Source code for

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# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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This module contains generic objects, emulating *h5py* groups, datasets and
files. They are used in :mod:`spech5` and :mod:`fabioh5`.
import collections
    from collections import abc
except ImportError:  # Python2 support
    import collections as abc
import weakref

import h5py
import numpy

from . import utils

__authors__ = ["V. Valls", "P. Knobel"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "02/07/2018"

class _MappingProxyType(abc.MutableMapping):
    """Read-only dictionary

    This class is available since Python 3.3, but not on earlyer Python

    def __init__(self, data):
        self._data = data

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._data[key]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._data)

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        return self._data.get(key, default)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot modify read-only dictionary")

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot modify read-only dictionary")

    def pop(self, key):
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot modify read-only dictionary")

    def clear(self):
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot modify read-only dictionary")

    def update(self, key, value):
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot modify read-only dictionary")

    def setdefault(self, key):
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot modify read-only dictionary")

[docs]class Node(object): """This is the base class for all :mod:`spech5` and :mod:`fabioh5` classes. It represents a tree node, and knows its parent node (:attr:`parent`). The API mimics a *h5py* node, with following attributes: :attr:`file`, :attr:`attrs`, :attr:`name`, and :attr:`basename`. """ def __init__(self, name, parent=None, attrs=None): self._set_parent(parent) self.__basename = name self.__attrs = {} if attrs is not None: self.__attrs.update(attrs) def _set_basename(self, name): self.__basename = name @property def h5_class(self): """Returns the HDF5 class which is mimicked by this class. :rtype: H5Type """ raise NotImplementedError() @property def h5py_class(self): """Returns the h5py classes which is mimicked by this class. It can be one of `h5py.File, h5py.Group` or `h5py.Dataset` This should not be used anymore. Prefer using `h5_class` :rtype: Class """ h5_class = self.h5_class if h5_class == utils.H5Type.FILE: return h5py.File elif h5_class == utils.H5Type.GROUP: return h5py.Group elif h5_class == utils.H5Type.DATASET: return h5py.Dataset elif h5_class == utils.H5Type.SOFT_LINK: return h5py.SoftLink raise NotImplementedError() @property def parent(self): """Returns the parent of the node. :rtype: Node """ if self.__parent is None: parent = None else: parent = self.__parent() if parent is None: self.__parent = None return parent def _set_parent(self, parent): """Set the parent of this node. It do not update the parent object. :param Node parent: New parent for this node """ if parent is not None: self.__parent = weakref.ref(parent) else: self.__parent = None @property def file(self): """Returns the file node of this node. :rtype: Node """ node = self while node.parent is not None: node = node.parent if isinstance(node, File): return node else: return None @property def attrs(self): """Returns HDF5 attributes of this node. :rtype: dict """ if self._is_editable(): return self.__attrs else: return _MappingProxyType(self.__attrs) @property def name(self): """Returns the HDF5 name of this node. """ parent = self.parent if parent is None: return "/" if == "/": return "/" + self.basename return + "/" + self.basename @property def basename(self): """Returns the HDF5 basename of this node. """ return self.__basename def _is_editable(self): """Returns true if the file is editable or if the node is not linked to a tree. :rtype: bool """ f = self.file return f is None or f.mode == "w"
[docs]class Dataset(Node): """This class handles a numpy data object, as a mimicry of a *h5py.Dataset*. """ def __init__(self, name, data, parent=None, attrs=None): Node.__init__(self, name, parent, attrs=attrs) if data is not None: self._check_data(data) self.__data = data def _check_data(self, data): """Check that the data provided by the dataset is valid. It is valid when it can be stored in a HDF5 using h5py. :param numpy.ndarray data: Data associated to the dataset :raises TypeError: In the case the data is not valid. """ if isinstance(data, (str, bytes)): return chartype = data.dtype.char if chartype == "U": pass elif chartype == "O": d = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=data.dtype) if d is not None: return d = h5py.special_dtype(ref=data.dtype) if d is not None: return else: return msg = "Type of the dataset '%s' is not supported. Found '%s'." raise TypeError(msg % (, data.dtype)) def _set_data(self, data): """Set the data exposed by the dataset. It have to be called only one time before the data is used. It should not be edited after use. :param numpy.ndarray data: Data associated to the dataset """ self._check_data(data) self.