Source code for

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# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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"""This module provides a manager to compute and display profiles.

__authors__ = ["V. Valls"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "28/06/2018"

import logging
import weakref

from silx.gui import qt
from silx.gui import colors
from silx.gui import utils

from silx.utils.weakref import WeakMethodProxy
from silx.gui import icons
from silx.gui.plot import PlotWidget
from import RegionOfInterestManager
from import CreateRoiModeAction
from silx.gui.plot import items
from silx.gui.qt import silxGlobalThreadPool
from silx.gui.qt import inspect
from . import rois
from . import core
from . import editors

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _RunnableComputeProfile(qt.QRunnable):
    """Runner to process profiles

    :param qt.QThreadPool threadPool: The thread which will be used to
        execute this runner. It is used to update the used signals
    :param ~silx.gui.plot.items.Item item: Item in which the profile is
    :param roi: ROI
        defining the profile shape and other characteristics

    class _Signals(qt.QObject):
        """Signal holder"""
        resultReady = qt.Signal(object, object)
        runnerFinished = qt.Signal(object)

    def __init__(self, threadPool, item, roi):
        super(_RunnableComputeProfile, self).__init__()
        self._signals = self._Signals()
        self._item = item
        self._roi = roi
        self._cancelled = False

    def _lazyCancel(self):
        """Cancel the runner if it is not yet started.

        The threadpool will still execute the runner, but this will process

        This is only used with Qt<5.9 where QThreadPool.tryTake is not available.
        self._cancelled = True

    def autoDelete(self):
        return False

    def getRoi(self):
        """Returns the ROI in which the runner will compute a profile.

        return self._roi

    def resultReady(self):
        """Signal emitted when the result of the computation is available.

        This signal provides 2 values: The ROI, and the computation result.
        return self._signals.resultReady

    def runnerFinished(self):
        """Signal emitted when runner have finished.

        This signal provides a single value: the runner itself.
        return self._signals.runnerFinished

    def run(self):
        """Process the profile computation.
        if not self._cancelled:
                profileData = self._roi.computeProfile(self._item)
            except Exception:
                _logger.error("Error while computing profile", exc_info=True)
                self.resultReady.emit(self._roi, profileData)

