Source code for silx.gui.plot.StatsWidget

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Module containing widgets displaying stats from items of a plot.

__authors__ = ["H. Payno"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "24/07/2018"

from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
import logging
import weakref
import functools
import numpy
import enum
from silx.utils.proxy import docstring
from silx.utils.enum import Enum as _Enum
from silx.gui import qt
from silx.gui import icons
from silx.gui.plot import stats as statsmdl
from silx.gui.widgets.TableWidget import TableWidget
from silx.gui.plot.stats.statshandler import StatsHandler, StatFormatter
from silx.gui.plot.items.core import ItemChangedType
from silx.gui.widgets.FlowLayout import FlowLayout
from . import PlotWidget
from . import items as plotitems

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class UpdateMode(_Enum):
    AUTO = 'auto'
    MANUAL = 'manual'

# Helper class to handle specific calls to PlotWidget and SceneWidget

class _Wrapper(qt.QObject):
    """Base class for connection with PlotWidget and SceneWidget.

    This class is used when no PlotWidget or SceneWidget is connected.

    :param plot: The plot to be used

    sigItemAdded = qt.Signal(object)
    """Signal emitted when a new item is added.

    It provides the added item.

    sigItemRemoved = qt.Signal(object)
    """Signal emitted when an item is (about to be) removed.

    It provides the removed item.

    sigCurrentChanged = qt.Signal(object)
    """Signal emitted when the current item has changed.

    It provides the current item.

    sigVisibleDataChanged = qt.Signal()
    """Signal emitted when the visible data area has changed"""

    def __init__(self, plot=None):
        super(_Wrapper, self).__init__(parent=None)
        self._plotRef = None if plot is None else weakref.ref(plot)

    def getPlot(self):
        """Returns the plot attached to this widget"""
        return None if self._plotRef is None else self._plotRef()

    def getItems(self):
        """Returns the list of items in the plot

        :rtype: List[object]
        return ()

    def getSelectedItems(self):
        """Returns the list of selected items in the plot

        :rtype: List[object]
        return ()

    def setCurrentItem(self, item):
        """Set the current/active item in the plot

        :param item: The plot item to set as active/current

    def getLabel(self, item):
        """Returns the label of the given item.

        :param item:
        :rtype: str
        return ''

    def getKind(self, item):
        """Returns the kind of an item or None if not supported

        :param item:
        :rtype: Union[str,None]
        return None

class _PlotWidgetWrapper(_Wrapper):
    """Class handling PlotWidget specific calls and signal connections

    See :class:`._Wrapper` for documentation

    :param PlotWidget plot:

    def __init__(self, plot):
        assert isinstance(plot, PlotWidget)
        super(_PlotWidgetWrapper, self).__init__(plot)

    def _activeChanged(self, kind):
        """Handle change of active curve/image/scatter"""
        plot = self.getPlot()
        if plot is not None:
            item = plot._getActiveItem(kind=kind)
            if item is None or self.getKind(item) is not None:

    def _activeCurveChanged(self, previous, current):

    def _activeImageChanged(self, previous, current):

    def _activeScatterChanged(self, previous, current):

    def _limitsChanged(self, event):
        """Handle change of plot area limits."""
        if event['event'] == 'limitsChanged':

    def getItems(self):
        plot = self.getPlot()
        if plot is None:
            return ()
            return [item for item in plot.getItems() if item.isVisible()]

    def getSelectedItems(self):
        plot = self.getPlot()
        items = []
        if plot is not None:
            for kind in plot._ACTIVE_ITEM_KINDS:
                item = plot._getActiveItem(kind=kind)
                if item is not None:
        return tuple(items)

    def setCurrentItem(self, item):
        plot = self.getPlot()
        if plot is not None:
            kind = self.getKind(item)
            if kind in plot._ACTIVE_ITEM_KINDS:
                if plot._getActiveItem(kind) != item:
                    plot._setActiveItem(kind, item.getName())

    def getLabel(self, item):
        return item.getName()

    def getKind(self, item):
        if isinstance(item, plotitems.Curve):
            return 'curve'
        elif isinstance(item, plotitems.ImageData):
            return 'image'
        elif isinstance(item, plotitems.Scatter):
            return 'scatter'
        elif isinstance(item, plotitems.Histogram):
            return 'histogram'
            return None

class _SceneWidgetWrapper(_Wrapper):
    """Class handling SceneWidget specific calls and signal connections

    See :class:`._Wrapper` for documentation

    :param SceneWidget plot:

    def __init__(self, plot):
        # Lazy-import to avoid circular imports
        from ..plot3d.SceneWidget import SceneWidget

        assert isinstance(plot, SceneWidget)
        super(_SceneWidgetWrapper, self).__init__(plot)
        # sigVisibleDataChanged is never emitted

    def _currentChanged(self, current, previous):

    def getItems(self):
        plot = self.getPlot()
        return () if plot is None else tuple(plot.getSceneGroup().visit())

    def getSelectedItems(self):
        plot = self.getPlot()
        return () if plot is None else (plot.selection().getCurrentItem(),)

    def setCurrentItem(self, item):
        plot = self.getPlot()
        if plot is not None:

    def getLabel(self, item):
        return item.getLabel()

    def getKind(self, item):
        from ..plot3d import items as plot3ditems

        if isinstance(item, (plot3ditems.ImageData,
            return 'image'
        elif isinstance(item, (plot3ditems.Scatter2D,
            return 'scatter'
            return None

class _ScalarFieldViewWrapper(_Wrapper):
    """Class handling ScalarFieldView specific calls and signal connections

