Change Log¶
1.0.0: 2021/11/XX¶
This the first version of silx supporting PySide6 (for Qt6) and using pytest to run the tests.
silx view:
Added Windows installer generation (PR #3548)
Updated ‘About’ dialog (#3547, #3475)
Fixed: Keep curve legend selection with changing dimensions (PR #3529)
Fixed: Increase max number of opened file at start-up (PR #3545)
Added PySide6 support (PR #3486, #3528, #3479, #3542, #3549, #3478, #3481):
Removed support of PyQt4 / Pyside (PR #3423, #3424, #3480, #3482)
Fixed duplicated logs when colormap vmin/vmax are not valid (PR #3471)
Updated behaviour of fitted item auto update (PR #3532)
Enhanced: Allow user to change histogram nbins and range (PR #3514, #3514)
Updated PixelIntensitiesHistoAction to use PlotWidget.selection (PR #3408)
Fixed issue when the whole image is masked (PR #3544)
Fixed error on macOS 11 with 3D display in silx view (PR #3544)
Fixed colormap: avoid forcing vmin and vmax when not in ‘HORIZONTAL_LINE’ or ‘VERTICAL_LINE’ mode (PR #3510)
Added ‘image_aggregated.ImageDataAggregated’: item allowing to aggregate image data before display (PR #3503)
Fixed ArcROI.setGeometry (fix #3492)
Enhanced management of the animation thread (PR #3440, PR #3441)
Added action to show/hide the side histogram (PR #3488)
Added ‘resetzoom’ parameter to ‘ImageView.setImage’ (PR #3488)
Added empty array support to ‘ImageView.setImage’ (PR #3530)
Added aggregation mode action (PR #3536)
Added support of RGB and RGBA images (PR #3487)
Updated ‘imageview’ example with a ‘–live’ option (PR #3488)
Fixed profile window, added setProfileWindowBehavior method (PR #3457)
Fixed issue with profile window size (PR #3455)
Fixed update of Scatter item binned statistics visualization (PR #3452)
Fixed OpenGL backend memory leak (PR #3453)
Enhanced: Optimized scatter when rendered as regular grid with the OpenGL backend (PR #3447)
Enhanced axis limits management by the OpenGL backend (PR #3504)
Enhanced control of repaint (PR #3449)
Enhanced text label background rendering with OpenGL backend (PR #3565)
Fixed returned action from ‘getKeepDataAspectRatioAction’ (PR #3500)
Fixed picking on highdpi screen (PR #3550)
Fixed issue in parameter tree (PR #3550)
Added read support for FIO files (PR #3539) thanks to tifuchs contribution
Fixed missing conversion of the key (PR #3505) thanks to rnwatanabe contribution
Extract update modes list to a constant global variable (PR #3460) thanks to jpcbertoldo
Enhanced write_to_h5: infile parameter can now also be a HDF5 file as input (PR #3511)
Added support of locking argument from the h5py.File when possible (PR #3554)
Added log a critical message for unsupported versions of libhdf5 (PR #3533)
Enhanced: Improve robustness (PR #3507, #3463)
Fixed is_absolute in the case the file_path() returns None (PR #3437)
Added ‘’: provides a visitor of all items including links that works for both commonh5 and h5py (PR #3511)
Added apply_colormap function (PR #3525)
Enhanced cmap error messages (PR #3522)
Added description of compute capabilities for Ampere generation GPU from Nvidia (PR #3535)
Added doubleword OpenCL library (PR #3466, PR #3472)
Enhanced: Setup the project to use pytest (PR #3431, #3516, #3526)
Enhanced: Minor test clean up (PR #3515, #3508)
Updated project structure: move silx sources in src/silx (PR #3412)
Fixed ‘ –qt-binding’ option (PR #3527)
Fixed support of numpy 1.21rc1 (PR ##3476)
Removed six dependency (PR #3483)
0.15.2: 2021/06/21¶
Minor release: Enhanced robustness for missing positioner values (PR #3477) Fixed DataUrl.is_absolute (PR #3467)
Fixed naming of some loggers (PR #3477)
Fixed assert on ImageStack when length of urls > 0 (PR #3491)
silx.gui.plot: Fixed ArcROI.setGeometry (PR #3493)
silx.opencl: Expose the double-word library and include it in tests (PR #3466)
Misc: Fixed support of numpy 1.21rc1 (PR #3477)
0.15.1: 2021/05/17¶
Minor release:
silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget: Fixed PlotWidget OpenGL backend memory leak (PR #3448)
Fixed profile window default behavior (PR #3458)
Added setProfileWindowBehavior method (PR #3458)
0.15.0: 2021/03/18¶
Main new features are the module which provides h5py concurrency helpers and image mask support by silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget’s tools.
