Source code for

# coding: utf-8
# /*##########################################################################
# Copyright (c) 2004-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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# ###########################################################################*/
:mod:`` provides a set of QAction relative of inputs
and outputs for a :class:`.PlotWidget`.

The following QAction are available:

- :class:`CopyAction`
- :class:`PrintAction`
- :class:`SaveAction`

from __future__ import division

__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "T. Vincent", "P. Knobel"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "25/09/2020"

from . import PlotAction
from import save1D, savespec, NEXUS_HDF5_EXT
from import save_NXdata
import logging
import sys
import os.path
from collections import OrderedDict
import traceback
import numpy
from silx.utils.deprecation import deprecated
from silx.gui import qt, printer
from silx.gui.dialog.GroupDialog import GroupDialog
from silx.third_party.EdfFile import EdfFile
from silx.third_party.TiffIO import TiffIO
from ...utils.image import convertArrayToQImage
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    from io import BytesIO
    import cStringIO as _StringIO
    BytesIO = _StringIO.StringIO

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_NEXUS_HDF5_EXT_STR = ' '.join(['*' + ext for ext in NEXUS_HDF5_EXT])

[docs]def selectOutputGroup(h5filename): """Open a dialog to prompt the user to select a group in which to output data. :param str h5filename: name of an existing HDF5 file :rtype: str :return: Name of output group, or None if the dialog was cancelled """ dialog = GroupDialog() dialog.addFile(h5filename) dialog.setWindowTitle("Select an output group") if not dialog.exec(): return None return dialog.getSelectedDataUrl().data_path()
[docs]class SaveAction(PlotAction): """QAction for saving Plot content. It opens a Save as... dialog. :param plot: :class:`.PlotWidget` instance on which to operate. :param parent: See :class:`QAction`. """ SNAPSHOT_FILTER_SVG = 'Plot Snapshot as SVG (*.svg)' SNAPSHOT_FILTER_PNG = 'Plot Snapshot as PNG (*.png)' DEFAULT_ALL_FILTERS = (SNAPSHOT_FILTER_PNG, SNAPSHOT_FILTER_SVG) # Dict of curve filters with CSV-like format # Using ordered dict to guarantee filters order # Note: '%.18e' is numpy.savetxt default format CURVE_FILTERS_TXT = OrderedDict(( ('Curve as Raw ASCII (*.txt)', {'fmt': '%.18e', 'delimiter': ' ', 'header': False}), ('Curve as ";"-separated CSV (*.csv)', {'fmt': '%.18e', 'delimiter': ';', 'header': True}), ('Curve as ","-separated CSV (*.csv)', {'fmt': '%.18e', 'delimiter': ',', 'header': True}), ('Curve as tab-separated CSV (*.csv)', {'fmt': '%.18e', 'delimiter': '\t', 'header': True}), ('Curve as OMNIC CSV (*.csv)', {'fmt': '%.7E', 'delimiter': ',', 'header': False}), ('Curve as SpecFile (*.dat)', {'fmt': '%.10g', 'delimiter': '', 'header': False}) )) CURVE_FILTER_NPY = 'Curve as NumPy binary file (*.npy)' CURVE_FILTER_NXDATA = 'Curve as NXdata (%s)' % _NEXUS_HDF5_EXT_STR DEFAULT_CURVE_FILTERS = list(CURVE_FILTERS_TXT.keys()) + [ CURVE_FILTER_NPY, CURVE_FILTER_NXDATA] DEFAULT_ALL_CURVES_FILTERS = ("All curves as SpecFile (*.dat)",) IMAGE_FILTER_EDF = 'Image data as EDF (*.edf)' IMAGE_FILTER_TIFF = 'Image data as TIFF (*.tif)' IMAGE_FILTER_NUMPY = 'Image data as NumPy binary file (*.npy)' IMAGE_FILTER_ASCII = 'Image data as ASCII (*.dat)' IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_COMMA = 'Image data as ,-separated CSV (*.csv)' IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_SEMICOLON = 'Image data as ;-separated CSV (*.csv)' IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_TAB = 'Image data as tab-separated CSV (*.csv)' IMAGE_FILTER_RGB_PNG = 'Image as PNG (*.png)' IMAGE_FILTER_NXDATA = 'Image