] = level else: # unmask only where mask level is the specified value indices_stencil = numpy.zeros_like(self._mask, dtype=bool) indices_stencil[indices] = True self._mask[numpy.logical_and(self._mask == level, indices_stencil)] = 0 self._notify()
# update shapes
[docs] def updatePolygon(self, level, vertices, mask=True): """Mask/Unmask a polygon of the given mask level. :param int level: Mask level to update. :param vertices: Nx2 array of polygon corners as (y, x) or (row, col) :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask. """ polygon = shapes.Polygon(vertices) x, y = self._getXY() # TODO: this could be optimized if necessary indices_in_polygon = [idx for idx in range(len(x)) if polygon.is_inside(y[idx], x[idx])] self.updatePoints(level, indices_in_polygon, mask)
[docs] def updateRectangle(self, level, y, x, height, width, mask=True): """Mask/Unmask data inside a rectangle :param int level: Mask level to update. :param float y: Y coordinate of bottom left corner of the rectangle :param float x: X coordinate of bottom left corner of the rectangle :param float height: :param float width: :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask. """ vertices = [(y, x), (y + height, x), (y + height, x + width), (y, x + width)] self.updatePolygon(level, vertices, mask)
[docs] def updateDisk(self, level, cy, cx, radius, mask=True): """Mask/Unmask a disk of the given mask level. :param int level: Mask level to update. :param float cy: Disk center (y). :param float cx: Disk center (x). :param float radius: Radius of the disk in mask array unit :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask. """ x, y = self._getXY() stencil = (y - cy)**2 + (x - cx)**2 < radius**2 self.updateStencil(level, stencil, mask)
[docs] def updateEllipse(self, level, crow, ccol, radius_r, radius_c, mask=True): """Mask/Unmask an ellipse of the given mask level. :param int level: Mask level to update. :param int crow: Row of the center of the ellipse :param int ccol: Column of the center of the ellipse :param float radius_r: Radius of the ellipse in the row :param float radius_c: Radius of the ellipse in the column :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask. """ def is_inside(px, py): return (px - ccol)**2 / radius_c**2 + (py - crow)**2 / radius_r**2 <= 1.0 x, y = self._getXY() indices_inside = [idx for idx in range(len(x)) if is_inside(x[idx], y[idx])] self.updatePoints(level, indices_inside, mask)
[docs] def updateLine(self, level, y0, x0, y1, x1, width, mask=True): """Mask/Unmask points inside a rectangle defined by a line (two end points) and a width. :param int level: Mask level to update. :param float y0: Row of the starting point. :param float x0: Column of the starting point. :param float row1: Row of the end point. :param float col1: Column of the end point. :param float width: Width of the line. :param bool mask: True to mask (default), False to unmask. """ # theta is the angle between the horizontal and the line theta = math.atan((y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)) if x1 - x0 else 0 w_over_2_sin_theta = width / 2. * math.sin(theta) w_over_2_cos_theta = width / 2. * math.cos(theta) vertices = [(y0 - w_over_2_cos_theta, x0 + w_over_2_sin_theta), (y0 + w_over_2_cos_theta, x0 - w_over_2_sin_theta), (y1 + w_over_2_cos_theta, x1 - w_over_2_sin_theta), (y1 - w_over_2_cos_theta, x1 + w_over_2_sin_theta)] self.updatePolygon(level, vertices, mask)
[docs]class ScatterMaskToolsWidget(BaseMaskToolsWidget): """Widget with tools for masking data points on a scatter in a :class:`PlotWidget`.""" def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None): super(ScatterMaskToolsWidget, self).__init__(parent, plot, mask=ScatterMask()) self._z = 2 # Mask layer in plot self._data_scatter = None """plot Scatter item for data""" self._data_extent = None """Maximum extent of the data i.e., max(xMax-xMin, yMax-yMin)""" self._mask_scatter = None """plot Scatter item for representing the mask"""