silx view:
Fixed zoom reseting when scrolling a NXdata 3D stack (PR #3351)
Fixed support of very large 1D datasets in “Raw” table view (PR #3418)
Added h5py_utils helper module for concurrent HDF5 reading and writing without SWMR (PR #3368, #3426)
Enhanced dictdump module functions regarding overwriting existing files (PR #3376)
Added scale to visible or selected area buttons options to silx.gui.dialog.ColormapDialog (PR #3365)
Fixed and enhanced`silx.gui.utils.glutils.isOpenGLAvailable` (PR #3356, #3385)
Fixed silx.gui.widgets.FlowLayout (PR #3389)
Enhanced Added support of array clipping if data is too large (PR #3419)
Added mask support to Image items and use it in plot tools (histogram, profile, colormap) (PR #3369, #3381)
Added ImageStack methods to configure automatic reset zoom (PR #3373)
Added some statistic indicators in PixelIntensitiesHistoAction action (PR #3391)
Enhanced silx.gui.plot.ImageView integration of ROI profiles in side plots (PR #3380)
Enhanced PositionInfo: snapping to histogram (PR #3405) and information labels layout (PR #3399)
Fixed LegendSelector blinking when updated (PR #3346)
Fixed profile tool issue when closing profile window after attaced PlotWidget (PR #3375)
Fixed histogram action (PR #3396)
Fixed support of histogram plot items in stats module (PR #3398, #3407)
Fixed ColorBar when deleting attached PlotWidget (PR #3403)
Added getValueData method to image items (PR #3378)
Added discardItem method (PR #3400)
Added unified selection() handler compatible with active item management (PR #3401)
Fixed addCurve documentation (PR #3371)
Fixed complex image first displayed mode (PR #3364)
Fixed curve and scatter items support of complex data input (PR #3384)
Fixed histogram picking (PR #3405)
Fixed rendering (PR #3416)
Added HeightMapData and HeightMapRGBA items (PR #3386, #3397)
Fixed support for RGB colored points in internal scene graph (PR #3374)
Fixed ImageRgba alpha channel display (PR #3414)
Added mask support to bilinear interpolator (PR #3286)
Added print statics of OpenCL kernel execution time (PR #3395)
Removed debian 9 packaging (PR #3383)
Enhanced test functions: silx.test.run_tests (PR #3331), silx.utils.testutils.TestLogging (PR #3393)
Continuous integration: Added github actions and removed travis-ci (PR #3353, #3359), fixed (PR #3361, #3366)
Updated documentation (PR #3383, #3387, #3409, #3416, #3427)
Fixed debian packaging (PR #3362)
Fixed silx test application on Windows (PR #3411)
0.14.1: 2021/04/30¶
This is a bug-fix version of silx.
silx.gui.plot: Fixed PlotWidget OpenGL backend memory leak (PR #3445)
silx.gui.utils.glutils: Fixed isOpenGLAvailable (PR #3356)
0.14.0: 2020/12/11¶
This is the first version of silx supporting h5py >= v3.0.
This is the last version of silx officially supporting Python 3.5.
