Source code for silx.gui.dialog.AbstractDataFileDialog

# /*##########################################################################
# Copyright (c) 2016-2022 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# ###########################################################################*/
This module contains an :class:`AbstractDataFileDialog`.

__authors__ = ["V. Valls"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "05/03/2019"

import sys
import os
import logging
import functools

import numpy

from silx.gui import qt
from silx.gui.hdf5.Hdf5TreeModel import Hdf5TreeModel
from . import utils
from .FileTypeComboBox import FileTypeComboBox

import fabio

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Set it to false to disable initilializing of the sidebar urls with the
default Qt list. This could allow to disable a behaviour known to segfault on
some version of PyQt."""

class _IconProvider(object):

    FileDialogToParentDir = qt.QStyle.SP_CustomBase + 1

    FileDialogToParentFile = qt.QStyle.SP_CustomBase + 2

    def __init__(self):
        self.__iconFileDialogToParentDir = None
        self.__iconFileDialogToParentFile = None

    def _createIconToParent(self, standardPixmap):

        FIXME: It have to be tested for some OS (arrow icon do not have always
        the same direction)
        style =
        baseIcon = style.standardIcon(qt.QStyle.SP_FileDialogToParent)
        backgroundIcon = style.standardIcon(standardPixmap)
        icon = qt.QIcon()

        sizes = baseIcon.availableSizes()
        sizes = sorted(sizes, key=lambda s: s.height())
        sizes = filter(lambda s: s.height() < 100, sizes)
        sizes = list(sizes)
        if len(sizes) > 0:
            baseSize = sizes[-1]
            baseSize = baseIcon.availableSizes()[0]
        size = qt.QSize(baseSize.width(), baseSize.height() * 3 // 2)

        modes = [qt.QIcon.Normal, qt.QIcon.Disabled]
        for mode in modes:
            pixmap = qt.QPixmap(size)
            painter = qt.QPainter(pixmap)
            painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, backgroundIcon.pixmap(baseSize, mode=mode))
            painter.drawPixmap(0, size.height() // 3, baseIcon.pixmap(baseSize, mode=mode))
            icon.addPixmap(pixmap, mode=mode)

        return icon

    def getFileDialogToParentDir(self):
        if self.__iconFileDialogToParentDir is None:
            self.__iconFileDialogToParentDir = self._createIconToParent(qt.QStyle.SP_DirIcon)
        return self.__iconFileDialogToParentDir

    def getFileDialogToParentFile(self):
        if self.__iconFileDialogToParentFile is None:
            self.__iconFileDialogToParentFile = self._createIconToParent(qt.QStyle.SP_FileIcon)
        return self.__iconFileDialogToParentFile

    def icon(self, kind):
        if kind == self.FileDialogToParentDir:
            return self.getFileDialogToParentDir()
        elif kind == self.FileDialogToParentFile:
            return self.getFileDialogToParentFile()
            style =
            icon = style.standardIcon(kind)
            return icon

class _SideBar(qt.QListView):
    """Sidebar containing shortcuts for common directories"""

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(_SideBar, self).__init__(parent)
        self.__iconProvider = qt.QFileIconProvider()
        model = qt.QStandardItemModel(self)

    def iconProvider(self):
        return self.__iconProvider

    def _initModel(self):
        urls = self._getDefaultUrls()

    def _getDefaultUrls(self):
        """Returns the default shortcuts.

        It uses the default QFileDialog shortcuts if it is possible, else
        provides a link to the computer's root and the user's home.

        :rtype: List[str]
        urls = []
        version = tuple(map(int, qt.qVersion().split('.')[:3]))
        feed_sidebar = True

        if not DEFAULT_SIDEBAR_URL:
            _logger.debug("Skip default sidebar URLs (from setted variable)")
            feed_sidebar = False
        elif version < (5, 11, 2) and qt.BINDING == "PyQt5" and sys.platform in ["linux", "linux2"]:
            # Avoid segfault on PyQt5 + gtk
            _logger.debug("Skip default sidebar URLs (avoid PyQt5 segfault)")
            feed_sidebar = False

        if feed_sidebar:
            # Get default shortcut
            # There is no other way
            d = qt.QFileDialog(self)
            # Needed to be able to reach the sidebar urls
            d.setOption(qt.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog, True)
            urls = d.sidebarUrls()
            d = None

        if len(urls) == 0:

        return urls

    def setSelectedPath(self, path):
        selected = None
        model = self.model()
        for i in range(model.rowCount()):
            index = model.index(i, 0)
            url =, qt.Qt.UserRole)
            urlPath = url.toLocalFile()
            if path == urlPath:
                selected = index

        selectionModel = self.selectionModel()
        if selected is not None:
            selectionModel.setCurrentIndex(selected, qt.QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect)

    def setUrls(self, urls):
        model = self.model()

        names = {}
        names[qt.QDir.rootPath()] = "Computer"
        names[qt.QDir.homePath()] = "Home"

        style =
        iconProvider = self.iconProvider()
        for url in urls:
            path = url.toLocalFile()
            if path == "":
                if sys.platform != "win32":
                    url = qt.QUrl(qt.QDir.rootPath())
                name = "Computer"
                icon = style.standardIcon(qt.QStyle.SP_ComputerIcon)
                fileInfo = qt.QFileInfo(path)
                name = names.get(path, fileInfo.fileName())
                icon = iconProvider.icon(fileInfo)

            if icon.isNull():
                icon = style.standardIcon(qt.QStyle.SP_MessageBoxCritical)

            item = qt.QStandardItem()
            item.setData(url, role=qt.Qt.UserRole)

    def urls(self):
        result = []
        model = self.model()
        for i in range(model.rowCount()):
            index = model.index(i, 0)
            url =, qt.Qt.UserRole)
        return result

    def sizeHint(self):
        index = self.model().index(0, 0)
        return self.sizeHintForIndex(index) + qt.QSize(2 * self.frameWidth(), 2 * self.frameWidth())

class _Browser(qt.QStackedWidget):

    activated = qt.Signal(qt.QModelIndex)
    selected = qt.Signal(qt.QModelIndex)
    rootIndexChanged = qt.Signal(qt.QModelIndex)