[docs] def setSelectionMask(self, mask, copy=True): """Set the mask to a new array. :param numpy.ndarray mask: The array to use for the mask or None to reset the mask. :type mask: numpy.ndarray of uint8, C-contiguous. Array of other types are converted. :param bool copy: True (the default) to copy the array, False to use it as is if possible. :return: None if failed, shape of mask as 1-tuple if successful. The mask can be cropped or padded to fit active scatter, the returned shape is that of the scatter data. """ if self._data_scatter is None: # this can happen if the mask tools widget has never been shown self._data_scatter = self.plot._getActiveItem(kind="scatter") if self._data_scatter is None: return None self._adjustColorAndBrushSize(self._data_scatter) if mask is None: self.resetSelectionMask() return self._data_scatter.getXData(copy=False).shape mask = numpy.array(mask, copy=False, dtype=numpy.uint8) if self._data_scatter.getXData(copy=False).shape == (0,) \ or mask.shape == self._data_scatter.getXData(copy=False).shape: self._mask.setMask(mask, copy=copy) self._mask.commit() return mask.shape else: raise ValueError("Mask does not have the same shape as the data")
# Handle mask refresh on the plot def _updatePlotMask(self): """Update mask image in plot""" mask = self.getSelectionMask(copy=False) if mask is not None: self.plot.addScatter(self._data_scatter.getXData(), self._data_scatter.getYData(), mask, legend=self._maskName, colormap=self._colormap, z=self._z) self._mask_scatter = self.plot._getItem(kind="scatter", legend=self._maskName) self._mask_scatter.setSymbolSize( self._data_scatter.getSymbolSize() + 2.0) self._mask_scatter.sigItemChanged.connect(self.__maskScatterChanged) elif self.plot._getItem(kind="scatter", legend=self._maskName) is not None: self.plot.remove(self._maskName, kind='scatter') def __maskScatterChanged(self, event): """Handles update of mask scatter""" if (event is ItemChangedType.VISUALIZATION_MODE and self._mask_scatter is not None): self._mask_scatter.setVisualization(Scatter.Visualization.POINTS) # track widget visibility and plot active image changes
[docs] def showEvent(self, event): try: self.plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.disconnect( self._activeScatterChangedAfterCare) except (RuntimeError, TypeError): pass self._activeScatterChanged(None, None) # Init mask + enable/disable widget self.plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.connect(self._activeScatterChanged)
[docs] def hideEvent(self, event): try: # if the method is not connected this raises a TypeError and there is no way # to know the connected slots self.plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.disconnect(self._activeScatterChanged) except (RuntimeError, TypeError):[1]) if not self.browseAction.isChecked(): self.browseAction.trigger() # Disable drawing tool if self.getSelectionMask(copy=False) is not None: self.plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.connect( self._activeScatterChangedAfterCare)
def _adjustColorAndBrushSize(self, activeScatter): colormap = activeScatter.getColormap() self._defaultOverlayColor = rgba(cursorColorForColormap(colormap['name'])) self._setMaskColors(self.levelSpinBox.value(), self.transparencySlider.value() / self.transparencySlider.maximum()) self._z = activeScatter.getZValue() + 1 self._data_scatter = activeScatter # Adjust brush size to data range xData = self._data_scatter.getXData(copy=False) yData = self._data_scatter.getYData(copy=False) # Adjust brush size to data range if xData.size > 0 and yData.size > 0: xMin, xMax = min_max(xData) yMin, yMax = min_max(yData) self._data_extent = max(xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin) else: self._data_extent = None def _activeScatterChangedAfterCare(self, previous, next): """Check synchro of active scatter and mask when mask widget is hidden. If active image has no more the same size as the mask, the mask is removed, otherwise it is adjusted to z. """ # check that content changed was the active scatter activeScatter = self.plot._getActiveItem(kind="scatter") if activeScatter is None or activeScatter.getName() == self._maskName: # No active scatter or active scatter is the mask... self.plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.disconnect( self._activeScatterChangedAfterCare) self._data_extent = None self._data_scatter = None else: self._adjustColorAndBrushSize(activeScatter) if self._data_scatter.getXData(copy=False).shape != self._mask.getMask(copy=False).shape: # scatter has not the same size, remove mask and stop listening if self.plot._getItem(kind="scatter", legend=self._maskName): self.plot.remove(self._maskName, kind='scatter') self.plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.disconnect( self._activeScatterChangedAfterCare) self._data_extent = None self._data_scatter = None else: # Refresh in case z changed self._mask.setDataItem(self._data_scatter) self._updatePlotMask() def _activeScatterChanged(self, previous, next): """Update widget and mask according to active scatter changes""" activeScatter = self.plot._getActiveItem(kind="scatter") if activeScatter is None or activeScatter.getName() == self._maskName: # No active scatter or active scatter is the mask... self.setEnabled(False) self._data_scatter = None self._data_extent = None self._mask.reset() self._mask.commit() else: # There is an active scatter self.setEnabled(True) self._adjustColorAndBrushSize(activeScatter) self._mask.setDataItem(self._data_scatter) if self._data_scatter.getXData(copy=False).shape != self._mask.getMask(copy=False).shape: self._mask.reset(self._data_scatter.getXData(copy=False).shape) self._mask.commit() else: # Refresh in case z changed self._updatePlotMask() self._updateInteractiveMode() # Handle whole mask operations
[docs] def load(self, filename): """Load a mask from an image file. :param str filename: File name from which to load the mask :raise Exception: An exception in case of failure :raise RuntimeWarning: In case the mask was applied but with some import changes to notice """ _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) extension = extension.lower()[1:] if extension == "npy": try: mask = numpy.load(filename) except IOError: _logger.error("Can't load filename '%s'", filename) _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True) raise RuntimeError('File "%s" is not a numpy file.', filename) elif extension in ["txt", "csv"]: try: mask = numpy.loadtxt(filename) except IOError: _logger.error("Can't load filename '%s'", filename) _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True) raise RuntimeError('File "%s" is not a numpy txt file.', filename) else: msg = "Extension '%s' is not supported." raise RuntimeError(msg % extension) self.setSelectionMask(mask, copy=False)
def _loadMask(self): """Open load mask dialog""" dialog = qt.QFileDialog(self) dialog.setWindowTitle("Load Mask") dialog.setModal(1) filters = [ 'NumPy binary file (*.npy)', 'CSV text file (*.csv)', ] dialog.setNameFilters(filters) dialog.setFileMode(qt.QFileDialog.ExistingFile) dialog.setDirectory(self.maskFileDir) if not dialog.exec(): dialog.close() return filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0] dialog.close() # Update the directory according to the user selection self.maskFileDir = os.path.dirname(filename) try: self.load(filename) # except RuntimeWarning as e: # message = e.args[0] # msg = qt.QMessageBox(self) # msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Warning) # msg.setText("Mask loaded but an operation was applied.\n" + message) # msg.exec() except Exception as e: message = e.args[0] msg = qt.QMessageBox(self) msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText("Cannot load mask from file. " + message) msg.exec() def _saveMask(self): """Open Save mask dialog""" dialog = qt.QFileDialog(self) dialog.setWindowTitle("Save Mask") dialog.setModal(1) filters = [ 'NumPy binary file (*.npy)', 'CSV text file (*.csv)', ] dialog.setNameFilters(filters) dialog.setFileMode(qt.QFileDialog.AnyFile) dialog.setAcceptMode(qt.QFileDialog.AcceptSave) dialog.setDirectory(self.maskFileDir) if not dialog.exec(): dialog.close() return # convert filter name to extension name with the . extension = dialog.selectedNameFilter().split()[-1][2:-1] filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0] dialog.close() if not filename.lower().endswith(extension): filename += extension if os.path.exists(filename): try: os.remove(filename) except IOError as e: msg = qt.QMessageBox(self) msg.setWindowTitle("Removing existing file") msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical) if hasattr(e, "strerror"): strerror = e.strerror else: strerror = sys.exc_info()[1] msg.setText("Cannot save.