Added support for HDF5 external data (virtual and raw) (PR #3222)
Added lazy update handling of OpenGL textures (PR #3205)
Deprecated silx.gui.plot.matplotlib module (use silx.gui.utils.matplotlib instead) (PR #3158)
Improved memory allocation by using already defined fontMetrics instread of creating a new one (PR #3239)
Make TextFormatter compatible with h5py>=3 (PR #3253)
Fixed matplotlib 3.3.0rc1 deprecation warnings (PR #3145)
Added Colormap.get|setNaNColor to change color used for NaN, fix different NaN displays for matplotlib/openGL backends (PR #3143)
Refactored PlotWidget OpenGL backend to enable extensions (PR #3147)
Fixed use of QThreadPool.tryTake to be Qt5.7 compliant (PR #3250)
Added the feature to compute statistics inside a specific region of interest (PR #3056)
Added an action to switch on/off OpenGL rendering on a plot (PR #3261)
Added test for ROI interaction mode (PR #3283)
Added saving of error bars when saving a plot (PR #3199)
Added ImageStack.clear (PR #3167)
Improved image profile tool to support PlotWidget item extension (PR #3150)
Improved Stackview: replaced setColormap autoscale argument by scaleColormapRangeToStack method (PR #3279)
Updated 3 stddev autoscale algorithm, clamp it with the minmax data in order to improve the contrast (PR #3284)
Updated ROI module: splitted into 3 modules base/common/arc_roi (PR #3283)
Fixed ColormapDialog custom range input (PR #3153)
Fixed issue when changing ROI mode while a ROI is being created (PR #3186)
Fixed RegionOfInterest refresh when highlighted (PR #3197)
Fixed arc roi shape: make sure start and end points are part of the shape (PR #3257)
Fixed issue in Colormap 3 stdev autoscale mode and avoided warnings (PR #3295)
Major improvements of PlotWidget:
Added get|setAxesMargins methods to control margin ratios around plot area (PR #3196)
Added PlotWidget.[get|set]Backend enabling switching backend (PR #3255)
Added multi interaction mode for ROIs (can be switched with a single click on an handle, or the context menu) (PR #3260)
Added polar interaction mode for arc ROI (PR #3260)
Added PlotWidget.sigDefaultContextMenu to allow to feed the default context menu (PR #3260)
Added context menu to the selected ROI to remove it (PR #3260)
Added pan interaction to ROI authoring (select-draw) interaction mode (PR #3291)
Added support of right axis label with OpenGL backend (PR #3293)
Added item visible bounds feature to PlotWidget items (PR #3223)
Added a DataItem base class for items having a “data extent” in the plot (PR #3212)
Added support for float16 texture in OpenGL backend (PR #3194)
Improved support of high-DPI screen in OpenGL backend (PR #3203)
Updated: Use points rather than pixels for marker size and line width with OpenGL backend (PR #3203)
Updated: Expose PlotWidget colors as Qt properties (PR #3269)
Fixed time serie axis for range < 2.5 microseconds (PR #3195)
Fixed initial size of OpenGL backend (PR #3209)
Fixed PlotWidget image items displayed below the grid by default (PR #3235)
Fixed OpenGL backend image display with sqrt colormap normalization (PR #3248)
Fixed support of shapes with multiple polygons in the OpenGL backend (PR #3259)
Fixes duplicated callback on ROIs (there was one for each ROI managed created on the plot) (PR #3260)
Fixed RegionOfInterest contains methods (PR #3336)
Improved scene rendering (PR #3149)
Fixed handling of transparency of cut plane (PR #3204)
Fixed slow image.tomography.get_next_power() (PR #3168)
Added support for HDF5 link preservation in dictdump (PR #3224)
Added support for numpy arrays of numbers (PR #3251)
Make h5todict resilient to issues in the HDF5 file (PR #3162)
Improved colormap performances for small datasets (PR #3282)
Added textures availability check (PR #3273)
Added a warning when there is an issue in the Ocl destruction (PR #3280)
Fixed Sift test on modern GPU (PR #3262)
Added HDF5 strings: handle h5py 2.x and 3.x (PR #3240)
Fixed cython 3 compatibility and deprecation warning (PR #3164, #3189)
0.13.2: 2020/09/15¶
Minor release:
silx view application: Prevent collapsing browsing panel, Added -f command line option (PR #3176)
silx.gui: Fixed DataViews.titleForSelection method (PR #3171).
silx.gui.plot.items: Added DATA_BOUNDS visualization parameter for Scatter item histogram bounds (PR #3180)
silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget: Fixed support of curves with infinite data (PR #3175)
silx.gui.utils.glutils: Fixed isOpenGLAvailable function (PR #3184)
Update silx view command line options documentation (PR #3173)
Update version number and changelog (PR #3190)
0.13.1: 2020/07/22¶
Bug fix release:
silx.gui.plot.dialog: Fixed ColormapDialog custom range input (PR #3155)
Build: Fixed cython 3 compatibility (PR #3163).