    def __init__(self, parent, listView, detailView):
        qt.QStackedWidget.__init__(self, parent)
        self.__listView = listView
        self.__detailView = detailView
        self.insertWidget(0, self.__listView)
        self.insertWidget(1, self.__detailView)


    def __emitActivated(self, index):

    def __emitSelected(self, selected, deselected):
        index = self.selectedIndex()
        if index is not None:

    def selectedIndex(self):
        if self.currentIndex() == 0:
            selectionModel = self.__listView.selectionModel()
            selectionModel = self.__detailView.selectionModel()

        if selectionModel is None:
            return None

        indexes = selectionModel.selectedIndexes()
        # Filter non-main columns
        indexes = [i for i in indexes if i.column() == 0]
        if len(indexes) == 1:
            index = indexes[0]
            return index
        return None

    def model(self):
        """Returns the current model."""
        if self.currentIndex() == 0:
            return self.__listView.model()
            return self.__detailView.model()

    def selectIndex(self, index):
        if self.currentIndex() == 0:
            selectionModel = self.__listView.selectionModel()
            selectionModel = self.__detailView.selectionModel()
        if selectionModel is None:
        selectionModel.setCurrentIndex(index, qt.QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect)

    def viewMode(self):
        """Returns the current view mode.

        :rtype: qt.QFileDialog.ViewMode
        if self.currentIndex() == 0:
            return qt.QFileDialog.List
        elif self.currentIndex() == 1:
            return qt.QFileDialog.Detail

    def setViewMode(self, mode):
        """Set the current view mode.

        :param qt.QFileDialog.ViewMode mode: The new view mode
        if mode == qt.QFileDialog.Detail:
        elif mode == qt.QFileDialog.List:

    def showList(self):

    def showDetails(self):

    def clear(self):
        selectionModel = self.__listView.selectionModel()
        if selectionModel is not None:
        selectionModel = self.__detailView.selectionModel()
        if selectionModel is not None:

    def setRootIndex(self, index, model=None):
        """Sets the root item to the item at the given index.
        rootIndex = self.__listView.rootIndex()
        newModel = model or index.model()
        assert(newModel is not None)

        if rootIndex is None or rootIndex.model() is not newModel:
            # update the model
            selectionModel = self.__listView.selectionModel()
            if selectionModel is not None:
            selectionModel = self.__detailView.selectionModel()
            if selectionModel is not None:
            pIndex = qt.QPersistentModelIndex(index)
            # changing the model of the tree view change the index mapping
            # that is why we are using a persistance model index
            index = newModel.index(pIndex.row(), pIndex.column(), pIndex.parent())
            selectionModel = self.__listView.selectionModel()
            selectionModel = self.__detailView.selectionModel()


    def rootIndex(self):
        """Returns the model index of the model's root item. The root item is
        the parent item to the view's toplevel items. The root can be invalid.
        return self.__listView.rootIndex()

    __serialVersion = 1
    """Store the current version of the serialized data"""

    def visualRect(self, index):
        """Returns the rectangle on the viewport occupied by the item at index.

        :param qt.QModelIndex index: An index
        :rtype: QRect
        if self.currentIndex() == 0:
            return self.__listView.visualRect(index)
            return self.__detailView.visualRect(index)

    def viewport(self):
        """Returns the viewport widget.

        :param qt.QModelIndex index: An index
        :rtype: QRect
        if self.currentIndex() == 0:
            return self.__listView.viewport()
            return self.__detailView.viewport()

    def restoreState(self, state):
        """Restores the dialogs's layout, history and current directory to the
        state specified.

        :param qt.QByeArray state: Stream containing the new state
        :rtype: bool
        stream = qt.QDataStream(state, qt.QIODevice.ReadOnly)

        nameId = stream.readQString()
        if nameId != "Browser":
            _logger.warning("Stored state contains an invalid name id. Browser restoration cancelled.")
            return False

        version = stream.readInt32()
        if version != self.__serialVersion:
            _logger.warning("Stored state contains an invalid version. Browser restoration cancelled.")
            return False

        headerData = stream.readQVariant()

        viewMode = stream.readInt32()
        return True

    def saveState(self):
        """Saves the state of the dialog's layout.

        :rtype: qt.QByteArray
        data = qt.QByteArray()
        stream = qt.QDataStream(data, qt.QIODevice.WriteOnly)

        nameId = u"Browser"
        viewMode = self.viewMode()
        if qt.BINDING == 'PyQt6':  # No auto conversion to int
            viewMode = viewMode.value

        return data

class _FabioData(object):

    def __init__(self, fabioFile):
        self.__fabioFile = fabioFile

    def dtype(self):
        # Let say it is a valid type
        return numpy.dtype("float")

    def shape(self):
        if self.__fabioFile.nframes == 0:
            return None
        if self.__fabioFile.nframes == 1:
            return [slice(None), slice(None)]
        return [self.__fabioFile.nframes, slice(None), slice(None)]

    def __getitem__(self, selector):
        if self.__fabioFile.nframes == 1 and selector == tuple():
        if isinstance(selector, tuple) and len(selector) == 1:
            selector = selector[0]

        if isinstance(selector, int):
            if 0 <= selector < self.__fabioFile.nframes:
                if self.__fabioFile.nframes == 1:
                    frame = self.__fabioFile.getframe(selector)
                raise ValueError("Invalid selector %s" % selector)
            raise TypeError("Unsupported selector type %s" % type(selector))

class _PathEdit(qt.QLineEdit):

class _CatchResizeEvent(qt.QObject):

    resized = qt.Signal(qt.QResizeEvent)

    def __init__(self, parent, target):
        super(_CatchResizeEvent, self).__init__(parent)
        self.__target = target
        self.__target_oldResizeEvent = self.__target.resizeEvent
        self.__target.resizeEvent = self.__resizeEvent

    def __resizeEvent(self, event):
        result = self.__target_oldResizeEvent(event)
        return result