    See :class:`._Wrapper` for documentation

    :param SceneWidget plot:

    def __init__(self, plot):
        # Lazy-import to avoid circular imports
        from ..plot3d.ScalarFieldView import ScalarFieldView
        from ..plot3d.items import ScalarField3D

        assert isinstance(plot, ScalarFieldView)
        super(_ScalarFieldViewWrapper, self).__init__(plot)
        self._item = ScalarField3D()
        # sigItemAdded, sigItemRemoved, sigVisibleDataChanged are never emitted

    def _dataChanged(self):
        plot = self.getPlot()
        if plot is not None:
            self._item.setData(plot.getData(copy=False), copy=False)

    def getItems(self):
        plot = self.getPlot()
        return () if plot is None else (self._item,)

    def getSelectedItems(self):
        return self.getItems()

    def setCurrentItem(self, item):

    def getLabel(self, item):
        return 'Data'

    def getKind(self, item):
        return 'image'

class _Container(object):
    """Class to contain a plot item.

    This is apparently needed for compatibility with PySide2,

    :param QObject obj:
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self._obj = obj

    def __call__(self):
        return self._obj

class _StatsWidgetBase(object):
    Base class for all widgets which want to display statistics

    def __init__(self, statsOnVisibleData, displayOnlyActItem):
        self._displayOnlyActItem = displayOnlyActItem
        self._statsOnVisibleData = statsOnVisibleData
        self._statsHandler = None
        self._updateMode = UpdateMode.AUTO

        self.__default_skipped_events = (

        self._plotWrapper = _Wrapper()

    def setPlot(self, plot):
        """Define the plot to interact with

        :param Union[PlotWidget,SceneWidget,None] plot:
            The plot containing the items on which statistics are applied
            import OpenGL
        except ImportError:
            has_opengl = False
            has_opengl = True
            from ..plot3d.SceneWidget import SceneWidget  # Lazy import
        if plot is None:
            self._plotWrapper = _Wrapper()
        elif isinstance(plot, PlotWidget):
            self._plotWrapper = _PlotWidgetWrapper(plot)
            if has_opengl is True:
                if isinstance(plot, SceneWidget):
                    self._plotWrapper = _SceneWidgetWrapper(plot)
                else:  # Expect a ScalarFieldView
                    self._plotWrapper = _ScalarFieldViewWrapper(plot)
                _logger.warning('OpenGL not installed, %s not managed' % ('SceneWidget qnd ScalarFieldView'))

    def setStats(self, statsHandler):
        """Set which stats to display and the associated formatting.

        :param StatsHandler statsHandler:
            Set the statistics to be displayed and how to format them using
        if statsHandler is None:
            statsHandler = StatsHandler(statFormatters=())
        elif isinstance(statsHandler, (list, tuple)):
            statsHandler = StatsHandler(statsHandler)
        assert isinstance(statsHandler, StatsHandler)

        self._statsHandler = statsHandler

    def getStatsHandler(self):
        """Returns the :class:`StatsHandler` in use.

        :rtype: StatsHandler
        return self._statsHandler

    def getPlot(self):
        """Returns the plot attached to this widget

        :rtype: Union[PlotWidget,SceneWidget,None]
        return self._plotWrapper.getPlot()

    def _dealWithPlotConnection(self, create=True):
        """Manage connection to plot signals

        Note: connection on Item are managed by _addItem and _removeItem methods
        connections = []  # List of (signal, slot) to connect/disconnect
        if self._statsOnVisibleData:
                (self._plotWrapper.sigVisibleDataChanged, self._updateAllStats))

        if self._displayOnlyActItem:
                (self._plotWrapper.sigCurrentChanged, self._updateCurrentItem))
            connections += [
                (self._plotWrapper.sigItemAdded, self._addItem),
                (self._plotWrapper.sigItemRemoved, self._removeItem),
                (self._plotWrapper.sigCurrentChanged, self._plotCurrentChanged)]

        for signal, slot in connections:
            if create:

    def _updateItemObserve(self, *args):
        """Reload table depending on mode"""
        raise NotImplementedError('Base class')

    def _updateCurrentItem(self, *args):
        """specific callback for the sigCurrentChanged and with the
        _displayOnlyActItem option."""
        raise NotImplementedError('Base class')

    def _updateStats(self, item, data_changed=False, roi_changed=False):
        """Update displayed information for given plot item

        :param item: The plot item
        :param bool data_changed: is the item data changed.
        :param bool roi_changed: is the associated roi changed.
        raise NotImplementedError('Base class')

    def _updateAllStats(self):
        """Update stats for all rows in the table"""
        raise NotImplementedError('Base class')

    def setDisplayOnlyActiveItem(self, displayOnlyActItem):
        """Toggle display off all items or only the active/selected one

        :param bool displayOnlyActItem:
            True if we want to only show active item
        self._displayOnlyActItem = displayOnlyActItem

    def setStatsOnVisibleData(self, b):
        """Toggle computation of statistics on whole data or only visible ones.

        .. warning:: When visible data is activated we will process to a simple
                     filtering of visible data by the user. The filtering is a
                     simple data sub-sampling. No interpolation is made to fit
                     data to boundaries.

        :param bool b: True if we want to apply statistics only on visible data
        if self._statsOnVisibleData != b:
            self._statsOnVisibleData = b

    def _addItem(self, item):
        """Add a plot item to the table

        If item is not supported, it is ignored.

        :param item: The plot item
        :returns: True if the item is added to the widget.
        :rtype: bool
        raise NotImplementedError('Base class')

    def _removeItem(self, item):
        """Remove table items corresponding to given plot item from the table.