\n" "Input Output Error: %s" % strerror) msg.exec() return # Update the directory according to the user selection self.maskFileDir = os.path.dirname(filename) try:, extension[1:]) except Exception as e: msg = qt.QMessageBox(self) msg.setWindowTitle("Saving mask file") msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical) if hasattr(e, "strerror"): strerror = e.strerror else: strerror = sys.exc_info()[1] msg.setText("Cannot save file %s\n%s" % (filename, strerror)) msg.exec()
[docs] def resetSelectionMask(self): """Reset the mask""" self._mask.reset( shape=self._data_scatter.getXData(copy=False).shape) self._mask.commit()
def _getPencilWidth(self): """Returns the width of the pencil to use in data coordinates` :rtype: float """ width = super(ScatterMaskToolsWidget, self)._getPencilWidth() if self._data_extent is not None: width *= 0.01 * self._data_extent return width def _plotDrawEvent(self, event): """Handle draw events from the plot""" if (self._drawingMode is None or event['event'] not in ('drawingProgress', 'drawingFinished')): return if not len(self._data_scatter.getXData(copy=False)): return level = self.levelSpinBox.value() if self._drawingMode == 'rectangle': if event['event'] == 'drawingFinished': doMask = self._isMasking() self._mask.updateRectangle( level, y=event['y'], x=event['x'], height=abs(event['height']), width=abs(event['width']), mask=doMask) self._mask.commit() elif self._drawingMode == 'ellipse': if event['event'] == 'drawingFinished': doMask = self._isMasking() center = event['points'][0] size = event['points'][1] self._mask.updateEllipse(level, center[1], center[0], size[1], size[0], doMask) self._mask.commit() elif self._drawingMode == 'polygon': if event['event'] == 'drawingFinished': doMask = self._isMasking() vertices = event['points'] vertices = vertices[:, (1, 0)] # (y, x) self._mask.updatePolygon(level, vertices, doMask) self._mask.commit() elif self._drawingMode == 'pencil': doMask = self._isMasking() # convert from plot to array coords x, y = event['points'][-1] brushSize = self._getPencilWidth() if self._lastPencilPos != (y, x): if self._lastPencilPos is not None: # Draw the line self._mask.updateLine( level, self._lastPencilPos[0], self._lastPencilPos[1], y, x, brushSize, doMask) # Draw the very first, or last point self._mask.updateDisk(level, y, x, brushSize / 2., doMask) if event['event'] == 'drawingFinished': self._mask.commit() self._lastPencilPos = None else: self._lastPencilPos = y, x else: _logger.error("Drawing mode %s unsupported", self._drawingMode) def _loadRangeFromColormapTriggered(self): """Set range from active scatter colormap range""" if self._data_scatter is not None: # Update thresholds according to colormap colormap = self._data_scatter.getColormap() if colormap['autoscale']: min_ = numpy.nanmin(self._data_scatter.getValueData(copy=False)) max_ = numpy.nanmax(self._data_scatter.getValueData(copy=False)) else: min_, max_ = colormap['vmin'], colormap['vmax'] self.minLineEdit.setText(str(min_)) self.maxLineEdit.setText(str(max_))
[docs]class ScatterMaskToolsDockWidget(BaseMaskToolsDockWidget): """:class:`ScatterMaskToolsWidget` embedded in a QDockWidget. For integration in a :class:`PlotWindow`. :param parent: See :class:`QDockWidget` :param plot: The PlotWidget this widget is operating on :paran str name: The title of this widget """ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, name='Mask'): widget = ScatterMaskToolsWidget(plot=plot) super(ScatterMaskToolsDockWidget, self).__init__(parent, name, widget)