[docs]class AbstractDataFileDialog(qt.QDialog): """The `AbstractFileDialog` provides a generic GUI to create a custom dialog allowing to access to file resources like HDF5 files or HDF5 datasets. .. image:: img/abstractdatafiledialog.png The dialog contains: - Shortcuts: It provides few links to have a fast access of browsing locations. - Browser: It provides a display to browse throw the file system and inside HDF5 files or fabio files. A file format selector is provided. - URL: Display the URL available to reach the data using :meth:``, :meth:``. - Data selector: A widget to apply a sub selection of the browsed dataset. This widget can be provided, else nothing will be used. - Data preview: A widget to preview the selected data, which is the result of the filter from the data selector. This widget can be provided, else nothing will be used. - Preview's toolbar: Provides tools used to custom data preview or data selector. This widget can be provided, else nothing will be used. - Buttons to validate the dialog """ _defaultIconProvider = None """Lazy loaded default icon provider""" def __init__(self, parent=None): super(AbstractDataFileDialog, self).__init__(parent) self._init() def _init(self): self.setWindowTitle("Open") self.__openedFiles = [] """Store the list of files opened by the model itself.""" # FIXME: It should be managed one by one by Hdf5Item itself self.__directory = None self.__directoryLoadedFilter = None self.__errorWhileLoadingFile = None self.__selectedFile = None self.__selectedData = None self.__currentHistory = [] """Store history of URLs, last index one is the latest one""" self.__currentHistoryLocation = -1 """Store the location in the history. Bigger is older""" self.__processing = 0 """Number of asynchronous processing tasks""" self.__h5 = None self.__fabio = None # On Qt5 a safe icon provider is still needed to avoid freeze _logger.debug("Uses default QFileSystemModel with a SafeFileIconProvider") self.__fileModel = qt.QFileSystemModel(self) from .SafeFileIconProvider import SafeFileIconProvider iconProvider = SafeFileIconProvider() self.__fileModel.setIconProvider(iconProvider) # The common file dialog filter only on Mac OS X self.__fileModel.setNameFilterDisables(sys.platform == "darwin") self.__fileModel.setReadOnly(True) self.__fileModel.directoryLoaded.connect(self.__directoryLoaded) self.__dataModel = Hdf5TreeModel(self) self.__createWidgets() self.__initLayout() self.__showAsListView() path = os.getcwd() self.__fileModel_setRootPath(path) self.__clearData() self.__updatePath() # Update the file model filter self.__fileTypeCombo.setCurrentIndex(0) self.__filterSelected(0) # It is not possible to override the QObject destructor nor # to access to the content of the Python object with the `destroyed` # signal cause the Python method was already removed with the QWidget, # while the QObject still exists. # We use a static method plus explicit references to objects to # release. The callback do not use any ref to self. onDestroy = functools.partial(self._closeFileList, self.__openedFiles) self.destroyed.connect(onDestroy) @staticmethod def _closeFileList(fileList): """Static method to close explicit references to internal objects.""" _logger.debug("Clear AbstractDataFileDialog") for obj in fileList: _logger.debug("Close file %s", obj.filename) obj.close() fileList[:] = []
[docs] def done(self, result): self._clear() super(AbstractDataFileDialog, self).done(result)
def _clear(self): """Explicit method to clear data stored in the dialog. After this call it is not anymore possible to use the widget. This method is triggered by the destruction of the object and the QDialog :meth:`done`. Then it can be triggered more than once. """ _logger.debug("Clear dialog") self.__errorWhileLoadingFile = None self.__clearData() if self.__fileModel is not None: # Cache the directory before cleaning the model self.__directory = self.__browser.clear() self.__closeFile() self.__fileModel = None self.__dataModel = None
[docs] def hasPendingEvents(self): """Returns true if the dialog have asynchronous tasks working on the background.""" return self.__processing > 0
# User interface def __createWidgets(self): self.__sidebar = self._createSideBar() if self.__sidebar is not None: sideBarModel = self.__sidebar.selectionModel() sideBarModel.selectionChanged.connect(self.__shortcutSelected) self.__sidebar.setSelectionMode(qt.QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) listView = qt.QListView(self) listView.setSelectionBehavior(qt.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) listView.setSelectionMode(qt.QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) listView.setResizeMode(qt.QListView.Adjust) listView.setWrapping(True) listView.setEditTriggers(qt.QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) listView.setContextMenuPolicy(qt.Qt.CustomContextMenu) utils.patchToConsumeReturnKey(listView) treeView = qt.QTreeView(self) treeView.setSelectionBehavior(qt.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) treeView.setSelectionMode(qt.QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) treeView.setRootIsDecorated(False) treeView.setItemsExpandable(False) treeView.setSortingEnabled(True) treeView.header().setSortIndicator(0, qt.Qt.AscendingOrder) treeView.header().setStretchLastSection(False) treeView.setTextElideMode(qt.Qt.ElideMiddle) treeView.setEditTriggers(qt.QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) treeView.setContextMenuPolicy(qt.Qt.CustomContextMenu) treeView.setDragDropMode(qt.QAbstractItemView.InternalMove) utils.patchToConsumeReturnKey(treeView) self.__browser = _Browser(self, listView, treeView) self.__browser.activated.connect(self.__browsedItemActivated) self.__browser.selected.connect(self.__browsedItemSelected) self.__browser.rootIndexChanged.connect(self.__rootIndexChanged) self.__browser.setObjectName("browser") self.__previewWidget = self._createPreviewWidget(self) self.__fileTypeCombo = FileTypeComboBox(self) self.__fileTypeCombo.setObjectName("fileTypeCombo") self.__fileTypeCombo.setDuplicatesEnabled(False) self.__fileTypeCombo.setSizeAdjustPolicy(qt.QComboBox.AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon) self.__fileTypeCombo.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.