[docs]class ProfileWindow(qt.QMainWindow): """ Display a computed profile. The content can be described using :meth:`setRoiProfile` if the source of the profile is a profile ROI, and :meth:`setProfile` for the data content. """ sigClose = qt.Signal() """Emitted by :meth:`closeEvent` (e.g. when the window is closed through the window manager's close icon).""" def __init__(self, parent=None, backend=None): qt.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent=parent, flags=qt.Qt.Dialog) self.setWindowTitle('Profile window') self._plot1D = None self._plot2D = None self._backend = backend self._data = None widget = qt.QWidget() self._layout = qt.QStackedLayout(widget) self._layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setCentralWidget(widget)
[docs] def prepareWidget(self, roi): """Called before the show to prepare the window to use with a specific ROI.""" if isinstance(roi, rois._DefaultImageStackProfileRoiMixIn): profileType = roi.getProfileType() else: profileType = "1D" if profileType == "1D": self.getPlot1D() elif profileType == "2D": self.getPlot2D()
[docs] def createPlot1D(self, parent, backend): """Inherit this function to create your own plot to render 1D profiles. The default value is a `Plot1D`. :param parent: The parent of this widget or None. :param backend: The backend to use for the plot. See :class:`PlotWidget` for the list of supported backend. :rtype: PlotWidget """ # import here to avoid circular import from ...PlotWindow import Plot1D plot = Plot1D(parent=parent, backend=backend) plot.setDataMargins(yMinMargin=0.1, yMaxMargin=0.1) plot.setGraphYLabel('Profile') plot.setGraphXLabel('') return plot
[docs] def createPlot2D(self, parent, backend): """Inherit this function to create your own plot to render 2D profiles. The default value is a `Plot2D`. :param parent: The parent of this widget or None. :param backend: The backend to use for the plot. See :class:`PlotWidget` for the list of supported backend. :rtype: PlotWidget """ # import here to avoid circular import from ...PlotWindow import Plot2D return Plot2D(parent=parent, backend=backend)
[docs] def getPlot1D(self, init=True): """Return the current plot used to display curves and create it if it does not yet exists and `init` is True. Else returns None.""" if not init: return self._plot1D if self._plot1D is None: self._plot1D = self.createPlot1D(self, self._backend) self._layout.addWidget(self._plot1D) return self._plot1D
def _showPlot1D(self): plot = self.getPlot1D() self._layout.setCurrentWidget(plot)
[docs] def getPlot2D(self, init=True): """Return the current plot used to display image and create it if it does not yet exists and `init` is True. Else returns None.""" if not init: return self._plot2D if self._plot2D is None: self._plot2D = self.createPlot2D(parent=self, backend=self._backend) self._layout.addWidget(self._plot2D) return self._plot2D
def _showPlot2D(self): plot = self.getPlot2D() self._layout.setCurrentWidget(plot) def getCurrentPlotWidget(self): return self._layout.currentWidget()
[docs] def closeEvent(self, qCloseEvent): self.sigClose.emit() qCloseEvent.accept()
[docs] def setRoiProfile(self, roi): """Set the profile ROI which it the source of the following data to display. :param ProfileRoiMixIn roi: The profile ROI data source """ if roi is None: return self.__color = colors.rgba(roi.getColor())
def _setImageProfile(self, data): """ Setup the window to display a new profile data which is represented by an image. :param core.ImageProfileData data: Computed data profile """ plot = self.getPlot2D() plot.clear() plot.setGraphTitle(data.title) plot.getXAxis().setLabel(data.xLabel) coords = data.coords colormap = data.colormap profileScale = (coords[-1] - coords[0]) / data.profile.shape[1], 1 plot.addImage(data.profile, legend="profile", colormap=colormap, origin=(coords[0], 0), scale=profileScale) plot.getYAxis().setLabel("Frame index (depth)") self._showPlot2D() def _setCurveProfile(self, data): """ Setup the window to display a new profile data which is represented by a curve. :param core.CurveProfileData data: Computed data profile """ plot = self.getPlot1D() plot.clear() plot.setGraphTitle(data.title) plot.getXAxis().setLabel(data.xLabel) plot.getYAxis().setLabel(data.yLabel) plot.addCurve(data.coords, data.profile, legend="level", color=self.__color) self._showPlot1D() def _setRgbaProfile(self, data): """ Setup the window to display a new profile data which is represented by a curve. :param core.RgbaProfileData data: Computed data profile """ plot = self.getPlot1D() plot.clear() plot.setGraphTitle(data.title) plot.getXAxis().setLabel(data.xLabel) plot.getYAxis().setLabel(data.yLabel) self._showPlot1D() plot.addCurve(data.coords, data.profile, legend="level", color="black") plot.addCurve(data.coords, data.profile_r, legend="red", color="red") plot.addCurve(data.coords, data.profile_g, legend="green", color="green") plot.addCurve(data.coords, data.profile_b, legend="blue", color="blue") if data.profile_a is not None: plot.addCurve(data.coords, data.profile_a, legend="alpha", color="gray")