as NXdata (%s)' % _NEXUS_HDF5_EXT_STR DEFAULT_IMAGE_FILTERS = (IMAGE_FILTER_EDF, IMAGE_FILTER_TIFF, IMAGE_FILTER_NUMPY, IMAGE_FILTER_ASCII, IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_COMMA, IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_SEMICOLON, IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_TAB, IMAGE_FILTER_RGB_PNG, IMAGE_FILTER_NXDATA) SCATTER_FILTER_NXDATA = 'Scatter as NXdata (%s)' % _NEXUS_HDF5_EXT_STR DEFAULT_SCATTER_FILTERS = (SCATTER_FILTER_NXDATA,) # filters for which we don't want an "overwrite existing file" warning DEFAULT_APPEND_FILTERS = (CURVE_FILTER_NXDATA, IMAGE_FILTER_NXDATA, SCATTER_FILTER_NXDATA) def __init__(self, plot, parent=None): self._filters = { 'all': OrderedDict(), 'curve': OrderedDict(), 'curves': OrderedDict(), 'image': OrderedDict(), 'scatter': OrderedDict()} self._appendFilters = list(self.DEFAULT_APPEND_FILTERS) # Initialize filters for nameFilter in self.DEFAULT_ALL_FILTERS: self.setFileFilter( dataKind='all', nameFilter=nameFilter, func=self._saveSnapshot) for nameFilter in self.DEFAULT_CURVE_FILTERS: self.setFileFilter( dataKind='curve', nameFilter=nameFilter, func=self._saveCurve) for nameFilter in self.DEFAULT_ALL_CURVES_FILTERS: self.setFileFilter( dataKind='curves', nameFilter=nameFilter, func=self._saveCurves) for nameFilter in self.DEFAULT_IMAGE_FILTERS: self.setFileFilter( dataKind='image', nameFilter=nameFilter, func=self._saveImage) for nameFilter in self.DEFAULT_SCATTER_FILTERS: self.setFileFilter( dataKind='scatter', nameFilter=nameFilter, func=self._saveScatter) super(SaveAction, self).__init__( plot, icon='document-save', text='Save as...', tooltip='Save curve/image/plot snapshot dialog', triggered=self._actionTriggered, checkable=False, parent=parent) self.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence.Save) self.setShortcutContext(qt.Qt.WidgetShortcut) @staticmethod def _errorMessage(informativeText='', parent=None): """Display an error message.""" # TODO issue with QMessageBox size fixed and too small msg = qt.QMessageBox(parent) msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setInformativeText(informativeText + ' ' + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) msg.setDetailedText(traceback.format_exc()) msg.exec() def _saveSnapshot(self, plot, filename, nameFilter): """Save a snapshot of the :class:`PlotWindow` widget. :param str filename: The name of the file to write :param str nameFilter: The selected name filter :return: False if format is not supported or save failed, True otherwise. """ if nameFilter == self.SNAPSHOT_FILTER_PNG: fileFormat = 'png' elif nameFilter == self.SNAPSHOT_FILTER_SVG: fileFormat = 'svg' else: # Format not supported _logger.error( 'Saving plot snapshot failed: format not supported') return False plot.saveGraph(filename, fileFormat=fileFormat) return True def _getAxesLabels(self, item): # If curve has no associated label, get the default from the plot xlabel = item.getXLabel() or self.plot.getXAxis().getLabel() ylabel = item.getYLabel() or self.plot.getYAxis().getLabel() return xlabel, ylabel def _get1dData(self, item): "provide xdata, [ydata], xlabel, [ylabel] and manages error bars" xlabel, ylabel = self._getAxesLabels(item) x_data = item.getXData(copy=False) y_data = item.getYData(copy=False) x_err = item.getXErrorData(copy=False) y_err = item.getYErrorData(copy=False) labels = [ylabel] data = [y_data] if x_err is not None: if numpy.isscalar(x_err): data.append(numpy.zeros_like(y_data) + x_err) labels.append(xlabel + "_errors") elif x_err.ndim == 1: data.append(x_err) labels.append(xlabel + "_errors") elif x_err.ndim == 2: data.append(x_err[0]) labels.append(xlabel + "_errors_below") data.append(x_err[1]) labels.append(xlabel + "_errors_above") if y_err is not None: if numpy.isscalar(y_err): data.append(numpy.zeros_like(y_data) + y_err) labels.append(ylabel + "_errors") elif y_err.ndim == 1: data.append(y_err) labels.append(ylabel + "_errors") elif y_err.ndim == 2: data.append(y_err[0]) labels.append(ylabel + "_errors_below") data.append(y_err[1]) labels.append(ylabel + "_errors_above") return x_data, data, xlabel, labels @staticmethod def _selectWriteableOutputGroup(filename, parent): if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename) \ and os.access(filename, os.W_OK): entryPath = selectOutputGroup(filename) if entryPath is None:"Save operation cancelled") return None return entryPath elif not os.path.exists(filename): # create new entry in new file return "/entry" else: SaveAction._errorMessage('Save failed (file access issue)\n', parent=parent) return None def _saveCurveAsNXdata(self, curve, filename): entryPath = self._selectWriteableOutputGroup(filename, parent=self.plot) if entryPath is None: return False xlabel, ylabel = self._getAxesLabels(curve) return save_NXdata( filename, nxentry_name=entryPath, signal=curve.getYData(copy=False), axes=[curve.getXData(copy=False)], signal_name="y", axes_names=["x"], signal_long_name=ylabel, axes_long_names=[xlabel], signal_errors=curve.getYErrorData(copy=False), axes_errors=[curve.getXErrorData(copy=True)], title=self.plot.getGraphTitle()) def _saveCurve(self, plot, filename, nameFilter): """Save a curve from the plot. :param str filename: The name of the file to write :param str nameFilter: The selected name filter :return: False if format is not supported or save failed, True otherwise. """ if nameFilter not in self.DEFAULT_CURVE_FILTERS: return False # Check if a curve is to be saved curve = plot.getActiveCurve() # before calling _saveCurve, if there is no selected curve, we # make sure there is only one curve on the graph if curve is None: curves = plot.getAllCurves() if not curves: self._errorMessage("No curve to be saved", parent=self.plot) return False curve = curves[0] if nameFilter in self.CURVE_FILTERS_TXT: filter_ = self.CURVE_FILTERS_TXT[nameFilter] fmt = filter_['fmt'] csvdelim = filter_['delimiter'] autoheader = filter_['header'] else: # .npy or nxdata fmt, csvdelim, autoheader = ("", "", False) if nameFilter == self.CURVE_FILTER_NXDATA: return self._saveCurveAsNXdata(curve, filename) xdata, data, xlabel, labels = self._get1dData(curve) try: save1D(filename, xdata, data, xlabel, labels, fmt=fmt, csvdelim=csvdelim, autoheader=autoheader) except IOError: self._errorMessage('Save failed\n', parent=self.plot) return False return True def _saveCurves(self, plot, filename, nameFilter): """Save all curves from the plot. :param str filename: The name of the file to write :param str nameFilter: The selected name filter :return: False if format is not supported or save failed, True otherwise. """ if nameFilter not in self.DEFAULT_ALL_CURVES_FILTERS: return False curves = plot.getAllCurves() if not curves: self._errorMessage("No curves to be saved", parent=self.plot) return False curve = curves[0] scanno = 1 try: xdata, data, xlabel, labels = self._get1dData(curve) specfile = savespec(filename, xdata, data, xlabel, labels, fmt="%.7g", scan_number=1, mode="w", write_file_header=True, close_file=False) except IOError: self._errorMessage('Save failed\n', parent=self.plot) return False for curve in curves[1:]: try: scanno += 1 xdata, data, xlabel, labels = self._get1dData(curve) specfile = savespec(specfile, xdata, data, xlabel, labels, fmt="%.7g", scan_number=scanno, write_file_header=False, close_file=False) except IOError: self._errorMessage('Save failed\n', parent=self.plot) return False specfile.close() return True def _saveImage(self, plot, filename, nameFilter): """Save an image from the plot. :param str filename: The name of the file to write :param str nameFilter: The selected name filter :return: False if format is not supported