__fileTypeCombo.activated[int].connect(self.__filterSelected) self.__fileTypeCombo.setFabioUrlSupproted(self._isFabioFilesSupported()) self.__pathEdit = _PathEdit(self) self.__pathEdit.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.__pathEdit.textChanged.connect(self.__textChanged) self.__pathEdit.setObjectName("url") utils.patchToConsumeReturnKey(self.__pathEdit) self.__buttons = qt.QDialogButtonBox(self) self.__buttons.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed, qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed) types = qt.QDialogButtonBox.Open | qt.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel self.__buttons.setStandardButtons(types) self.__buttons.button(qt.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel).setObjectName("cancel") self.__buttons.button(qt.QDialogButtonBox.Open).setObjectName("open") self.__buttons.accepted.connect(self.accept) self.__buttons.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.__browseToolBar = self._createBrowseToolBar() self.__backwardAction.setEnabled(False) self.__forwardAction.setEnabled(False) self.__fileDirectoryAction.setEnabled(False) self.__parentFileDirectoryAction.setEnabled(False) self.__selectorWidget = self._createSelectorWidget(self) if self.__selectorWidget is not None: self.__selectorWidget.selectionChanged.connect(self.__selectorWidgetChanged) self.__previewToolBar = self._createPreviewToolbar(self, self.__previewWidget, self.__selectorWidget) self.__dataIcon = qt.QLabel(self) self.__dataIcon.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed, qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.__dataIcon.setScaledContents(True) self.__dataIcon.setMargin(2) self.__dataIcon.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignCenter) self.__dataInfo = qt.QLabel(self) self.__dataInfo.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed) def _createSideBar(self): sidebar = _SideBar(self) sidebar.setObjectName("sidebar") return sidebar def iconProvider(self): iconProvider = self.__class__._defaultIconProvider if iconProvider is None: iconProvider = _IconProvider() self.__class__._defaultIconProvider = iconProvider return iconProvider def _createBrowseToolBar(self): toolbar = qt.QToolBar(self) toolbar.setIconSize(qt.QSize(16, 16)) iconProvider = self.iconProvider() backward = qt.QAction(toolbar) backward.setText("Back") backward.setObjectName("backwardAction") backward.setIcon(iconProvider.icon(qt.QStyle.SP_ArrowBack)) backward.triggered.connect(self.__navigateBackward) self.__backwardAction = backward forward = qt.QAction(toolbar) forward.setText("Forward") forward.setObjectName("forwardAction") forward.setIcon(iconProvider.icon(qt.QStyle.SP_ArrowForward)) forward.triggered.connect(self.__navigateForward) self.__forwardAction = forward parentDirectory = qt.QAction(toolbar) parentDirectory.setText("Go to parent") parentDirectory.setObjectName("toParentAction") parentDirectory.setIcon(iconProvider.icon(qt.QStyle.SP_FileDialogToParent)) parentDirectory.triggered.connect(self.__navigateToParent) self.__toParentAction = parentDirectory fileDirectory = qt.QAction(toolbar) fileDirectory.setText("Root of the file") fileDirectory.setObjectName("toRootFileAction") fileDirectory.setIcon(iconProvider.icon(iconProvider.FileDialogToParentFile)) fileDirectory.triggered.connect(self.__navigateToParentFile) self.__fileDirectoryAction = fileDirectory parentFileDirectory = qt.QAction(toolbar) parentFileDirectory.setText("Parent directory of the file") parentFileDirectory.setObjectName("toDirectoryAction") parentFileDirectory.setIcon(iconProvider.icon(iconProvider.FileDialogToParentDir)) parentFileDirectory.triggered.connect(self.__navigateToParentDir) self.__parentFileDirectoryAction = parentFileDirectory listView = qt.QAction(toolbar) listView.setText("List view") listView.setObjectName("listModeAction") listView.setIcon(iconProvider.icon(qt.QStyle.SP_FileDialogListView)) listView.triggered.connect(self.__showAsListView) listView.setCheckable(True) detailView = qt.QAction(toolbar) detailView.setText("Detail view") detailView.setObjectName("detailModeAction") detailView.setIcon(iconProvider.icon(qt.QStyle.SP_FileDialogDetailedView)) detailView.triggered.connect(self.__showAsDetailedView) detailView.setCheckable(True) self.__listViewAction = listView self.__detailViewAction = detailView toolbar.addAction(backward) toolbar.addAction(forward) toolbar.addSeparator() toolbar.addAction(parentDirectory) toolbar.addAction(fileDirectory) toolbar.addAction(parentFileDirectory) toolbar.addSeparator() toolbar.addAction(listView) toolbar.addAction(detailView) toolbar.setStyleSheet("QToolBar { border: 0px }") return toolbar def __initLayout(self): sideBarLayout = qt.QVBoxLayout() sideBarLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) dummyToolBar = qt.QWidget(self) dummyToolBar.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed) dummyCombo = qt.QWidget(self) dummyCombo.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed) sideBarLayout.addWidget(dummyToolBar) if self.__sidebar is not None: sideBarLayout.addWidget(self.__sidebar) sideBarLayout.addWidget(dummyCombo) sideBarWidget = qt.QWidget(self) sideBarWidget.setLayout(sideBarLayout) dummyCombo.setFixedHeight(self.__fileTypeCombo.height()) self.__resizeCombo = _CatchResizeEvent(self, self.__fileTypeCombo) self.__resizeCombo.resized.connect(lambda e: dummyCombo.setFixedHeight(e.size().height())) dummyToolBar.setFixedHeight(self.__browseToolBar.height()) self.__resizeToolbar = _CatchResizeEvent(self, self.__browseToolBar) self.__resizeToolbar.resized.connect(lambda e: dummyToolBar.setFixedHeight(e.size().height())) datasetSelection = qt.QWidget(self) layoutLeft = qt.QVBoxLayout() layoutLeft.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layoutLeft.addWidget(self.__browseToolBar) layoutLeft.addWidget(self.__browser) layoutLeft.addWidget(self.__fileTypeCombo) datasetSelection.setLayout(layoutLeft) datasetSelection.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding) infoLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout() infoLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) infoLayout.addWidget(self.__dataIcon) infoLayout.addWidget(self.__dataInfo) dataFrame = qt.QFrame(self) dataFrame.setFrameShape(qt.QFrame.StyledPanel) layout = qt.QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(0) layout.addWidget(self.