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear the window profile""" plot = self.getPlot1D(init=False) if plot is not None: plot.clear() plot = self.getPlot2D(init=False) if plot is not None: plot.clear()
[docs] def getProfile(self): """Returns the profile data which is displayed""" return self.__data
[docs] def setProfile(self, data): """ Setup the window to display a new profile data. This method dispatch the result to a specific method according to the data type. :param data: Computed data profile """ self.__data = data if data is None: self.clear() elif isinstance(data, core.ImageProfileData): self._setImageProfile(data) elif isinstance(data, core.RgbaProfileData): self._setRgbaProfile(data) elif isinstance(data, core.CurveProfileData): self._setCurveProfile(data) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported type %s" % type(data))
class _ClearAction(qt.QAction): """Action to clear the profile manager The action is only enabled if something can be cleaned up. """ def __init__(self, parent, profileManager): super(_ClearAction, self).__init__(parent) self.__profileManager = weakref.ref(profileManager) icon = icons.getQIcon('profile-clear') self.setIcon(icon) self.setText('Clear profile') self.setToolTip('Clear the profiles') self.setCheckable(False) self.setEnabled(False) self.triggered.connect(profileManager.clearProfile) plot = profileManager.getPlotWidget() roiManager = profileManager.getRoiManager() plot.sigInteractiveModeChanged.connect(self.__modeUpdated) roiManager.sigRoiChanged.connect(self.__roiListUpdated) def getProfileManager(self): return self.__profileManager() def __roiListUpdated(self): self.__update() def __modeUpdated(self, source): self.__update() def __update(self): profileManager = self.getProfileManager() if profileManager is None: return roiManager = profileManager.getRoiManager() if roiManager is None: return enabled = roiManager.isStarted() or len(roiManager.getRois()) > 0 self.setEnabled(enabled) class _StoreLastParamBehavior(qt.QObject): """This object allow to store and restore the properties of the ROI profiles""" def __init__(self, parent): assert isinstance(parent, ProfileManager) super(_StoreLastParamBehavior, self).__init__(parent=parent) self.__properties = {} self.__profileRoi = None self.__filter = utils.LockReentrant() def _roi(self): """Return the spied ROI""" if self.__profileRoi is None: return None roi = self.__profileRoi() if roi is None: self.__profileRoi = None return roi def setProfileRoi(self, roi): """Set a profile ROI to spy. :param ProfileRoiMixIn roi: A profile ROI """ previousRoi = self._roi() if previousRoi is roi: return if previousRoi is not None: previousRoi.sigProfilePropertyChanged.disconnect(self._profilePropertyChanged) self.__profileRoi = None if roi is None else weakref.ref(roi) if roi is not None: roi.sigProfilePropertyChanged.connect(self._profilePropertyChanged) def _profilePropertyChanged(self): """Handle changes on the properties defining the profile ROI. """ if self.__filter.locked(): return roi = self.sender() self.storeProperties(roi) def storeProperties(self, roi): if isinstance(roi, (rois._DefaultImageStackProfileRoiMixIn, rois.ProfileImageStackCrossROI)): self.__properties["method"] = roi.getProfileMethod() self.__properties["line-width"] = roi.getProfileLineWidth() self.__properties["type"] = roi.getProfileType() elif isinstance(roi, (rois._DefaultImageProfileRoiMixIn, rois.ProfileImageCrossROI)): self.__properties["method"] = roi.getProfileMethod() self.__properties["line-width"] = roi.getProfileLineWidth() elif isinstance(roi, (rois._DefaultScatterProfileRoiMixIn, rois.ProfileScatterCrossROI)): self.__properties["npoints"] = roi.getNPoints() def restoreProperties(self, roi): with self.__filter: if isinstance(roi, (rois._DefaultImageStackProfileRoiMixIn, rois.ProfileImageStackCrossROI)): value = self.