        :param item: The plot item
        raise NotImplementedError('Base class')

    def _plotCurrentChanged(self, current):
        """Handle change of current item and update selection in table

        :param current:
        raise NotImplementedError('Base class')

    def clear(self):
        """clear GUI"""

    def _skipPlotItemChangedEvent(self, event):

        :param ItemChangedtype event: event to filter or not
        :return: True if we want to ignore this ItemChangedtype
        :rtype: bool
        return event in self.__default_skipped_events

    def setUpdateMode(self, mode):
        """Set the way to update the displayed statistics.

        :param mode: mode requested for update
        :type mode: Union[str,UpdateMode]
        mode = UpdateMode.from_value(mode)
        if mode != self._updateMode:
            self._updateMode = mode

    def getUpdateMode(self):
        """Returns update mode (See :meth:`setUpdateMode`).

        :return: update mode
        :rtype: UpdateMode
        return self._updateMode

    def _updateModeHasChanged(self):
        """callback when the update mode has changed"""

[docs]class StatsTable(_StatsWidgetBase, TableWidget): """ TableWidget displaying for each items contained by the Plot some information: * legend * minimal value * maximal value * standard deviation (std) :param QWidget parent: The widget's parent. :param Union[PlotWidget,SceneWidget] plot: :class:`PlotWidget` or :class:`SceneWidget` instance on which to operate """ _LEGEND_HEADER_DATA = 'legend' _KIND_HEADER_DATA = 'kind' sigUpdateModeChanged = qt.Signal(object) """Signal emitted when the update mode changed""" def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None): TableWidget.__init__(self, parent) _StatsWidgetBase.__init__(self, statsOnVisibleData=False, displayOnlyActItem=False) # Init for _displayOnlyActItem == False assert self._displayOnlyActItem is False self.setSelectionBehavior(qt.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.setSelectionMode(qt.QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) self.currentItemChanged.connect(self._currentItemChanged) self.setRowCount(0) self.setColumnCount(2) # Init headers headerItem = qt.QTableWidgetItem(self._LEGEND_HEADER_DATA.title()) headerItem.setData(qt.Qt.UserRole, self._LEGEND_HEADER_DATA) self.setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, headerItem) headerItem = qt.QTableWidgetItem(self._KIND_HEADER_DATA.title()) headerItem.setData(qt.Qt.UserRole, self._KIND_HEADER_DATA) self.setHorizontalHeaderItem(1, headerItem) self.setSortingEnabled(True) self.setPlot(plot) @contextmanager def _disableSorting(self): """Context manager that disables table sorting Previous state is restored when leaving """ sorting = self.isSortingEnabled() if sorting: self.setSortingEnabled(False) yield if sorting: self.setSortingEnabled(sorting)
[docs] def setStats(self, statsHandler): """Set which stats to display and the associated formatting. :param StatsHandler statsHandler: Set the statistics to be displayed and how to format them using """ self._removeAllItems() _StatsWidgetBase.setStats(self, statsHandler) self.setRowCount(0) self.setColumnCount(len(self._statsHandler.stats) + 2) # + legend and kind for index, stat in enumerate(self._statsHandler.stats.values()): headerItem = qt.QTableWidgetItem( headerItem.setData(qt.Qt.UserRole, if stat.description is not None: headerItem.setToolTip(stat.description) self.setHorizontalHeaderItem(2 + index, headerItem) horizontalHeader = self.horizontalHeader() horizontalHeader.setSectionResizeMode(qt.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self._updateItemObserve()
[docs] def setPlot(self, plot): """Define the plot to interact with :param Union[PlotWidget,SceneWidget,None] plot: The plot containing the items on which statistics are applied """ _StatsWidgetBase.setPlot(self, plot) self._updateItemObserve()
[docs] def clear(self): """Define the plot to interact with :param Union[PlotWidget,SceneWidget,None] plot: The plot containing the items on which statistics are applied """ self._removeAllItems()
def _updateItemObserve(self, *args): """Reload table depending on mode""" self._removeAllItems() # Get selected or all items from the plot if self._displayOnlyActItem: # Only selected items = self._plotWrapper.getSelectedItems() else: # All items items = self._plotWrapper.getItems() # Add items to the plot for item in items: self._addItem(item) def _updateCurrentItem(self, *args): """specific callback for the sigCurrentChanged and with the _displayOnlyActItem option. Behavior: create the tableItems if does not exists. If exists, update it only when we are in 'auto' mode""" if self.getUpdateMode() is UpdateMode.MANUAL: # when sigCurrentChanged is giving the current item if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], (plotitems.Curve, plotitems.Histogram, plotitems.ImageData, plotitems.Scatter)): item = args[0] tableItems = self._itemToTableItems(item) # if the table does not exists yet if len(tableItems) == 0: self._updateItemObserve() else: # in this case no current item self._updateItemObserve(args) else: # auto mode self._updateItemObserve(args) def _plotCurrentChanged(self, current): """Handle change of current item and update selection in table :param current: """ row = self._itemToRow(current) if row is None: if self.currentRow() >= 0: self.setCurrentCell(-1, -1) elif row != self.currentRow(): self.setCurrentCell(row, 0) def _tableItemToItem(self, tableItem): """Find the plot item corresponding to a table item :param QTableWidgetItem tableItem: :rtype: QObject """ container = return container() def _itemToRow(self, item): """Find the