__previewWidget) layout.addLayout(infoLayout) dataFrame.setLayout(layout) dataSelection = qt.QWidget(self) dataLayout = qt.QVBoxLayout() dataLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.__previewToolBar is not None: dataLayout.addWidget(self.__previewToolBar) else: # Add dummy space dummyToolbar2 = qt.QWidget(self) dummyToolbar2.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed) dummyToolbar2.setFixedHeight(self.__browseToolBar.height()) self.__resizeToolbar = _CatchResizeEvent(self, self.__browseToolBar) self.__resizeToolbar.resized.connect(lambda e: dummyToolbar2.setFixedHeight(e.size().height())) dataLayout.addWidget(dummyToolbar2) dataLayout.addWidget(dataFrame) if self.__selectorWidget is not None: dataLayout.addWidget(self.__selectorWidget) else: # Add dummy space dummyCombo2 = qt.QWidget(self) dummyCombo2.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed) dummyCombo2.setFixedHeight(self.__fileTypeCombo.height()) self.__resizeToolbar = _CatchResizeEvent(self, self.__fileTypeCombo) self.__resizeToolbar.resized.connect(lambda e: dummyCombo2.setFixedHeight(e.size().height())) dataLayout.addWidget(dummyCombo2) dataSelection.setLayout(dataLayout) self.__splitter = qt.QSplitter(self) self.__splitter.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.__splitter.addWidget(sideBarWidget) self.__splitter.addWidget(datasetSelection) self.__splitter.addWidget(dataSelection) self.__splitter.setStretchFactor(1, 10) bottomLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout() bottomLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) bottomLayout.addWidget(self.__pathEdit) bottomLayout.addWidget(self.__buttons) layout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self) layout.addWidget(self.__splitter) layout.addLayout(bottomLayout) self.setLayout(layout) self.updateGeometry() # Logic def __navigateBackward(self): """Navigate through the history one step backward.""" if len(self.__currentHistory) > 0 and self.__currentHistoryLocation > 0: self.__currentHistoryLocation -= 1 url = self.__currentHistory[self.__currentHistoryLocation] self.selectUrl(url) def __navigateForward(self): """Navigate through the history one step forward.""" if len(self.__currentHistory) > 0 and self.__currentHistoryLocation < len(self.__currentHistory) - 1: self.__currentHistoryLocation += 1 url = self.__currentHistory[self.__currentHistoryLocation] self.selectUrl(url) def __navigateToParent(self): index = self.__browser.rootIndex() if index.model() is self.__fileModel: # browse throw the file system index = index.parent() path = self.__fileModel.filePath(index) self.__fileModel_setRootPath(path) self.__browser.selectIndex(qt.QModelIndex()) self.__updatePath() elif index.model() is self.__dataModel: index = index.parent() if index.isValid(): # browse throw the hdf5 self.__browser.setRootIndex(index) self.__browser.selectIndex(qt.QModelIndex()) self.__updatePath() else: # go back to the file system self.__navigateToParentDir() else: # Root of the file system (my computer) pass def __navigateToParentFile(self): index = self.__browser.rootIndex() if index.model() is self.__dataModel: index = self.__dataModel.indexFromH5Object(self.__h5) self.__browser.setRootIndex(index) self.__browser.selectIndex(qt.QModelIndex()) self.__updatePath() def __navigateToParentDir(self): index = self.__browser.rootIndex() if index.model() is self.__dataModel: path = os.path.dirname(self.__h5.file.filename) index = self.__fileModel.index(path) self.__browser.setRootIndex(index) self.__browser.selectIndex(qt.QModelIndex()) self.__closeFile() self.__updatePath()
[docs] def viewMode(self): """Returns the current view mode. :rtype: qt.QFileDialog.ViewMode """ return self.__browser.viewMode()
[docs] def setViewMode(self, mode): """Set the current view mode. :param qt.QFileDialog.ViewMode mode: The new view mode """ if mode == qt.QFileDialog.Detail: self.__browser.showDetails() self.__listViewAction.setChecked(False) self.__detailViewAction.setChecked(True) elif mode == qt.QFileDialog.List: self.__browser.showList() self.__listViewAction.setChecked(True) self.__detailViewAction.setChecked(False) else: assert(False)
def __showAsListView(self): self.setViewMode(qt.QFileDialog.List) def __showAsDetailedView(self): self.setViewMode(qt.QFileDialog.Detail) def __shortcutSelected(self): self.__browser.selectIndex(qt.QModelIndex()) self.__clearData() self.__updatePath() selectionModel = self.__sidebar.selectionModel() indexes = selectionModel.selectedIndexes() if len(indexes) == 1: index = indexes[0] url = self.__sidebar.model().data(index, role=qt.Qt.UserRole) path = url.toLocalFile() self.__fileModel_setRootPath(path) def __browsedItemActivated(self, index): if not index.isValid(): return if index.model() is self.__fileModel: path = self.__fileModel.filePath(index) if self.__fileModel.isDir(index): self.__fileModel_setRootPath(path) if os.path.isfile(path): self.__fileActivated(index) elif index.model() is self.__dataModel: obj =, role=Hdf5TreeModel.H5PY_OBJECT_ROLE) if self.__browser.setRootIndex(index) else: assert(False) def __browsedItemSelected(self, index): self.__dataSelected(index) self.__updatePath() def __fileModel_setRootPath(self, path): """Set the root path of the fileModel with a filter on the directoryLoaded event. Without this filter an extra event is received (at least with PyQt4) when we use for the first time the sidebar. :param str path: Path to load """ assert(path is not None) if path != "" and not os.path.exists(path): return if self.hasPendingEvents(): # Make sure the asynchronous fileModel setRootPath is finished qt.QApplication.instance().processEvents() if self.__directoryLoadedFilter is not None: if utils.samefile(self.__directoryLoadedFilter, path): return self.__directoryLoadedFilter = path self.__processing += 1 if self.__fileModel is None: return index = self.__fileModel.setRootPath(path) if not index.isValid(): # There is a problem with this path # No asynchronous process will be waked up self.__processing -= 1 self.__browser.setRootIndex(index, model=self.__fileModel) self.__clearData() self.__updatePath() def __directoryLoaded(self, path): if self.__directoryLoadedFilter is not None: if not utils.samefile(self.