Documentation: Update version number and changelog (PR #3156)
0.13.0: 2020/06/23¶
This version drops the support of Python 2.7 and Python <= 3.4.
silx view application:
Added support of compound data (PR #2948)
Added Close All menu (PR #2963)
Added default title to plots (PR #2979, #2999)
Added a button to enable/disable file content sorting (PR #3132)
Added support of a SILX_style HDF5 attribute to provide axes and colormap scale (PR #3092)
Improved HDF5TableView information table to make text selectable and ease copy (PR #2903)
Fixes (PR #2881, #2902, #3083)
Added mean+/-3std autoscale mode (PR #2877, #2900)
Added sqrt, arcsinh and gamma correction colormap normalizations (PR #3010, #3054, #3057, #3066, #3070, #3133)
Limit number of threads used for computing the colormap (PR #3073)
Reordered colormaps (PR #3137)
silx.gui.dialog.ColormapDialog: Improved widget (PR #2874, #2915, #2924, #2954, #3136)
Major rework/extension of the regions of interest (ROI) (PR #3007, #3008, #3018, #3020, #3022, #3026, #3029, #3044, #3045, #3055, #3059, #3074, #3076, #3078, #3079, #3081, #3131)
Major rework/extension of the profile tools (PR #2933, #2980, #2988, #3004, #3011, #3037, #3048, #3058, #3084, #3088, #3095, #3097)
Added silx.gui.plot.ImageStack widget (PR #2480)
Added support of scatter in PixelIntensitiesHistoAction (PR #3089, #3107)
Added auto update of FitAction fitted data and range (PR #2960, #2961, #2969, #2981)
Improved mask tools (PR #2986)
Fixed PlotWindow (PR #2965) and MaskToolsWidget (PR #3125)
Changed behaviour of PlotWidget.addItem and PlotWidget.removeItem to handle object items (previous behavior deprecated, not removed) and added PlotWidget.addShape method to add Shape items (PR #2873, #2904, #2919, #2925, #3120)
Added support of uint16 RGBA images (PR #2889)
Improved interaction (PR #2909, #3014, #3033)
Fixed PlotWidget (PR #2884, #2901, #2970, #3002)
Fixed and cleaned-up backends (PR #2887, #2910, #2913, #2957, #2964, #2984, #2991, #3023, #3064, #3135)
Added sigDragStarted and sigDragFinished signals to marker items and sigEditingStarted and sigEditingFinished signals to region of interest items (PR #2754)
Added XAxisExtent and YAxisExtent items in silx.gui.plot.items to control the plot data extent (PR #2932)
Added ImageStack item (PR #2994)
Added Scatter item histogram visualization mode (PR #2912, #2923)
Added isDragged method to marker items (PR #3000)
Improved performance of colormapped items by caching data min/max (PR #2876, #2886)
Improved Scatter item regular grid (PR #2918) and irregular grid (PR #3108) visualizations
Changed behavior of QObject multiple-inheritance (PR #3052)
Limit silxGlobalThreadPool function to use 4 threads maximum (PR #3072)
silx.gui.utils.glutils: Added isOpenGLAvailable to check the availability of OpenGL (PR #2878)
Added ElidedLabel widget (PR #3110, #3111)
Fixed LegendIconWidget (PR #3112)
Added support of signal dataset name-based errors to NXdata (PR #2976)
Added dicttonx function and support of HDF5 attibutes in dicttoh5 function (PR #3013, #3017, #3031, #3093)
Fixed url.DataUrl.path (PR #2973)
Fixed issue with Python 3.8 (PR #3036)
Disable textures for Nvidia Fermi GPUs for convolution (PR #3101)
Requires fabio >= 0.9 (PR #2937)
Fixed compatibility with h5py<v2.9 (PR #3024), cython 3 (PR #3034)
Avoid deprecation warnings (PR #3104) from Python 3.7 (PR #3012), Python 3.8 (PR #2891, #2934, #2989, #2993, #3127), h5py (PR #2854, #2893), matplotlib (PR #2890), fabio (PR #2930) and numpy (PR #3129)
Use numpy.errstate to ignore warnings rather than the warnings module (PR #2920)
Build, documentation and tests:
Dropped Python2 support (PR #3119, #3140) and removed Python 2 tests and packaging (PR #2838, #2917)
Added debian 11/Ubuntu 20.04 packaging (PR #2875)
Improved test environment (PR #2870, #2949, #2995, #3009, #3061, #3086, #3087, #3122), documentation (PR #2872, #2894, #2937, #2987, #3042, #3053, #3068, #3091, #3103, #3115) and sample code (PR #2978, #3130, #3138)
Fixed Windows “fat binary” build (PR #2971)
0.12.0: 2020/01/09¶
Python 2.7 is no longer officially supported (even if tests pass and most of the library should work).