or save failed, True otherwise. """ if nameFilter not in self.DEFAULT_IMAGE_FILTERS: return False image = plot.getActiveImage() if image is None: qt.QMessageBox.warning( plot, "No Data", "No image to be saved") return False data = image.getData(copy=False) # TODO Use for writing files if nameFilter == self.IMAGE_FILTER_EDF: edfFile = EdfFile(filename, access="w+") edfFile.WriteImage({}, data, Append=0) return True elif nameFilter == self.IMAGE_FILTER_TIFF: tiffFile = TiffIO(filename, mode='w') tiffFile.writeImage(data, software='silx') return True elif nameFilter == self.IMAGE_FILTER_NUMPY: try:, data) except IOError: self._errorMessage('Save failed\n', parent=self.plot) return False return True elif nameFilter == self.IMAGE_FILTER_NXDATA: entryPath = self._selectWriteableOutputGroup(filename, parent=self.plot) if entryPath is None: return False xorigin, yorigin = image.getOrigin() xscale, yscale = image.getScale() xaxis = xorigin + xscale * numpy.arange(data.shape[1]) yaxis = yorigin + yscale * numpy.arange(data.shape[0]) xlabel, ylabel = self._getAxesLabels(image) interpretation = "image" if len(data.shape) == 2 else "rgba-image" return save_NXdata(filename, nxentry_name=entryPath, signal=data, axes=[yaxis, xaxis], signal_name="image", axes_names=["y", "x"], axes_long_names=[ylabel, xlabel], title=plot.getGraphTitle(), interpretation=interpretation) elif nameFilter in (self.IMAGE_FILTER_ASCII, self.IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_COMMA, self.IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_SEMICOLON, self.IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_TAB): csvdelim, filetype = { self.IMAGE_FILTER_ASCII: (' ', 'txt'), self.IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_COMMA: (',', 'csv'), self.IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_SEMICOLON: (';', 'csv'), self.IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_TAB: ('\t', 'csv'), }[nameFilter] height, width = data.shape rows, cols = numpy.mgrid[0:height, 0:width] try: save1D(filename, rows.ravel(), (cols.ravel(), data.ravel()), filetype=filetype, xlabel='row', ylabels=['column', 'value'], csvdelim=csvdelim, autoheader=True) except IOError: self._errorMessage('Save failed\n', parent=self.plot) return False return True elif nameFilter == self.IMAGE_FILTER_RGB_PNG: # Get displayed image rgbaImage = image.getRgbaImageData(copy=False) # Convert RGB QImage qimage = convertArrayToQImage(rgbaImage[:, :, :3]) if, 'PNG'): return True else: _logger.error('Failed to save image as %s', filename) qt.QMessageBox.critical( self.parent(), 'Save image as', 'Failed to save image') return False def _saveScatter(self, plot, filename, nameFilter): """Save an image from the plot. :param str filename: The name of the file to write :param str nameFilter: The selected name filter :return: False if format is not supported or save failed, True otherwise. """ if nameFilter not in self.DEFAULT_SCATTER_FILTERS: return False if nameFilter == self.SCATTER_FILTER_NXDATA: entryPath = self._selectWriteableOutputGroup(filename, parent=self.plot) if entryPath is None: return False scatter = plot.getScatter() x = scatter.getXData(copy=False) y = scatter.getYData(copy=False) z = scatter.getValueData(copy=False) xerror = scatter.getXErrorData(copy=False) if isinstance(xerror, float): xerror = xerror * numpy.ones(x.shape, dtype=numpy.float32) yerror = scatter.getYErrorData(copy=False) if isinstance(yerror, float): yerror = yerror * numpy.ones(x.shape, dtype=numpy.float32) xlabel = plot.getGraphXLabel() ylabel = plot.getGraphYLabel() return save_NXdata( filename, nxentry_name=entryPath, signal=z, axes=[x, y], signal_name="values", axes_names=["x", "y"], axes_long_names=[xlabel, ylabel], axes_errors=[xerror, yerror], title=plot.getGraphTitle())