__properties.get("method", None) if value is not None: roi.setProfileMethod(value) value = self.__properties.get("line-width", None) if value is not None: roi.setProfileLineWidth(value) value = self.__properties.get("type", None) if value is not None: roi.setProfileType(value) elif isinstance(roi, (rois._DefaultImageProfileRoiMixIn, rois.ProfileImageCrossROI)): value = self.__properties.get("method", None) if value is not None: roi.setProfileMethod(value) value = self.__properties.get("line-width", None) if value is not None: roi.setProfileLineWidth(value) elif isinstance(roi, (rois._DefaultScatterProfileRoiMixIn, rois.ProfileScatterCrossROI)): value = self.__properties.get("npoints", None) if value is not None: roi.setNPoints(value)
[docs]class ProfileManager(qt.QObject): """Base class for profile management tools :param plot: :class:`~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget` on which to operate. :param plot: :class:`` on which to operate. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, roiManager=None): super(ProfileManager, self).__init__(parent) assert isinstance(plot, PlotWidget) self._plotRef = weakref.ref( plot, WeakMethodProxy(self.__plotDestroyed)) # Set-up interaction manager if roiManager is None: roiManager = RegionOfInterestManager(plot) self._roiManagerRef = weakref.ref(roiManager) self._rois = [] self._pendingRunners = [] """List of ROIs which have to be updated""" self.__reentrantResults = {} """Store reentrant result to avoid to skip some of them cause the implementation uses a QEventLoop.""" self._profileWindowClass = ProfileWindow """Class used to display the profile results""" self._computedProfiles = 0 """Statistics for tests""" self.__itemTypes = [] """Kind of items to use""" self.__tracking = False """Is the plot active items are tracked""" self.__useColorFromCursor = True """If true, force the ROI color with the colormap marker color""" self._item = None """The selected item""" self.__singleProfileAtATime = True """When it's true, only a single profile is displayed at a time.""" self._previousWindowGeometry = [] self._storeProperties = _StoreLastParamBehavior(self) """If defined the profile properties of the last ROI are reused to the new created ones""" # Listen to plot limits changed plot.getXAxis().sigLimitsChanged.connect(self.requestUpdateAllProfile) plot.getYAxis().sigLimitsChanged.connect(self.requestUpdateAllProfile) roiManager.sigInteractiveModeFinished.connect(self.__interactionFinished) roiManager.sigInteractiveRoiCreated.connect(self.__roiCreated) roiManager.sigRoiAdded.connect(self.__roiAdded) roiManager.sigRoiAboutToBeRemoved.connect(self.__roiRemoved)
[docs] def setSingleProfile(self, enable): """ Enable or disable the single profile mode. In single mode, the manager enforce a single ROI at the same time. A new one will remove the previous one. If this mode is not enabled, many ROIs can be created, and many profile windows will be displayed. """ self.__singleProfileAtATime = enable
[docs] def isSingleProfile(self): """ Returns true if the manager is in a single profile mode. :rtype: bool """ return self.__singleProfileAtATime
def __interactionFinished(self): """Handle end of interactive mode""" pass def __roiAdded(self, roi): """Handle new ROI""" # Filter out non profile ROIs if not isinstance(roi, core.ProfileRoiMixIn): return self.__addProfile(roi) def __roiRemoved(self, roi): """Handle removed ROI""" # Filter out non profile ROIs if not isinstance(roi, core.ProfileRoiMixIn): return self.__removeProfile(roi)
[docs] def createProfileAction(self, profileRoiClass, parent=None): """Create an action from a class of ProfileRoi :param core.ProfileRoiMixIn profileRoiClass: A class of a profile ROI :param qt.QObject parent: The parent of the created action. :rtype: qt.QAction """ if not issubclass(profileRoiClass, core.ProfileRoiMixIn): raise TypeError("Type %s not expected" % type(profileRoiClass)) roiManager = self.getRoiManager() action = CreateRoiModeAction(parent, roiManager, profileRoiClass) if hasattr(profileRoiClass, "ICON"): action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon(profileRoiClass.ICON)) if hasattr(profileRoiClass, "NAME"): def articulify(word): """Add an an/a article in the front of the word""" first = word[1] if word[0] == 'h' else word[0] if first in "aeiou": return "an " + word return "a " + word action.setText('Define %s' % articulify(profileRoiClass.NAME)) action.setToolTip('Enables %s selection mode' % profileRoiClass.NAME) action.setSingleShot(True) return action