__directoryLoadedFilter, path): # Filter event which should not arrive in PyQt4 # The first click on the sidebar sent 2 events self.__processing -= 1 return if self.__fileModel is None: return index = self.__fileModel.index(path) self.__browser.setRootIndex(index, model=self.__fileModel) self.__updatePath() self.__processing -= 1 def __closeFile(self): self.__openedFiles[:] = [] self.__fileDirectoryAction.setEnabled(False) self.__parentFileDirectoryAction.setEnabled(False) if self.__h5 is not None: self.__dataModel.removeH5pyObject(self.__h5) self.__h5.close() self.__h5 = None if self.__fabio is not None: if hasattr(self.__fabio, "close"): self.__fabio.close() self.__fabio = None def __openFabioFile(self, filename): self.__closeFile() try: self.__fabio = self.__openedFiles.append(self.__fabio) self.__selectedFile = filename except Exception as e: _logger.error("Error while loading file %s: %s", filename, e.args[0]) _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True) self.__errorWhileLoadingFile = filename, e.args[0] return False else: return True def __openSilxFile(self, filename): self.__closeFile() try: self.__h5 = self.__openedFiles.append(self.__h5) self.__selectedFile = filename except IOError as e: _logger.error("Error while loading file %s: %s", filename, e.args[0]) _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True) self.__errorWhileLoadingFile = filename, e.args[0] return False else: self.__fileDirectoryAction.setEnabled(True) self.__parentFileDirectoryAction.setEnabled(True) self.__dataModel.insertH5pyObject(self.__h5) return True def __isSilxHavePriority(self, filename): """Silx have priority when there is a specific decoder """ _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) ext = "*%s" % ext formats = for extensions in formats.values(): if ext in extensions: return True return False def __openFile(self, filename): codec = self.__fileTypeCombo.currentCodec() openners = [] if codec.is_autodetect(): if self.__isSilxHavePriority(filename): openners.append(self.__openSilxFile) if self._isFabioFilesSupported(): openners.append(self.__openFabioFile) else: if self._isFabioFilesSupported(): openners.append(self.__openFabioFile) openners.append(self.__openSilxFile) elif codec.is_silx_codec(): openners.append(self.__openSilxFile) elif self._isFabioFilesSupported() and codec.is_fabio_codec(): # It is requested to use fabio, anyway fabio is here or not openners.append(self.__openFabioFile) for openner in openners: ref = openner(filename) if ref is not None: return True return False def __fileActivated(self, index): self.__selectedFile = None path = self.__fileModel.filePath(index) if os.path.isfile(path): loaded = self.__openFile(path) if loaded: if self.__h5 is not None: index = self.__dataModel.indexFromH5Object(self.__h5) self.__browser.setRootIndex(index) elif self.__fabio is not None: data = _FabioData(self.__fabio) self.__setData(data) self.__updatePath() else: self.__clearData() def __dataSelected(self, index): selectedData = None if index is not None: if index.model() is self.__dataModel: obj =, self.__dataModel.H5PY_OBJECT_ROLE) if self._isDataSupportable(obj): selectedData = obj elif index.model() is self.__fileModel: self.__closeFile() if self._isFabioFilesSupported(): path = self.__fileModel.filePath(index) if os.path.isfile(path): codec = self.__fileTypeCombo.currentCodec() is_fabio_decoder = codec.is_fabio_codec() is_fabio_have_priority = not codec.is_silx_codec() and not self.__isSilxHavePriority(path) if is_fabio_decoder or is_fabio_have_priority: # Then it's flat frame container self.__openFabioFile(path) if self.__fabio is not None: selectedData = _FabioData(self.__fabio) else: assert(False) self.__setData(selectedData) def __filterSelected(self, index): filters = self.__fileTypeCombo.itemExtensions(index) self.__fileModel.setNameFilters(list(filters)) def __setData(self, data): self.__data = data if data is not None and self._isDataSupportable(data): if self.__selectorWidget is not None: self.__selectorWidget.setData(data) if not self.__selectorWidget.isUsed(): # Needed to fake the fact we have to reset the zoom in preview self.__selectedData = None self.__setSelectedData(data) self.__selectorWidget.hide() else: self.__selectorWidget.setVisible(self.__selectorWidget.hasVisibleSelectors()) # Needed to fake the fact we have to reset the zoom in preview self.__selectedData = None self.__selectorWidget.selectionChanged.emit() else: # Needed to fake the fact we have to reset the zoom in preview self.__selectedData = None self.__setSelectedData(data) else: self.__clearData() self.__updatePath() def _isDataSupported(self, data): """Check if the data can be returned by the dialog. If true, this data can be returned by the dialog and the open button while be enabled. If false the button will be disabled. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError() def _isDataSupportable(self, data): """Check if the selected data can be supported at one point. If true, the data selector will be checked and it will update the data preview. Else the selecting is disabled. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError() def __clearData(self): """Clear the data part of the GUI""" if self.__previewWidget is not None: self.__previewWidget.setData(None) if self.__selectorWidget is not None: self.__selectorWidget.setData(None) self.__selectorWidget.hide() self.__selectedData = None self.__data = None self.__updateDataInfo() button = self.__buttons.button(qt.QDialogButtonBox.Open) button.setEnabled(False) def __selectorWidgetChanged(self): data = self.__selectorWidget.getSelectedData(self.__data) self.__setSelectedData(data) def __setSelectedData(self, data): """Set the data selected by the dialog. If :meth:`_isDataSupported` returns false, this function will be inhibited and no data will be selected. """ if isinstance(data, _FabioData): data = data[()] if self.__previewWidget is not None: fromDataSelector = self.__selectedData is not None self.__previewWidget.setData(data, fromDataSelector=fromDataSelector) if self._isDataSupported(data): self.__selectedData = data else: self.__clearData() return self.__updateDataInfo() self.__updatePath() button = self.__buttons.button(qt.QDialogButtonBox.Open) button.setEnabled(True) def __updateDataInfo(self): if self.