[docs] def setFileFilter(self, dataKind, nameFilter, func, index=None, appendToFile=False): """Set a name filter to add/replace a file format support :param str dataKind: The kind of data for which the provided filter is valid. One of: 'all', 'curve', 'curves', 'image', 'scatter' :param str nameFilter: The name filter in the QFileDialog. See :meth:`QFileDialog.setNameFilters`. :param callable func: The function to call to perform saving. Expected signature is: bool func(PlotWidget plot, str filename, str nameFilter) :param bool appendToFile: True to append the data into the selected file. :param integer index: Index of the filter in the final list (or None) """ assert dataKind in ('all', 'curve', 'curves', 'image', 'scatter') if appendToFile: self._appendFilters.append(nameFilter) # first append or replace the new filter to prevent colissions self._filters[dataKind][nameFilter] = func if index is None: # we are already done return # get the current ordered list of keys keyList = list(self._filters[dataKind].keys()) # deal with negative indices if index < 0: index = len(keyList) + index if index < 0: index = 0 if index >= len(keyList): # nothing to be done, already at the end txt = 'Requested index %d impossible, already at the end' % index return # get the new ordered list oldIndex = keyList.index(nameFilter) del keyList[oldIndex] keyList.insert(index, nameFilter) # build the new filters newFilters = OrderedDict() for key in keyList: newFilters[key] = self._filters[dataKind][key] # and update the filters self._filters[dataKind] = newFilters return
[docs] def getFileFilters(self, dataKind): """Returns the nameFilter and associated function for a kind of data. :param str dataKind: The kind of data for which the provided filter is valid. On of: 'all', 'curve', 'curves', 'image', 'scatter' :return: {nameFilter: function} associations. :rtype: collections.OrderedDict """ assert dataKind in ('all', 'curve', 'curves', 'image', 'scatter') return self._filters[dataKind].copy()
def _actionTriggered(self, checked=False): """Handle save action.""" # Set-up filters filters = OrderedDict() # Add image filters if there is an active image if self.plot.getActiveImage() is not None: filters.update(self._filters['image'].items()) # Add curve filters if there is a curve to save if (self.plot.getActiveCurve() is not None or len(self.plot.getAllCurves()) == 1): filters.update(self._filters['curve'].items()) if len(self.plot.getAllCurves()) >= 1: filters.update(self._filters['curves'].items()) # Add scatter filters if there is a scatter # todo: CSV if self.plot.getScatter() is not None: filters.update(self._filters['scatter'].items()) filters.update(self._filters['all'].items()) # Create and run File dialog dialog = qt.QFileDialog(self.plot) dialog.setOption(dialog.DontUseNativeDialog) dialog.setWindowTitle("Output File Selection") dialog.setModal(1) dialog.setNameFilters(list(filters.keys())) dialog.setFileMode(dialog.AnyFile) dialog.setAcceptMode(dialog.AcceptSave) def onFilterSelection(filt_): # disable overwrite confirmation for NXdata types, # because we append the data to existing files if filt_ in self._appendFilters: dialog.setOption(dialog.DontConfirmOverwrite) else: dialog.setOption(dialog.DontConfirmOverwrite, False) dialog.filterSelected.connect(onFilterSelection) if not dialog.exec(): return False nameFilter = dialog.selectedNameFilter() filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0] dialog.close() if '(' in nameFilter and ')' == nameFilter.strip()[-1]: # Check for correct file extension # Extract file extensions as .something extensions = [ext[ext.find('.'):] for ext in nameFilter[nameFilter.find('(') + 1:-1].split()] for ext in extensions: if (len(filename) > len(ext) and filename[-len(ext):].lower() == ext.lower()): break else: # filename has no extension supported in nameFilter, add one if len(extensions) >= 1: filename += extensions[0] # Handle save func = filters.get(nameFilter, None) if func is not None: return func(self.plot, filename, nameFilter) else: _logger.error('Unsupported file filter: %s', nameFilter) return False