[docs] def createClearAction(self, parent): """Create an action to clean up the plot from the profile ROIs. :param qt.QObject parent: The parent of the created action. :rtype: qt.QAction """ action = _ClearAction(parent, self) return action
[docs] def createImageActions(self, parent): """Create actions designed for image items. This actions created new ROIs. :param qt.QObject parent: The parent of the created action. :rtype: List[qt.QAction] """ profileClasses = [ rois.ProfileImageHorizontalLineROI, rois.ProfileImageVerticalLineROI, rois.ProfileImageLineROI, rois.ProfileImageDirectedLineROI, rois.ProfileImageCrossROI, ] return [self.createProfileAction(pc, parent=parent) for pc in profileClasses]
[docs] def createScatterActions(self, parent): """Create actions designed for scatter items. This actions created new ROIs. :param qt.QObject parent: The parent of the created action. :rtype: List[qt.QAction] """ profileClasses = [ rois.ProfileScatterHorizontalLineROI, rois.ProfileScatterVerticalLineROI, rois.ProfileScatterLineROI, rois.ProfileScatterCrossROI, ] return [self.createProfileAction(pc, parent=parent) for pc in profileClasses]
[docs] def createScatterSliceActions(self, parent): """Create actions designed for regular scatter items. This actions created new ROIs. This ROIs was designed to use the input data without interpolation, like you could do with an image. :param qt.QObject parent: The parent of the created action. :rtype: List[qt.QAction] """ profileClasses = [ rois.ProfileScatterHorizontalSliceROI, rois.ProfileScatterVerticalSliceROI, rois.ProfileScatterCrossSliceROI, ] return [self.createProfileAction(pc, parent=parent) for pc in profileClasses]
[docs] def createImageStackActions(self, parent): """Create actions designed for stack image items. This actions created new ROIs. This ROIs was designed to create both profile on the displayed image and profile on the full stack (2D result). :param qt.QObject parent: The parent of the created action. :rtype: List[qt.QAction] """ profileClasses = [ rois.ProfileImageStackHorizontalLineROI, rois.ProfileImageStackVerticalLineROI, rois.ProfileImageStackLineROI, rois.ProfileImageStackCrossROI, ] return [self.createProfileAction(pc, parent=parent) for pc in profileClasses]
[docs] def createEditorAction(self, parent): """Create an action containing GUI to edit the selected profile ROI. :param qt.QObject parent: The parent of the created action. :rtype: qt.QAction """ action = editors.ProfileRoiEditorAction(parent) action.setRoiManager(self.getRoiManager()) return action
[docs] def setItemType(self, image=False, scatter=False): """Set the item type to use and select the active one. :param bool image: Image item are allowed :param bool scatter: Scatter item are allowed """ self.__itemTypes = [] plot = self.getPlotWidget() item = None if image: self.__itemTypes.append("image") item = plot.getActiveImage() if scatter: self.__itemTypes.append("scatter") if item is None: item = plot.getActiveScatter() self.setPlotItem(item)
[docs] def setProfileWindowClass(self, profileWindowClass): """Set the class which will be instantiated to display profile result. """ self._profileWindowClass = profileWindowClass
[docs] def setActiveItemTracking(self, tracking): """Enable/disable the tracking of the active item of the plot. :param bool tracking: Tracking mode """ if self.__tracking == tracking: return plot = self.getPlotWidget() if self.__tracking: plot.sigActiveImageChanged.disconnect(self._activeImageChanged) plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.disconnect(self._activeScatterChanged) self.__tracking = tracking if self.__tracking: plot.sigActiveImageChanged.connect(self.__activeImageChanged) plot.sigActiveScatterChanged.connect(self.__activeScatterChanged)
[docs] def setDefaultColorFromCursorColor(self, enabled): """Enabled/disable the use of the colormap cursor color to display the ROIs. If set, the manager will update the color of the profile ROIs using the current colormap cursor color from the selected item. """ self.__useColorFromCursor = enabled