silx view application:
Added: keep the same axes selection when changing dataset except for the stack view (PR #2701, #2780)
Added a Description column in the browsing tree to display NeXus title or name (PR #2804)
Added support of URL as filename (PR #2750)
Behavior changed: no longer lock HDF5 files by default, can be changed with –hdf5-file-locking option (PR #2861)
Added scatter plot regular and irregular grid visualization mode (PR #2810, #2815, #2820, #2824, #2831)
Added baseline argument to PlotWidget addCurve and addHistogram methods (PR #2715)
Added right axis support to PlotWidget marker items (PR #2744)
Added BoundingRect PlotWidget item (PR #2823)
Added more markers to PlotWidget items using symbols (PR #2792)
Improved and fixed PlotWidget and backends rendering and picking to guarantee rendering order of items (PR #2602, #2694, #2726, #2728, #2730, #2731, #2732, #2734, #2746, #2800, #2822, #2829, #2851, #2853)
Improved RegionOfInterest: Added sigItemChanged signal, renamed get|setLabel to get|setName (PR #2684, #2729, #2794, #2803, #2860)
Improved StackView: Allow to save dataset to HDF5 (PR #2813)
Added colormapped isosurface display to ComplexField3D (PR #2675)
Added cividis colormap (PR #2763)
Added silx.gui.widgets.ColormapNameComboBox widget (PR #2814)
Added silx.gui.widgets.LegendIconWidget widget (PR #2783)
Added silx.gui.utils.blockSignals context manager (PR #2697, #2702)
Added silx.gui.utils.qtutils.getQEventName function (PR #2725)
Added silx.gui.colors.asQColor function (PR #2753)
Minor fixes (PR #2662, #2667, #2674, #2719, #2724, #2747, #2757, #2760, #2766, #2789, #2798, #2799, #2805, #2811, #2832, #2834, #2839, #2849, #2852, #2857, #2864, #2867)
Added silx.opencl.sparse.CSR with support of different data types (PR #2671)
Improved support of different platforms like PoCL (PR #2669, #2698, #2806)
Moved non-OpenCL related utilities to silx.opencl.utils module (PR #2782)
Fixed silx.opencl.sinofilter.SinoFilter to avoid importing scikit-cuda (PR #2721)
Fixed kernel garbage collection (PR #2708)
Fixed silx.opencl.convolution.Convolution (PR #2781)
Added trilinear interpolator: silx.math.interpolate.interp3d (PR #2678)
Added silx.image.utils.gaussian_kernel function (PR #2782)
Improved silx.image.shapes.Polygon argument check (PR #2761)
Fixed and improved silx.math.fft with FFTW backend (PR #2751)
Fixed support of not finite data in fit manager (PR #2868)
Added asarray=True argument to function (PR #2692, #2767)
Improved (PR #2790)
Increased max number of motors in specfile (PR #2817)
Fixed data conversion when reading images with fabio (PR #2735)
Build, documentation and tests:
Added Cython as a build dependency (PR #2795, #2807, #2808)
Added Debian 10 packaging (PR #2670, #2672, #2666, #2686, #2706)
Improved documentation (PR #2673, #2680, #2679, #2772, #2759, #2779, #2801, #2802, #2833, #2857, #2869)
Improved testing tools (PR #2704, #2796, #2818)
Improved script (PR #2727, #2733)
0.11.0: 2019/07/03¶
Graphical user interface:
Add sample code on how to update a plot3d widget from a thread
ScatterPlot: add the possibility to plot as a surface using Delaunay triangulation
ScatterView: add a tool button to change scatter visualization mode (ex. Solid)
(OpenGL backend) Fix memory leak when creating/deleting widgets in a loop
Add an action to toggle plot3d’s PositionInfoWidget picking.
Add a 3D complex field visualization: Complex3DField (also available from silx view)
Add a PositionInfoWidget and a tool button to toggle the picking mode to SceneWindow
Add the possibility to render the scene with linear fog.
Fix ImageFileDialog selection for a cube with shape like 1,y,x.
Requires numpy version >= 1.12
HDF5 creator script
Support of Python 3.4 is dropped. Please upgrade to at least Python 3.5.
This is the last version to officially support Python 2.7.
The source code is Python 3.8 ready.
Improve PySide2 support. PyQt4 and PySide are deprecated.