row corresponding to a plot item :param item: The plot item :return: The corresponding row index :rtype: Union[int,None] """ for row in range(self.rowCount()): tableItem = self.item(row, 0) if self._tableItemToItem(tableItem) == item: return row return None def _itemToTableItems(self, item): """Find all table items corresponding to a plot item :param item: The plot item :return: An ordered dict of column name to QTableWidgetItem mapping for the given plot item. :rtype: OrderedDict """ result = OrderedDict() row = self._itemToRow(item) if row is not None: for column in range(self.columnCount()): tableItem = self.item(row, column) if self._tableItemToItem(tableItem) != item: _logger.error("Table item/plot item mismatch") else: header = self.horizontalHeaderItem(column) name = result[name] = tableItem return result def _plotItemChanged(self, event): """Handle modifications of the items. :param event: """ if self.getUpdateMode() is UpdateMode.MANUAL: return if self._skipPlotItemChangedEvent(event) is True: return else: item = self.sender() self._updateStats(item, data_changed=True) # deal with stat items visibility if event is ItemChangedType.VISIBLE: if len(self._itemToTableItems(item).items()) > 0: item_0 = list(self._itemToTableItems(item).values())[0] row_index = item_0.row() self.setRowHidden(row_index, not item.isVisible()) def _addItem(self, item): """Add a plot item to the table If item is not supported, it is ignored. :param item: The plot item :returns: True if the item is added to the widget. :rtype: bool """ if self._itemToRow(item) is not None:"Item already present in the table") self._updateStats(item) return True kind = self._plotWrapper.getKind(item) if kind not in statsmdl.BASIC_COMPATIBLE_KINDS:"Item has not a supported type: %s", item) return False # Prepare table items tableItems = [ qt.QTableWidgetItem(), # Legend qt.QTableWidgetItem()] # Kind for column in range(2, self.columnCount()): header = self.horizontalHeaderItem(column) name = formatter = self._statsHandler.formatters[name] if formatter: tableItem = formatter.tabWidgetItemClass() else: tableItem = qt.QTableWidgetItem() tooltip = self._statsHandler.stats[name].getToolTip(kind=kind) if tooltip is not None: tableItem.setToolTip(tooltip) tableItems.append(tableItem) # Disable sorting while adding table items with self._disableSorting(): # Add a row to the table self.setRowCount(self.rowCount() + 1) # Add table items to the last row row = self.rowCount() - 1 for column, tableItem in enumerate(tableItems): tableItem.setData(qt.Qt.UserRole, _Container(item)) tableItem.setFlags( qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) self.setItem(row, column, tableItem) # Update table items content self._updateStats(item, data_changed=True) # Listen for item changes # Using queued connection to avoid issue with sender # being that of the signal calling the signal item.sigItemChanged.connect(self._plotItemChanged, qt.Qt.QueuedConnection) return True def _removeItem(self, item): """Remove table items corresponding to given plot item from the table. :param item: The plot item """ row = self._itemToRow(item) if row is None: kind = self._plotWrapper.getKind(item) if kind in statsmdl.BASIC_COMPATIBLE_KINDS: _logger.error("Removing item that is not in table: %s", str(item)) return item.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._plotItemChanged) self.removeRow(row) def _removeAllItems(self): """Remove content of the table""" for row in range(self.rowCount()): tableItem = self.item(row, 0) item = self._tableItemToItem(tableItem) item.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._plotItemChanged) self.clearContents() self.setRowCount(0) def _updateStats(self, item, data_changed=False, roi_changed=False): """Update displayed information for given plot item :param item: The plot item :param bool data_changed: is the item data changed. :param bool roi_changed: is the associated roi changed. """ if item is None: return plot = self.getPlot() if plot is None:"Plot not available") return row = self._itemToRow(item) if row is None: _logger.error("This item is not in the table: %s", str(item)) return statsHandler = self.getStatsHandler() if statsHandler is not None: # _updateStats is call when the plot visible area change. # to force stats update we consider roi changed if self._statsOnVisibleData: roi_changed = True else: roi_changed = False stats = statsHandler.calculate( item, plot, self._statsOnVisibleData, data_changed=data_changed, roi_changed=roi_changed) else: stats = {} with self._disableSorting(): for name, tableItem in self._itemToTableItems(item).items(): if name == self._LEGEND_HEADER_DATA: text = self._plotWrapper.getLabel(item) tableItem.setText(text) elif name == self._KIND_HEADER_DATA: tableItem.setText(self._plotWrapper.getKind(item)) else: value = stats.get(name) if value is None: _logger.error("Value not found for: %s", name) tableItem.setText('-') else: tableItem.setText(str(value)) def _updateAllStats(self, is_request=False): """Update stats for all rows in the table :param bool is_request: True if come from a manual request """ if self.getUpdateMode() is UpdateMode.MANUAL and not is_request: return with self._disableSorting(): for row in range(self.rowCount()): tableItem = self.item(row, 0) item = self._tableItemToItem(tableItem) self._updateStats(item, data_changed=is_request) def _currentItemChanged(self, current, previous): """Handle change of selection in table and sync plot selection :param QTableWidgetItem current: :param QTableWidgetItem previous: """ if current and current.row() >= 0: item = self._tableItemToItem(current) self._plotWrapper.setCurrentItem(item)