def __activeImageChanged(self, previous, legend): """Handle plot item selection""" if "image" in self.__itemTypes: plot = self.getPlotWidget() item = plot.getImage(legend) self.setPlotItem(item) def __activeScatterChanged(self, previous, legend): """Handle plot item selection""" if "scatter" in self.__itemTypes: plot = self.getPlotWidget() item = plot.getScatter(legend) self.setPlotItem(item) def __roiCreated(self, roi): """Handle ROI creation""" # Filter out non profile ROIs if isinstance(roi, core.ProfileRoiMixIn): if self._storeProperties is not None: # Initialize the properties with the previous ones self._storeProperties.restoreProperties(roi) def __addProfile(self, profileRoi): """Add a new ROI to the manager.""" if profileRoi.getFocusProxy() is None: if self._storeProperties is not None: # Follow changes on properties self._storeProperties.setProfileRoi(profileRoi) if self.__singleProfileAtATime: # FIXME: It would be good to reuse the windows to avoid blinking self.clearProfile() profileRoi._setProfileManager(self) self._updateRoiColor(profileRoi) self._rois.append(profileRoi) self.requestUpdateProfile(profileRoi) def __removeProfile(self, profileRoi): """Remove a ROI from the manager.""" window = self._disconnectProfileWindow(profileRoi) if window is not None: geometry = window.geometry() self._previousWindowGeometry.append(geometry) self.clearProfileWindow(window) if profileRoi in self._rois: self._rois.remove(profileRoi) def _disconnectProfileWindow(self, profileRoi): """Handle profile window close.""" window = profileRoi.getProfileWindow() profileRoi.setProfileWindow(None) return window
[docs] def clearProfile(self): """Clear the associated ROI profile""" roiManager = self.getRoiManager() for roi in list(self._rois): if roi.getFocusProxy() is not None: # Skip sub ROIs, it will be removed by their parents continue roiManager.removeRoi(roi) if not roiManager.isDrawing(): # Clean the selected mode roiManager.stop()
[docs] def hasPendingOperations(self): """Returns true if a thread is still computing or displaying a profile. :rtype: bool """ return len(self.__reentrantResults) > 0 or len(self._pendingRunners) > 0
[docs] def requestUpdateAllProfile(self): """Request to update the profile of all the managed ROIs. """ for roi in self._rois: self.requestUpdateProfile(roi)
[docs] def requestUpdateProfile(self, profileRoi): """Request to update a specific profile ROI. :param ~core.ProfileRoiMixIn profileRoi: """ if profileRoi.computeProfile is None: return threadPool = silxGlobalThreadPool() # Clean up deprecated runners for runner in list(self._pendingRunners): if not inspect.isValid(runner): self._pendingRunners.remove(runner) continue if runner.getRoi() is profileRoi: if hasattr(threadPool, "tryTake"): if threadPool.tryTake(runner): self._pendingRunners.remove(runner) else: # Support Qt<5.9 runner._lazyCancel() item = self.getPlotItem() if item is None or not isinstance(item, profileRoi.ITEM_KIND): # This item is not compatible with this profile profileRoi._setPlotItem(None) profileWindow = profileRoi.getProfileWindow() if profileWindow is not None: profileWindow.setProfile(None) return profileRoi._setPlotItem(item) runner = _RunnableComputeProfile(threadPool, item, profileRoi) runner.runnerFinished.connect(self.__cleanUpRunner) runner.resultReady.connect(self.__displayResult) self._pendingRunners.append(runner) threadPool.start(runner)
def __cleanUpRunner(self, runner): """Remove a thread pool runner from the list of hold tasks. Called at the termination of the runner. """ if runner in self._pendingRunners: self._pendingRunners.remove(runner) def __displayResult(self, roi, profileData): """Display the result of a ROI. :param ~core.ProfileRoiMixIn profileRoi: A managed ROI :param ~core.CurveProfileData profileData: Computed data profile """ if roi in self.__reentrantResults: # Store the data to process it in the main loop # And not a sub loop created by initProfileWindow # This also remove the duplicated requested self.__reentrantResults[roi] = profileData return self.__reentrantResults[roi] = profileData self._computedProfiles = self._computedProfiles + 1 window = roi.getProfileWindow() if window is None: plot = self.getPlotWidget() window = self.createProfileWindow(plot, roi) # roi.profileWindow have to be set before initializing the window # Cause the initialization is using QEventLoop roi.setProfileWindow(window) self.initProfileWindow(window, roi) lastData = self.__reentrantResults.pop(roi) window.setProfile(lastData) def __plotDestroyed(self, ref): """Handle finalization of PlotWidget :param ref: weakref to the plot """ self._plotRef = None self._roiManagerRef = None self._pendingRunners = []