__data = data def _get_data(self): """Returns the exposed data :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self.__data @property def h5_class(self): """Returns the HDF5 class which is mimicked by this class. :rtype: H5Type """ return utils.H5Type.DATASET @property def dtype(self): """Returns the numpy datatype exposed by this dataset. :rtype: numpy.dtype """ return self._get_data().dtype @property def shape(self): """Returns the shape of the data exposed by this dataset. :rtype: tuple """ if isinstance(self._get_data(), numpy.ndarray): return self._get_data().shape else: return tuple() @property def size(self): """Returns the size of the data exposed by this dataset. :rtype: int """ if isinstance(self._get_data(), numpy.ndarray): return self._get_data().size else: # It is returned as float64 1.0 by h5py return numpy.float64(1.0) def __len__(self): """Returns the size of the data exposed by this dataset. :rtype: int """ if isinstance(self._get_data(), numpy.ndarray): return len(self._get_data()) else: # It is returned as float64 1.0 by h5py raise TypeError("Attempt to take len() of scalar dataset") def __getitem__(self, item): """Returns the slice of the data exposed by this dataset. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ if not isinstance(self._get_data(), numpy.ndarray): if item == Ellipsis: return numpy.array(self._get_data()) elif item == tuple(): return self._get_data() else: raise ValueError("Scalar can only be reached with an ellipsis or an empty tuple") return self._get_data().__getitem__(item) def __str__(self): basename ="/")[-1] return '<HDF5-like dataset "%s": shape %s, type "%s">' % \ (basename, self.shape, self.dtype.str) def __getslice__(self, i, j): """Returns the slice of the data exposed by this dataset. Deprecated but still in use for python 2.7 :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self.__getitem__(slice(i, j, None)) @property def value(self): """Returns the data exposed by this dataset. Deprecated by h5py. It is prefered to use indexing `[()]`. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self._get_data() @property def compression(self): """Returns compression as provided by `h5py.Dataset`. There is no compression.""" return None @property def compression_opts(self): """Returns compression options as provided by `h5py.Dataset`. There is no compression.""" return None @property def chunks(self): """Returns chunks as provided by `h5py.Dataset`. There is no chunks.""" return None @property def is_virtual(self): """Checks virtual data as provided by `h5py.Dataset`""" return False
[docs] def virtual_sources(self): """Returns virtual dataset sources as provided by `h5py.Dataset`. :rtype: list""" raise RuntimeError("Not a virtual dataset")
@property def external(self): """Returns external sources as provided by `h5py.Dataset`. :rtype: list or None""" return None def __array__(self, dtype=None): # Special case for (0,)*-shape datasets if numpy.product(self.shape) == 0: return self[()] else: return numpy.array(self[...], dtype=self.dtype if dtype is None else dtype) def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the first axis. TypeError if scalar.""" if len(self.shape) == 0: raise TypeError("Can't iterate over a scalar dataset") return self._get_data().__iter__() # make comparisons and operations on the data def __eq__(self, other): """When comparing datasets, compare the actual data.""" if utils.is_dataset(other): return self[()] == other[()] return self[()] == other def __add__(self, other): return self[()] + other def __radd__(self, other): return other + self[()] def __sub__(self, other): return self[()] - other def __rsub__(self, other): return other - self[()] def __mul__(self, other): return self[()] * other def __rmul__(self, other): return other * self[()] def __truediv__(self, other): return self[()] / other def __rtruediv__(self, other): return other / self[()] def __floordiv__(self, other): return self[()] // other def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return other // self[()] def __neg__(self): return -self[()] def __abs__(self): return abs(self[()]) def __float__(self): return float(self[()]) def __int__(self): return int(self[()]) def __bool__(self): if self[()]: return True return False def __nonzero__(self): # python 2 return self.__bool__() def __ne__(self, other): if utils.is_dataset(other): return self[()] != other[()] else: return self[()] != other def __lt__(self, other): if utils.is_dataset(other): return self[()] < other[()] else: return self[()] < other def __le__(self, other): if utils.is_dataset(other): return self[()] <= other[()] else: return self[()] <= other def __gt__(self, other): if utils.is_dataset(other): return self[()] > other[()] else: return self[()] > other def __ge__(self, other): if utils.is_dataset(other): return self[()] >= other[()] else: return self[()] >= other def __getattr__(self, item): """Proxy to underlying numpy array methods. """ data = self._get_data() if hasattr(data, item): return getattr(data, item) raise AttributeError("Dataset has no attribute %s" % item)