[docs] def setDisplayOnlyActiveItem(self, displayOnlyActItem): """Toggle display off all items or only the active/selected one :param bool displayOnlyActItem: True if we want to only show active item """ if self._displayOnlyActItem == displayOnlyActItem: return self._dealWithPlotConnection(create=False) if not self._displayOnlyActItem: self.currentItemChanged.disconnect(self._currentItemChanged) _StatsWidgetBase.setDisplayOnlyActiveItem(self, displayOnlyActItem) self._updateItemObserve() self._dealWithPlotConnection(create=True) if not self._displayOnlyActItem: self.currentItemChanged.connect(self._currentItemChanged) self.setSelectionMode(qt.QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) else: self.setSelectionMode(qt.QAbstractItemView.NoSelection)
def _updateModeHasChanged(self): self.sigUpdateModeChanged.emit(self._updateMode)
class UpdateModeWidget(qt.QWidget): """Widget used to select the mode of update""" sigUpdateModeChanged = qt.Signal(object) """signal emitted when the mode for update changed""" sigUpdateRequested = qt.Signal() """signal emitted when an manual request for example is activate""" def __init__(self, parent=None): qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setLayout(qt.QHBoxLayout()) self._buttonGrp = qt.QButtonGroup(parent=self) self._buttonGrp.setExclusive(True) spacer = qt.QSpacerItem(20, 20, qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, qt.QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.layout().addItem(spacer) self._autoRB = qt.QRadioButton('auto', parent=self) self.layout().addWidget(self._autoRB) self._buttonGrp.addButton(self._autoRB) self._manualRB = qt.QRadioButton('manual', parent=self) self.layout().addWidget(self._manualRB) self._buttonGrp.addButton(self._manualRB) self._manualRB.setChecked(True) refresh_icon = icons.getQIcon('view-refresh') self._updatePB = qt.QPushButton(refresh_icon, '', parent=self) self.layout().addWidget(self._updatePB) # connect signal / SLOT self._updatePB.clicked.connect(self._updateRequested) self._manualRB.toggled.connect(self._manualButtonToggled) self._autoRB.toggled.connect(self._autoButtonToggled) def _manualButtonToggled(self, checked): if checked: self.setUpdateMode(UpdateMode.MANUAL) self.sigUpdateModeChanged.emit(self.getUpdateMode()) def _autoButtonToggled(self, checked): if checked: self.setUpdateMode(UpdateMode.AUTO) self.sigUpdateModeChanged.emit(self.getUpdateMode()) def _updateRequested(self): if self.getUpdateMode() is UpdateMode.MANUAL: self.sigUpdateRequested.emit() def setUpdateMode(self, mode): """Set the way to update the displayed statistics. :param mode: mode requested for update :type mode: Union[str,UpdateMode] """ mode = UpdateMode.from_value(mode) if mode is UpdateMode.AUTO: if not self._autoRB.isChecked(): self._autoRB.setChecked(True) elif mode is UpdateMode.MANUAL: if not self._manualRB.isChecked(): self._manualRB.setChecked(True) else: raise ValueError('mode', mode, 'is not recognized') def getUpdateMode(self): """Returns update mode (See :meth:`setUpdateMode`). :return: the active update mode :rtype: UpdateMode """ if self._manualRB.isChecked(): return UpdateMode.MANUAL elif self._autoRB.isChecked(): return UpdateMode.AUTO else: raise RuntimeError("No mode selected") def showRadioButtons(self, show): """show / hide the QRadioButtons :param bool show: if True make RadioButton visible """ self._autoRB.setVisible(show) self._manualRB.setVisible(show) class _OptionsWidget(qt.QToolBar): def __init__(self, parent=None, updateMode=None, displayOnlyActItem=False): assert updateMode is not None qt.QToolBar.__init__(self, parent) self.setIconSize(qt.QSize(16, 16)) action = qt.QAction(self) action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon("stats-active-items")) action.setText("Active items only") action.setToolTip("Display stats for active items only.") action.setCheckable(True) action.setChecked(displayOnlyActItem) self.__displayActiveItems = action action = qt.QAction(self) action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon("stats-whole-items")) action.setText("All items") action.setToolTip("Display stats for all available items.") action.setCheckable(True) self.__displayWholeItems = action action = qt.QAction(self) action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon("stats-visible-data")) action.setText("Use the visible data range") action.setToolTip("Use the visible data range.<br/>" "If activated the data is filtered to only use" "visible data of the plot." "The filtering is a data sub-sampling." "No interpolation is made to fit data to" "boundaries.") action.setCheckable(True) self.__useVisibleData = action action = qt.QAction(self) action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon("stats-whole-data")) action.setText("Use the full data range") action.setToolTip("Use the full data range.") action.setCheckable(True) action.setChecked(True) self.__useWholeData = action self.addAction(self.__displayWholeItems) self.addAction(self.__displayActiveItems) self.addSeparator() self.addAction(self.__useVisibleData) self.addAction(self.__useWholeData) self.itemSelection = qt.QActionGroup(self) self.itemSelection.setExclusive(True) self.itemSelection.addAction(self.__displayActiveItems) self.itemSelection.addAction(self.__displayWholeItems) self.dataRangeSelection = qt.QActionGroup(self) self.dataRangeSelection.setExclusive(True) self.dataRangeSelection.addAction(self.__useWholeData) self.dataRangeSelection.addAction(self.__useVisibleData) self.__updateStatsAction = qt.QAction(self) self.__updateStatsAction.setIcon(icons.getQIcon("view-refresh")) self.__updateStatsAction.setText("update statistics") self.__updateStatsAction.setToolTip("update statistics") self.