0.10.0: 2019/02/19¶
Graphical user interface:
Add support of foreground color
Fix plot background colors
Add tool to mask ellipse
Add support for plot3D widgets
Add a PyMca like widget
Colormap: Phase colormap is now editable
ImageView: Add ColorBarWidget
Add API to define ‘comment’ and ‘title’
Fix resizing in PyQt5
Selection: Allow style definition
ColormapDialog: display ‘values’ plot in log if colormap uses log
Synchronize ColorBar with plot background colors
CurvesROIWidget: ROI is now an object.
SceneWidget: add ColormapMesh item
Add compatibility with the StatsWidget to display statistic on 3D volumes.
Add ScalarFieldView.get|setOuterScale
Fix label update in param tree
Add ColormapMesh item to the SceneWidget
HDF5 tree:
Allow URI drop
Robustness of hdf5 tree with corrupted files
Add URL selection table
Support compressed Fabio extensions
Add a function to create external dataset for .vol file
silx view:
Support 2D view for 3D NXData
Add a NXdata for complex images
Add a 3d scalar field view to the NXdata views zoo
Improve shortcuts, view loading
Improve silx view loading, shortcuts and sliders ergonomy
Support default attribute pointing to an NXdata at any group level
silx convert
Allow to use a filter id for compression
fft: multibackend fft
Compute statistics on a numpy.ndarray
Add sinogram filters (SinoFilter)
Input and/or output can be device arrays.
End of PySide support (use PyQt5)
Last version supporting numpy 1.8.0. Next version will drop support for numpy < 1.12
Python 2.7 support will be dropped before end 2019. From version 0.11, a deprecation warning will be issued.
Remove some old deprecated methods/arguments
Set Cython language_level to 3
0.9.0: 2018/10/23¶
Graphical user interface:
Adds RangeSlider widget, a slider with 2 thumbs
Adds CurveLegendsWidget widget to display PlotWidget curve legends (as an alternative to LegendSelector widget)
Adds FlowLayout QWidget layout
Adds CompareImages widget providing tools to compare 2 images
ScatterView: Adds alpha channel support
MaskToolsWidget: Adds load/save masks from/to HDF5 files
Adds getItems method, sigItemAdded and sigItemAboutToBeRemoved signals
Adds more options for active curve highlighting (see get|setActiveCurveStyle method)
Deprecates get|setActiveCurveColor methods
Adds get|setActiveCurveSelectionMode methods to change the behavior of active curve selection
Adds configurable line style and width to line markers
Fixes texture cache size in OpenGL backend
Adds SceneWidget.pickItems method to retrieve the item and data at a given mouse position
Adds PositionInfoWidget widget to display data value at a given mouse position
Adds image module for QImage/numpy array conversion functions
Adds testutils helper module for writing Qt tests (previously available internally as silx.gui.test.utils)
Adds silx.gui.qt.inspect module to inspect Qt objects
Updates median filter with support for Not-a-Number and a ‘constant’ padding mode
silx view:
Fixes file synchronization
Adds a refresh button to synchronize file content
Deprecates support of PySide Qt4 binding (We intend to drop official support of PySide in silx 0.10.0)
Deprecates support of PyQt4
Adds h5py and fabio as strong dependencies
Adds silx.examples package to ship the example with the library
0.8.0: 2018/07/04¶
Graphical user interface:
Adds support of x-axis date/time ticks for time series display (see silx.gui.plot.items.XAxis.setTickMode)
Adds support of interactive authoring of regions of interest (see silx.gui.plot.items.roi and
Adds StatsWidget widget for displaying statistics on data displayed in a PlotWidget
Adds ScatterView widget for displaying scatter plot with tools such as line profile and mask
Overcomes the limitation to float32 precision with the OpenGL backend
Splits plot toolbar is several reusable thematic toolbars
Plot3D: Adds SceneWidget items to display many cubes, cylinders or hexagonal prisms at once
Adds silx.gui.utils package with submitToQtMainThread for asynchronous execution of Qt-related functions
Adds Qt signals to Hdf5TreeView to manage HDF5 file life-cycle
Adds GroupDialog dialog to select a group in a HDF5 file
Improves colormap computation with a Cython/OpenMP implementation
Main API changes:
Colormap is now part of silx.gui.colors
ColormapDialog is now part of silx.gui.dialogs
MaskToolsWidget.getSelectionMask method now returns None if no image is selected
Clean-up FrameBrowser API
Adds an optimized marching squares algorithm to compute many iso contours from the same image
Improves handling of empty Spec scans
Add an API to NXdata parser to get messages about malformed input data
Allows to use in script as in Python interpreter
sx.imshow supports custom y-axis orientation using argument origin=upper|lower
Adds sx.enable_gui() to enable silx widgets in IPython notebooks
silx convert
Improves conversion from EDF file series to HDF5
silx view
Adds user preferences to restore colormap, plot backend, y-axis of plot image,…
Adds –fresh option to clean up user preferences at startup
Adds a widget to create custom viewable NXdata by combining different datasets
Supports CTRL+C shortcut in the terminal to close the application
Adds buttons to collapse/expand tree items
NXdata view now uses the ScatterView widget for scatters
Drops official support of Debian 7
Drops versions of IPython console widget before the qtconsole package
Fixes EDF file size written by EdfFile module with Python 3
0.7.0: 2018/02/27¶
Priovides to parse supported links identifying group or dataset from files. now supports h5pyd and silx custom URLs. is provided to allow to reach a numpy array from silx.