class DatasetProxy(Dataset): """Virtual dataset providing content of another dataset""" def __init__(self, name, target, parent=None): Dataset.__init__(self, name, data=None, parent=parent) if not utils.is_dataset(target): raise TypeError("A Dataset is expected but %s found", target.__class__) self.__target = target @property def shape(self): return self.__target.shape @property def size(self): return self.__target.size @property def dtype(self): return self.__target.dtype def _get_data(self): return self.__target[...] @property def attrs(self): return self.__target.attrs class _LinkToDataset(Dataset): """Virtual dataset providing link to another dataset""" def __init__(self, name, target, parent=None): Dataset.__init__(self, name, data=None, parent=parent) self.__target = target def _get_data(self): return self.__target._get_data() @property def attrs(self): return self.__target.attrs class LazyLoadableDataset(Dataset): """Abstract dataset which provides a lazy loading of the data. The class has to be inherited and the :meth:`_create_data` method has to be implemented to return the numpy data exposed by the dataset. This factory method is only called once, when the data is needed. """ def __init__(self, name, parent=None, attrs=None): super(LazyLoadableDataset, self).__init__(name, None, parent, attrs=attrs) self._is_initialized = False def _create_data(self): """ Factory to create the data exposed by the dataset when it is needed. It has to be implemented for the class to work. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ raise NotImplementedError() def _get_data(self): """Returns the data exposed by the dataset. Overwrite Dataset method :meth:`_get_data` to implement the lazy loading feature. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ if not self._is_initialized: data = self._create_data() # is_initialized before set_data to avoid infinit initialization # is case of wrong check of the data self._is_initialized = True self._set_data(data) return super(LazyLoadableDataset, self)._get_data() class SoftLink(Node): """This class is a tree node that mimics a *h5py.Softlink*. In this implementation, the path to the target must be absolute. """ def __init__(self, name, path, parent=None): assert str(path).startswith("/") # TODO: h5py also allows a relative path Node.__init__(self, name, parent) # attr target defined for spech5 backward compatibility = str(path) @property def h5_class(self): """Returns the HDF5 class which is mimicked by this class. :rtype: H5Type """ return utils.H5Type.SOFT_LINK @property def path(self): """Soft link value. Not guaranteed to be a valid path.""" return
[docs]class Group(Node): """This class mimics a `h5py.Group`.""" def __init__(self, name, parent=None, attrs=None): Node.__init__(self, name, parent, attrs=attrs) self.__items = collections.OrderedDict() def _get_items(self): """Returns the child items as a name-node dictionary. :rtype: dict """ return self.__items def add_node(self, node): """Add a child to this group. :param Node node: Child to add to this group """ self._get_items()[node.basename] = node node._set_parent(self) @property def h5_class(self): """Returns the HDF5 class which is mimicked by this class. :rtype: H5Type """ return utils.H5Type.GROUP def _get(self, name, getlink): """If getlink is True and name points to an existing SoftLink, this SoftLink is returned. In all other situations, we try to return a Group or Dataset, or we raise a KeyError if we fail.""" if "/" not in name: result = self._get_items()[name] elif name.startswith("/"): root = self.file if name == "/": return root result = root._get(name[1:], getlink) else: path = name.split("/") result = self for item_name in path: if isinstance(result, SoftLink): # traverse links l_name, l_target =, result.path result = result.file.get(l_target) if result is None: raise KeyError( "Unable to open object (broken SoftLink %s -> %s)" % (l_name, l_target)) if not item_name: # trailing "/" in name (legal for accessing Groups only) if isinstance(result, Group): continue if not isinstance(result, Group): raise KeyError("Unable to open object (Component not found)") result = result._get_items()[item_name] if isinstance(result, SoftLink) and not getlink: link = result target = result.file.get(link.path) if result is None: msg = "Unable to open object (broken SoftLink %s -> %s)" raise KeyError(msg % (, link.path)) # Convert SoftLink into typed group/dataset if isinstance(target, Group): result = _LinkToGroup(name=link.basename, target=target, parent=link.parent) elif isinstance(target, Dataset): result = _LinkToDataset(name=link.basename, target=target, parent=link.parent) else: raise TypeError("Unexpected target type %s" % type(target)) return result