__updateStatsAction.setCheckable(False) self._updateStatsSep = self.addSeparator() self.addAction(self.__updateStatsAction) self._setUpdateMode(mode=updateMode) # expose API self.sigUpdateStats = self.__updateStatsAction.triggered def isActiveItemMode(self): return self.itemSelection.checkedAction() is self.__displayActiveItems def setDisplayActiveItems(self, only_active): self.__displayActiveItems.setChecked(only_active) self.__displayWholeItems.setChecked(not only_active) def isVisibleDataRangeMode(self): return self.dataRangeSelection.checkedAction() is self.__useVisibleData def setVisibleDataRangeModeEnabled(self, enabled): """Enable/Disable the visible data range mode :param bool enabled: True to allow user to choose stats on visible data """ self.__useVisibleData.setEnabled(enabled) if not enabled: self.__useWholeData.setChecked(True) def _setUpdateMode(self, mode): self.__updateStatsAction.setVisible(mode == UpdateMode.MANUAL) self._updateStatsSep.setVisible(mode == UpdateMode.MANUAL) def getUpdateStatsAction(self): """ :return: the action for the automatic mode :rtype: QAction """ return self.__updateStatsAction
[docs]class StatsWidget(qt.QWidget): """ Widget displaying a set of :class:`Stat` to be displayed on a :class:`StatsTable` and to be apply on items contained in the :class:`Plot` Also contains options to: * compute statistics on all the data or on visible data only * show statistics of all items or only the active one :param QWidget parent: Qt parent :param Union[PlotWidget,SceneWidget] plot: The plot containing items on which we want statistics. :param StatsHandler stats: Set the statistics to be displayed and how to format them using """ sigVisibilityChanged = qt.Signal(bool) """Signal emitted when the visibility of this widget changes. It Provides the visibility of the widget. """ NUMBER_FORMAT = '{0:.3f}' def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, stats=None): qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setLayout(qt.QVBoxLayout()) self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._options = _OptionsWidget(parent=self, updateMode=UpdateMode.MANUAL) self.layout().addWidget(self._options) self._statsTable = StatsTable(parent=self, plot=plot) self._statsTable.setDisplayOnlyActiveItem(self._options.isActiveItemMode()) self._options._setUpdateMode(mode=self._statsTable.getUpdateMode()) self.setStats(stats) self.layout().addWidget(self._statsTable) old = self._statsTable.blockSignals(True) self._options.itemSelection.triggered.connect( self._optSelectionChanged) self._options.dataRangeSelection.triggered.connect( self._optDataRangeChanged) self._optDataRangeChanged() self._statsTable.blockSignals(old) self._statsTable.sigUpdateModeChanged.connect(self._options._setUpdateMode) callback = functools.partial(self._getStatsTable()._updateAllStats, is_request=True) self._options.sigUpdateStats.connect(callback) def _getStatsTable(self): """Returns the :class:`StatsTable` used by this widget. :rtype: StatsTable """ return self._statsTable
[docs] def showEvent(self, event): self.sigVisibilityChanged.emit(True) qt.QWidget.showEvent(self, event)
[docs] def hideEvent(self, event): self.sigVisibilityChanged.emit(False) qt.QWidget.hideEvent(self, event)
def _optSelectionChanged(self, action=None): self._getStatsTable().setDisplayOnlyActiveItem( self._options.isActiveItemMode()) def _optDataRangeChanged(self, action=None): self._getStatsTable().setStatsOnVisibleData( self._options.isVisibleDataRangeMode()) # Proxy methods
[docs] @docstring(StatsTable) def setStats(self, statsHandler): return self._getStatsTable().setStats(statsHandler=statsHandler)
[docs] @docstring(StatsTable) def setPlot(self, plot): self._options.setVisibleDataRangeModeEnabled( plot is None or isinstance(plot, PlotWidget)) return self._getStatsTable().setPlot(plot=plot)
[docs] @docstring(StatsTable) def getPlot(self): return self._getStatsTable().getPlot()
[docs] @docstring(StatsTable) def setDisplayOnlyActiveItem(self, displayOnlyActItem): old = self._options.blockSignals(True) # update the options self._options.setDisplayActiveItems(displayOnlyActItem) self._options.blockSignals(old) return self._getStatsTable().setDisplayOnlyActiveItem( displayOnlyActItem=displayOnlyActItem)
[docs] @docstring(StatsTable) def setStatsOnVisibleData(self, b): return self._getStatsTable().setStatsOnVisibleData(b=b)
[docs] @docstring(StatsTable) def getUpdateMode(self): return self._statsTable.getUpdateMode()
[docs] @docstring(StatsTable) def setUpdateMode(self, mode): self._statsTable.setUpdateMode(mode)
DEFAULT_STATS = StatsHandler(( (statsmdl.StatMin(), StatFormatter()), statsmdl.StatCoordMin(), (statsmdl.StatMax(), StatFormatter()), statsmdl.StatCoordMax(), statsmdl.StatCOM(), (('mean', numpy.mean), StatFormatter()), (('std', numpy.std), StatFormatter()), ))
[docs]class BasicStatsWidget(StatsWidget): """ Widget defining a simple set of :class:`Stat` to be displayed on a :class:`StatsWidget`. :param QWidget parent: Qt parent :param PlotWidget plot: The plot containing items on which we want statistics. :param StatsHandler stats: Set the statistics to be displayed and how to format them using .. snapshotqt:: img/BasicStatsWidget.png :width: 300px :align: center from silx.gui.plot import Plot1D from silx.gui.plot.StatsWidget import BasicStatsWidget plot = Plot1D() x = range(100) y = x plot.addCurve(x, y, legend='curve_0') plot.setActiveCurve('curve_0') widget = BasicStatsWidget(plot=plot) """ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None): StatsWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent, plot=plot, stats=DEFAULT_STATS)