__errorWhileLoadingFile is not None: filename, message = self.__errorWhileLoadingFile message = "<b>Error while loading file '%s'</b><hr/>%s" % (filename, message) size = self.__dataInfo.height() icon = pixmap = icon.pixmap(size, size) self.__dataInfo.setText("Error while loading file") self.__dataInfo.setToolTip(message) self.__dataIcon.setToolTip(message) self.__dataIcon.setVisible(True) self.__dataIcon.setPixmap(pixmap) self.__errorWhileLoadingFile = None return self.__dataIcon.setVisible(False) self.__dataInfo.setToolTip("") if self.__selectedData is None: self.__dataInfo.setText("No data selected") else: text = self._displayedDataInfo(self.__data, self.__selectedData) self.__dataInfo.setVisible(text is not None) if text is not None: self.__dataInfo.setText(text) def _displayedDataInfo(self, dataBeforeSelection, dataAfterSelection): """Returns the text displayed under the data preview. This zone is used to display error in case or problem of data selection or problems with IO. :param numpy.ndarray dataAfterSelection: Data as it is after the selection widget (basically the data from the preview widget) :param numpy.ndarray dataAfterSelection: Data as it is before the selection widget (basically the data from the browsing widget) :rtype: bool """ return None def __createUrlFromIndex(self, index, useSelectorWidget=True): if index.model() is self.__fileModel: filename = self.__fileModel.filePath(index) dataPath = None elif index.model() is self.__dataModel: obj =, role=Hdf5TreeModel.H5PY_OBJECT_ROLE) filename = obj.file.filename dataPath = else: # root of the computer filename = "" dataPath = None if useSelectorWidget and self.__selectorWidget is not None and self.__selectorWidget.isUsed(): slicing = self.__selectorWidget.slicing() if slicing == tuple(): slicing = None else: slicing = None if self.__fabio is not None: scheme = "fabio" elif self.__h5 is not None: scheme = "silx" else: if os.path.isfile(filename): codec = self.__fileTypeCombo.currentCodec() if codec.is_fabio_codec(): scheme = "fabio" elif codec.is_silx_codec(): scheme = "silx" else: scheme = None else: scheme = None url =, data_path=dataPath, data_slice=slicing, scheme=scheme) return url def __updatePath(self): index = self.__browser.selectedIndex() if index is None: index = self.__browser.rootIndex() url = self.__createUrlFromIndex(index) if url.path() != self.__pathEdit.text(): old = self.__pathEdit.blockSignals(True) self.__pathEdit.setText(url.path()) self.__pathEdit.blockSignals(old) def __rootIndexChanged(self, index): url = self.__createUrlFromIndex(index, useSelectorWidget=False) currentUrl = None if 0 <= self.__currentHistoryLocation < len(self.__currentHistory): currentUrl = self.__currentHistory[self.__currentHistoryLocation] if currentUrl is None or currentUrl != url.path(): # clean up the forward history self.__currentHistory = self.__currentHistory[0:self.__currentHistoryLocation + 1] self.__currentHistory.append(url.path()) self.__currentHistoryLocation += 1 if index.model() != self.__dataModel: if sys.platform == "win32": # path == "" isRoot = not index.isValid() else: # path in ["", "/"] isRoot = not index.isValid() or not index.parent().isValid() else: isRoot = False if index.isValid(): self.__dataSelected(index) self.__toParentAction.setEnabled(not isRoot) self.__updateActionHistory() self.__updateSidebar() def __updateSidebar(self): """Called when the current directory location change""" if self.__sidebar is None: return selectionModel = self.__sidebar.selectionModel() selectionModel.selectionChanged.disconnect(self.__shortcutSelected) index = self.__browser.rootIndex() if index.model() == self.__fileModel: path = self.__fileModel.filePath(index) self.__sidebar.setSelectedPath(path) elif index.model() is None: path = "" self.__sidebar.setSelectedPath(path) else: selectionModel.clear() selectionModel.selectionChanged.connect(self.__shortcutSelected) def __updateActionHistory(self): self.__forwardAction.setEnabled(len(self.__currentHistory) - 1 > self.__currentHistoryLocation) self.__backwardAction.setEnabled(self.__currentHistoryLocation > 0) def __textChanged(self, text): self.__pathChanged() def _isFabioFilesSupported(self): """Returns true fabio files can be loaded. """ return True def _isLoadableUrl(self, url): """Returns true if the URL is loadable by this dialog. :param DataUrl url: The requested URL """ return True def __pathChanged(self): url = if url.is_valid() or url.path() == "": if url.path() in ["", "/"] or url.file_path() in ["", "/"]: self.__fileModel_setRootPath(qt.QDir.rootPath()) elif os.path.exists(url.file_path()): rootIndex = None if os.path.isdir(url.file_path()): self.__fileModel_setRootPath(url.file_path()) index = self.__fileModel.index(url.file_path()) elif os.path.isfile(url.file_path()): if self._isLoadableUrl(url): if url.scheme() == "silx": loaded = self.__openSilxFile(url.file_path()) elif url.scheme() == "fabio" and self._isFabioFilesSupported(): loaded = self.__openFabioFile(url.file_path()) else: loaded = self.__openFile(url.file_path()) else: loaded = False if loaded: if self.__h5 is not None: rootIndex = self.__dataModel.indexFromH5Object(self.__h5) elif self.__fabio is not None: index = self.__fileModel.index(url.file_path()) rootIndex = index if rootIndex is None: index = self.__fileModel.index(url.file_path()) index = index.parent() if rootIndex is not None: if rootIndex.model() == self.__dataModel: if url.data_path() is not None: dataPath = url.data_path() if dataPath in self.__h5: obj = self.__h5[dataPath] else: path = utils.findClosestSubPath(self.__h5, dataPath) if path is None: path = "/" obj = self.__h5[path] if self.__browser.setRootIndex(rootIndex) elif index = self.__dataModel.indexFromH5Object(obj) self.__browser.setRootIndex(index) else: index = self.__dataModel.indexFromH5Object(obj) self.__browser.setRootIndex(index.parent()) self.__browser.selectIndex(index) else: self.__browser.setRootIndex(rootIndex) self.__clearData() elif rootIndex.model() == self.__fileModel: # that's a fabio file self.__browser.setRootIndex(rootIndex.parent()) self.__browser.selectIndex(rootIndex) # data = _FabioData(self.__fabio) # self.__setData(data) else: assert(False) else: self.__browser.setRootIndex(index, model=self.__fileModel) self.__clearData() if self.__selectorWidget is not None: self.__selectorWidget.selectSlicing(url.data_slice()) else: self.__errorWhileLoadingFile = (url.file_path(), "File not found") self.__clearData() else: self.__errorWhileLoadingFile = (url.file_path(), "Path invalid") self.__clearData() def previewToolbar(self): return self.__previewToolbar def previewWidget(self): return self.__previewWidget def selectorWidget(self): return self.__selectorWidget def _createPreviewToolbar(self, parent, dataPreviewWidget, dataSelectorWidget): return None def _createPreviewWidget(self, parent): return None def _createSelectorWidget(self, parent): return None # Selected file