[docs] def get(self, name, default=None, getclass=False, getlink=False): """Retrieve an item or other information. If getlink only is true, the returned value is always `h5py.HardLink`, because this implementation do not use links. Like the original implementation. :param str name: name of the item :param object default: default value returned if the name is not found :param bool getclass: if true, the returned object is the class of the object found :param bool getlink: if true, links object are returned instead of the target :return: An object, else None :rtype: object """ if name not in self: return default node = self._get(name, getlink=True) if isinstance(node, SoftLink) and not getlink: # get target try: node = self._get(name, getlink=False) except KeyError: return default elif not isinstance(node, SoftLink) and getlink: # ExternalLink objects don't exist in silx, so it must be a HardLink node = h5py.HardLink() if getclass: obj = utils.get_h5py_class(node) if obj is None: obj = node.__class__ else: obj = node return obj
def __setitem__(self, name, obj): """Add an object to the group. :param str name: Location on the group to store the object. This path name must not exists. :param object obj: Object to store on the file. According to the type, the behaviour will not be the same. - `commonh5.SoftLink`: Create the corresponding link. - `numpy.ndarray`: The array is converted to a dataset object. - `commonh5.Node`: A hard link should be created pointing to the given object. This implementation uses a soft link. If the node do not have parent it is connected to the tree without using a link (that's a hard link behaviour). - other object: Convert first the object with ndarray and then store it. ValueError if the resulting array dtype is not supported. """ if name in self: # From the h5py API raise RuntimeError("Unable to create link (name already exists)") elements = name.rsplit("/", 1) if len(elements) == 1: parent = self basename = elements[0] else: group_path, basename = elements if group_path in self: parent = self[group_path] else: parent = self.create_group(group_path) if isinstance(obj, SoftLink): obj._set_basename(basename) node = obj elif isinstance(obj, Node): if obj.parent is None: obj._set_basename(basename) node = obj else: node = SoftLink(basename, elif isinstance(obj, numpy.dtype): node = Dataset(basename, data=obj) elif isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray): node = Dataset(basename, data=obj) else: data = numpy.array(obj) try: node = Dataset(basename, data=data) except TypeError as e: raise ValueError(e.args[0]) parent.add_node(node)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, name): """Return a child from his name. :param str name: name of a member or a path throug members using '/' separator. A '/' as a prefix access to the root item of the tree. :rtype: Node """ if name is None or name == "": raise ValueError("No name") return self._get(name, getlink=False)
[docs] def __contains__(self, name): """Returns true if name is an existing child of this group. :rtype: bool """ if "/" not in name: return name in self._get_items() if name.startswith("/"): # h5py allows to access any valid full path from any group node = self.file else: node = self name = name.lstrip("/") basenames = name.split("/") for basename in basenames: if basename.strip() == "": # presence of a trailing "/" in name # (OK for groups, not for datasets) if isinstance(node, SoftLink): # traverse links node = node.file.get(node.path, getlink=False) if node is None: # broken link return False if utils.is_dataset(node): return False continue if basename not in node._get_items(): return False node = node[basename] return True
[docs] def __len__(self): """Returns the number of children contained in this group. :rtype: int """ return len(self._get_items())
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Iterate over member names""" for x in self._get_items().__iter__(): yield x
[docs] def keys(self): """Returns an iterator over the children's names in a group.""" return self._get_items().keys()
[docs] def values(self): """Returns an iterator over the children nodes (groups and datasets) in a group. .. versionadded:: 0.6 """ return self._get_items().values()
[docs] def items(self): """Returns items iterator containing name-node mapping. :rtype: iterator """ return self._get_items().items()
[docs] def visit(self, func, visit_links=False): """Recursively visit all names in this group and subgroups. See the documentation for `h5py.Group.visit` for more help. :param func: Callable (function, method or callable object) :type func: callable """ origin_name = return self._visit(func, origin_name, visit_links)