class _BaseLineStatsWidget(_StatsWidgetBase, qt.QWidget): """ Widget made to display stats into a QLayout with couple (QLabel, QLineEdit) created for each stats. The layout can be defined prior of adding any statistic. :param QWidget parent: Qt parent :param Union[PlotWidget,SceneWidget] plot: The plot containing items on which we want statistics. :param str kind: the kind of plotitems we want to display :param StatsHandler stats: Set the statistics to be displayed and how to format them using :param bool statsOnVisibleData: compute statistics for the whole data or only visible ones. """ sigUpdateModeChanged = qt.Signal(object) """Signal emitted when the update mode changed""" def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, kind='curve', stats=None, statsOnVisibleData=False): self._item_kind = kind """The item displayed""" self._statQlineEdit = {} """list of legends actually displayed""" self._n_statistics_per_line = 4 """number of statistics displayed per line in the grid layout""" qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) _StatsWidgetBase.__init__(self, statsOnVisibleData=statsOnVisibleData, displayOnlyActItem=True) self.setLayout(self._createLayout()) self.setPlot(plot) if stats is not None: self.setStats(stats) def _addItemForStatistic(self, statistic): assert isinstance(statistic, statsmdl.StatBase) assert in self._statsHandler.stats self.layout().setSpacing(2) self.layout().setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) if isinstance(self.layout(), qt.QGridLayout): parent = self else: widget = qt.QWidget(parent=self) parent = widget qLabel = qt.QLabel( + ':', parent=parent) qLineEdit = qt.QLineEdit('', parent=parent) qLineEdit.setReadOnly(True) self._addStatsWidgetsToLayout(qLabel=qLabel, qLineEdit=qLineEdit) self._statQlineEdit[] = qLineEdit def setPlot(self, plot): """Define the plot to interact with :param Union[PlotWidget,SceneWidget,None] plot: The plot containing the items on which statistics are applied """ _StatsWidgetBase.setPlot(self, plot) self._updateAllStats() def _addStatsWidgetsToLayout(self, qLabel, qLineEdit): raise NotImplementedError('Base class') def setStats(self, statsHandler): """Set which stats to display and the associated formatting. :param StatsHandler statsHandler: Set the statistics to be displayed and how to format them using """ _StatsWidgetBase.setStats(self, statsHandler) for statName, stat in list(self._statsHandler.stats.items()): self._addItemForStatistic(stat) self._updateAllStats() def _activeItemChanged(self, kind, previous, current): if self.getUpdateMode() is UpdateMode.MANUAL: return if kind == self._item_kind: self._updateAllStats() def _updateAllStats(self): plot = self.getPlot() if plot is not None: _items = self._plotWrapper.getSelectedItems() def kind_filter(_item): return self._plotWrapper.getKind(_item) == self.getKind() items = list(filter(kind_filter, _items)) assert len(items) in (0, 1) if len(items) == 1: self._setItem(items[0]) def setKind(self, kind): """Change the kind of active item to display :param str kind: kind of item to display information for ('curve' ...) """ if self._item_kind != kind: self._item_kind = kind self._updateItemObserve() def getKind(self): """ :return: kind of item we want to compute statistic for :rtype: str """ return self._item_kind def _setItem(self, item, data_changed=True): if item is None: for stat_name, stat_widget in self._statQlineEdit.items(): stat_widget.setText('') elif (self._statsHandler is not None and len( self._statsHandler.stats) > 0): plot = self.getPlot() if plot is not None: statsValDict = self._statsHandler.calculate(item, plot, self._statsOnVisibleData, data_changed=data_changed) for statName, statVal in list(statsValDict.items()): self._statQlineEdit[statName].setText(statVal) def _updateItemObserve(self, *argv): if self.getUpdateMode() is UpdateMode.MANUAL: return assert self._displayOnlyActItem _items = self._plotWrapper.getSelectedItems() def kind_filter(_item): return self._plotWrapper.getKind(_item) == self.getKind() items = list(filter(kind_filter, _items)) assert len(items) in (0, 1) _item = items[0] if len(items) == 1 else None self._setItem(_item, data_changed=True) def _updateCurrentItem(self): self._updateItemObserve() def _createLayout(self): """create an instance of the main QLayout""" raise NotImplementedError('Base class') def _addItem(self, item): raise NotImplementedError('Display only the active item') def _removeItem(self, item): raise NotImplementedError('Display only the active item') def _plotCurrentChanged(self, current): raise NotImplementedError('Display only the active item') def _updateModeHasChanged(self): self.sigUpdateModeChanged.emit(self._updateMode) class _BasicLineStatsWidget(_BaseLineStatsWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, kind='curve', stats=DEFAULT_STATS, statsOnVisibleData=False): _BaseLineStatsWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent, kind=kind, plot=plot, stats=stats, statsOnVisibleData=statsOnVisibleData) def _createLayout(self): return FlowLayout() def _addStatsWidgetsToLayout(self, qLabel, qLineEdit): # create a mother widget to make sure both qLabel & qLineEdit will # always be displayed side by side widget = qt.QWidget(parent=self) widget.setLayout(qt.QHBoxLayout()) widget.layout().setSpacing(0) widget.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) widget.layout().addWidget(qLabel) widget.layout().addWidget(qLineEdit) self.layout().addWidget(widget) def _addOptionsWidget(self, widget): self.layout().addWidget(widget)