Provides an API to share memory between OpenCL tasks within the same device.
Provides CBF compression and decompression.
Simple processing on images (normalization, histogram).
Sift upgrade using memory sharing.
Added contour3d function for displaying 3D isosurfaces.
Added points3d function for displaying 2D/3D scatter plots.
Added ginput function for interactive input of points on 1D/2D plots.
Graphic user interface:
Provides a file dialog to pick a dataset or a group from HDF5 files.
Provides a file dialog to pick an image from HDF5 files or multiframes formats.
The colormap dialog can now be used as non-modal.
PlotWidget can save the displayed data as a new NXentry of a HDF5 file.
PlotWidget exports displayed data as spec files using more digits.
Added new OpenGL-based 3D visualization widgets:
Supports 3D scalar field view 2D/3D scatter plots and images.
Provides an object oriented API similar to that of the 1D/2D plot.
Features a tree of parameters to edit visualized item’s properties (e.g., transforms, colormap…)
Provides interactive panning of cut and clip planes.
Updates of ScalarFieldView widget:
Added support for a 3x3 transform matrix (to support non orthogonal axes)
Added support of an alternative interaction when ctrl is pressed (e.g., rotate by default and pan when ctrl/command key is pressed).
Added 2 sliders to control light direction in associated parameter tree view.
silx view:
Uses a single colormap to show any datasets.
The colormap dialog can stay opened while browsing the data.
The application is associated with some file types to be used to load files on Debian.
Provides a square amplitude display mode to visualize complex images.
Browsing an NXentry can display a default NXdata.
Added explanation when an NXdata is not displayable.
NXdata visualization can now show multiple curves (see @auxiliary_signals).
Supports older NXdata specification.
silx convert:
Added handling of file series as a single multiframe
Default behavior changes to avoid to add an extra group at the root, unless explicitly requested (see –add-root-group).
Writer uses now utf-8 text as default (NeXus specification).
EDF files containing MCA data are now interpreted as spectrum.
Added silx.utils.testutils to share useful unittest functions with other projects.
Python 2 on Mac OS X is no longer tested.
Experimental support to PySide2.
If fabio is used, a version >= 0.6 is mandatory.
0.6.0: 2017/10/02¶
OpenCl. Tomography. Implement a filtered back projection.
Add a PrintPreview widget and a PrintPreviewToolButton for PlotWidget.
Add a context menu on right click.
Add a ComplexImageView widget.
Merged abstract Plot class with PlotWidget class.
Make colormap an object with signals (sigChanged)
Add a colorbar widget silx.gui.plot.ColorBar.
Make axis an object, allow axis synchronization between plots, allow adding constraints on axes limits.
Refactor plot actions, new sub-package silx.gui.plot.actions.
Add signals on PlotWidget items notifying updates.
Mask. Support loading of TIFF images.
Rework toolbar and interaction to use only the left mouse button.
Support any colormap.
Add an API to select a single tree node item (setSelectedH5Node)
Better support and display of types.
New column for displaying the kind of links.
Broken nodes are now selectable.
StackView. Add a setTitleCallback method.
Median filter. Add new modes (reflect, mirror, shrink) in addition to nearest.
Rename module spectoh5 to convert. Add support for conversion of fabio formats.
Support NPZ format.
Support opening an URI (
Group methods .keys, .value and .items now return lists in Python 2 and iterators in Python 3.