[docs] def setDirectory(self, path): """Sets the data dialog's current directory.""" self.__fileModel_setRootPath(path)
[docs] def selectedFile(self): """Returns the file path containing the selected data. :rtype: str """ return self.__selectedFile
[docs] def selectFile(self, filename): """Sets the data dialog's current file.""" self.__directoryLoadedFilter = "" old = self.__pathEdit.blockSignals(True) try: self.__pathEdit.setText(filename) finally: self.__pathEdit.blockSignals(old) self.__pathChanged()
# Selected data
[docs] def selectUrl(self, url): """Sets the data dialog's current data url. :param Union[str,DataUrl] url: URL identifying a data (it can be a `DataUrl` object) """ if isinstance(url, url = url.path() self.__directoryLoadedFilter = "" old = self.__pathEdit.blockSignals(True) try: self.__pathEdit.setText(url) finally: self.__pathEdit.blockSignals(old) self.__pathChanged()
[docs] def selectedUrl(self): """Returns the URL from the file system to the data. If the dialog is not validated, the path can be an intermediat selected path, or an invalid path. :rtype: str """ return self.__pathEdit.text()
[docs] def selectedDataUrl(self): """Returns the URL as a :class:`DataUrl` from the file system to the data. If the dialog is not validated, the path can be an intermediat selected path, or an invalid path. :rtype: DataUrl """ url = self.selectedUrl() return
[docs] def directory(self): """Returns the path from the current browsed directory. :rtype: str """ if self.__directory is not None: # At post execution, returns the cache return self.__directory index = self.__browser.rootIndex() if index.model() is self.__fileModel: path = self.__fileModel.filePath(index) return path elif index.model() is self.__dataModel: path = os.path.dirname(self.__h5.file.filename) return path else: return ""
def _selectedData(self): """Returns the internal selected data :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self.__selectedData # Filters
[docs] def selectedNameFilter(self): """Returns the filter that the user selected in the file dialog.""" return self.__fileTypeCombo.currentText()
# History
[docs] def history(self): """Returns the browsing history of the filedialog as a list of paths. :rtype: List<str> """ if len(self.__currentHistory) <= 1: return [] history = self.__currentHistory[0:self.__currentHistoryLocation] return list(history)
def setHistory(self, history): self.__currentHistory = [] self.__currentHistory.extend(history) self.__currentHistoryLocation = len(self.__currentHistory) - 1 self.__updateActionHistory() # Colormap def colormap(self): if self.__previewWidget is None: return None return self.__previewWidget.colormap() def setColormap(self, colormap): if self.__previewWidget is None: raise RuntimeError("No preview widget defined") self.__previewWidget.setColormap(colormap) # Sidebar
[docs] def setSidebarUrls(self, urls): """Sets the urls that are located in the sidebar.""" if self.__sidebar is None: return self.__sidebar.setUrls(urls)
[docs] def sidebarUrls(self): """Returns a list of urls that are currently in the sidebar.""" if self.__sidebar is None: return [] return self.__sidebar.urls()
# State __serialVersion = 1 """Store the current version of the serialized data""" @classmethod def qualifiedName(cls): return "%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)
[docs] def restoreState(self, state): """Restores the dialogs's layout, history and current directory to the state specified. :param qt.QByteArray state: Stream containing the new state :rtype: bool """ stream = qt.QDataStream(state, qt.QIODevice.ReadOnly) qualifiedName = stream.readQString() if qualifiedName != self.qualifiedName(): _logger.warning("Stored state contains an invalid qualified name. %s restoration cancelled.", self.__class__.__name__) return False version = stream.readInt32() if version != self.__serialVersion: _logger.warning("Stored state contains an invalid version. %s restoration cancelled.", self.__class__.__name__) return False result = True splitterData = stream.readQVariant() sidebarUrls = stream.readQStringList() history = stream.readQStringList() workingDirectory = stream.readQString() browserData = stream.readQVariant() viewMode = stream.readInt32() colormapData = stream.readQVariant() result &= self.__splitter.restoreState(splitterData) sidebarUrls = [qt.QUrl(s) for s in sidebarUrls] self.setSidebarUrls(list(sidebarUrls)) history = [s for s in history] self.setHistory(list(history)) if workingDirectory is not None: self.setDirectory(workingDirectory) result &= self.__browser.restoreState(browserData) self.setViewMode(qt.QFileDialog.ViewMode(viewMode)) colormap = self.colormap() if colormap is not None: result &= self.colormap().restoreState(colormapData) return result
[docs] def saveState(self): """Saves the state of the dialog's layout, history and current directory. :rtype: qt.QByteArray """ data = qt.QByteArray() stream = qt.QDataStream(data, qt.QIODevice.WriteOnly) s = self.qualifiedName() stream.writeQString(u"%s" % s) stream.writeInt32(self.__serialVersion) stream.writeQVariant(self.__splitter.saveState()) strings = [u"%s" % s.toString() for s in self.sidebarUrls()] stream.writeQStringList(strings) strings = [u"%s" % s for s in self.history()] stream.writeQStringList(strings) stream.writeQString(u"%s" % stream.writeQVariant(self.__browser.saveState()) viewMode = self.viewMode() if qt.BINDING == 'PyQt6': # No auto conversion to int viewMode = viewMode.value stream.writeInt32(viewMode) colormap = self.colormap() if colormap is not None: stream.writeQVariant(self.colormap().saveState()) else: stream.writeQVariant(None) return data