[docs]class BasicLineStatsWidget(qt.QWidget): """ Widget defining a simple set of :class:`Stat` to be displayed on a :class:`LineStatsWidget`. :param QWidget parent: Qt parent :param Union[PlotWidget,SceneWidget] plot: The plot containing items on which we want statistics. :param str kind: the kind of plotitems we want to display :param StatsHandler stats: Set the statistics to be displayed and how to format them using :param bool statsOnVisibleData: compute statistics for the whole data or only visible ones. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, kind='curve', stats=DEFAULT_STATS, statsOnVisibleData=False): qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setLayout(qt.QHBoxLayout()) self.layout().setSpacing(0) self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._lineStatsWidget = _BasicLineStatsWidget(parent=self, plot=plot, kind=kind, stats=stats, statsOnVisibleData=statsOnVisibleData) self.layout().addWidget(self._lineStatsWidget) self._options = UpdateModeWidget() self._options.setUpdateMode(self._lineStatsWidget.getUpdateMode()) self._options.showRadioButtons(False) self.layout().addWidget(self._options) # connect Signal ? SLOT self._lineStatsWidget.sigUpdateModeChanged.connect(self._options.setUpdateMode) self._options.sigUpdateModeChanged.connect(self._lineStatsWidget.setUpdateMode) self._options.sigUpdateRequested.connect(self._lineStatsWidget._updateAllStats) def showControl(self, visible): self._options.setVisible(visible) # Proxy methods
[docs] @docstring(_BasicLineStatsWidget) def setUpdateMode(self, mode): self._lineStatsWidget.setUpdateMode(mode=mode)
[docs] @docstring(_BasicLineStatsWidget) def getUpdateMode(self): return self._lineStatsWidget.getUpdateMode()
[docs] @docstring(_BasicLineStatsWidget) def setPlot(self, plot): self._lineStatsWidget.setPlot(plot=plot)
[docs] @docstring(_BasicLineStatsWidget) def setStats(self, statsHandler): self._lineStatsWidget.setStats(statsHandler=statsHandler)
[docs] @docstring(_BasicLineStatsWidget) def setKind(self, kind): self._lineStatsWidget.setKind(kind=kind)
[docs] @docstring(_BasicLineStatsWidget) def getKind(self): return self._lineStatsWidget.getKind()
[docs] @docstring(_BasicLineStatsWidget) def setStatsOnVisibleData(self, b): self._lineStatsWidget.setStatsOnVisibleData(b)
[docs] @docstring(UpdateModeWidget) def showRadioButtons(self, show): self._options.showRadioButtons(show=show)
class _BasicGridStatsWidget(_BaseLineStatsWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, kind='curve', stats=DEFAULT_STATS, statsOnVisibleData=False, statsPerLine=4): _BaseLineStatsWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent, kind=kind, plot=plot, stats=stats, statsOnVisibleData=statsOnVisibleData) self._n_statistics_per_line = statsPerLine def _addStatsWidgetsToLayout(self, qLabel, qLineEdit): column = len(self._statQlineEdit) % self._n_statistics_per_line row = len(self._statQlineEdit) // self._n_statistics_per_line self.layout().addWidget(qLabel, row, column * 2) self.layout().addWidget(qLineEdit, row, column * 2 + 1) def _createLayout(self): return qt.QGridLayout()
[docs]class BasicGridStatsWidget(qt.QWidget): """ pymca design like widget :param QWidget parent: Qt parent :param Union[PlotWidget,SceneWidget] plot: The plot containing items on which we want statistics. :param StatsHandler stats: Set the statistics to be displayed and how to format them using :param str kind: the kind of plotitems we want to display :param bool statsOnVisibleData: compute statistics for the whole data or only visible ones. :param int statsPerLine: number of statistic to be displayed per line .. snapshotqt:: img/BasicGridStatsWidget.png :width: 600px :align: center from silx.gui.plot import Plot1D from silx.gui.plot.StatsWidget import BasicGridStatsWidget plot = Plot1D() x = range(100) y = x plot.addCurve(x, y, legend='curve_0') plot.setActiveCurve('curve_0') widget = BasicGridStatsWidget(plot=plot, kind='curve') """ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, kind='curve', stats=DEFAULT_STATS, statsOnVisibleData=False): qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setLayout(qt.QVBoxLayout()) self.layout().setSpacing(0) self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._options = UpdateModeWidget() self._options.showRadioButtons(False) self.layout().addWidget(self._options) self._lineStatsWidget = _BasicGridStatsWidget(parent=self, plot=plot, kind=kind, stats=stats, statsOnVisibleData=statsOnVisibleData) self.layout().addWidget(self._lineStatsWidget) # tune options self._options.setUpdateMode(self._lineStatsWidget.getUpdateMode()) # connect Signal ? SLOT self._lineStatsWidget.sigUpdateModeChanged.connect(self._options.setUpdateMode) self._options.sigUpdateModeChanged.connect(self._lineStatsWidget.setUpdateMode) self._options.sigUpdateRequested.connect(self._lineStatsWidget._updateAllStats) def showControl(self, visible): self._options.setVisible(visible)
[docs] @docstring(_BasicGridStatsWidget) def setUpdateMode(self, mode): self._lineStatsWidget.setUpdateMode(mode=mode)
[docs] @docstring(_BasicGridStatsWidget) def getUpdateMode(self): return self._lineStatsWidget.getUpdateMode()
[docs] @docstring(_BasicGridStatsWidget) def setPlot(self, plot): self._lineStatsWidget.setPlot(plot=plot)
[docs] @docstring(_BasicGridStatsWidget) def setStats(self, statsHandler): self._lineStatsWidget.setStats(statsHandler=statsHandler)
[docs] @docstring(_BasicGridStatsWidget) def setKind(self, kind): self._lineStatsWidget.setKind(kind=kind)
[docs] @docstring(_BasicGridStatsWidget) def getKind(self): return self._lineStatsWidget.getKind()
[docs] @docstring(_BasicGridStatsWidget) def setStatsOnVisibleData(self, b): self._lineStatsWidget.setStatsOnVisibleData(b)
[docs] @docstring(UpdateModeWidget) def showRadioButtons(self, show): self._options.showRadioButtons(show=show)