Image. Add tomography utils: phantomgenerator to produce Shepp-Logan phantom, function to compute center of rotation (calc_center_corr, calc_center_centroid) and rescale the intensity of an image (rescale_intensity).
silx view:
Add command line option –use-opengl-plot.
Add command line option –debug, to print dataset reading errors.
Support opening URI (silx view filename::path).
silx convert. New command line application to convert supported data files to HDF5.
Enable usage of silx.resources for other projects.
The silx license is now fully MIT.
0.5.0: 2017/05/12¶
Adds OpenGL backend to 1D and 2D graphics
Adds Object Oriented plot API with Curve, Histogram, Image, ImageRgba and Scatter items.
Implements generic launcher (
silx view
)NXdataViewer. Module providing NeXus NXdata support
Math/OpenCL. Implementation of median filter.
Plot. Implementation of ColorBar widget.
Plot. Visualization of complex data type.
Plot. Implementation of Scatter Plot Item supporting colormaps and masks.
Plot. StackView now supports axes calibration.
I/O. Supports SPEC files not having #F or #S as first line character.
I/O. Correctly exposes UB matrix when found in file.
ROIs. Simplification of API: setRois, getRois, calculateRois.
ROIs. Correction of calculation bug when the X-axis values were not ordered.
Sift. Moves package from
0.4.0: 2017/02/01¶
Adds plot3D package (include visualization of 3-dimensional scalar fields)
Adds data viewer (it can handle n-dimensional data)
Adds StackView (ex. Visualization of stack of images)
Adds depth profile calculation (ex. extract profile of a stack of images)
Adds periodic table widget
Adds ArrayTableWidget
Adds pixel intensity histogram action
Adds histogram parameter to addCurve
Refactoring. Create (include widgets for data)
Refactoring. Rename utils.load as
Changes active curve behavior in Plot. No default active curve is set by default
Fit Action. Add polynomial functions and background customization
PlotWindow. Provide API to access toolbar actions
Handle SPEC, HDF5 and image formats through an unified API
hdf5widget example. Inspect and visualize any datasets
Improves mask tool
Deprecates PlotWindow dock widgets attributes in favor of getter methods
0.3.0: 2016/10/12¶
Adds OpenCL management
Adds isosurface marching cubes
Adds sift algorithm for image alignement
Adds octaveh5 module to insure communication between octave and python using HDF5 file
Adds silx.utils module containing weakref and html-escape
Adds for flat import (helper for interactive shell)
Adds HDF5 load API (supporting Spec files) to module
Adds SpecFile support for multiple MCA headers
Adds HDF5 TreeView
Adds FitManager to and FitWidget to
Adds ThreadPoolPushButton to silx.gui.widgets
Adds getDataRange function to plot widget
Adds loadUi, Slot and Property to
Adds SVG icons and support
Adds examples for plot actions, HDF5 widget, helper widgets, converter from Spec to HDF5
Adds tutorials for plot actions, spech5, spectoh5, sift and fitmanager
Improves right axis support for plot widget
Improves mask tool
Refactors widgets constructor: first argument is now the parent widget
Changes plot documentation and add missing module to the documentation
0.2.0: 2016/07/12¶
Adds bilinear interpolator and line-profile for images to silx.image
Adds Levenberg-Marquardt least-square fitting algorithm to
Histogramnd changed to become a class rather than a function, API and return values changed
Adds HistogramndLut, using a lookup table to bin data onto a regular grid for several sets of data sharing the same coordinates
Adds legend widget and bottom toolbar to PlotWindow
Adds a line-profile toolbar to PlotWindow
Adds ImageView widget with side histograms and profile toolbar
Adds IPython console widget, to be started from PlotWindow toolbar
Adds Plot1D widget for curves and Plot2D widget for images
Adds ROI widget for curves in PlotWindow
Adds a mask widget and toolbar to plot (2D)
Renames to
Adds configuration dictionary dumping/loading to/from JSON and INI files in
Adds specfile wrapper API compatible with legacy wrapper:
Transposes scan data in specfile module to have detector as first index
Set up nigthly build for sources package, debian packages ( and documentation (
0.1.0: 2016/04/14¶
Adds project build, documentation and test structure
Adds continuous integration set-up for Travis-CI and Appveyor
Adds Debian packaging support
Adds SPEC file reader, SPEC file conversion to HDF5 in
Adds histogramnd function in silx.math
Adds 1D, 2D plot widget with a toolbar, refactored from PyMca PlotWindow in silx.gui.plot