def _plotAsPNG(plot): """Save a :class:`Plot` as PNG and return the payload. :param plot: The :class:`Plot` to save """ pngFile = BytesIO() plot.saveGraph(pngFile, fileFormat='png') pngFile.flush() data = pngFile.close() return data
[docs]class PrintAction(PlotAction): """QAction for printing the plot. It opens a Print dialog. Current implementation print a bitmap of the plot area and not vector graphics, so printing quality is not great. :param plot: :class:`.PlotWidget` instance on which to operate. :param parent: See :class:`QAction`. """ def __init__(self, plot, parent=None): super(PrintAction, self).__init__( plot, icon='document-print', text='Print...', tooltip='Open print dialog', triggered=self.printPlot, checkable=False, parent=parent) self.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence.Print) self.setShortcutContext(qt.Qt.WidgetShortcut)
[docs] def getPrinter(self): """The QPrinter instance used by the PrintAction. :rtype: QPrinter """ return printer.getDefaultPrinter()
@property @deprecated(replacement="getPrinter()", since_version="0.8.0") def printer(self): return self.getPrinter()
[docs] def printPlotAsWidget(self): """Open the print dialog and print the plot. Use :meth:`QWidget.render` to print the plot :return: True if successful """ dialog = qt.QPrintDialog(self.getPrinter(), self.plot) dialog.setWindowTitle('Print Plot') if not dialog.exec(): return False # Print a snapshot of the plot widget at the top of the page widget = self.plot.centralWidget() painter = qt.QPainter() if not painter.begin(self.getPrinter()): return False pageRect = self.getPrinter().pageRect(qt.QPrinter.DevicePixel) xScale = pageRect.width() / widget.width() yScale = pageRect.height() / widget.height() scale = min(xScale, yScale) painter.translate(pageRect.width() / 2., 0.) painter.scale(scale, scale) painter.translate(-widget.width() / 2., 0.) widget.render(painter) painter.end() return True
[docs] def printPlot(self): """Open the print dialog and print the plot. Use :meth:`Plot.saveGraph` to print the plot. :return: True if successful """ # Init printer and start printer dialog dialog = qt.QPrintDialog(self.getPrinter(), self.plot) dialog.setWindowTitle('Print Plot') if not dialog.exec(): return False # Save Plot as PNG and make a pixmap from it with default dpi pngData = _plotAsPNG(self.plot) pixmap = qt.QPixmap() pixmap.loadFromData(pngData, 'png') pageRect = self.getPrinter().pageRect(qt.QPrinter.DevicePixel) xScale = pageRect.width() / pixmap.width() yScale = pageRect.height() / pixmap.height() scale = min(xScale, yScale) # Draw pixmap with painter painter = qt.QPainter() if not painter.begin(self.getPrinter()): return False painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, pixmap.width() * scale, pixmap.height() * scale, pixmap) painter.end() return True
[docs]class CopyAction(PlotAction): """QAction to copy :class:`.PlotWidget` content to clipboard. :param plot: :class:`.PlotWidget` instance on which to operate :param parent: See :class:`QAction` """ def __init__(self, plot, parent=None): super(CopyAction, self).__init__( plot, icon='edit-copy', text='Copy plot', tooltip='Copy a snapshot of the plot into the clipboard', triggered=self.copyPlot, checkable=False, parent=parent) self.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence.Copy) self.setShortcutContext(qt.Qt.WidgetShortcut)
[docs] def copyPlot(self): """Copy plot content to the clipboard as a bitmap.""" # Save Plot as PNG and make a QImage from it with default dpi pngData = _plotAsPNG(self.plot) image = qt.QImage.fromData(pngData, 'png') qt.QApplication.clipboard().setImage(image)