[docs] def visititems(self, func, visit_links=False): """Recursively visit names and objects in this group. See the documentation for `h5py.Group.visititems` for more help. :param func: Callable (function, method or callable object) :type func: callable :param bool visit_links: If *False*, ignore links. If *True*, call `func(name)` for links and recurse into target groups. """ origin_name = return self._visit(func, origin_name, visit_links, visititems=True)
def _visit(self, func, origin_name, visit_links=False, visititems=False): """ :param origin_name: name of first group that initiated the recursion This is used to compute the relative path from each item's absolute path. """ for member in self.values(): ret = None if not isinstance(member, SoftLink) or visit_links: relative_name =[len(origin_name):] # remove leading slash and unnecessary trailing slash relative_name = relative_name.strip("/") if visititems: ret = func(relative_name, member) else: ret = func(relative_name) if ret is not None: return ret if isinstance(member, Group): member._visit(func, origin_name, visit_links, visititems) def create_group(self, name): """Create and return a new subgroup. Name may be absolute or relative. Fails if the target name already exists. :param str name: Name of the new group """ if not self._is_editable(): raise RuntimeError("File is not editable") if name in self: raise ValueError("Unable to create group (name already exists)") if name.startswith("/"): name = name[1:] return self.file.create_group(name) elements = name.split('/') group = self for basename in elements: if basename in group: group = group[basename] if not isinstance(group, Group): raise RuntimeError("Unable to create group (group parent is missing") else: node = Group(basename) group.add_node(node) group = node return group def create_dataset(self, name, shape=None, dtype=None, data=None, **kwds): """Create and return a sub dataset. :param str name: Name of the dataset. :param shape: Dataset shape. Use "()" for scalar datasets. Required if "data" isn't provided. :param dtype: Numpy dtype or string. If omitted, dtype('f') will be used. Required if "data" isn't provided; otherwise, overrides data array's dtype. :param numpy.ndarray data: Provide data to initialize the dataset. If used, you can omit shape and dtype arguments. :param kwds: Extra arguments. Nothing yet supported. """ if not self._is_editable(): raise RuntimeError("File is not editable") if len(kwds) > 0: raise TypeError("Extra args provided, but nothing supported") if "/" in name: raise TypeError("Path are not supported") if data is None: if dtype is None: dtype = numpy.float64 data = numpy.empty(shape=shape, dtype=dtype) elif dtype is not None: data = data.astype(dtype) dataset = Dataset(name, data) self.add_node(dataset) return dataset
class _LinkToGroup(Group): """Virtual group providing link to another group""" def __init__(self, name, target, parent=None): Group.__init__(self, name, parent=parent) self.__target = target def _get_items(self): return self.__target._get_items() @property def attrs(self): return self.__target.attrs class LazyLoadableGroup(Group): """Abstract group which provides a lazy loading of the child. The class has to be inherited and the :meth:`_create_child` method has to be implemented to add (:meth:`_add_node`) all children. This factory is only called once, when children are needed. """ def __init__(self, name, parent=None, attrs=None): Group.__init__(self, name, parent, attrs) self.__is_initialized = False def _get_items(self): """Returns the internal structure which contains the children. It overwrite method :meth:`_get_items` to implement the lazy loading feature. :rtype: dict """ if not self.__is_initialized: self.__is_initialized = True self._create_child() return Group._get_items(self) def _create_child(self): """ Factory to create the child contained by the group when it is needed. It has to be implemented to work. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class File(Group): """This class is the special :class:`Group` that is the root node of the tree structure. It mimics `h5py.File`.""" def __init__(self, name=None, mode=None, attrs=None): """ Constructor :param str name: File name if it exists :param str mode: Access mode - "r": Read-only. Methods :meth:`create_dataset` and :meth:`create_group` are locked. - "w": File is editable. Methods :meth:`create_dataset` and :meth:`create_group` are available. :param dict attrs: Default attributes """ Group.__init__(self, name="", parent=None, attrs=attrs) self._file_name = name if mode is None: mode = "r" assert(mode in ["r", "w"]) self._mode = mode @property def filename(self): return self._file_name @property def mode(self): return self._mode @property def h5_class(self): """Returns the :class:`h5py.File` class""" return utils.H5Type.FILE def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the object, and free up associated resources. """ # should be implemented in subclass pass