[docs] def setPlotItem(self, item): """Set the plot item focused by the profile manager. :param ~silx.gui.plot.items.Item item: A plot item """ previous = self.getPlotItem() if previous is item: return if item is None: self._item = None else: item.sigItemChanged.connect(self.__itemChanged) self._item = weakref.ref(item) self._updateRoiColors() self.requestUpdateAllProfile()
[docs] def getDefaultColor(self, item): """Returns the default ROI color to use according to the given item. :param ~silx.gui.plot.items.item.Item item: AN item :rtype: qt.QColor """ color = 'pink' if isinstance(item, items.ColormapMixIn): colormap = item.getColormap() name = colormap.getName() if name is not None: color = colors.cursorColorForColormap(name) color = colors.asQColor(color) return color
def _updateRoiColors(self): """Update ROI color according to the item selection""" if not self.__useColorFromCursor: return item = self.getPlotItem() color = self.getDefaultColor(item) for roi in self._rois: roi.setColor(color) def _updateRoiColor(self, roi): """Update a specific ROI according to the current selected item. :param RegionOfInterest roi: The ROI to update """ if not self.__useColorFromCursor: return item = self.getPlotItem() color = self.getDefaultColor(item) roi.setColor(color) def __itemChanged(self, changeType): """Handle item changes. """ if changeType in (items.ItemChangedType.DATA, items.ItemChangedType.MASK, items.ItemChangedType.POSITION, items.ItemChangedType.SCALE): self.requestUpdateAllProfile() elif changeType == (items.ItemChangedType.COLORMAP): self._updateRoiColors()
[docs] def getPlotItem(self): """Returns the item focused by the profile manager. :rtype: ~silx.gui.plot.items.Item """ if self._item is None: return None item = self._item() if item is None: self._item = None return item
[docs] def getPlotWidget(self): """The plot associated to the profile manager. :rtype: ~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget """ if self._plotRef is None: return None plot = self._plotRef() if plot is None: self._plotRef = None return plot
[docs] def getCurrentRoi(self): """Returns the currently selected ROI, else None. :rtype: core.ProfileRoiMixIn """ roiManager = self.getRoiManager() if roiManager is None: return None roi = roiManager.getCurrentRoi() if not isinstance(roi, core.ProfileRoiMixIn): return None return roi
[docs] def getRoiManager(self): """Returns the used ROI manager :rtype: RegionOfInterestManager """ return self._roiManagerRef()
[docs] def createProfileWindow(self, plot, roi): """Create a new profile window. :param ~core.ProfileRoiMixIn roi: The plot containing the raw data :param ~core.ProfileRoiMixIn roi: A managed ROI :rtype: ~ProfileWindow """ return self._profileWindowClass(plot)
[docs] def initProfileWindow(self, profileWindow, roi): """This function is called just after the profile window creation in order to initialize the window location. :param ~ProfileWindow profileWindow: The profile window to initialize. """ # Enforce the use of one of the widgets # To have the correct window size profileWindow.prepareWidget(roi) profileWindow.adjustSize() # Trick to avoid blinking while retrieving the right window size # Display the window, hide it and wait for some event loops profileWindow.hide() eventLoop = qt.QEventLoop(self) for _ in range(10): if not eventLoop.processEvents(): break if len(self._previousWindowGeometry) > 0: geometry = self._previousWindowGeometry.pop() profileWindow.setGeometry(geometry) return window = self.getPlotWidget().window() winGeom = window.frameGeometry() qapp = qt.QApplication.instance() desktop = qapp.desktop() screenGeom = desktop.availableGeometry(window) spaceOnLeftSide = winGeom.left() spaceOnRightSide = screenGeom.width() - winGeom.right() profileGeom = profileWindow.frameGeometry() profileWidth = profileGeom.width() # Align vertically to the center of the window top = + (winGeom.height() - profileGeom.height()) // 2 margin = 5 if profileWidth < spaceOnRightSide: # Place profile on the right left = winGeom.right() + margin elif profileWidth < spaceOnLeftSide: # Place profile on the left left = max(0, winGeom.left() - profileWidth - margin) else: # Move it as much as possible where there is more space if spaceOnLeftSide > spaceOnRightSide: left = 0 else: left = screenGeom.width() - profileGeom.width() profileWindow.move(left, top)
[docs] def clearProfileWindow(self, profileWindow): """Called when a profile window is not anymore needed. By default the window will be closed. But it can be inherited to change this behavior. """ profileWindow.deleteLater()